A brand new Kuroshitsuji: Join!

@Meloda Frazier

Of course you may join! There are at least two butlers needed so we can start the RP, and I would be happy to welcome you in our RP! Please create your own character and fill in the sheet as you deem fit;) You are okay with making a Butler right? Unfortunately we already have three Masters;)
Okay, so I make a character and post the link here? It'll be more of a maid than a butler. Lol
Haha, thats alright! You could copy and paste the sheet and fill in the questions and post here (below my answer) ^_^  
I miss Mori-chan:3
@Saga Are you still joining this? Theirs getting fewer spots everyday so you might want to hurry up if your still joining~.
No problem Kumori-chan! We have accepted Saga so we won't kick anyone out;) We could wait a bit more before starting, I dont mind! 
Whaha, we posted almost at the same timexD It's the hotline here^_^ Guys, you know, just as Saga I've really got loads of work to do - with studying for tests and such, but I just can't help myself replying here..... OMG, realising I'm addicted:3
x3 Awesome~! sorry for bugging, just wanted to make sure. ^.^

I procrastinate with my work...I know that's bad >.<
Hee Melody Frazier, I think you might have missed seeing the description of the roleplay on the first page and the rules? For this RP, we've created our own sheet, and it's important to fill in that one;) You can compare the characters of everyone else to get any ideas to make your own detailed description ~~~ thank you^_^
Name: Jinguuji Haruto

Master or Butler: Butler

If Butler, choosing male/female: Male

Age: 24

Character: You could say that he is an A-rank butler, being always very polite towards his mistress and everyone who is close to her. He treats his mistress with care and will obey her orders with the loyalty of 99%. Of course there is that 1% as a but. He's a demon, so of course he's unpredictable and you never know what he'll do next. Out of his "duty" as a butler, he's actually a huge flirt and likes to tease people. He flirts with anyone who's just good looking enough to get his attention. BUT. He's rarely serious about his flirting because he finds it hard to love people. He's a demon and demons shouldn't have that kind of feelings. So that's why there are so many people in this world who have gotten their hearts broken by Haruto. He enjoys hunting souls greatly, and chooses his targets by the "beauty" of the soul.

Strong points:

Skilled at martial arts.

Good at serving and other butler duties.

Responsible: Once he makes a promise, he keeps it.

Respects/obeys his masters orders no matter what.

Weak points:

Aggressive and critical when he's offended.

Doesn't know when to stop playing around with blood once he has started it.

Teases people/plays with the feelings of others.

If Butler, what kind of "magic" or abilities do you possess? Body-reading. He can predict his opponent's movements by the way their eyes move and the way their muscles tense. This gives him a higher change of dodging and hitting his target when he's in a battle. He has also got heightened senses, strength and speed. About his speed, he has spent years training it to become greater and greater. He can highly exceed the normal speed of a demon, meaning that it would be hard even for a fellow demon to see him when he moves. To have this speed, however, he needs to transform into his demon-form, and it exhausts him after a while.


Haha, Kumori my lady, I made him according to your likings after all. ;)

But yeah, thanks. Glad that you like him.
Ah, @Melody Frazier you must fill in the character sheet before you can say you're ready. It's on the page 2 of this thread. Just fill it in, return it and you're ready to rp and for your master.
Thanks Saga;)

Have you find it, Melody? It would be such a shame if you couldnt join! I hope you like the sheet;) Its specially made for the RP, because we need to know the answers on those questions with everyone's character in order to play^0^ 
Mori is busy with creating her Butler/Servant, so please have a little more patience for we start so everyones character is posted here;) We will begin as soon as possible! Kudos;)
Name: Lilin Harper

Master or Butler: Butler (more of a maid....but you know xD )

If Butler, choosing male/female: Female

Age: 23 [1000+ actual]

Character: Lilin is like most demons in the fact that she has a calm demeanor. She isn't angered very easily, and the few people that push her that far couldn't tell you about it. She sees humans as incredibly interesting creatures, though, she can not fully understand them. She sees humans as equals, in a different way than demons, as opposed to simply vessels for the souls she feasts upon. When she's not acting sweet and nonthreatening, she has a pretty dark sense of humor, and is sly and cunning. She welcomes competition, especially where her mistress is concerned, mostly though because she just likes seeing their reactions when she wins...if she is in a generous mood and decides to let them up and walk away.

Strong points:

- determination [mistress and her soul = don't touch]

- actually cares for humans compared to most demons [not the tree-hugger of Hell or anything, but genuinely thinks humans are interesting and not just food for demons]

- puts on a nice façade of being sweet and not much of a threat to the other demons

- obeys her mistress's orders to the full extent and then some (99% of the time anyways....)

Weak points:

- In battle, she prefers to "play with her food before she eats it".

- when she gets the upper hand, she seems to think of herself as invincible

- can get crazy with her fighting, reckless, and overall hell-bent on destruction.

- doesn't like transforming unless she absolutely has to

If Butler, what kind of "magic" or abilities do you possess? She has the power of chronokinesis, which is manipulation of time. This takes energy to do though, so she can't just stop time every time someone attacks her, because she would run out of stamina quickly. Also, it takes more energy to stop time for longer. Therefore, she uses it sparingly, and quite frankly finds it boring if she simply stops time, kills someone, and that's it. She also has speed/strength reasonably more than a human, but she doesn't take time to hone these skills and is at most average for a demon, focusing more on her chronokinesis and agility, added with improved stamina, though to a much lesser extent/improvement than the other two.

Picture: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/images-137.jpeg.c12738ccc65408e72bd8ceec5ae14cee.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12527" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/images-137.jpeg.c12738ccc65408e72bd8ceec5ae14cee.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/images-432.jpeg.3aa4cc7b06749b19ee738c70bf34d427.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12526" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/images-432.jpeg.3aa4cc7b06749b19ee738c70bf34d427.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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OMG Lilin is really amazing and I instantly loved her! Cant wait to RP!!! Will post the thread soon;)

Yay! We are COMPLETE^_^ 
Oh, and Mori: I had to laugh so much with you saying; "Not the tree hugger of hell or anything" :D ;) ^_^ this will get really interesting:)
Thanks! Sorry it took so long, I've had this icky English paper I've had to work on, and it was taking longer than I thought •~•.

I thought of that when I put the second strong point because I didn't want her to seem like she wouldn't devour a soul, so the first thing that came to my mind was, "Tree Hugger: Demon Edition". xD
Haha, nu problem! Glad you are as enthousiastic as I am:3 Of course you can take your time, we do as well.

Well, she is unpredictable with those two sides of her, so you make me curious. :) I will post thread today, so please wait a little longer (sukoshi dake minna-san! Arigatou gozaimasu^_^

This is the thread! Have fun everyone^^

Oh, one thing I ask you; because this thread at Roleplay recruitment will be removed after 15 days, I suggest you post your character (to be sure) in the thread of our Roleplay as well. Thanks! :)
Of course: it's the first post in this thread, so you only have to go to page 1 and read the post at the top.

Its totally fine by me you join: I could make you a servant, if you want? 
I feel like a lonely kitten in our RP..... Miauw? Anybody wants to play with this kitten by posting in the thread? :3

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