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Fantasy 40 Year War

Feeling of respect for Erebus just gets better. He understands real machines. Not lazy copies. "True. I came to be either part of humans hunting operations, or ro start one. If you are alreadt planning something, I want in." Patal told. "Otherwise, I am here to get some drones and chips for tracking them down myself. I am not going to wait, like half of the machines here, tumb up my exhaust pipe and wait if human walks into one's arms." He turned his head to Sora lije giving her as an example.
Erebus nods his head. "I was already planning on sending out several groups of drones alongside Hraesvelgr. I believe the best drones to send out may be the drones the humans used to use in wars as they are strong and large in numbers, but you may choose your own drones if you do not like this decision." He then turned his head to Sora. "What you just did there was a waste of your batteries. Though snorting was useful for humans to express something, we no longer need to use such things."

@the ordinary tune
Sora pouted, crossing her arms. "Well I don't wanna be boring like either of you." She looked at Patal next. "What do you expect me to do? I could break a nail." She glanced at her fingers, giggling. "No I couldn't. It's just too hard..they'll up eventually, right Erebus?" She looked back to him now, poking out her lower lip.

@Verdas @rugaru
"Those nails are meant to last long without breaking, however with the proper force, yes they will 'give up eventually.' I wouldn't recommend breaking it is a waste of time to try and it may need to be fixed." Erebus replies. "As for us being boring to you, we do not have the time to entertain you, so why don't you go out and try to stave off your boredom? The mutated creatures may interest you." He stays silent, waiting for Patal to reply. @the ordinary tune
Sora glared. "Oh Erebus, don't pretend like you don't enjoy my company!" She whined, leaving the room. Perhaps there was trouble around Valhalla to be had.

"It's sad but true that the weak and coward ones join on our side in the fear of death. It weakens us." Patal comments Soras whining. "I do not need more than small and quiet spectators with linked camera and GPS, if that's what you meant. I will get them here myself. If you don't want me to just slaughter them."
Erebus simply watched Sora leave who're turning his attention back to Patal. He would have chatted with her a bit longer if he wasn't dealing with important matters. "You may do what you want to them, but I would prefer if they were still alive so that we can make more machines, even if they are cowards, nearly everyone changes after they become one of us." He observed Patal and noted that Patal's slow speed yet strong metal and Hraesvelgr's high speed and ranged attacks could could well together. "Have you ever met Hraesvelgr?" He asks Patal. @the ordinary tune (it seem that Oblitus was... Oblitus (oblitus means forget/forgotten in Latin) *ba dum tsss*)
"I've seen him fly over the river couple of times." Patal lookedat Hraesvelgr. "Where can I get necessary firearms for this "wipeout"?" He asked from Erebus. He wouldn't be capable of catching humans on land with just his harpoons.
Erebus ponders the question. "Since you're slow, I believe a ranged weapon with a high rate of fire will be do good. How about a mini-gun? It is a very powerful weapon, even after all this time. We've made a few tweaks to make it shoot with greater accuracy. You can find these weapons in the armory further inside the room we keep all the unused machines. I'm sure you know how to get there already?" He looked at the monitor to check if anything new happened, though nothing did. He had yet to realise that they had lost one of their drones. @rugaru
"Alarm me when you launch drones." Patal says leaving the room and heading to the armory. 'After humans are gone, it is time to pure the race of machines...' He thinks.
Erebus nods. "I will. Just be ready by then." He said no more as he observed the monitor intently while listening for anyone else who decides to visit the monitor room. The monitor room was getting a surprising amount of visitors today. @rugaru

Oblitus saw the large machine from before exiting the monitor room and heading somewhere. He did not appear to be as angry as before. She turns to Yuma. "You said something was on your mind. Is it your brother who ran (heh) away?" She asks as they got near the room. @Rantos
Claire shrugged. "I don't know...I'm sure they have plenty of drones, they might not notice just one gone missing. Then again, maybe they count or something.." A worried feeling began growing in Claire, and she couldn't brush it off now. She pulled a boot off and tied one of her socks around her arm, then put her boot back on.

Sora pondered what to do, then remembered the machine who'd left before she'd gotten there. Maybe there would be fun in bothering Hraesvelgr. She set her destination for the refueling room, a light bounce to her metallic step.

Kuro chuckled. "I'm sure they wouldn't notice ONE of their many drones missing. It wasn't too strong anyways." He says, though he did feel quite worrie that the machines might find out about the missing drone. Worst case scenario was that they already knew about this, though it didn't seem like it. @the ordinary tune @Rantos

Hraesvelgr refueled his jets, ready to fly once more. He walked out of the room and saw the same machine he saw on his way out. He wondered if it followed him. And decided he would try to talk to it. The machine seemed happy and looked quite surprisingly resembled Yuma with her human skin and human behaviours.
Sora saw Hraesvelgr leave the refuel station and walked up to him. "Doing anything exciting?"

Claire nodded, giving Kuro a small smile. "You don't think there are more around, do you?"

Patal gets to the armory and takes minigun out. He then looks for some GPS-chips and puts some of them into his hands locker. Minigun doesn't really weight anything, so he can carry it with one hand. He puts miniguns ammunition bags on him and is ready. 'Sure hope this beauty is waterproof...'
Hraesvelgr shook his head. "I was simply refuelling my jets, nothing very interesting. It appears that you've followed me from the monitor room. Were you bored?" He asks, knowing that if this machine was similar to Yuma, it may have had nothing better to do. @the ordinary tune

The minigun certainly was water-proof, although it was mainly made for use on land, it could still be used effectively underwater. The velocity of the bullets will decrease, making it less powerful than on land, but is still powerful, especially with it's increased accuracy. @rugaru
Sora nodded. "Extremely. Going on a search?" She glanced over his shoulder at his jets. "Erebus must be getting anxious, since we haven't found them yet."

Hraesvelgr nods. "I am. Would you like to join me? I doubt those humans pose any threat to us, especially against the whole of Valhalla itself." He said confidently. He knew that the humans had supernatural abilities now, as with every other creature besides the machines, and had mutated, becoming stronger than they were before. @the ordinary tune
Sora tilted her head, as if pondering to say yes or not. "Of course! At least that will be entertaining. More than sitting around here that is. Just let me grab my bazooka." She smirked, running off to the armory.

"I'll be waiting for you on the balcony then." Hraesvelgr said as the machine ran off. 'A bazooka? I do hope she's not trigger-happy with such a weapo in her hands.' He thought as he walked to the balcony he first landed on. When he got to the balcony he got on top of the rail, perfectly balancing on it without much effort and easily holding on to it with his talon-like feet. He waited for the other machine to get her weapon and join him at the balcony. @the ordinary tune
Sora reached the armory fairly quick. She grabbed her darling bazooka and put on her armor. The weapon gleamed in her hands, reflecting the excitement to use it in her eyes. She then headed for the balcony where Hraesvelgr waited, eager to leave Valhalla. "I'm ready!" She walked up behind him.

Hraesvelgr nodded to her. "Would you prefer to hold onto my leg as we fly or be carried? It will be much faster to get down there from the air than by foot. Also, what's your name?" He asks. It would be hard to speak with her or call her if he didn't know her name, even if it was mostly irrelevant. He was a but worried about flying with a bazooka but he decided not to mention anything about it. @the ordinary tune
"Well I obviously can't just cling to you, I must be carried. I'm delicate you know." A flirtatious undertone slipped into her voice, but she went on quickly. "My name is Sora. You are?"


"Yeah, yeah you could say that. Ran has definitely been on my mind recently." Yuma had been thinking about what he would do if he met Ran again. Would he let Ran like he did all those 8 years ago, or would he make them join by force? The answer was unclear at the time, but he would have to figure out what to do sooner or later. "Thanks for worrying about me sweetie!" Yuma said right before planting a small kiss on Oblitus forehead. As the two entered the room Yuma greeted everyone in it with a hand raise and a "Yo."


Ran awkwardly walked along with the two all the way back to the camp, not really contributing much to the conversation. As soon as they all got to the camp Yuma put down the big chunk of robot he was carrying to rest on the ground. "Yo, tech guys... deal with this? Ima go train by bashing my head on a rock." Yuma said as he walked off back into the woods. Whether or not Ran really was going to bash his head on a rock would only be known by the ones who follow.

@the ordinary tune
Claire shot a look towards Ran. 'He's going to bash his head on a rock?' She thought. She shook her head, putting the scraps she'd picked up on a wooden table. She saw Tanaka and waved with her good arm, then decided she should clean herself up. (Do they have running water? 0-0)

@Verdas @Rantos

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