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Fantasy 40 Year War

Rantos said:
"Yeah, yeah you could say that. Ran has definitely been on my mind recently." Yuma had been thinking about what he would do if he met Ran again. Would he let Ran like he did all those 8 years ago, or would he make them join by force? The answer was unclear at the time, but he would have to figure out what to do sooner or later. "Thanks for worrying about me sweetie!" Yuma said right before planting a small kiss on Oblitus forehead. As the two entered the room Yuma greeted everyone in it with a hand raise and a "Yo."


Ran awkwardly walked along with the two all the way back to the camp, not really contributing much to the conversation. As soon as they all got to the camp Yuma put down the big chunk of robot he was carrying to rest on the ground. "Yo, tech guys... deal with this? Ima go train by bashing my head on a rock." Yuma said as he walked off back into the woods. Whether or not Ran really was going to bash his head on a rock would only be known by the ones who follow.

@the ordinary tune
(Just letting you know you called Ran Yuma... Lol)

Hraesvelgr nodded once more. "Just make sure you don't accidentally fire the bazooka while we'd flying ok?" He warns Sora as he extended his arm towards her to grab on to before he could carry her. His jets were ready to send them both flying through the air at great speeds. @the ordinary tune (they don't have much technology. If by running water you mean stuff like sinks and whatnot, the humans mainly depend on bodies of water, mainly freshwater and rain. They do have quite a lot of clean water stored up, drinking water and water used for cleaning such as washing objects and themselves are both the same.)

Oblitus greeted the machines in the monitor room also, though she only did so with a short and silent wave. She saw that Erebus was very concentrated on the monitor screen, observing the outside through the drones' eyes in case it spotted anything. She sat down on one of the chairs and waited for Yuma to do the same.

Erebus glanced at Yuma and Oblitus as they entered the monitor room. "Hello, Oblitus and... Yuma Agius." He greeted them. "There are many visitors coming to this room today, each for different reasons. What do you two need?" He asks, still focusing his attention on the monitor and he began doing something on another screen, creating the groups of drones he would send out with Hraesvelgr and Patal. @Rantos
Sora laughed. "Of course I won't. I'm am expert with this thing!" She hopped into his arms, her bazooka resting in her lap now. "Where are we looking?"

Claire walked to the rooms where people 'showered' and grabbed a bucket of water. She carefully cut the sleeve off her dress with hope she could sew it back on and removed her sock-cast. She grabbed a rag and started scrubbing dried blood off her skin, as gently as she could.

(Thank you!) @Verdas
Hraesvelgr pointed to a dark part of the forest that was deeper into the forest than Animus was actually located in with his other hand. "I haven't completely explored that area yet. It looks like a perfect spot to hide in, being deep in the jungle and in a place teeming with strong mutated animals that may be able to fend off our weaker drones." He zooms in on the area, unable to see what was underneath the trees. @the ordinary tune

"Well hello to you too Erebus." Yuma replied. He took note of the pause that Erebus made before saying hello to him, was it that Erebus didn't want to see Yuma right now? Or was it that it has been 5 years sense Yuma's last bath, it was probably that; the smell must have been too much for Erebus to bear. Yuma took a seat right next to Oblitus, slamming all his weight into the chair and making the same noise a human would when they sit down when they are exhausted. "We just came to help you. Thats all. So, what cha need?"

Sora nodded. "Sounds like a winner. I guess I'll search by foot and you by air?" She looked out towards the indicated area, thinking that perhaps he was right.

Erebus stayed silent for a bit, grouping the drones together remotely. "I am planning on sending out several groups of drones. Patal and Hraesvelgr have already agreed to join to assist the drones in finding the humans and also in case there's any trouble. With you and... Oblitus helping, it would only increase the chances of success." He completed gathering the selected drones together, they were mostly of the same time, each group having 6 drones with two of each group equipped with jets to be used as scouts. There were four groups in total, all of them drones and equipped with strong weapons. He wasn't going to send them out just yet however. @Rantos

Yuma crossed his legs and listened to Erebus talk about his plan. "Yes, yes I see." Yuma didn't see. Erebus's plan went in one of Yuma's ear, got shot, and went out the other. The only thing that Yuma retained was that he and Oblitus needed to go find some human's and kick some ass. "You can count on us Erebus, we got you covered. Lets go Oblitus." Yuma stood up and began walking out the room, on his way out he gave Erebus one last comment. "And tell out troops if they see a long black haired man with a sword and a robot arm, spare him. I want to deal with him myself."

Patal went to the underwater entrance of Valhalla, to just take a contact to Hraesvelgr. "I believe this thing still works..." He muttered pressing buttons in his arm. "Were are you headed Hraesvelgr? I'm already going out to not slow this down." He sends the message and then contacts Erebus. "Patal is ready." He send that too and dove into the sewer-like canals, that led out.
Hraesvelgr got a message and began to reply, giving Claire a gesture to wait. "I'm going to search an area while before Erebus sends out the drones to get a head start when he gives us the alert. I suppose you're that big heavy machine I saw on my way to the monitor room." He the turned to Claire again. "Let's get down there first. I think we should search the area around the deepe part of the forest in case there's a clue." @the ordinary tune @rugaru

Oblitus, unlike Yuma, she understood the plan and had been carefully listening. She got up and followed Yuma out of the monitor room, looking back to see Erebus send out an alert and a message to Hraesvelgr and Patal. Oblitus smiled a little as they were headed out of Valhalla, but quickly stopped. One might've noticed if they looked at her face when she actually doc smile. She felt excited about it, though not as much as Yuma seemed to be. @Rantos

"The drones will go to your current destination and proceed to follow you, so there's no need to go to any specific location, simply wait for them. You two will be able to order them around. Search thoroughly." Erebus' message ended at that. He then sends out the drones, one group going to Patal and the other to Hraesvelgr while the other two groups simply went to areas that were not being searched by the other two. @rugaru
"Copy that. I'm moving to the forest through river. We meet there." Patal answered to Hraesvelgr when swimming out of Valhallas sewersystems. He joins the river and continues to the forest while waiting the drones.
"Alright. We'll meet there then." Hraesvelgr looked at Sora. "I'll drop you off at the edge of the forest. I'll proceed searching from above until Patal gets there."

Hraesvelgr's jets activated right after he said that and he flew at great speeds, his speed boosted even more by the fact that he was flying towards the ground. When he began nearing the edge of the forest, he began slowing down significantly. @the ordinary tune

As the two walked down the halls of Valhalla Yuma provided a little humming to accompany them. This was a large scale hunt, there was almost no doubt in Yuma's mind that this would end unsuccessfully. But the next question was what would happen after they found the base. Yuma was hoping that no blood had to be shed, he hoped that they could get the humans to come to there side without having to so much as touch them. War without blood shed is a childish thing, and Yuma knew this well enough. "Hey, Oblitus. Why must we force the humans to become machines?"



Ran was away training half a mile from the main camp in a little secluded spot in the woods. Although rarely visited by anyone, most people knew when they stumbled upon it. One could tell because of the sheer amount of broken boulders and cut down trees. If they didn't know any better one would think Ran was single handedly trying to kill an eco system. The broken landscape surrounded a waterfall and that was were Ran was. Sitting tall and straight as the water came down on him from above.

@Whoever wants to talk~
Sora laughed the whole way down. This was her first time flying, and she loved it. "This is so fun!" Sora yelled.


Claire had finished cleaning up, and was just finishing sewing her sleeve back on. "Perfect." She looked at her handiwork for a moment before putting the dress back on. Now, finished with that, she thought about Ran saying he was going to bash his head on a rock. 'Better go make sure that's not happening.' She thought. She began walking to Ran's training area.

Oblitus pondered the question. "I don't know. I don't exactly see the point in wasting our resources to turn them into machines. Erebus and the rest seem very serious about it though, although I'm sure they must also realise how much resources may go to waste." She then thought about the EnTech leader (who I'll make later seeing as no one is bothering to make him/her. Especially since it'll be important for this RP....) who she never met after she became a machine and lost all memories of if she ever knew him from when she was a human. Perhaps she would ask them the question to be able to answer Yuma's question. @the ordinary tune
Sora landed in a crouch and stood, receiving his message. "Of course I know. But I understand how you feel. I haven't used this bazooka in forever! I can't wait to blow something up." She sent her message now.


Claire reached the edge of Ran's training grounds now. "Ran?" She called out. She looked around, not seeing him.


"Yeah, I see what you mean. To convert every last human would be a waste. So then I wonder why some others feel the need to subjugate everyone." To be honest Yuma loved the idea of everyone putting there personality and memories into a machine, he just didn't like the idea of forcing the ones that wanted to stay a human into machines. As much as Yuma wanted to fix that he wasn't that high up in the ranks, he doubted he could make a change. "Well, never mind that, its time to get to work, where he headed first sweetie?"


As the hundreds of pounds of water came slamming onto Ran's back he tried to keep his body as straight as he could against the water that was essentially beating him down. Ran couldn't falter though, it was apart of his training to not give in to the rushing water. However today he was training himself more harshly then usual. Ran felt the responsibility of all the lives in Animus on his shoulders, if there would be a death then it would be his fault. So Ran needed to push himself to the breaking point, or else let the death of others be on his hands. To take on the role of protecting all what was left of humanity, thats just the kind of guy Ran is. As Ran heard a voice in the distance his concentration was broken for long enough for the water to over power him. Against his will Ran's upper body lurched forward as he sat under the fall of the water. Slowly Ran dragged himself out from under the water fall and looked at the source of the voice. It was the girl that had helped him kill that drone earlier. "Hello. Yes I am here. Do you need something?"

@the ordinary tune
Claire jumped when she noticed Ran appear from the water. "Oh, no I was just coming to see what you were doing. Not bashing you're head on a rock, luckily." She smiled at the end. She looked at the waterfall and then the decimated area around her. "This looks like pretty hard-core training."

"Considering that the humans no longer have the technology they used to, they would require wood and an easy way to get food and water. There are rivers as well as a river leading to the forest. Though it provides the most cover, it seems to be a bit too obvious, so I don't think it's likely they'lol be there but it's best not to overlook such things." Oblitus replies. She knew that there were many, many other places on the Earth that the humans could hide in, meaning it may not conveniently be right next to Valhalla, though it was the closest. "I'm looking forward to see what mutations those humans and animals have gotten." She said while smiling. For her to smile three times in one day was unusual, but this was her old, curious personality kicking in. @the ordinary tune
Sora sprinted off into the forest. Her feet made soft padding sounds in the grass, but a metallic clang when she stepped on rocks. As she ran she observed her surroundings as best as she could, listening closely for distant sounds that could be humans. She received Hraesvelgr's message and stopped to reply. "I think Erebus is a little too worried about the humans. I mean, do they even really pose a threat?" She continued running again. It would be stupid to run while sending the message. She wouldn't want to be killed by a tree, after all.

As Patal dove along the river to deeper part of the forest, he got up to get a look for humans. Drones hadn't yet arrived so he started to move by ground. Near him, was a waterfall and... he heard somebidy speaking. Female. He move closer and found two humans. "Hraesvelgr, move to my direction. I found two humans. Stay up in the air, I drive them back to their camp." Patal send a message to Hraesvelgr and took one of the tracking chips from ammobag.

He put it into his glove and prepared harpoonguns. Minigun shall stay on the background and he leaves it with his bags near the river. Then he dives again and closer to the couple. 'Sure hope those drones don't come out now or hunt is ruined.'
"That was sooner than I expected. I didn't expect to find any humans at all. I'll be heading towards your direction now. Try not to scare them too much." Hraesvelgr flew up higher into the air and tried to fly directly beneath the clouds since his white colouring gave him camoflauge in or under the clouds, and worked best in the white sky dying winter. He zoomed in on Patal's location and changed to Infrared. There certainly were two humans there. "Sora, we've found them. I'm heading towards there now. It's be best for you to follow so you don't miss out on the fun." He messaged Sora. The drones were going through the underwater entrance to get to Patal and the rest as it was the quickest way to reach them. They slowly made their way through the water. @the ordinary tune
Sora's laugh was inhuman. (my failure of a joke) "Be right there!" She deliver the message to Hraesvelgr, then changed her direction to Patal's location. 'I certainly didn't expect to find them. Guess ol' Erebus ain't so crazy after all.' She though, giggling to herself.

@Verdas @rugaru
Hraesvelgr continued flying closer, camouflaged by the clouds. He decided to send Sora another message. "Try to be seen by them for now. They might be able to lead us to their hide-out if they don't notice us." He pointed his gun arm downwards just in case they found Patal or Sora. @the ordinary tune (Nice pun. You get my

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Sora slowed to a quick walk as she neared the indicated area. She didn't reply to Hraesvelgr, she simply did as she was asked. She was crouched at the foot of a tree, peering through the branches of a burly bush. She saw the two humans, but not Patal or Hraesvelgr. She figured they were hiding too.


(yay :D )

Claire, oblivious to the the machines watching her, walked over to Ran and dipped her hand in the water. "A bit cold, isn't it?" A playful smile appeared on her face.


"Thats my little darling! So smart!" Yuma said to Oblitus right before he gave her another hug while still walking, it was a moving hug. In Yuma's eyes Oblitus was truly a genius, not like Erebus though; because unlike Erebus, Oblitus actually talked to him! "Alright then, you lead the way and I will follow sweetie." Yuma had almost forgotten about how organic life had gained super natural powers, this added a bit of a challenge to there mission, say they actually had to fight someone, but at the same time it made Yuma excited and the smile on his face clearly showed that.


Ran rose up from the water and left the pool. "Hardcore? I guess you could say that." Since the mutation Ran's training habits have been a little intense, but over time Ran began to think nothing of breaking rocks with his forehead or chopping trees with his arms. But when Ran took a long around to realize what he was doing, it was defiantly abnormal, but the meaning of normal has been in flux for a while. "Its cold, yes." What is wrong with you! Talk like a normal human being, engage in conversation! "So... waters neat? Sometimes its cold and sometimes its warm, why cant it just make up its mind?" An equally awkward laugh followed after that sentence. No, no, no damit!

@the ordinary tune ((Sorry this is so late))

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