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Futuristic A Break In Time

Ruler Of The Maniae

I screwed up.


Dr. Alexandre,

I have requested the supplies needed to fix the time machine. The university punks who broke it were arrested last week. Serves them right... We should be able to test it without any disturbances next month. I hope you and Dr. Lucien come to witness the experiment.

~Dr. Escudero


Dr. Lucien,

You should be relieved that you couldn't make it. I broke time. Dr. Alexandre and I fucked up... We broke time... He's dead, I almost died, and the results are spreading. It's a miniture black hole... one Earth. It isn't even logical, but fuck science, right...? He... We... The city near our base is going to be swallowed if we don't do something. Please help. I don't want to be responsible for the Earth's death. I can barely handle knowing that I'm the reason Alexandre is gone... By the time you receive this, I'll already have passed... I'm sorry. I've shoved all this responsibility onto you. Fix it, please...

~Dr. Escudero


Information about the black hole has leaked. News reporters have been swarming Dr. Lucien's house, asking him for information about the experiment and colleagues, but he has only entrusted the information to his close relatives and friends, who are also scientists. It is up to you to find a way to stop the black hole from spreading, or allow the Earth to be swallowed.
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