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9 Layers

Karlisle stare, his whole expression wide and lost in searching this child before him. It could be her...


It's impossible.


"And now everyone lives happily ever after."

Fayte walked slowly up and down the crimson pathway, darkness clearing the sky in an eternal night. Something he was used to. Something he had sorely missed.

His eyes lifted up gently and slowly to the girl kneeling tired in front of him. Aria dangled there, chains wrapping around thick rings in the wall behind her and clamping tight around from her wrist to her elbow. The same chain linked the both of her elbows in restraint together, forbidding her arms from moving. She kept her position on the ground, knees bloodied like they'd been scuffed by gravel repeatedly, and her hair tied in a long loose braid that fell over one of her shoulders. The girl didn't move, only looked up at Fayte as he neared her.

"You really shouldn't feel accomplished," she spoke bluntly, not shifting or stirring a bit, besides the occassional toss of her head to get strands of white hair out of her eyes, "my daughter is safe, and I had this punishment coming upon myself."

"Ah yes, not doing your duty to kill your clairvoyant husband, how tragic that didn't fly by the head council men," Fayte scoffed, smirking a bit. He wished he could take credit for her predicament, but it was law. Those who failed to kill their assigned clairvoyants, before damnation in purgatory, were subjected to this. A prisoner to be tortured and laughed at in front of the other demons who had actually done their job right.

Fayte crossed his arms, standing only arms distance away from the girl as she looked away from him, as to not give him the pleasure.

"I rather like seeing you this way...." he stated, kneeling down to her level for a moment to pull her chin towards him. Her eyes glared but she didn't fight him, his fingers caressing her jawline, "....too bad your husband and little girl won't see you kneeling like a slave, though. It really is attractive."
He stumbled back into a flow of people. Karlisle's eyes were no watering. He didn't dare look away from this little girl. He grabbed the nearest person walking by and asked if they could see her.

He pointed to the girl in the alleyway
The small girl took a step closer towards Karlisle, nervousness in each step she took. Her little white dress swished around her legs as she walked. She had to repeat it.

He walked closer to the little girl. His hands were shaking and his heart was ready to burst from his chest.

..."Mia...?" Karlisle stretched out his arms.
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The little girl bolted towards her father with everything in her, trying not to cry but not hard enough. Sobs escaped Mia's lips, her arms wrapping around Karlisles neck. Her grasp was right and heart bursting.
The man fell to his knees to catch her with his strong arms.

"baby, my sweet baby.."

He broke out into sobs.
"Daddy..." She tucked her head and burrows it in his chest, crying out against the fabric of his shirt and staining it with tears. She gasped repetatively, grabbing her fathers face in her hands.

"Daddy the bad guy took mommy..."
Karlisle's body was in shock at this, not really sure what to do or feel. But at this, he stood tall holding his daughter still.

"Where I she Mia... Where is mommy"
Tilting her head to the side, the little girl brushed away a tear from her cheek. Her eyes were big and blue, staring at him with longing.

"She's in hell."
Rage filled his heart at this. Aria was alone, taken from him again and now back there at the mercy of fate.

"I'll go find her. "

Aria could feel her arms grow numb behind her, but this didn't stop her from yanking against the chains. Her wrists twisted back and forth, elbows still pinned behind her close under her upper forearms. She leaned forward, jerking herself with her weight against the ties, still stuck kneeling On her weakening knees. She closed her eyes, letting her head rest forward and hang there.

Please.....stay away from here Karlisle
"Mia. Can you tell me how you got here?"

He looked at his daughter with deep concern. "we need to save mommy."
"Mia baby," he bent down and wrapped his arms around her tightly, "you've been there without dying, do you remember how?"
Mia looked up very seriously in her father's eyes. She reached into her small dress pocket to revel chalk. She handed it to him.

"I drew a portal just like you!"
"baby, can you draw it again?" He took her by the hand and motioned to the ground. "just here on the ground."
Mia nodded assuredly, kneeling to the ground and drawing a circle around her feet. The second stroke went across and the next went downwards until it made the pattern of a cross. She stepped aside and looked to him.

"I drew one just like it in the bad guy with white hair and red eyes's room."
He took out his phone and snapped a picture of the portal on the ground then immediately put it away.

"His room sweetheart? Where? What room?" He knelt down to his baby girl and put both arms on her shoulders. He needed to know everything she could remember. "You need to tell me all you remember honey so I can go save mommy. She needs us right now."
The little child nodded agreeably.

"I stayed in a room there. It was big." She spread he hands wide "he said its where he was going to live with me and mommy. He called it Layer 7" she looked at him seriously "mommy will be there. I know it."
"okay, sweety." He stood up holding her small hand in his. He stomped over the portal, erasing the chalk from the pavement making blurry and distorted.

"come on. We are going to go see your aunt."
They traversed the cityscape, through the crowds, up a ways then over some more. They eventually came to an older building still in the city. It was shabby with a worn look but still livable.

They walked inside and up the stairs.

First floor

Second floor

Third floor

Fourth floor

Room 412

Karlisle knocked.

"Esmia, it's Karlisle. It's about your sister."

"Looks like your little family is trying to find they're way down here."

Aria turned her head upwards to see Fayte, walking slowly with an object in his hand she couldn't identify. She shook her head, wriggling in her bindings.

"NO," he voice was weak but strong all at the same time, "Fayte, leave them alone! Please!"

Fayte stopped in front of her, playing with the object in his hands. Rope.

"Oh, I like it when you beg."
The door clicked open,


Two pairs of jade eyes peered out from inside the room. They glanced at Karlisle then down to the little girl and grew large at the sight of her.


The door flung open and the black hair woman bent down and stretched out her arms in joy. Mia ran to her open arms-

"auntie Mia!!"

The woman embraced her niece and began weeping upon receiving the small innocent warm arms that wrapped themselves tightly over her shoulders.

"There's no time to explain. Esmia, it's Aria, she's in trouble. I have to go."

The woman looked up at Karlisle with understanding eyes.

"I will keep her safe Karlisle."

He nodded his head-

"please take her to the resort with you. I'll send Perticulese along with you. He will protect you."

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