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9 Layers


Fayte tediously played with the rope in his hands, looping it around itself into indistinguishable knots. Aria gave an irritated sigh, leaving her breath behind her as she watched him.

"What more do you need?" she demanded, anger bridging into her voice now, as Fayte looked up at her and gave a sinister smile.

"Oh sweetheart....it's not about what I need...." he tightened the knot in his rope, revealing it as a noose, "I already have that...."

The man neared her, kneeling down so the two were face to face. He gently, almost deceivingly with love, laid the noose around her neck as if it were a diamond necklace she should be proud of. "I just want to have a bit of fun with you, that's all."
"sweetheart, I have to go now- okay? I'm going to go save mommy, and I need you to keep aunt Mia safe while I'm gone. Can you do that?" Karlisle searched his daughter's eyes.
"I love you Mia." He hugged his baby girl tightly.

"don't worry, daddy is going to go bring mommy home. She misses you very much."

Aria thrashed around, trying to stand as Fayte tightened the noose around her neck, one of his hands gently folding a few strands of hair behind her ear. Her eyes glowed viciously, as she felt the rope squeeze against her throat and a haze start to cloud one of her eyes ever so slightly. She felt Fayte's warm hand hold her steady with the leash he had her on like a dog, and his other hand carefully caressing her cheek all the way down to her chin. Aria's teeth grit, yanking backwards, only to find that tightened the noose strangling her even more. Fayte laughed in amusement, holding her chin in his palm and forcing her to smile with his index and thumb.

"See? We can have fun, can't we?"
Suddenly he was taken away.

A blur of memories all exploding at once, all about him in a wild untamable light.

He saw her... It was dark and bright all at once. He saw her chained to a wall with a noose wrapped around her neck. He saw him pacing around his domain, that one place he felt safe. Untouchable, unseated. Like a god.

Yet how unlike a god he was. What did he know about playing God.

Karlisle felt weightless and free. As he moved his limbs, he could feel each muscle pull him towards her shackled being. With each step there was a rush of energy that threw him forward even further.

This was real. But Karlisle knew he hadn't left yet.

He knew Fayte couldn't see him.

He knew Aria couldn't see him.

But he knew she could feel him.

He walked over to her and saw a single tear escape down her cheek.

He wiped it away... And as he deep, she seemed to look up searching the air about her.
What.....was that?

Something had wiped away her tear but no one was standing there. Yet all at once she felt the pressence of a being...far away and close to her all at the same time. Her heart raced, body limp completely in her shackles as if to try and feel the pressence all the more. Her body shook, mind fuzzy with lack of oxygen but the rest of her racing to catch up to the sensation surrounding her.

He was here.

He was with her.

Her insides ached, and she closed her eyes as if giving a silent prayer, but spoke aloud every so quietly.

"Karlisle please.....get out of here."
He heard her... But she should know better. He wasn't leaving her here to be punished and tortured. He wasn't going to walk away with out her safely in his arms. He was close. He took the room in and his surroundings. Then looked at her one more time. He loved her... He as going to save her from this hell.

He cupped his hands over the back of her neck.

His lips met hers...

Karlisle's being grew bright at this like the last time...
She felt his kiss and all of a sudden it was like everything was going to be ok, just in that moment.

Her body tingled with some sort of ever so familiar sensation, like power was being shifted into her limbs, and she remembered what happened last time they kissed. She fell into his kiss even harder, not thinking about the consequences, and longed to bring her arms around him.
A light shot from inside of him, moving from his lips to hers— tracing every line. Every inch of skin. The light wove around her body, it spun around and encompassed her completely. It now fell warm on her heart. It rested there and melted into her spirit, her heart, her soul.

Another part of himself had been given to her.

This love ran deep. Deeper than few ever had.

She had another new ability now.
Aria could feel the transfer of power flowing into her body, she would be able to see it if her eyes weren't closed.

But Fayte did see it.

Fayte turned on his heel towards the two.
Karlisle turned around knowing his time would be short. Their eyes met and burned into each others— Fayte was shocked but altogether livid with fury.

"You made a mistake Fayte."

Karlisle didn't flinch or waver in his strong stance.

"She and I love each other. And right now, she has more of a soul than you ever will."

Karlisle moved towards the white haired demon who was beyond enraged. The ghost like limbs phased in and out of the air.

"You're time is up. You don't get to touch her any more."

And with that Karlisle advanced on Fayte slowly, evaporating into the air as a mist.

A glowing mist lingered around Aria in the absence of her husband's spirit.

Her eyes still closed but glowing brightly behind their shut lids.

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