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Fandom A Broken Time Line (A PkmnMD RP) ALWAYS OPEN



New Member
You drag yourself achingly across the border of time. It feels like you're being squished by something large when in reality you're crossing over the tinniest bit of grass. Something has gone awry with the Time Gears again. While time isn't stone frozen, the days never progress in the effected areas. The same day on repeat. Day after day.
A huge rush of relief and renewal washes over you as you finally pull yourself free of the repetitive monotony. Looking back to whence you came, it was as if no one had even noticed; the same events just continued to play, the Pokemon you've left behind ever unaware.
You shake your head and turn away. You need to find shelter away from the time loop and someone who can help...

Welcome To The World of Pokemon
Here everyone lives as Pokemon. They lead pretty regular lives. Shop owners, explorers, guild members, farmers, you name it. The Pokemon here live rather contently but recently a darkness has fallen over the Time Gears causing problems once more.
Do you have what it takes to help stop the dangers of time?

1. No NSFW scenes, ever
2. No god moding. No Gary-Stu's or Mary-Sue's. They will NOT be accepted!
3. No killing off other users characters without permission
4. Please respect other users and be nice
5. No RPing as other peoples characters unless given permission
6. Use proper grammar please, it makes it easier for others to understand
7. Pokemon can only die twice. What I mean by this is that some Pokemon's spirits will wander around and eventually form into certain ghost type Pokemon and thus, giving them a second chance at life. Once they die during their second life however, they're permanently dead and their souls are stuck in a sort of limbo. So once your Pokemon has died twice, if chosen to do so, then their soul can not come back again, they're permanently dead.
8. Do not create your own plots without permission!! Personal mini plots are fine though
9. You can have as many characters as you want, there is no limit. But don't make more than you can handle.

- Guild Pokemon start off with a bandanna of their choosing, a satchel for storing things, some starter berries (Oran, Pecha, Rawst, and Chesto), and a Guild Badge
- No legendaries for now
- There is no shiny limit

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Town Description
You stumble blindly through undergrowth, hunger panging your belly normally for once. You've grown more wary with every step you take, tiredness threatening to pull you under. Stumbling momentarily, you give in and sit down to breath. It'd been so long since you felt normal, which felt odd to even think about.
Looking behind you, you have a glimmer of hope in your mind that you'll see your old town but the pathway back is covered with tall trees and dense foliage. You sigh before getting back up and continuing forwards.
It seems like it's taken you months before you finally stumble upon a thriving town with an abnormally large tree rooted in the middle of it. Freezing, you look around warily at all the Pokemon moving around. It feels to good to be real. As you're debating whether to check it out or turn around, a greeting pulls you from your thoughts.
Realizing that someone had actually noticed you, you choke back tears as you run as fast as you can towards the town.
It wasn't stuck in a time loop! Thank Arceus!

Adanvale Town
A decently large town has rooted itself in a large clearing near a dense forest. In the middle of it all, an abnormally large oak tree towers over it all. It's branches almost look as if it was wrapping the town in a protective embrace. It feels safe here. Looking harder at the tree, a large door can be made out with windows carved out all the way up it. Pokemon lived in it it seemed. A large bulletin board sat outside with Pokemon crowded around it, many of them with scarves around their necks and badges securely fastened to them.
A Guild.

Scattered all around what you've finally realized was a guild was both shops and homes. The shops were arranged more closely to the guild while the homes branched outwards and lived on the outskirts of the decently sized town.
From what you could make out of the shops, a few restaurants, an item shop or two, perhaps a dojo?
Friendly faces sat at every entrance, beckoning for Pokemon to stop at their shops.
Towards the end of the line of shops a storage unit and bank had popped up as well with welcoming faces waiting patiently for others to need them.

Adanvale Guild
Large gnarled roots sprawl out in every direction at the base of the guild. Many Pokemon sat on them, chatting idly. As your eyes travel closer towards it's base, carved out stairs make way towards large wooden doors with iron handles. Your eyes snake further up it's ginormous base and you can make out many carved out holes for windows, some even accompanied by window seals. Further up, large branches spread out in every direction with thick foliage. Squinting your eyes as if it'd help, you make out vines dropping down and the longer you stare, you start to notice even Pokemon up top. Monkey like Pokemon swung from the vines, chasing after each other while bird Pokemon chattered noisily among each other.
Tearing your eyes away, you start to make your way into the guild. Once inside, your mouth gapes out how large it was. You knew the tree was large but you still weren't expecting to see how large it really was on the inside. At the opposite end of the door sat a receptionist behind a bar. She was filling out paperwork and giving out guild starter kits to new recruits.
Letting your eyes flit around, you found the entrance to a mess hall with Pokemon crowded around it; probably waiting for lunch. Another entry way leads the way towards a bathing area. Warm air hung around it and dispersed out onto the floor of the main room, as if giving a hug to all the Pokemon around;cozy. One more entrance led towards what you could assume was the Guild Masters room as Pokemon stood outside asking for entry reasons. Finally your eyes land on some stairs.
You make your way over and climb up them curiously but you'r stopped about a quarter of a ways up and turned back around. Apparently it was a guild members only section. You assumed it was sleeping quarters and what else. If you wanted to know, you'd have to join the guild. It didn't sound like the worst of ideas.​
Missions/Outlaw Board
Curiosity getting the best of you, you make your way awkwardly towards the guild and veer off to the board that was situated outside. Looking up at it you see rough sketches outlaws on one side and help requests on the other.
A few of the help needed ones seemed a little trivial but you watched as what looked to be a young exploration group snatch one up and hurriedly skitter off, sounding rather excited to be able to do a mission.
You smile then turn back to the board, perhaps even you could do this?

Missions Board
Help Me Find My Brother!!
My brother wandered off when we were playing in the forest and I can't find him! Please help me!
Looking for a Shinx
Rewards: Oran Berry and 250 Poke
Not Taken

Where is it?
There was this really cool item I found in a dungeon once. I need help finding it again.
Looking for a Silk Scarf
Rewards: Gold Gummi, Black Gummi, 200 Poke
Not Taken

Outlaw Board
Deadly Trees
A bunch of Sudowoodoo have claimed land and are kicking everyone mon out of it.
Stop this gang of Sudowoodoo from blocking a path way in the forest.
Reward: Silk Scarf and 1000 Poke
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hello hello <333 if you're looking to join just comment on the character thread linked above <33
a post to kick things off <33 //

Sonya huffed as she tapped an impatient paw on the floor. She had been waiting too long she felt for her partner and was fed up with it at this point. She hadn't a clue where'd they'd run off to. Giving a growl to herself, she turned and headed out of the room they'd been given. The Vulpix made her way down the stairs, tail trailing behind her, and pushed past everyone to get to the missions board. She was taking a mission today with or without her partner.
If that stupid Joltik-brain actually cared about being in the guild they'd be here by now, she scoffed on the inside as she scanned the board for something to do.
Racing pass the crowds of different kinds of Mons with their partners and such. Quinn was in awe, though what he didn't have was a partner yet but something like that wasn't gonna bring this pup down! He didn't think he needed one thanks to his overwhelming amount of pride he had inside him. Slowly down to trot when the pup saw the mission board, he weaved passed the other groups that stood before it and walled up beside a snowy colored vuplix. He studied the board carefully before glancing over at the ice fox. "Soo are you planning on taking up a mission on your own too?" He asked with a grin.
Sonya turned to the Poochyena and a low grumble started up. "I don't need help. If my partner wants to be a fool and stop showing up then I need nobody," she hissed, her fur bristling. Despite her bright and almost happy looking appearance, she was bitter inside and untrusting. "You'd probably get yourself killed anyways so why should I brother bringing along someone like you."
The response he got from the vulpix caught him off guard fast but the pup refused to have this girl underestimate his power. "Hey now.. I'm strong! I ain't going to die on you that fast! Trust me, I'm pretty useful and I'm not going to no show like your other partner did... I'm very loyal and stay true to myself and my friends. I'm even quick on my feet and always make sure I hit my target." The poochyena huffed back to the vulpix, his prideful self showing now.
The Vulpix eyed the Poochyena up and down and she gave a contemptful snort. "I don't care if you follow. But I'm not waiting up for you or saving your pelt if you fail," she hissed and took off towards the forest, not waiting just like she had said.
The Poochyena grinned when the alolan vuplix agreed to let him tag along. "That's perfectly fine with me! I'll prove my worth to you!~" His then ears perked up when she spirited off ahead into the forest. Tail wagging fast behind the pup as he rushed off after the fox,keeping up with her fast pace.
Annoyance pricked in the wispy tail of the Vulpix. How did it even come to this. Whatever. They probably wouldn't last anyways. She took a sharp turn, hoping to lose the mon, and kept a sharp eye out for the Sudowoodoo.
Quinn was able to easily keep up with the fast walking girl, he already had her scent so even if he did lose sight of her. He could easily sniff her out. That's when it hit him, what exactly are they up against? He grinned slightly. "Hey, I have like one quick question.. What kind of mission are we doing? I wanna know what we're fighting!" He called out to the vulpix.
"Sudowoodoo!" Sonya snapped over her shoulder, marching onwards. As she turned another sharp corner, she almost ran into what she was looking for. At first glance they looked like regular trees but upon closer inspection she could descern the Pokemon from the trees around them. There wasw, a lot more than she'd expected.
Quinn nodded his head, smirking softly. "Okay then!!" He barked back as he followed swiftly after for a bit longer before the fox came to a hault in front of a funny looking a tree... Wait a sec.. That tree was moving. Quinn glanced around noticing a lot of movement now. "Umm... How many Sudowoodoos are there suppose to be exactly, cause that is a lot if them.." He said as he got into a small fighting stance.
Sonya moved to a more defensive stance, her lips drawn back in a snarl. "Not a clue. They've taken this place as theirs though and won't let anyone through," she said, spitting at the feet of one of them. She fazed away from sight right as one swung at her, a substitute plush left behind. It took the brunt of the blow and the Vulpix appeared from above. Her tails waved, forming an icy cloud and soon hail was coming down upon the mon.
The pup nodded their head softly, before Quinn got the chance to respond back to the vulpix one if the Sudowoodoos attacked him. Quickly he dodged them, skidding slightly before quickly firing a shadow ball at the Mon.
Sonya landed awkwardly on the shoulders of one of them and swiped her paws across it's eyes. It let out scream and tried throwing her off. She flipped backwards off of it and smirked as she watched all the mon take a small beating from the Hail. Ha. These idiots don't know who they're dealing with. She breathed in a deep breath and then heaved outwards, letting out a Powder Snow over the nearest ones.
Quinn grinned when the shadow ball sent the Pokemon back, his ears perked when another tried to attack him from the side, he quickly stepped away from them. A close call but he managed to avoid getting hit, this time he lunched himself at another Sudowoodoos, biting down hard with crunch. Which caused the Mon to let out a screech while swinging Quinn around in a attempt to fling the pup off but Quinn held on before letting biting down with a second painful crunch. The Sudowoodoo then slammed Quinn into a nearby tree which made him flinch in pain and release his bite before firing a quick shadow ball directly at the Mon. Quinn glanced over at the alolan vulpix, a smirk starting to form when he saw how well she was fighting the other ones."not bad.." He mumbled softly as he brought his attention back to the fight.
Sonya wasn't about to let herself get shown up or be seen getting beaten down. She jumped swiftly to the side as one swung at her. But her cockiness got the best of her and she didn't turn in time to see the other one bearing down on her. It swiftly stomped her to the ground, knocking the breath out of her for a second. Her tail frazzled out and she nearly bit her tongue. A growl rumbled in the back of her throat, You pathetic piece of bark. You will pay!
She hoisted her body upwards the best she could and summoned Ice Wind around her. It kicked up quickly, catching the other mon around her off guard. The weight on her back staggered off and she quickly set up another Substitute; jumping quickly out of the way. Once back in the air, she turned around and let lose a large Powder Snow.
Her breath heaving, she landed softly on the mound of passed out Sudowoodo and snow and looked towards where Quinn was still fighting some more. He was still alive, that was good.
Quinn kept up the fight, his attention fully on the fight around him until one of Sudowoodoos slammed him hard into the trees and knock the wind right out of him. Putting the pup into a small daze for a short bit, he shook his head fast and panicked for a minute when one came at him again. Taking another quick step away from the mon, he could feel the cold wind from Sonya's powder snow. He needed to finish this now, quickly he fired one more shadow ball at the remaining sudowoodoo, causing them tumble back like dominoes. Letting out loud sigh, he sat back on hind. "Oh man! That was intense!"
Sonya clambered over top of the downed Pokemon, prodding them each with a paw to make sure they were down and out. "Looks like we got them all. Now to turn them over to the cops," she instructed. She started to shove them all into one big pile. "I'm going to freeze them together into a block of ice for easy transportation; I'll leave the heads poking out for air, no worries."
(Hihi Death!)

Quinn nodded his head softly. "Sounds good to me! Also great job um.. I don't I've ever got your name yet. My name is Quinn by the way, what's yours?" He asked her with a smile.
oof apologies for late reply //

Sonya looked the Poochyena up and down before giving a snort, "Sonya. Don't wear it out." She then began to freeze all the Sudowoodo together into a large ball. Once she was done, she placed her forepaws on it and started to roll it; relishing in the feeling of ice on her paws.

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