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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy 3 Vertices (3 Paths) Lore



Ten Thousand Club
This is going to be a hardcore fantasy, combat RP. Don’t worry! It’s not as bad as it sounds! Don’t feel too anxious. There will be plenty of time for your character to grow! This rp won’t be held back by common rp constraints or ideas like “the characters start weak then get strong”. I’ve decided on specific points or “arcs” where our characters will be able to go through explosive growth to get stronger. Since the enemies of this rp are going to be strong, very strong. And the stakes will be very high. But this rp is meant to be a Power fantasy, so if that’s your jam, then I’m sure you’ll have fun!


This is the lore of the rp (which will be called 3 Vertices). There will be a SIMPLIFIED version that I expect people to read. There will be a condensed version which is basically the simplified version with a bit more specific info. And then there will be a FULL version with a lot of descriptions that are kinda repetitive lol. You do not have to read that, but I do want you to read the simplified version, and at least look at the condensed version for parts you're interested in! This took me quite awhile. Thanks! :)


This is a simplified version of the mechanics of the rp! It should make it obvious how one's character should be and work. If you have any questions below is a more detailed version of it. As for our characters, we're going to start out around an intermediate level. Not exactly weak, but not exactly “strong”. Though characters can boast unique strengths, I don’t mind that, depending on how I evaluate bios. Power will come quickly, don’t you worry!

(You can still do other things, like character interaction, romance -if that's your thing-, etc etc.)

To repeat, our characters will be of Intermediate level starting out (low, mid, high Intermediate level).
I’ll show here what an “intermediate level” character is.

OH and your character can like mix and match whatever from the 3 Vertices, they do not have to stick to one path!!
For Adventurer rank, between D and B rank.
D Rank
Not quite a beginner, but with these skills, not considered much more. Still, they’re beginning to gain some footholds into adventuring. D rank and up is where the adventurer is allowed to participate in Dungeon raids, though, must meet a requirement to do so.

C Rank
Skills are improving. Now capable of fulfilling many monster slaying quests. Monster culling quests would still require a few C ranks or higher to complete however. C rank must also meet a requirement to dungeon raid.

B Rank
A solid grasp of combat, with noteworthy skills. Although there are many B ranks, B rank Adventurers are still highly respected and sought-after. B ranks typically take on more and more monster slaying quests.

And would take Copper and Silver tier jobs.

For the Martial Path.
1-2 Cores.
Anywhere between
Impure Core Stage 1
Impure Core Stage 2
Impure Core Stage 3
Impure Core Stage 4

Muddled Core Stage 1
Muddled Core Stage 2
For each core

Martial Artist rank is between
Adept Martial Artist
A martial artist that underwent training and manifested a Core.
Typical Martial Artist
A martial artist with a Muddled Core.
Martial Expert
A martial artist who has manifested two Cores.
Typical Martial Expert
A martial artist who has two Cores with one at least Muddled.

Magic Path
2 Ring Mage
A novice mage. Access to 2 Ring spells. Begins to grasp a second School of Magic.
3 Ring Mage
Intermediate mage. Access to 3 Ring spells. Knows Mix-Weaving, Twisting spells, and a second School of Magic.
4 Ring Mage
Advanced mage. Access to 4 Ring spells. Good grasp of their second School of Magic. Learn how to Craft Spells together. In other words, create one’s own brand new spells. Though it requires a bit of imagination.

(However, for a 4 ring mage, there would be some stipulations.)

Mage Rank
These are the ranks allowed, but a Elite mage would have some stipulations.

Novice Mage
A beginner mage. Has 1 to 2 rings. Mostly uses Name casting. Never fielded.
Intermediate Mage
Studied magic somewhat. Has 2 to 3 rings. Mostly uses Name casting, but may incorporate low-tier Chant casted spells. Below fodder mages, not really worth fielding in war-like scenarios except if lacking in manpower or for raw numbers alone.
Elite Mage
Studied mage. Incorporates various spells in combat to throw off opponents. Capable of some silent casting, but will fall back on Name casting. Understands 1 or 2 Mage Techniques. Has 3 or 4 rings. Or 2 rings and a Ghost ring. Fodder mages.

Astral Path
May have either 2 or 3 Stars. The character can be near gaining a 4th star.
Between these ranks
1 star agent. Primarily works on forging a 2nd star.
2 star agent. Begins using Essence Shroud/Astral Aura.
3 Star agent. Proficient with many simple Astral techniques, and Astral Projection. Most have used Astral studying to achieve this rank.

What (if any) is your character's medium?

Simplified 3 Vertices System
Martial Path (Qi) - Astral Path (Spirit) - Magic Path (Magic)

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World map, ignore how rudimentary it is! XD I did it in paint, sue me. O and the map can be added to if need be!
(if anyone wants to help make a better looking map, then im all for it!)
3 V World map.png
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3 Continents
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Adventurer Guild

  • A large-scale organization that covers most of the world, expanding over the 3 continents. “Adventurer” is the job given to most of this org’s employees. Adventurers typically take requests off the Request/Job board. Requests/quests are basically interchangeable.

    Adventurers are paid according to the requests they complete. Some requests don’t pay in the common coin, and will instead pay out in various other things.

    Duties of an Adventurer include but are not limited to:
    helping around town, cleaning, fixing, maintaining places or things
    Monster slaying, monster culling
    Defending, or fighting on the guild’s behalf
    Finding, procuring, and delivering certain items, wares, artifacts, or other such things

    One of the biggest duties of an adventurer is Dungeon Raiding. As well as, Gate defending.

    Dungeons are strange magical labyrinths that seem to spontaneously manifest. There are few noteworthy dungeons that are exceptions to this that exist in the world, but for the most part, Dungeons are strange things that just suddenly appear. It is widely accepted that they can appear anywhere, however… it hasn’t been noted of them appearing in cities yet for some reason, so that may or may not be true.

    They have untold riches and resources within their depths. The Guilds covet these rewards, so seek to clear dungeons as soon as possible. (As do other organizations, but we’ll get to that later).

    When a Dungeon appears, the Guild summons Adventurers for a Raiding Party to raid the dungeon. Generally speaking, it can take awhile to set this up. A lot of adventurers are busy. Still, the Guild doesn’t like leaving the dungeon alone for long -otherwise it may be raided by competition first. Some adventurers must meet a special requirement to be registered as “Dungeon Raider”.

    Gate Defense is another special duty for Adventurers, though, admittedly, less so than Dungeon raiding. Gates are strange Magic Gateways that appear. They can appear anywhere, similar to Dungeons. Gates are doorways. Once opened, monsters come flooding through. Gates can have their own set conditions, so they’re volatile and always a concern. Dealing with gates is a major issue. However, nations tend to have their own systems set up to defend against gates, just in case they appear in towns. When they appear in cities, they caused untold damage, panic, and carnage.

    Some gates dont release monsters for weeks, or months, some have existed for years. Others open right away. It’s never a certain thing with gates.

    The Guild has its own ranking system for Adventurers. Even outside of the guild, this ranking system is largely known and accepted, it’s at least a ‘reference’. Though, kingdoms and other organizations typically have their own ranking system. Regardless, the Guild’s ranking system is seen as “good enough”, and is widely accepted as a way of determining someone’s strength.

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3 Vertices System
Qi (Martial Path) - Magic (Magic Path) - Astral (Spirit Path)
3vert 3.png

It’s said there is a mild “rock-paper-scissors” with The Triad.
“The Triad” (or The Triangle) is another way of saying the 3 Vertices. It’s a colloquial term that people use informally.
It’s said Martial artists have an advantage over Mages and Mages have an advantage over Astral Agents, and Agents have an advantage over Martial artists.

In a “fair” scenario..

Martial artists are said to beat mages because they can rush them down before mages can cast their spells. And strong forms of Qi can cut through some spells.
Mages are said to beat Agents because Magic transcends the spirit, and can even harm it.
Agents are said to beat Martial artists because the spirit trumps the self, and martial artists typically do not have a good way of dealing appropriate damage to the Astral.
However, there are always exceptions, and anyone can win against anyone. It always comes down to a matter of training, effort, talent, power, and skill.

  • Someone who trains in a physical form of combat. All those in this path will be referred to technically as "Martial artist", even if they aren't your typical "martial artist". So those who train in swordsmanship, axes, fisticuffs, even archery will all technically be "martial artists."
    The power source of "Martial Techniques."
    Qi is the life energy of people. Qi is amassed/gained/used by martial artists.
    When martial artists run out of Qi they are close to dying, or at the very least, exhausted. People can still fight without using Qi, but those fights are nothing but physical fights with plain swords or fists, etc.
    Suboptimal use of Qi expends Qi unnecessarily, which will exhaust a martial artist faster.

    Variety of Qis
    While "Qi" is what you'd expect to be normalized amongst all martial artists, in truth, it can manifest in a variety of ways.

    Weapon Qi - Qi that coats/enshrouds/wraps around a weapon, like a sword.
    Body-strengthening Qi - Qi that wraps around the body, or muscles, and enstrengthens them to make a person more physically tough or stronger.
    Mental Qi - Qi that can reinforce a person's mind, allowing them better focus, or to resist or break out of mental attacks.
    Telekinetic Qi - Rarest form of Qi that allows a person to control things at a distance, by sending one's Qi outwards, and having extreme precise control over that Qi.
    Elemental Qis - Rare Qis that have taken on or 'morphed' into elemental effects due to several factors.
    Example: Flaming Qi -- Qi that has ignited due to the user's fiery soul and heated passion for martial arts.​
    A simple application of Qi. A master of Aura is the true sign of a Martial artist.
    Aura is simply Qi manifesting beyond the body. Aura can accomplish many things, but I'll just simplify it here. This is the gist of it.
    Aura can strengthen/empower weapons.
    Aura will enshroud a martial artist, acting as sort of a shield/forcefield to protect against damage.
    Aura can be used for superhuman feats, like running fast, leaping high, performing attacks that break rock, trees, armor, etc.

    One requires the First Core to properly make use of Aura.
    Core System
    Martial artists must obtain "Cores." Cores are a person's inner energy (Qi) bonded together. Mashed together. Compressed. Compressed into a bright Core. (The level of brightness also signifies a Core's strength, which in turn, signifies how pure (or impure) one's Qi is. That is to say, a brighter Core, means stronger, firmer, more potent Qi.)
    There are 3 Cores.

    First Core
    Central Core
    The “Heart Core”
    The Heart Core manifests when a Martial artist reaches a certain level of inner strength. The Heart Core helps steady a martial artist's physical self, helps steady their mind, and their heart in strenuous and intensive situations. The Heart Core helps with refining Qi. The Heart Core helps settle down Qi, until it is smooth.
    A Martial artist can't be said to be a true Martial artist or Qi user until they've compressed and acquired the Heart Core.

    Second Core
    Lower Core
    The “Gravity Core”

    Usually the second Core acquired.
    Located in the lower part of a person. Once obtained, the martial artist gains new abilities that help solidify their learnings, teachings, techniques, and the power behind their attacks. Used to solidify thicker Qi. Some even say they "forge" their Qi in the Gravity Core. Due to this, some say the Gravity Core is one's inner Forge.
    A unique, beneficial side effect of this Core is that it helps with breeding. Resulting in stronger children, who are also more likely to develop strong Qi. This is why Knight families tend to produce more Knights.
    Martial artists that gain a second core also are referred to as Martial Experts.

    Third Core
    Upper Core
    The “Crown Core”
    Located in the cranium. (Astral agents also form the Crown Core first. It is what begins the Astral Path.)
    The Crown Core specifically helps a Martial artist in the mental. It connects the artist's Qi, mind, and spirit together. As well as strengthens one's mind. Allows martial artists to mentally overcome situations, and even allows them to manifest Qi in Thought Worlds or Illusions designed to deprive artists of Qi.
    The strength of spirit (typically an Astral Path thing) is further used to increase a Martial artist's attacks and abilities through the Crown Core.
    The Crown Core is why there is some overlap between the Martial Path and the Astral Path.

    Once one gains all 3 Cores, that is when a Martial artist becomes known as a Martial Master.
    Though even then, there are tiers of Martial Masters, due to how pure their Cores are, and how strong they are in raw techniques or skills.

    Purity Sub-System
    Martial artists rely on the Core System, but the Purity System is a sub-system of that.
    Inside the body are all sorts of impurities. All sorts of other impure micro-"universes" get in the way of a Martial artist's true enlightenment.
    Simply Manifesting (or Compressing) a Core is not good enough.
    Cores always possess impurities. Martial artists must constantly meditate to remove these impurities from their bodies. Some Martial artists spend their whole lives detoxifying their Cores. However, if they succeed, a martial artist will feel a HUGE boost in power from a Pure Core.

    Each Core can and needs to be purified. (Each level granting a power boost)

    The system below will be HEAVILY simplified.

    Impure Core Stage 1
    Impure Core Stage 2
    Impure Core Stage 3
    Impure Core Stage 4

    Muddled Core Stage 1
    Muddled Core Stage 2
    Muddled Core Stage 3

    Refined Core Stage 1
    Refined Core Stage 2

    Final Refined Core

    >Special Stages<
    Otherwise known as the Color Sub-system
    True Pure Core

    A Bright White Core, free of all impurities. Refined to the limit
    Cores of Peak Martial Masters.

    Blue Core
    Gives off a soothing misty feel. Requires unique Enlightenment to reach. Qi is very "smooth" and gentle, no wild Qi here.
    Mysterious, but there must be some benefit, right?
    Speculated to have something to do with the Astral Path and Astral energy.

    Golden Core
    Requires Enlightenment to reach. Somehow one’s Qi has transcended and Refined to pure gold. Radiant and Sublime Core.
    Peak-of-peak Martial Masters. Nay, a Higher Being. Final Core.

    The Core below is the highest strength one can acquire. But it is separated from the typical path for a character to gain strength.
    Celestial Core
    With one exception.
    It is unknown how to reach the Celestial Core.
    Only one in the history of the world has ever been said to do so. The SS tier Martial Master known as Constellation Boundless Form. A Higher Being. All 3 Cores merge together, and reveal an entire universe within.

    The two Cores below are not a part of the typical path for a character to gain strength. They’re mostly for lore purposes.
    Black Core

    Not a part of the typical Core stages or ranking system.
    Indicates something very very wrong.
    Black Cores are notoriously difficult to fix, if not outright impossible.
    Black Cores indicate a level of impurity that has befouled the core of a person. It may be impossible to come back from Blackening one’s Core.

    Oddly, there have been reports of some martial artists who have “found success” with Black Cores. Some claim that impure Black Qi that permeates a Black Core has given them untold power…

    Pure Red Core
    Fully developed Black Core. The Black Core radiates ominous Red Qi like an inverted sun. It is said an “Enlightenment” of an unholy nature is required to “transcend” to a Pure Red Core.

    The only individuals who are reported to have Pure Red Cores are demonic in nature. But they are also claimed to have possessed insurmountable strength. And may be a shortcut to the power a Gold Core possesses.
    Aura Edge
    The Aura Edge is the final form of Qi Aura. And is a mix of Qi and Astral/Spirit energy. It is used to clad one's weapon.
    Martial Masters are those that have gained all 3 Cores.
    But a Peak Martial Master is only someone who has mastered the Aura Edge.
    The Aura Edge is the strongest and most feared technique of a Martial Master.
    Whoever produces an Aura Edge makes everyone immediately respect them (and fear them).
    Aura-clad weapons can happen as soon as the First Core
    However, Aura Edge is Qi and Astral mixed together, so it is much stronger than typical Aura. By several times.
    You can only be considered an S tier if you have acquired Aura Edge, if you have not, no matter how skilled you are, or how refined your Cores are, you wont be considered S tier.
    Martial Arts Skill Scale
    The abilities -or combat expertise- of a Martial Artist.
    • Colorless Realm
    • Early Earth Realm
    • Earth Realm
    • Late Earth Realm
    • Upper Earth Realm
    • Early Sky Realm
    • Sky Realm
    • Late Sky Realm
    • Upper Sky Realm
    • Early Nirvana Realm
    • Nirvana Realm
    • Late Nirvana Realm
    • Upper Nirvana Realm
    • Early Eternal Realm
    • Eternal Realm
    • Late Eternal Realm
    • Upper Eternal Realm

    • Early Infernal Realm
    • Infernal Realm
    • Late Infernal Realm
    • Upper Infernal Realm
    • Early Eternal Damned Realm
    • Eternal Damned Realm
    • Late Eternal Damned Realm
    • Upper Eternal Damned Realm
    Martial Artist Ranks
    Beginner Martial Artist
    Literally a beginner martial artist. Someone who doesn’t even have a Core yet.
    Adept Martial Artist
    A martial artist that underwent training and manifested a Core.
    Typical Martial Artist
    A martial artist with a Muddled Core.
    Martial Expert
    A martial artist who has manifested two Cores.
    Typical Martial Expert
    A martial artist who has two Cores with one at least Muddled.
    Martial Master
    A martial artist that has begun a Refined Core.
    Typical Martial Master
    A martial artist with either a Refined Core and two Muddled Cores. Or Two Refined Cores.
    Peak Martial Master
    3 Final Refined Cores.
    Upper Martial Master
    3 Refined Cores, with one of them being Final Refined.
    Zenith Martial Master / Master of Zen
    1 True Pure Core.
    Must manifest a Golden Core to be designated a ‘Grandmaster’ of Martial arts.
    Typical Grandmaster
    1 Golden Core and a True Pure Core, or two Final Refined Cores.
    Supreme Grandmaster / The Sensei
    2 Golden Cores. On the cusp of achieving Higher Existence.
    Final Grandmaster / Wise One
    3 Golden Cores. A Higher Existence.
    When a martial artist reaches this existence, they gain the title “Constellation” that’s more akin to a name. A supreme Higher Existence. Celestial Core. Nearly theoretical tier.
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This is the FULL lore! Really extensive and repetitive. Theres a LOT here! Lol
If you're ever confused about something, and the above stuff doesnt answer it, you can find it here! But its so much I dont expect peeps to really fully read through it lol. Anyway, itll be here anyway! :)

Adventurer Guild

A large-scale organization that covers most of the world, expanding over the 3 continents. “Adventurer” is the job given to most of this org’s employees. Adventurers typically take a request off the Request/Job board, or are given specific quests by the Guild’s Receptionist, the Branch Manager, or other higher Guild officials.

Duties of an Adventurer include but are not limited to, helping around town. Cleaning, fixing, or maintaining places or things. Monster slaying, or monster culling. Defending, or fighting on the guild’s behalf, or on behalf of people who request it. Finding, procuring, and delivering certain items, wares, artifacts, or other such things. Etc, etc.

Adventurers are paid according to the requests they complete. Each request stipulates the payment received upon completion, and are largely up to the Requester to set. Some requests don’t pay in the common coin, and will instead pay out in various other things. It's up to the adventurer to take requests like these, and up to the adventurer to decide if requests are worth pursuing for the reward.

One of the biggest duties of an Adventurer is Dungeon Diving. Otherwise known as Dungeon Raiding. As well as, Gate defending.

Dungeons are strange magical labyrinths that seem to spontaneously manifest. There are few noteworthy dungeons that are exceptions to this that exist in the world, but for the most part, Dungeons are strange things that just suddenly appear. It is widely accepted that they can appear anywhere, however… it hasn’t been noted of them appearing in cities or the like, so for some reason, that may or may not be true.

Regardless, Dungeons appear wherever, and at any time. Due to having untold riches and resources within their depths, the Guilds covet these dungeons. (As do other organizations, but we’ll get to that later).

When a Dungeon appears, the Guild summons Adventurers for a Raiding Party to raid the dungeon. Generally speaking, it can take awhile to set this up. Not to mention a lot of adventurers are busy with other requests. Still, the Guild doesn’t like leaving the dungeon alone for long -otherwise it may be raided by competition first. Adventurers must meet a special requirement to be registered as “Dungeon Raider”.

Gate Defense is another special duty for Adventurers, though, admittedly, less so than Dungeon raiding. Gates are strange Magic Gateways that appear. They can appear anywhere, similar to Dungeons. However, opposite to dungeons that are sprawling labyrinths. Gates are doorways. Once opened, monsters come flooding through. Gates can have their own set conditions, so they’re volatile and always a concern. Dealing with gates is a major issue. However, kingdoms, and cities, tend to have their own systems set up to defend against gates, in case they appear in towns. Again, unlike dungeons, gates have appeared in cities many times, causing untold damage, panic, and carnage.

Some gates dont release monsters for weeks, or months, some have existed for years. Others open right away. It’s never a certain thing with gates.

The Guild has its own ranking system for Adventurers. Even outside of the guild, this ranking system is largely known and accepted for strong individuals. Though, kingdoms and other organizations typically have their own ranking system. Regardless, the Guild’s ranking system is seen as “good enough”, and is widely accepted as a way of determining someone’s strength. It’s at least a reference.

Guild Ranking System​

F - E - D - C - B - A - S - SS - T Ranks

F Rank
No skills to speak of. At least none that are on the surface noteworthy in any way. Typically, an individual must undergo some sort of test to both gain a rank, and become an Adventurer. However, one can forgo that requirement, if they have no skills, and be dropped into F Rank. These are essentially ‘introductory’ Adventurers. They require training, and can request training from Guild trainers.

F ranks do not need to take requests to maintain their status within the guild. Except they will be removed from the registry after a year. They must complete one request within a year. If they want to move up, then they must take the Adventurer Test like any would-be Adventurer.

E Rank
Beginner rank. Low skills and talents. Overall quite unimpressive. Typically take the easiest of requests. E Ranks don’t often rise in ranks, preferring to make a living doing easy odd jobs around whichever city or town they live in. Fighting monsters is usually out of the question for them.

D Rank
Not quite a beginner, as they’ve likely been working awhile, but also, with these skills, not considered much more. Still, they’re beginning to gain some footholds into adventuring. D rank and up is where the adventurer is allowed to participate in Dungeon raids. Though, D rank must meet a requirement to do so.

C Rank
Skills are improving. Now capable of fulfilling many monster slaying quests. Monster culling quests would still require a few C ranks or higher to complete however. C ranks also must meet a requirement to participate in Dungeon raids.

B Rank
A solid grasp of combat, with noteworthy skills. Although there are many B ranks, B rank Adventurers are still highly respected and sought-after. B ranks typically take on more and more monster slaying quests, rather than “odds-and-ends requests.”

A Rank
Skills far above others. Typically an A rank Adventurer possesses something others do not. B rank and A rank skills are not too different, and even comparable mostly. However, it is that one unique thing that an A rank brings that makes them rise above B rank. Whatever that may be, tends to be unique to each A rank individual.

A ranks, like B ranks, tend to prefer monster slaying quests. A ranks are also widely sought after for Raids, for Gate guarding, and other similar jobs. People in specific places of authority, or nobles, or those with a lot of money, often make specific requests of the Guild for specific A rank Adventurers, meaning A ranks often receive special and unique quests others do not get to. B ranks sometimes do, too, or accompany A ranks on these requests.

S Rank
S rank is a special rank, literally meaning “Special Rank”, given to individuals who have completely mastered one of the Vertices. A ranks and S ranks may have comparable skills, but S ranks have mastered their chosen path.

S Ranks are such noteworthy people that entire kingdoms take notice. S ranks are so powerful, that it isn’t an exaggeration to say they add to a nation’s might. In other words, a nation’s might is scaled to how many S ranks exist in that kingdom.

SS Rank
SS Rank is literally an individual who has mastered 2 Vertices of The Triad. An incomparable individual that threatens an entire kingdom. It is said, to compete against an SS rank, it would require 3 S ranks.

T Rank
An individual who has mastered the 3 Vertices entirely. Even more incomparable. Literally a “Higher Being”, or supreme Higher Existence. There are only a handful of these beings across the world.

They inspire fear and awe in all. Many people worship them as gods. Possess the capabilities to literally rewrite the world as they see fit, if they were so inclined.

Entire kingdoms will bow and bend to their will or to appease them. Even SS rank is no match. It is said to compete against a T rank, it would require 3 SS ranks.

Below is further Explanation of the Adventurer Ranking system. Above is technically the ranking for Combat level of an individual. Described below will be the ranking system for the Guild’s Adventurers.

Job Tier System​

Each tier has 5 levels. One must raise up all 5 levels before they can Tier Up.
Therefore, Copper Tier 1 is the lowest. So it goes Copper Tier 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - “Tier Up”! To Silver Tier. Silver Tier 1 - 2 - 3, so on and so forth.

Once one Tiers Up, their Rank is reevaluated, and is at least bumped up within the guild’s official rankings.
To level within a tier, one must complete requests or quests. Typically, each Tier has its own set amount of requests needed to be completed to Tier Up. Unless, the request specifically states it adds a level up as a reward.
Requests with level ups as rewards are highly sought after.

Payment isn’t necessarily decided by tier, if one’s lucky, even a Copper tier could snag a high-paying Copper job. However, that isn’t the norm. Tier is usually a good indicator of the level of payment received from requests.

Requests are jobs made by people, organizations, or by the guild itself. They are given a tier. Those within that tier can take that request. Sometimes they are given a Rank instead. If so, that particular request is only completable with someone of the same rank.

Requests/Quests are pretty much interchangeable in the common vernacular. However, they can be slightly different. Requests are done, typically, by individuals, and tend to be on the easier side, or lower tier side. Quests, on the other hand, tend to be set by the Guild, or bigger organizations, and tend to be on the harder side. Quests can even take days, or weeks, or months. So proper planning is required. Some quests have stipulations, like: “Requires two C rank.” Or “requires a B rank leader.” Etc, etc.

If an adventurer fails a request, then they must pay a fine. And that request is reevaluated with the Requester to see if they want to put it back up.

Individuals can request to bypass the Tier Up system. If allowed, the adventurer must then undergo an Aptitude and Skills Test. Otherwise known as a Guild Test. Or Ranking Test. (But more on that later.)

Copper Tier
Low ranked adventurers of the guild. Possess low skills, or none at all. Can take on Copper Requests. Or F and E rank requests.

Requests in the Copper tier do not offer much pay. But they are easy, and simple enough that a few of them are easily doable in a single day. Most requests in this tier are things akin to cleaning, fixing, or delivering goods around town. There are a few very simple requests in this tier made by specific individuals who want a single, specific thing to be done.

To level up in Copper Tier, it requires an adventurer to complete 20 requests.

Silver Tier
Mid-rank adventurers of the guild. Possess moderate skills. D rank adventurers rise up to Silver rank upon promotion. C ranks are also in this tier. Monster slaying quests begin at this tier.

Minor dungeon diving (or caving) quests also begin here. Minor dungeons are ruins, caves, or other such places that exist within the lands. Sometimes it is necessary to go through them. Officially D ranks are allowed to go through them without any stipulations (other than “Be careful!”). C ranks, or B ranks are required to lead these expeditions. Minor “dungeons” are not the same as “Dungeons,” that are strange magical labyrinths which suddenly appear. D ranks gain experience for Dungeon Raiding taking on Minor dungeon quests.

In fact, the stipulation for a D rank to be allowed to go Dungeon Raiding is that they must either: spend 1 month in minor dungeons. Or, must complete 10 minor dungeon quests.

The stipulation for a C rank to be allowed to go Dungeon Raiding is that they must either: spend 1 month in minor dungeons. Or, must lead a minor dungeon quest.

To level up in this tier, it requires an adventurer to complete 12 requests.

Gold Tier
High-rank adventurers of the guild. Most B ranks are in this tier. There really aren’t any conditions to the requests that are receivable in this tier.

To level up in this tier, it requires an adventurer to complete 4 GOLD TIER requests.

Platinum Tier
Requires being an A rank Adventurer.

Platinum quests are extremely dangerous, and their requests are equally so, if not outright shady. Platinum requests almost always come from Noteworthy Persons. Who are individuals within a kingdom that possess power, or prestige. The requests tend to be very specific. And quests tend to involve a lot of fighting with powerful enemies. Often these requests require “Parties”, despite having A ranks amongst them.

Platinum Tier does not Tier Up. The only way to reach Special Tier is to become S rank. But it does level up. So Platinum tier 5 is still the highest tier in the guild.

Special Tier
S ranks are exclusively in this tier. Essentially it's a tier for special exceptions to the rest of the tiering system within the guild.

Four noteworthy things about it.
  1. Requests in this tier are for individuals only. It is up to the individual S rank adventurer how they proceed after receiving the request.
  2. S ranks are treated like “higher Guild Officials”.
  3. S ranks that are present (and sometimes not, the guild simply waits for them) are able to sit in on meetings, strategy meetings, and other such discussions that happen within the guild.
  4. S ranks often provide unique functions in the guild, beyond a regular adventurer who takes requests.

Other Jobs within the Guild​

While Adventurer is the typical employee within the Adventurer Guild, there are a few other positions, should you be so inclined to apply for them!

There are other odds and ends jobs here or there, but those won’t be discussed as of this time, if they’re not in the list below!

The person at the counter of the guild branch that greets adventurers. They also jot down which requests are taken by whom, the due date for the requests, and other such information. They’re also the first person an adventurer talks to when they get back from a request. If possible, they pay out then and there.

They also greet newcomers to the guild, and register new would-be adventurers. They’re also first to talk to individuals who stop by for various guild business.

Head Receptionist
The leader of the receptionists. They do receptionist work, but also oversee the other receptionists making sure they do their jobs. While receptionists are typically nice and cheery, the Head Receptionist can be a bit strict.

Adventurers within the guild that have passed an even more arduous test to become Examiners of the Guild Test. The Guild Test (or Rank Test) is the test all would-be Adventurers undergo upon registering for the guild. Examiners are at least B rank adventurers. Each guild typically wants 1 specialized Examiner for each of the Vertices. But multiple is desired, just in case one is indisposed.

The Guild Test is unique to each Guild Branch, but tends to be similar no matter where you go. However, it is up to Examiner discretion on how they evaluate the tested adventurer. Examiners can be all sorts of individuals. Fickle. Nice. Mean. Scrutinizing, etc, etc. Sometimes it's luck of the draw for a would-be adventurer taking a test. Though, skill speaks for itself no matter where you go.

Dungeon Planners
High ranked Adventurers that specifically take on many dungeon-esque and monster hunting quests. All to be as knowledgeable as possible about dungeons and monsters. Typically have other fields of study outside of adventuring as well, like herbology, ruinology, etc.

Their job is to specifically set up and plan for Dungeon Raids. These are highly trained individuals. Usually they have high combat specs, but not always. Some prefer to simply be planners. While others prefer to be strategists, employing unique strategies to win against the monsters within dangerous dungeons.

Branch Manager
An individual who heads an entire guild branch in a city or town. They’re literally everyone’s boss. Branch Managers tend to be exceptional individuals, so be wary of that fact. Again, Branch Managers can come in all sorts, you just never know who your BM is! Heh heh heh. Regardless, Guild law does insist on them being fair and unbiased individuals.

Guild Leader
This person literally leads the entirety of the Adventurer Guild across the kingdom of one’s residence. Everyone in the guild bows to them. Only other Guild Leaders in other nations are of equal footing. GLs tend to be on equal footing with a nation’s top brass, like Royalty, Generals, and the like.

GLs, if they’re so inclined, can be involved in a nation’s meetings. Though, the Adventurer Guild is a private and non-partial organization. Since the Adventurer Guild technically spreads across nation lines, the GL is often denied entry to a nation’s meetings. But that doesn’t stop some individuals from having private meetings for private dealings with some GLs.

Regardless, the GL is a very powerful individual.

Adventurer “Party” System​

Many jobs cannot be completed alone. Or at least, it isn’t recommended to complete some of them alone. Thus the Party System came about.

The party system is simple. Single adventurers band together to form “a party”.
The point of the party system is to make up for an individual’s shortcomings by choosing adventurers who possess skills the individual does not. Various other adventurers with unique skills become ‘close allies’, and with that, become ‘a party.’

To form “the best party”, below is a list of common roles one should keep in mind when considering party members. Not all parties will fill all roles. Some parties have many members, some will have overlapping roles, some are small, with just 2 members, etc, etc. Still, keep these in mind.

Front Tank
Off-tank (or second tank)
Ranger (Scout-hybrid)
Magic Damage Dealer (or “mage”)
Secondary Magic Damage Dealer (or “second mage”)
Skirmisher (or “melee damage dealer”)
Nuker (Damage dealer specializing in HEAVY damage, or mass-damage, otherwise called “Aoe damage”)

Other notable positions to consider.
Buffer or Debuffer
“Assassin” (specialized damage dealer for infiltration purposes)
Warrior (strong combat unit)
Barbarian (berserker-style combat unit)
Celebrity (a charismatic and gallant individual who can sweet-talk others for the party’s benefit)
Paladin (a defensive-styled role primarily focused on defense and/or healer abilities)
Hero (an all rounder that is notably strong and reliable and capable of surprisingly heroic feats)
Dark Mage (Magician specializing in darker magics)
Visionary (Specialized Astral agent with potent spiritual powers)

Sometimes parties become famous. People who form constant parties even give their party a name for this purpose.

3 Vertices System

Qi (Martial Path) - Magic (Magic Path) - Astral (Spirit Path)

It’s said there is a mild “rock-paper-scissors” with The Triad.
“The Triad” is another way of saying the 3 Vertices. It’s a colloquial term that people use informally.
It’s said Martial artists have an advantage over Mages and Mages have an advantage over Astral Agents, and Agents have an advantage over Martial artists.
To explain.

In a “fair” scenario..

Martial artists are said to beat mages because they can rush them down before mages can cast their spells. And strong forms of Qi can cut through some spells.
Mages are said to beat Agents because Magic transcends the spirit, and can even harm it.
Agents are said to beat Martial artists because the spirit trumps the self, and martial artists typically do not have a good way of dealing appropriate damage to the Astral.
However, there are always exceptions, and anyone can win against anyone. It always comes down to a matter of training, effort, talent, power, and skill.

Martial Path

Someone who trains in a physical form of combat. All those in this path will be referred to technically as "Martial artist", even if they aren't your typical "martial artist". So those who train in swordsmanship, axes, fisticuffs, even archery will all technically be "martial artists."
The power source of "Martial Techniques." Or physical techniques.
Qi is the life energy of people. Qi is what is used in Martial techniques. Qi will be amassed/gained/used by martial artists. Strong (high tier) martial arts require a lot of Qi. When martial artists run out of Qi they are close to dying, or at the very least, exhausted. People can still fight without using Qi, but those fights require just physical skill alone, and common sense of what is being used. IE: If a sword is used, then a sword will cut someone, if a rock is used, then a rock will bash, etc.

Quality of Qi
Sometimes called the 'standard of Qi', or the grade of one's Qi. Needless to say, higher quality of Qi leads to stronger techniques, and sturdier martial arts and a stronger body.

Beginner Force -- generic Qi energy that martial artists just begin manifesting
Power Force -- Qi energy that has become a bit firmer, and more vigorous, signifying a healthier martial artist
Genuine Force -- strengthened Qi that martial artists "realize" when they "find" or "realize" themselves
Illuminated Force -- nourished Qi that signifies a martial artist has begun to grasp the "way of the world beyond the self"
Spiritual Force -- an enlightened Qi that manifests when a martial artist transcends their 'humanity' and grasps the universe; not to be confused with "spiritual energy" of the Astral path, though quite similar

Variety of Qis
While "Qi" is what you'd expect to be normalized amongst all martial artists, in truth, it can manifest in a variety of ways.

Weapon Qi - Qi that coats/enshrouds/wraps around a weapon, like a sword.
Body-strengthening Qi - Qi that wraps around the body, or muscles, and enstrengthens them to make a person more physically tough or stronger.
Mental Qi - Qi that can reinforce a person's mind, allowing them better focus, or to resist or break out of mental attacks.
Telekinetic Qi - Rarest form of Qi that allows a person to control things at a distance, by sending one's Qi outwards, and having extreme precise control over that Qi.
Elemental Qis - Rare Qis that have taken on or 'morphed' into elemental effects due to several factors.
Example: Flaming Qi -- Qi that has ignited due to the user's fiery soul and heated passion for martial arts.​

A simple, yet also not, application of Qi.
Aura is simply Qi manifesting beyond the body. Aura can accomplish quite a few things, but I'll just simplify it here.
Aura can strengthen/empower weapons.
Aura will enshroud a martial artist, acting as sort of a shield/forcefield to protect against damage.
Aura can be used for superhuman feats, like running fast, leaping high, super-strong attacks that break rock, trees, armor, etc.
That's the gist of it, though there are many more applications of Aura that martial artists have discovered through the ages. A master of Aura is the true sign of a Martial artist.
Aura can manifest before Cores, but it is always wild Aura and unpredictable, and hardly worthy of note beyond being dangerous to normal people. One requires the First Core to properly make use of Aura.

Core System​

Martial artists must obtain "Cores." Cores are a person's inner energy (Qi) bonded together. Mashed together. Compressed. Compressed into a bright Core. (The level of brightness also signifies a Core's strength, which in turn, signifies how pure (or impure) one's Qi is. That is to say, a brighter Core, means stronger, firmer, more potent Qi.)
There are 3 Cores.

First Core
Central Core. Otherwise known as the Heart Core.
The Heart Core manifests when a Martial artist reaches a certain level of inner strength. The Heart Core helps steady a martial artist's physical self, helps steady their mind, and their heart in strenuous and intensive situations. The Heart Core helps with refining Qi. Otherwise known as "fine-lining" Qi.
Picture one's Qi as erratic. Or wild. The Heart Core helps settle down Qi, until it is smooth. Imagine Qi entering a heart -your heart- then coming out as a thin, fine thread. That is "fine-lining." Then that fine thread of Qi flows through the arms and into the weapon, for firmer, more precise strikes. Or into the legs, for firmer footing, or faster speed. Now, Qi isn't actually a fine-line, it fills the body, and in form of Aura, coats the body. But "fine-lining" is what martial artists imagine when they first begin to use their newly manifested Heart Core. Fine-lining is what is necessary for martial artists to use their Qi as best they can - to use it optimally.
Suboptimal use of Qi is erratic and wild Qi, and will exhaust a martial artist faster, as one expends Qi unnecessarily.
A Martial artist can't be said to be a true Martial artist or Qi user until they've compressed and acquired the Heart Core.

Second Core
Lower Core. Sometimes called the Gravity Core.
This CAN BE the second core obtained (and usually is).
It's located in the lower part of a person, and once obtained, a Martial artist gains new abilities that help solidify their learnings, teachings, techniques, and the power behind their attacks. If the Heart Core turns Qi into a fine thread. Then the Gravity Core weaves threads together, forming thicker Qi. Some even say they "forge" their Qi in the Gravity Core. Due to this, some say the Gravity Core is one's inner Forge.
A unique, beneficial side effect of this Core is that it helps with breeding. Resulting in stronger children, who are also more likely to develop strong Qi. This is why Knight families tend to produce more Knights.
Martial artists that gain a second core also are referred to as Martial Experts.

Third Core
Upper Core. Called the Crown Core.
This CAN BE the second core obtained.
Located in the cranium. (Side note: Astral Agents also form the Crown Core. It is what begins the Astral Path. Agents can obtain the Crown Core first, but are not considered Martial artists, though they can become martial artists.)
The Crown Core specifically helps a Martial artist in the mental. It connects the artist's Qi, mind, and spirit together. As well as strengthens one's mind. Allows martial artists to mentally overcome situations, and even allows them to manifest Qi in Thought Worlds or Illusions designed to deprive artists of Qi.
The strength of spirit (typically an Astral Path thing) is further used to increase a Martial artist's attacks and abilities through the Crown Core.
The Crown Core is why there is some overlap between the Martial Path and the Astral Path.
Once one gains all 3 Cores, that is when a Martial artist becomes known as a Martial Master.
Though even then, there are tiers of Martial Masters, due to how pure their Cores are, and how strong they are in raw techniques or skills.
Purity Sub-System
Martial artists rely on the Core System, but the Purity System is a sub-system of that.
Inside the body are all sorts of impurities. From physical impurities like bacteria, to spiritual impurities that plague the soul, or even curse oneself. And all sorts of other impure micro-"universes" that get in the way of a Martial artist's true enlightenment.
Simply Manifesting (or Compressing) a Core is not good enough.
Cores always possess impurities. Martial artists must constantly meditate to remove these impurities from their bodies. There could be thousands or even millions of them. Some Martial artists spend their whole lives detoxifying their Cores. However, if they succeed, a martial artist will feel a HUGE boost in power from a Pure Core.
The system is as follows.

Impure Core Stage 1
This is what a Core typically looks like right after it is manifested. Although it might appear bright and amazing, that is just what it seems like upon reaching one's initial state of enlightenment. In reality, the Core is riddled with impurities, and will appear Black/blackened/dark to others.

Impure Core Stage 2
The martial artist has spent a small amount of time meditating to remove impurities from their Core. Still mostly black, with faint spots of white shining through here or there.

Impure Core Stage 3
A lot of impurities have been removed, resulting in a light of white light shining through.

Impure Core Stage 4
Most of the impurities in this stage are gone.

Muddled Core Stage 1
After an Enlightenment after removing "all" the impurities from one's core, the martial artist realizes that is just the beginning step, a brand new layer of impurities has filtered into the Core to try to block it once more. Now the martial artist must "polish" their Core.

Muddled Core Stage 2
Partly "polished" Core. Further impurities have been wiped away.

Muddled Core Stage 3
Due to being better at removing impurities, the Core now has been polished extensively, and most of the impurities are gone.

Refined Core Stage 1
After an Enlightenment, the Core is now white. Impurities are expunged. Basic Pure Core. From here onward, aging is drastically slowed, and the body resists anything negative, like mental attacks, diseases, or poisons.

Refined Core Stage 2
Even so, a martial artist must never be satisfied with "just what is" and must seek further improvement! Now comes the "Refining stage". Refining means to Refine/Forge/Purify one's Qi. The Core now has a shine, and glows a bit brighter.

Final Refined Core
Requires an Enlightenment. Core now shines brilliantly after having been "Refined" thoroughly. Qi is pure and as strong as it can be (with noteworthy exceptions following below).

>Special Stages<
Otherwise known as the Color Sub-system
True Pure Core

A Bright White Core, free of all impurities. Refined to the limit. Bursting with transcendent Qi, yet gives off a soothing heat. These are the Cores of Peak Martial Masters.
(All cores from before fall under this stage -- otherwise called the "White Stage" of Cores.)

Blue Core
A True Pure Core, but.. Blue in color. Gives off a soothing misty feel. Requires unique Enlightenment to reach. Qi is very "smooth" and gentle, no wild Qi here. Not much is known about Blue Cores, but there must be some benefit, right? Speculated to have something to do with the Astral Path and Astral energy.

Golden Core
Requires Enlightenment to reach. Somehow one’s Qi has transcended and Refined to pure gold. Bathes those who witness it in a golden light that gives off a beautiful warmth. Radiant and Sublime Core. The peak-of-peak Martial Masters. Nay, when one manifests a Golden Core, one reaches the state of a Higher Being. Final Core.

Celestial Core
With one exception. It is unknown how to reach the Celestial Core. Only one in the history of the world has ever been said to do so. The SS tier Martial Master known as Constellation Boundless Form. A Higher Being. All 3 Cores merge together, and reveal an entire universe within.

Black Core
Not a part of the typical Core stages or ranking system. A Black Core, a fully Black Core, indicates something very very wrong. Whether unwilling or… worse, willingly. Black Cores are notoriously difficult to fix, if not outright impossible. Black Cores indicate a level of impurity that has befouled the core of a person. It may be impossible to come back from Blackening one’s Core.

Oddly, there have been reports of some martial artists who have “found success” with Black Cores. Some claim that impure Black Qi that permeates a Black Core has given them untold power…

Pure Red Core
Ironically named, as it is a fully developed Black Core. The Black Core radiates ominous Red Qi like an inverted sun. It is said an “Enlightenment” of an unholy nature is required to “transcend” to a Pure Red Core. The only individuals who are reported to have Pure Red Cores are demonic in nature. But they are also claimed to have possessed insurmountable strength. And may be a shortcut to the power a Gold Core possesses.

Aura Edge
The Aura Edge is the final form of Qi Aura. And is a mix of Qi and Astral/Spirit energy. It is used to clad one's weapon.
Martial Masters are those that have gained all 3 Cores.
But a Peak Martial Master is only someone who has mastered the Aura Edge.
The Aura Edge is the strongest and most feared technique of a Martial Master.
Whoever produces an Aura Edge makes everyone immediately respect them (and fear them).
Aura-clad weapons can happen as soon as the First Core
However, Aura Edge is Qi and Astral mixed together, so it is much stronger than typical Aura. By several times.
You can only be considered an S tier if you have acquired Aura Edge, if you have not, no matter how skilled you are, or how refined your Cores are, you wont be considered S tier.
World View
The pinnacle of Martial Arts. Qi that affects the world around the martial artist.

A martial artist's inner world or the way they envision their ideal world, and/or what it means to be said martial artist within themselves. All that combines together to form the martial artist's World View. Then at the pinnacle of martial arts, they're able to conceive the World View in the real world through their Qi, desire, hopes, and vision for the world.

The World View is a martial artist manifesting everything about themselves and changing the physical plain with it. The World View is a martial artist's equivalent to an astral agent's Prismatic Realm, only in the physical world, rather than a self-contained spiritual one.

It is a technique that only a grandmaster at the pinnacle of the martial path can do. That is because the World View is literally the martial artist attempting to rewrite the world in the way they imagine it to be.

World View is harder to 'conjure' than Prismatic Realm is for astral agents. World Views can be conjured on impulse, or by a 'spur of the moment' type of thing, or through intense situations. A martial artist capable of conjuring their World View on command is a truly frightening and powerful individual. It takes one to completely understand their inner self and accept their own world view. Not many can do that so willingly. In fact, some fight it, hindering their own progression of their World View.
Martial Arts Skill Scale
The abilities -or combat expertise- of a Martial Artist.
Is separate from a Martial Artist Rank because one can refine cores, but not necessarily train in combat skills, or vice-versa. Though they obviously overlap.
  • Colorless Realm -- The 'realm' before a martial artist has begun to have any noteworthy skills. Not even really mentioned. Martial artists aren't "martial artists" until they reach the Earth Realm
  • Early Earth Realm -- Beginner skills beyond the "colorless realm".
  • Earth Realm -- Trained martial artist. Has "Power Force" Qi.
  • Late Earth Realm -- Average martial artist skill.
  • Upper Earth Realm -- Ranked as "Martial Expert". Martial artist with 2 cores, with decently trained martial skill. Skills that would leave regular people "in awe."
  • Early Sky Realm -- Ranked as "Martial Master". Martial artist has a Refined core, with vigorous martial skill. Has "Genuine Force" Qi.
  • Sky Realm -- Ranked as "Typical Martial Master". Martial artist with 3 cores, with extreme martial skill. Regular people begin to struggle even perceiving the martial artists' skills.
  • Late Sky Realm -- Ranked "Peak Martial Master". Acute martial skills.
  • Upper Sky Realm -- Ranked "Upper Martial Master". Fierce and intense trained martial skills.
  • Early Nirvana Realm -- Ranked "Master of Zen". Has a True Pure Core. And has begun to reach "Illuminated Force" Qi. Excellent martial skill.
  • Nirvana Realm -- Ranked "Grandmaster". Has true "Illuminated Force" Qi. Supreme martial skill. Beyond average being perception.
  • Late Nirvana Realm -- "Distant" and "furthest" martial skill.
  • Upper Nirvana Realm -- Ranked "Typical Grandmaster". Equatable to "Disaster"-class monsters. Skills capable of taking out such a monster. Dazzling martial skill.
  • Early Eternal Realm -- Ranked "Supreme Grandmaster". Superior martial skill. Abilities are beyond above-average being perception and capability. Has "Spiritual Force" Qi.
  • Eternal Realm -- Ranked "Wise One". 3 Golden Cores. Ultimate martial skill.
  • Late Eternal Realm -- Techniques create and enliven the world. Transcendent skill.
  • Upper Eternal Realm -- Ranked "Constellation". Techniques transcend the world. Even base movements transcend common sense. Unperceivable, celestial skill.

  • Early Infernal Realm -- Unique realm of those with a Black Core, taking the place of "Nirvana Realm". "Illuminated Force" Qi becomes "Black (Illuminated) Force" Qi. Magnificent dark martial skill.
  • Infernal Realm -- Ruinous dark martial skill.
  • Late Infernal Realm -- Tragic dark martial skill.
  • Upper Infernal Realm -- Disastrous dark martial skill.
  • Early Eternal Damned Realm -- Unique realm of those with a Red Core, taking the place of the "Eternal Realm". Catastrophic dark martial skill. Has "Crimson Spiritual" Qi.
  • Eternal Damned Realm -- Techniques unravel the fabric of the world.
  • Late Eternal Damned Realm -- Transcendent dark skill.
  • Upper Eternal Damned Realm -- Cataclysmic dark martial skill.

Martial Artist Ranks​

Beginner Martial Artist
Literally a beginner martial artist. Someone who doesn’t even have a Core yet.
Adept Martial Artist
A martial artist that underwent training and manifested a Core.
Typical Martial Artist
A martial artist with a Muddled Core.
Martial Expert
A martial artist who has manifested two Cores.
Typical Martial Expert
A martial artist who has two Cores with one at least Muddled.
Martial Master
A martial artist that has begun a Refined Core.
Typical Martial Master
A martial artist with either a Refined Core and two Muddled Cores. Or Two Refined Cores.
Peak Martial Master
2 Final Refined Cores.
Upper Martial Master
3 Final Refined Cores.
Zenith Martial Master / Master of Zen
1 True Pure Core.
Must manifest a Golden Core to be designated a ‘Grandmaster’ of Martial arts.
Typical Grandmaster
1 Golden Core and a True Pure Core, or two Final Refined Cores.
Supreme Grandmaster / The Sensei
2 Golden Cores. On the cusp of achieving Higher Existence.
Final Grandmaster / Wise One
3 Golden Cores. A Higher Existence.
When a martial artist reaches this existence, they gain the title “Constellation” that’s more akin to a name. A supreme Higher Existence. Celestial Core. Nearly theoretical tier.

Magic Path

Magic is, as it suggests, magic. It comes in many forms. Manipulating the immaterial, the elements, creation, destruction, manipulating, conjuring, all sorts of things are possible and fall under the umbrella of “magic.”
Misc stuff
A word to distinguish places mages gather to live and study magic.

Magic often uses "mediums" to cast their magic. Mediums enhance spells, and make casting easier for the mage.
Mediums can include things like wands, staffs, scepters, crystal balls, books ("grimoires"), or items like amulets, gemstones, etc, etc.

Grimoires ("A Mage's Grimoire")
Often mages will write their own grimoire. These mages spend years and years, even decades, or ages, writing their grimoire. Within these grimoires are all of the spells the mage used and created. These "named grimoires" are extremely sought after, as they're treasure troves of magical knowledge from great mages and sages. They act as mediums for the various spells within, allowing those who possess the grimoires to cast magic created by the powerful mage writer of the grimoire.

Types of Mages
Mages, Wizards, Warlocks, Enchanters, Sorcerers, Magician, Witches are all just synonyms. Though they’re typically called “Mages”. But you’ll occasionally hear of Wizard so and so, or that Witch over there. Depends on who you talk to, and the individual. Though aesthetics differ, so whatever.

Necromancers are specifically those that use the necromancy school.
Enchanters specifically use Enchanting spells.
Summoners specifically like Summoning.
Elementalists focus mostly on elemental spells, often able to mix and weave many elemental spells.

These are just some of the types of mages out there.

Fields of Study

Like the magic of the same name. The study of undeath, and undead creatures is hot amongst some darker mages. This study typically produces monstrous results.
Spell Knowledge
A field of study that is simply learning everything about spells. Some spells are simple and easy to understand. Others not so much. This is an ever-expanding field, though. So mages that have come before have written many many books on the spells they’ve studied, making it easier for newcomer mages.

(There are other fields of study, will be added if necessary)
Mana Pool
The “energy source” for magic. The “mana pool” is literally a pool of liquid magic essence within one’s body. Those who have an aptitude for magic have at least some of this liquid magic essence within them. A mana pool can be transplanted into those that do not have any. But anyway, continuing on.

The Mana Pool interacts with the Magic Ring system in an interesting way.

You can think of the mana pool as a mage’s battery meter. And the more mana is pumped into a spell, the stronger that spell comes out.

Mana Empty
“Reaching 0 mana”, “depleting one’s mana”, etc. Statements like that.
When one runs out of mana they cannot use magic, and the mage will fall into an unconscious, or overly exhausted state.

Ring Spell
Actually, a mage CAN cast magic without mana. But it is a risky business. One can sacrifice the ring within them to cast their ring spell. Ring spells are very explosively powerful, but sacrificing a ring is obviously a negative, so it isn’t recommended.

Mana Overcharge
Sometimes, like through potions, or other spells, one’s mana may become “overcharged”. Overcharged mana is richer mana, and when used as fuel, results in stronger, more robust magical spells. Overcharge mana never lasts long, and sometimes has a negative of causing internal damage to a mage, though sometimes not.

Polluted or Corrupted Mana (Often called simply “Poisoned Mana”)
Sometimes the mana pool is polluted (or “poisoned”). When this happens, mages experience all sorts of symptoms, from pain, to being unable to move, to wild spells, or spells that do not do what the mage intended, etc, etc.

It isn’t recommended to use magic if one experiences poisoned mana. There are any number of ways mana can become poisoned. A mage may even do it unwittingly to themselves. Negative emotions, or traumatic experiences can cause a mage’s mana to pollute.

Purifying a mage’s mana can be tough, and is often an arduous process. It usually requires the aid of another high ring mage that knows how to help the filtration process. It is also often painful to purify.

Mana Shock or Mana Clash
Sometimes used interchangeably. Occurs when a mage attempts to forcibly cast spells of a higher tier than what a mage can currently cast. Example - a 3 ring mage can only usually cast 3 ring magic. However, if a 3 ring mage attempts to cast 4 ring magic, Mana Clash will occur.

Mana Clash is when too much mana is expended at once. The mage will then experience violent, thrashing pain. Although, typically, a mage can continue even after experiencing a mana clash.

Mana Shock is the same as mana clash, except when it fully depletes a mage’s mana pool. That’s when the “Mana Shock” happens. The pain is unbearable and will knock out the mage. Mana shock can damage a mage inwardly, or worse, damage their Mana Pool.

Mana Rebound
When a spell fails. Or failed to be cast correctly. Mana Rebound happens. It’s when a mage’s mana “rebounds” into them. After leaving a mage, or being written in a spell, this mana has become polluted by outside impurities. So when it rebounds into the mage, it causes indescribable damage and pain. Can even obstruct further magic usage until the infected mana is expelled.

Magic Ring System​

Magic “rings” are magical formulas “carved” or “written” within one’s self.
To write them, one must understand arcane symbols, formulaic spell connotation, and how other, similar spell fibers interact with one another to allow magic to happen.
Understanding these various concepts and how to weave them together is what “Mages” dedicate their entire lives to. It can take years and years.
Furthermore, each further magic ring one writes is harder and more complicated than the last. That is why there are so many 1 Ring and 2 Ring mages out there, even amongst people who do not call themselves “mages.” Beyond that.. It can be extremely arduous for someone to understand magic enough to write more rings. And even harder to even do so. Messing up as one “writes” the ring, means one has to start over again.

That is why most mages write rings over a very long time. Rather than choose speed, they choose precision. Making a mistake can result in a False Ring or Broken Ring… Which leads to catastrophic effects when attempting to use magic with those formulas.

Each subsequent ring a mage acquires allows for Higher Tier spells. And allows Empowerment of Lower Tier spells below the current ring. Crafting spells also becomes possible with more rings. Since spells with higher ring counts become more and more complex. Complexity leads to innovation and more unique spells. This is why mages dedicate themselves to carving more rings within themselves.

Non-Ring Mage
Or zero ring mage. Not even someone you could call a “mage.” People who practice magic at the most basic level, using either their Mana Pool within themselves. Or by forcibly drawing mana in from their surroundings. Zero ring mages cannot possibly use Higher tier spells, or complex spells.

The people who use zero ring magic are the beginner of beginners. Or are regular folk who use pedestrian magic to help their lives. Such as a simple spell to sweep the floor, or to telekinetically move dishes around. Etc, etc.

1 Ring Mage
A beginner Mage. Mages rejoice when they write their first ring. This is where training to learn and use magic really begins! Access to 1 Ring spells.

2 Ring Mage
A novice mage. Mages with 2 rings have access to 2 Ring spells. With some difficulty, begins to grasp a second School of magic.

3 Ring Mage
Intermediate mage. Mages with 3 rings have access to 3 Ring spells. Around here is when they start to learn Mix-Weaving. Or a second School of Magic. Or Twisting spells.

4 Ring Mage
Advanced mage. Mages with 4 rings have access to 4 Ring spells. Around here is where they begin to get a grasp of their second School of Magic. Also where mages begin to learn how to Craft Spells Together. In other words, create one’s own brand new spells, due to the complexity of spells. Though it requires a bit of imagination.

5 Ring Mage
Otherwise known as a Penta Mage, as the rings are in a pentagram formation. This is where most mages hit a wall. They either cannot become a 5 Ring mage, or if they do, cannot ascend to a 6 ring mage.
A penta mage is what most people think of when they think of “a strong mage.” Penta mages tend to find work in Magic Units in the military. Or in the Holy Kingdom. Or they go on to study in Spires. While penta mages are what most consider “strong,” they’re actually about average in strength for a magic user. They don’t even compare to those above them.

Grasping a third School of Magic.

6 Ring Mage
Requires Enlightenment with magic. Otherwise known as a Hexa Mage. A Hexa mage’s rings are in a hexagram formation, which other than the sphere, is said to be the second strongest formation for magic formula. In other words, 6 Ring spells are written in a hexagram formation and are much stronger for it. So strong, they’re said to be able to overpower 7 Ring spells in some cases. It's why 7 ring mages aren’t viewed that much more favorably than 6 ring mages, and are considered the pinnacle for mages. Another above a 6 ring mage is reaching into Higher existence territory that most mortal men dare not reach or even consider.

Grasping a fourth and even fifth School of magic.

7 Ring Mage
Has discovered the Organ Ring magic, as it is a 7 ring spell. Which is an advanced magic for supreme magicians.

Organ Ring magic essentially combines a mage’s vital organs with their rings. Their heart, their brain, their lungs, etc. Are now magically melded with their rings. Their rings become their vital organs. In other words, “mortal wounds” that would kill other people no longer work against these mages. It would require something extremely damaging to pierce an Organ-ring.

Despite learning the magic, it is rare for a 7 Ring Mage to have any Organ-rings. 7 ring mages spend all their time writing the 8th ring, and understanding Organ Ring magic.

Grasps a 6th and 7th School of magic.

8 Ring Mage
By now, the mage has a few Organ-Rings. The ultimate goal is for all of their rings to become vital organs.
(Sounds bad on paper, but is actually good. Imagine having like 8 hearts instead of one. That’s what it is.)
8 Ring magic is now called Magnificent.

Grasps up to 10 Schools of magic.

9 Ring Mage
Has discovered the power of “Interlocking”, also known as “Interlocking Rings.” Interlocking Rings is an advanced form of Ring writing. Essentially, a mage writes their rings interlocking. When interlocked, a mage’s spell power is exponentially increased. That means, a spell made with interlocked rings outpower spells not made with interlocked rings. It is strictly superior. The rings of a 9 ring mage must be interlocked. It both happens naturally to someone who ascends to this Greater Existence, and is the only way a 9 ring mage can truly call themselves a 9 ring mage.

Interlocked rings are only the beginning.. It actually leads to something grander…

10 Ring Mage
The Endless Ring. The Endless Pool. A 1 in billion talent. A genius of geniuses that doesn’t come around in this era of humanity but once in half a million years. The rings have all merged into one. But at the same time, are now endless. When one looks deep into this endless ring, countless other rings are seen swarming, spinning, drifting in the endless pool within the ring. Hence the name. Mana also seems to cease being relevant when a mage ascends to a “10 ring” mage.

And yes, the 10th ring. Or the Endless Ring is the vital organ of this mage. Meaning they are nigh unkillable. A supreme Higher Existence.

Has access to fabled Primal Magic. A spell tier above Magnificent. Fully grasps basically all Schools and concepts of magic.
Extra Ring Stuff
Ghost Rings
Sometimes, through sheer talent and magical affinity, a mage may develop what are known as “Ghost Rings”. They essentially develop these rings entirely by accident and without even realizing it.

Ghost Rings are just that. They’re a Magical ring within the mage that is either hidden or obscured, hence “ghost.”

Ghost rings do what every other ring does, they grant magic power equal to if a mage has another ring. However they are basically unfinished, and need to be fully “written.” But when they are, they’re essentially written all at once, when a mage realizes they possess one.

So even though a 3 ring mage is (usually) outright stronger than a 2 ring mage.
A 2 ring 1 Ghost ring mage would be as strong (or nearly so) as a 3 ring mage. And be able to fight on par with them.

That is how most Ghost ring mages are found out. If a low ring mage is seen fighting on par with a high ring mage, they are speculated to be a Ghost ring mage. Ghost ring mages always experience explosive growth because sometimes they have multiple ghost rings without even realizing it.

Ghost rings are essentially “willed” into existence, rather than forcibly written. However, they must still be forcibly written to be finalized. Once so, they provide all the benefits rings do, since the mage will then realize they have another ring. For while ghost rings provide the same power, since a mage does not possess them, they wouldn’t normally use everything at their disposal, like higher tier spells, or higher techniques like Spell Empowerment, even if they could.

Broken or Shattered Rings
Occasionally a mage’s rings will crack, crumble, break, or shatter entirely. When this occurs, the mage experiences untold pain equal to the severity of the problem. Simple cracks happen often and are ‘easily’ repairable -meaning mages must constantly scrutinize their rings, and repair any potential damage immediately. Lest the damage worsen. Cracked rings are dangerous to a mage. Casting magic with broken rings could cause even more damage to occur. Or worse, could cause catastrophic spells or mana rebound. Any number of terrible effects can happen if attempting to cast magic with broken rings.

And the more a ring is damaged, the harder it is to repair. Sometimes it requires higher tier mages to aid in helping repair a ring’s structure. (Think a “magic doctor” performing ‘surgery’ on another’s rings.)

Shattering rings (or Shattered rings) are something else entirely with their level of severity. Sometimes spells or strenuous combat can shatter a mage’s ring or rings, especially if the mage has been negligent in ring upkeep. This will always cause unimaginable pain to a mage, and should result in fainting. It shouldn’t kill a mage, but it will leave a mage effectively “crippled”. Mages spend years writing their rings, if one shatters then that mage will fall back a tier in power. And that ring can never be recovered. The mage -if the survive whatever ordeal caused the shattering- will have to write a brand new ring. And it cannot be the same, even if they’ve completely memorized the other ring. Once a ring is gone, its gone for good. Some mages recover, managing to write a new ring. But many do not. This is why they’re called “crippled mages.”

Most rings shatter one at a time. So there isn’t TOO MUCH to worry about if it should ever occur. Naturally a mage will become extremely aware of their rings after one shatters. And no mage ever wants their rings to shatter.

However.. There have been reports through the ages of mages shattering multiple rings at once. What could cause such devastating damage?

Unique Ring Formations

Wild Rings
A “Formation” of one’s rings that allows the rings to freely cascade and bounce around in the body. While a rings’ formation typically has a purpose, sometimes a mage may not like adhering to old fashion traditions. Wild Rings is a unique way to gain further, immediate power. The way this works is the wild way the rings move super-charge one’s magic with frenetic and kinetic magic.

Wild Rings tend to either kill a mage’s progression since writing mages in such a hectic body becomes harder with more rings. Or a mage completely rewrites their formation, leaving behind the Wild Rings, so they can ascend to higher ring counts.

Crashing Rings
A “cheat” of a formation if there ever was one. Crashing Rings is Wild Rings cranked up to an 11. Whereas Wild Rings are somewhat manageable. Crashing Rings completely forgoes further growth for immediate power. The written rings within oneself violently bounce around and “crash” into one another. These crashes are Points of Raw Magic Energy.

Casting spells at these exact moments creates explosively powerful spells. Crashing Rings are so notorious that these people who write these rings are specifically called Crashing Mages.

Crashing rings are the hardest to rewrite, as the constant crashing and spell casting irreparably damages the rings. There are two fixes. One, erase, and completely start over one’s rings from scratch. Or find a potent mage to help fix the damage to one’s rings. This is an extremely painful process akin to surgery without anesthesia, but is faster.

Symmetrical Formations
Unique symmetrical formations of rings. Symmetry is highly prized in magic. For while magic itself can do practically anything. Symmetry is the basis for understanding spell formulae. Symmetrical formations enhance the effectiveness of spells. Or make spell casting much easier. Comes with a slight loss in power though, but simplifies spells so more spells can be cast with one’s mana pool. Some consider the trade offs worth it.

Spherical Formation
The best formation bar none. It is commonly known that the ring is what is best for magic. And what is a sphere but just many rings combined? A sphere is essentially a ring in 3D. A ring fully realized. Spherical formation makes the strongest, most robust spells. The only issue is that writing rings in a spherical formation is so much harder than regular ring-writing. It is a colossally harder endeavor that not many attempt it. Plus, it is unclear how to do “Interlocking” rings with Spherical formation. Some consider Spherical formation as Interlocking rings already, hence why it’s so powerful. Others think the two are incompatible, thus making spherical basically a dead formation if one ever aspires to Interlock one’s rings.

Interlocking Rings
The pinnacle of ring formation, usually only discovered by 9th ring mages. However, it is technically possible as soon as 2 rings. However, discovering this way of writing rings isn’t easy for common mages. And even if they did, it is much harder to write interlocked rings, especially for inexperienced mages.

As mentioned before, interlocked rings increase the potency and power of spells by an exponential degree, making interlocked rings the best formation. The reason for this is simple. It’s the exact reason why Crashing rings are so strong. When interlocked rings pull firmly against one another, the friction there causes a Point of Raw Magic Energy. This is why interlocked rings are so tough. Writing interlocked rings isn’t that hard. But writing interlocked rings that brush up against each other, and scrape up just against one another in such a way to cause a constant Point of Raw Magic Energy. Now that is extremely hard to write without failing, or worse, damaging one’s rings.

Interlocked rings are also really strong because as they're "interlocked", they function as "one ring", or "one path" for the spell to travel before it is released. That is to say, one spell passes through all written ring formulae, empowering the spell. This is why interlocked rings are stronger than just touching rings.

This is why Interlocking is usually done by 9th ring mages (or at least semi-high ring mages). Because at that level, they’ve inherently learned how to better control the writing process. And writing rings becomes second nature to them.

Mage Techniques​

Simple, yet not so simple when learning. Casting is what all mages do. They must “Cast” a spell in order to make magic. It is deceptively simple, but it is what everyone does. Mages master this to get stronger.

Name Casting
The easiest way to cast, and the way most mages default to. However, since it is so easy, it is used as “shorthand” for casting for a mage. Due to this, spells cast in this fashion tend to lack in quality and be on the weaker side, or lacking in magic power, or “omph”. Still, it is the most efficient way to cast.

Example: Shouting “Fireball!” will release the basic spell of Fireball.

Silent Casting
The hardest way to cast. Magic that is cast without any verbal words spoken. In order to cast the spell, a mage must know everything about the spell. Since Spell Knowledge is a tough field, which mages study all their lives.

Silent casting is indicative of a higher tier mage, even if they have lower rings.

Casting multiple spells at once. Which is seen as “impossible” (though it is obviously known). As spells are meant to be focused on to be casted with efficiency, being able to cast multiple spells at once signifies a very potent and dangerous magician. Multi-casting comes in all other casting forms, as well.

Chant Casting
Some higher tier spells or more complex spells require a unique chant to be able to finalize and manifest the spell. Chant casting is typically indicative of a potent spell that's about to come. The problem is, since specific chants are usually known, the mages around may know what spell is coming and prepare accordingly. It is also far slower than other forms of casting.

Chain Casting
Most spells have “mana falloff”. Or they leak mana. This is inefficient use of mana. Therefore Chain casting was developed. It is where a mage casts spell after spell after spell in quick succession. Think machine-gunning spells. These spells use the “mana falloff” as fuel, essentially making efficient use of mana to cast spells.

Many spells flung out like that can cause issues for opponents. So the benefits of chain casting are obvious. However, chain casting can be tough, and quickly exhaust a mage. And sometimes focused precision and deliberately cast spells are more useful than random, haphazard spells.

Mana-Efficient Casting
Or “being mana efficient”. Mages over time learn how to control their mana usage. They begin to learn how to not use too much mana with their spells, and only use the appropriate amount of mana for whatever spell they’re casting. Becoming mana efficient makes a mage better and stronger. Mana efficiency leads to more spells of better quality.

Or Spell Empowerment. Another ‘simple’, yet effective, technique. While mages cannot form spells above their ring tier, they have learned a way to compensate for lesser power spells. And that is Empowerment.

Fortifying spells with more mana will increase the overall output and effectiveness of a spell. That’s Empowerment. However, it requires using more mana for a single spell, thus depleting one’s mana pool quicker, so it is not a good option for long-term fights.

Double-Cast, or otherwise called Overcharged or Overcast Spells
Similar to Empowerment and “Mana Overcharge”. Double-casting is essentially casting the same spell multiple times (despite being called DOUBLE-cast) on top of itself. This overlays spells on one another, compressing them into a much more volatile, yet robust version of the spell. The spell will then have explosive power, and look like it is “Overcharged”, hence the name.

Example: Regular “Fireball” - Shoots out a fireball.
Double-cast “Fireball” - Quickly combines multiple Fireballs, then fires them out as one together. Causing much more damage.

Mana Manipulation
A higher technique for studied and elite mages. The mage is capable of manipulating their mana perfectly. And even capable of manipulating other sources of mana. Can even manipulate another’s mana, to a certain degree – which depends on the rank of the mage attempting to manipulate mana.

Mana Attack
The technique of a mage to attack another’s mana. Using one’s mana, they forcibly infect another’s mana. This can restrict spell casting, or magic usage. It can cause as much discomfort or pain the attacker wishes (depending on each mage’s skill level). Mage’s can force out the intrusive mana if they are skilled enough.

Many people have studied magic a long long long time. So most spells are more or less hashed out at this point. Mix-Weaving is a type of spellcasting that circumvents stagnant spells. Essentially a way to cheat to “hand craft” new spells on the fly. Requires quite a bit of knowledge on magic and the spells used.

Example: Instead of Wind Arrow shooting an arrow of Wind. And Ice Blade, creating a blade made of ice.

Mix-Weaving makes Wind Ice Blade. Or Ice Blade Arrow. (Similar ideas). Now the Ice blade is shot out with the wind backing it. Essentially turning Ice Blade into a projectile, and maybe even giving it a bit of wind element.

That is Mix-Weaving.

Twisting Spells
Similar to Mix-Weaving. A way to “cheat” unique spells. Except in a much more chaotic manner. A mage essentially stops caring about fine-tuned magic from countless mages before them, and instead just freely casts spells in a wanton fashion. Often not even bothering to fully finalize spells. Twisting spells or “Twisted spells” fly out, with unknown effects, and unknown power. Twisted spells can catch a foe off guard and cause enough havoc to turn a fight around, but are not recommended for the unpredictability of the casual, unrefined magic.

Beyond this point, Twisting spells’ effectiveness gradually depletes as higher tier magic grows in power to compensate.

Crafting Spells
While not a form of spell-casting itself. Crafting spells is the endgame of Mix-weaving and Twisting Spells. Crafting spells is a way for a mage to form their own unique identity. A mage eventually learns how to write their own magic. That is what ‘crafted spells’ are. New, unique spells specifically crafted by an individual. These spells are incorporated into the mage’s combat style. Which in turn, becomes their identity as a mage. Mages gain titles based on their own unique magic that they show off.

Spell Quality/Spell Strength​

Hard to quantify on paper. But essentially “how powerful” a spell is.
Many things can influence a spell’s strength, but at base, most spells have their “normal setting”.

Beginner spell
Simple spell that even non-ring mages can do. Requires nothing special to manage beyond a pitiful amount of mana.
Firm spell
A spell that mages have “firmly” made. Example: If Fireball is cast without being firm, it would evaporate doing nothing. A “firm” Fireball would at least strike with force, heat, and burn.
Strong spell
To go along with the above example. A “strong” Fireball would explode, throwing flames everywhere and causing significant damage at the place of initial impact.
Supreme spell

A “supreme” Fireball would cause an explosion of such significance, that it would eradicate the place of initial impact and its flames would swirl and churn, burning a great deal more before they went out, if they even did without someone putting them out.

Supreme spells are spells of incomparable strength. Or they have incomparable effects. “Supreme” spells are also called such, if they are an especially noteworthy magic that mages either always use, or should use to simply make themselves stronger.

Magic Ranks/Spell Tier​

Beginner magic
Literally called the same as its type of spell.
Normal magic
Magic that is of everyday use, or a fairly normal combat scenario. “Fireball” would be normal magic. Even if you cast a “supreme” Fireball, it would still be considered normal magic, as Fireball is a basic spell.
Robust magic
Magic of a more robust nature. Tends to be harder to cast. And/or have a more unique effect beyond one simple thing.
High magic
Quite complex magic that most would be in awe of. Creates wild effects, often that most cannot imagine.
Grand magic
Extremely complex magic. Huge-scale spells that would leave anyone in awe. The spells’ effects are devastating and incredible. Requires a lot of mana to use.
Arch magic
Only castable by archmages and above. Magic more wondrous than Grand magic. Often its effects are unimaginable. These spells basically require study from ancient texts, or are taught by Archmage or Sage mentors.
Magnificent magic
Magic so grand and so beautiful that it inspires awe in all who see it. Its majesty is seldom believed, even when witnessing it.
Primal magic
A theoretical tier of magic. Magic that is capable of rewriting the laws of the world. As the world was once created by this magic at the beginning of time.

Schools of Magic​

Mages tend to choose and gravitate to specific schools of magic. By the time they become a 5 ring mage, they may have a grasp of 3 schools of magic, as just an example. Schools often bleed into one another to produce the desired effect.
Spells that focus on harmful forces.
Spells that focus on creating and growing.
Spells that manipulate something, including the world around.
Spells that make something seemingly from nothing. (Basically raw magic energy) Example: “Magic Missiles”
Spells that “find” something out of seemingly nothing/nowhere. Example: Conjuring a weapon.
Spells that call forth something. Example: A monster out of seemingly nowhere. Or a person, after summoning them from far away. Two subschools exist within this school.

Calling magic: Which calls monsters, creatures, and similar things forth.
Teleportation: Uses various spells to teleport either the user, another, or a mix of people, in a variety of ways and distances.
Spells that project something from the caster. Has two subschools.

Protection: Magic that summons or projects various magical barriers. **See below
Illusion: Spells that cast illusions or phantasms.
Spells that transmute or alter things.
Magic that reveals things. 2 subschools.

Identification: Spells that magically detect or identify things that are hidden.
Prediction: Spells inducing clairvoyance or similar effects. Reading minds.
Spells that magically graft mystic effects to improve or effect something else. Has 2 subschools.

Item Enchanting: Magic that improves items like equipment, weapons, buildings, potions, etc, etc.
Mind Enchanting: Magic that influences the mind of others. Such as inflicting compulsions or charms on another. Or worse, mental attacks.
Similar to Barriers. Magically seals things away. Seals can vary in effectiveness, use, and potency, with some being obvious. And others are time based. Or requiring a magical key. Etc.
Spells that have restorative effects. Or influence the body in a positive way.
A vile school that involves undeath and manipulating it.

**Protection is a unique school of magic.
Most mages learn various personal magical barriers to protect themselves. The level of protection barriers vary from mage to mage, though.
Most mages learn a mix of Illusion magic with other mental magics in order to protect and obscure their mind and consciousness from invasive magic, or Astral Agents.

Elemental Magic
Sort of considered another school of magic, but is more or less its own unique magic. Or, if you want to be pedantic, one of the easiest forms of magic to use.

Most magicians employ some form of elemental magic to fight. Its essentially a magician’s shorthand to fight with magic. Well anyway, what are the elemental types?

Fire magic, Water magic (which includes ice magic), Plant (and Wood) magic, Earth magic, Wind magic, Dark magic, and Light magic.

Pretty standard stuff, right?

Remarkable and Noteworthy Spells​

Ring Writing/Carving Spell
A spell that all mages learn at their earliest possible convenience. Required for a mage to write rings of “magic code” within themselves to progress their magic and achieve higher tier spells. Despite its relative simplicity, considered a supreme magic as it is literally what makes a mage. Magic ascended after it was discovered way in the past by a genius mage. There is no mage alive that does not use Ring Writing magic.

Organ Ring magic
A 7 ring spell. Which is an advanced magic for supreme magicians.

Organ Ring magic essentially combines a mage’s vital organs with their rings. Their heart, their brain, their lungs, etc. Are now magically melded with their rings. Their rings become their vital organs. In other words, “mortal wounds” that would kill other people no longer work against these mages. It would require something extremely damaging to pierce an Organ-ring.

Organ Ring magic is what makes high tier mages, witches, and warlocks much much much harder to kill. This magic is a supreme magic because it helps with a mage’s longevity. As well as, helps cover their weakness.

Mages tend to have low defenses (outside of magical defenses). But with this spell, that is no longer the case. A mage could be riddled with spears. But so long as that's just physical damage, it won’t deal any significant damage to a mage with even one Organ-ring. As physical damage alone does no damage to a mage’s rings, which are a part of one’s soul. Organ-rings do one better. They essentially get tossed into a deep, dark, endless cavern of a mage’s soul. The mage says, “You want to hurt me? There. Go ahead. Go find my ring, and damage it. See if you even can.”

Organ Ring magic is a supreme magic, and is basically a prerequisite for achieving the 8th ring.

Mage Ranks​

Novice Mage
A beginner mage. Has 1 to 2 rings. Mostly uses Name casting. Never fielded.
Intermediate Mage
Mage that has studied magic somewhat. Has 2 to 3 rings. Mostly uses Name casting, but may incorporate low-tier Chant casted spells. Below fodder mages, not really worth fielding in war-like scenarios except if lacking in manpower or for raw numbers alone.
Elite Mage
Studied mage. Incorporates various spells in combat to throw off opponents. Capable of some silent casting, but will fall back on Name casting. Understands 1 or 2 Mage Techniques. Has 3 or 4 rings. Or 2 rings and a Ghost ring. Fodder mages.
High Mage
4-5 rings. Or 3-4 rings and a couple Ghost rings. Capable of casting 4-5 ring spells or “High magic.” Fully grasps a couple Mage Techniques. Uses Mana-efficient casting for all tiers of magic below their ring count. Strong Mana manipulation. Typically mages of this rank are squadron leaders, or Head Mages of places with a lot of mages.
5 rings. Capable of casting “Grand magic” which are always 5 ring spells. Fully grasps several Mage Techniques. Uses Mana-efficient casting for all tiers of magic below their ring count. Uses exclusively Silent casting (except for dramatic flair). Very strong mana manipulation.

Mages of this rank are so noteworthy, they’re in positions of leadership, and lead groups of High mages behind the scenes.

People wish to study under Grandmages. Grandmages craft unique spells that every mage wants to learn.
6 rings. Can cast Archmagic. Not all Archmagic is a 6 ring spell, though most are. Archmagic are extremely powerful magics, even those of lower tier/ring. Pretty much fully understands all Mage Techniques. Always uses efficient-casting. Except for when the mage attempts to cast higher-tier magic.

Archmages tend to attempt to cast higher-tier magic, even when it is considered impossible, or at the very least, dangerous. Archmages make a name for doing this, and for pushing their limits. Only when Archmages break their limits do they transcend to Sage. Most archmages spend all their time trying to reach Sage rank.

Archmages are very used to Mana Clash and Mana Rebound.
7 Rings. Has finally “Transcended”. The archmage's efforts have been rewarded. Things like Mana Clash or Mana Rebound rarely occur. And if they do, don’t bother Sage’s too much. Infectious mana is easily dispelled. Has full control over mana. Can easily cast many Grand and Arch spells. Most spells are “Empowered” by default. Fully understands all Mage Techniques, and fully grasps many Schools of Magic.

“Sages” are people that others believe to be wise beings. Sages are very sought after. To learn from them, or to at least hear their teachings. A Sage may not be the direct leader of a Spire, but they’re more akin to wise advisors. A Sage’s word is so respected, that most listen to what they have to say, even stronger existences in other Vertices.
8 Rings. There are basically no faults with this ‘mage’. And no weaknesses to exploit. If one could find a fault, maybe they are still lacking in some Schools of Magics. They’re usually Sages that have been around awhile. A notable characteristic of Grandsages is their slowed aging. Some are even youthful, having gained youth back using magic.

Capable of using Magnificent magic, which is higher tier 8 ring magic.
Elite Archmage
8 Ring mage with some amount of Organ-rings. Has dedicated oneself to not just grasping a School of Magic, but completely mastering it. Actually, most Elite Archmages have fully mastered several Schools of Magic, and easily interweave their spells together as effortlessly as breathing. Approaching a Higher Existence.
Supreme Sage
A 9 ring mage. Understands all Schools of Magic, and all Mage techniques. Incapable of Primal magic, due to lacking the Endless Pool. But spells are at max-output due to 9 Interlocking Rings. A Higher Existence.
Premiere Magus
A 10 ring mage. Understands all Schools of Magic, and all Mage techniques. Capable of Primal magic, and silent casting Higher ring spells up to Magnificent magic. Has completely overcome aging. A supreme Higher Existence.
Astral Path
The Astral Path is unique amongst the Vertices. It is easily the hardest path, and the path the least amount follow or tread upon. So much so, that most who do, are considered born geniuses.

The Astral Path focuses on one’s spirit, spiritual energies, and other similar spiritual presences in the world, and universe.

This is why it’s the least tread upon. Because sensing spiritual presences is hard for people. And increasing one’s spiritual presence, and then making use of that energy is extremely hard.

Both mages and Martial artists (more so) tend to use some form of spiritual energy, so they do tend to touch upon the Astral Path. But rarely do they go all that far. Martial artists tend to tread the Astral path a bit farther than mages, causing a bit of overlap in the triangle. However, they are nearly opposites when it comes down to it. Martial artists use Qi. An energy from within. However that energy is PHYSICAL. It comes from a physical state of one’s being, of one’s body.

The Astral Path is the exact opposite. Its power originates in the SPIRIT. Or the SPIRITUAL energy of someone. In other words, the power comes from one’s soul, which is immaterial. Still, spiritual energy often bleeds out from one’s self, empowering martial masters even further than their martial artist counterparts. But that’s not important to the Astral Path.

Those that tread the Astral Path and primarily focus on using or bolstering their spiritual energy are sometimes called spiritualists, or other things like monks, or fortune tellers, or other similar things.

The official name of one who walks the Astral Path, however, is an Astral Agent. (Simply referred to as ‘Agent’ from here on.)

A common misconception is that Agents use mental power, or mental powers, or “powers of the mind”. Like, mind reading, or telekinesis. Or other similar powers that mimic those.

While it is true, a lot of Agents can make use of various similar-looking abilities, it is from a spiritual side, not a mental one. That is to say, they use their spiritual energy to manipulate things, not their mind, or magic. However, a strong mind does help agents. So that may be where this misconception comes from. It takes a very strong mind -or consciousness- in order to freely manipulate the spirit, or other spirits. So a good number of different mental training techniques are encouraged for Agents.
Spiritual Energy
Or spirit power, or simplified to just “spirit”, is the energy source of Astral techniques. Unlike a mana pool, or Qi, spiritual energy is very “deep” so to speak. The power of a soul is very pronounced, much more so than anything physical. That said, spiritual techniques can barely affect the real world, so it requires extensive training for Agents to do so with their techniques. But it also makes spiritual techniques amongst the most troublesome to deal with when they do affect the real world.

All living things possess a soul. Even animals and monsters. Though, animals have lesser souls. And monsters have “Monster souls”, which can have their own differences in Soul Density.

The strength of a soul depends on the entity that possesses it. Humans, for reference, do possess a decently strong soul, but “Regular people” never really notice the strength of their soul. Or you could say, regular people possess weak physical bodies and weak mental states. So the strength of their soul doesn’t matter much in catastrophic scenarios. Even so, the power of a soul can do miraculous things. The will of a soul can even circumvent death. But moving on.

Soul Density
The inherent “depth” or “power” of a soul.

Spirit Quality
The quality of one’s spirit. A “high quality” spirit results in stronger spiritual energy, which results in stronger Astral techniques. Lesser quality spirits, results in weaker astral techniques. Simple.

Star Brightness
Dull Star - Semi-bright Star - Polished Star - Shining Star
Equally simple. Brighter the shine of one’s stars, results in better refinement of spiritual energy, which results in better Astral techniques. Another way to achieve stronger astral abilities.

Everything is accumulative, too. So a high quality spirit, with Shining Stars results in stronger abilities.

Although not as hard as polishing cores, polishing one’s stars is still favorable. So Agents endeavor to do so. It isn’t as hard because polishing cores is a physical thing. But polishing stars is a spiritual thing, and spiritual energy becomes easier to manage for agents.

Quick Spirit Power

A technique used to gain quick spiritual power. There are two available “Severings” to each agent.

The First Severing.
Requires the agent to literally “cut away” something from their life. And it has to be something important. Once one does this, forever severing themselves from that, they gain an immediate power boost within their soul. For freeing themselves of something earthly has allowed their soul to become something greater.
Example: Cutting away one’s “beloved” means the agent will no longer find or feel love towards their fated beloved. And for that sacrifice, their spirit gains power. (That’s just an example though, other things can be severed)

The Second Severing.
Requires another sacrifice. This time the sacrifice must be bigger than the previous. With the Second Severing, the agent basically forces an Enlightenment. This is called the Severed Enlightenment. This grants much more power than the First Severing, because it literally creates a Star, forcibly raising an agent’s rank.

Star System​

The Astral Path uses the Star System to increase spiritual energy.

First and foremost, similarly to the Martial Path, the Astral Path manifests the Crown Core. Though, Agents manifest it first. This is where the term ‘genius’ or “spiritual genius” comes from. If someone manifests a Crown Core out of nowhere, then it is a clear sign of an Astral Agent. Spontaneously acquiring the Crown Core is one way of beginning the Astral Path. As a genius, it is the ‘natural way’ of beginning the path.

The other path is exactly the opposite. The other way of beginning the Astral path requires an Astral master who can guide one to obtaining the Crown Core.

Regardless, obtaining the Crown Core is what begins an Astral agent’s path.

Once that happens, Agents must obtain "Stars" within them. (Though they’re called stars, they’re more like diamonds.)

The stars are "visual" representations of how powerful one's soul has become. Currently the best way of obtaining Stars is through meditation of some sort. There are various forms of meditation or "soul-growing" or "spirit-amassing" techniques out there. But the Astral Path is the most difficult path and least understood, except by what are called Shooting Stars (or Astral masters).

One must obtain a Star to first begin towards becoming an Astral user or Astral Agent. While the Crown Core helps, it only helps an Astral user know how to best incorporate their Astral abilities into their physical self or in a more physical sense. Or how to “translate” Astral abilities into the real world.

Stars are what Astral users seek. The more Stars one acquires, the stronger one's soul can be and is. Stars are acquired by Enlightenment, then convalescing that Enlightenment down into an "ingot" inside one's body. This ingot of convalesced spirit energy is a Star.

It appears there is no limit to the number of Stars one can acquire. However, most do not acquire very many, because the Astral path is not only the toughest path. But acquiring Stars is also the hardest, and each one requires Enlightenment.
1 Star
The First Enlightenment is easy enough. Should happen not long after acquiring the Crown Core. The 1st Star tends to always be hastily acquired due to a bit of impatience from the Agent. Impatience is a negative towards the spirit. It is a trait that will disappear from an Agent the more they stick with the Astral path, and the more Stars they obtain.

The 1st Star allows an Agent to manifest their spiritual energy in the real world. It is sometimes conflated with a martial artist’s “Aura”, as indeed, it does look, and act similar. However, it is more specifically Essence. Or “essence of the soul.” But Aura is commonly used to describe it, also, anyway.

Access to Comet Punches.

2 Stars
The Second Enlightenment doesn’t take too much longer, but does require hard work to achieve. Once a 2nd Star is forged, more spiritual abilities become available. And spiritual senses become clearer.

Access to Meteoric Kick.
Gain Enhanced Senses.

3 Stars (The Small Nova)
The third Enlightenment always takes much much longer. For some, it can take years and years. While forging 1 and 2 stars may happen within months of one another. Forging a 3rd star could take 5 years. This is where many Agents hit a wall. They either give up on the 3rd star and begin another path, or forge a 3rd star, and never, ever, forge a 4th one. Not ever.

The 3rd Star is often where Agents finish their path, even if they don’t want to. A 4th Enlightenment is simply too much for most people, even in the Astral Path. This has earned the 3rd Star the moniker, the Small Nova.

This is around when an Agent becomes aware of their Spirit Self, and can use Astral Projection.

4 Stars (Small Cluster)
If one does manage to receive a fourth Enlightenment, then they acquire the 4th Star, otherwise known as “the Small Cluster”, as the 4 stars shining together looks like a celestial cluster within the body.

This celestial cluster greatly empowers the spirit and other spiritual techniques.

The mind begins opening up to the spirit at this stage, making the Crown Core much stronger and play a much more prominent role for the agent going forward. The Crown Core also begins to clear up with each new Star. (Though it still requires the agent to remove impurities if they want a true pure core by the end of it. Spiritual energy just helps to clean and refine cores.)

5 Stars
Gaining a fifth Enlightenment just doesn’t happen in the lifetime of most agents. But if it does, then at this stage they gain a few benefits.

Mental-Spirit barriers, otherwise just known as Mental barriers. One’s spiritual energy is so strong now, that it is capable of shielding the physical mind. And breaking out of mental traps or resisting mental attacks.

Spiritual Cleaning becomes much stronger and more efficient. Previous toxins that were unknowable by the soul are now expunged.

The Soul Fling ability becomes much more potent at this level. Can now fight and willfully subdue other individuals’ spirits within their own consciousness.

Prismatic Energies begin to develop with the agent. Prismatic energies are just spiritual energy that has begun to crystalize in the real world. It's akin to Stars that others can both see and feel and can affect the real world. 5 star agents begin to delve into prism attacks. Though, any that appear at this stage are in their earliest development, are weak, or the agent doesn’t even understand what they are.

6 Stars (Prism)
Sixth Enlightenments typically take agents 30 years. (That is to say it takes 30 years from the last Enlightenment.) Luckily at this stage, the amassed spiritual energy begins to slow aging.

6 stars help with forming and controlling prisms more efficiently, so 6 Star agents begin to make use of prisms as their primary way of attacking. A boon, since physically attacking is easily the weakest aspect of Astral Agents.

7 Stars (Diamond, or the Diamond System)
The 7 Stars form a diamond-like array within the individual, hence why it is called ‘the Diamond system.’ This beautiful formation is glorious. It indicates an Enlightenment unlike any other. Reinforced Stars glitter, and the diamond’s formation is complex, like looking into an actual diamond gem. This array bounces around spiritual energy within it, bolstering and reinforcing the spiritual energy to a ridiculous degree. This “ignited” spiritual energy results in techniques much more potent and stronger than before.

This is when the True Split Self/Dual Consciousness technique is available. A lesser version is available as early as 5 Stars, but that version results in a diluted, weaker spirit clone, so it isn’t largely used.

8 Stars (Shooting Stars)
It is said it takes 100 years to reach an 8th Enlightenment. And another century for another. After the 8th Star is gained, full mastery over one’s Spirit Sword is capable. As is the Split Self ability. In other words, the Spirit Sword is at full strength for both consciousnesses, resulting in the fabled “Dual Spirit Kings” technique.

The inner self appears like beautiful shooting stars crossing a vast sea. Simultaneously, the agent gains unprecedented speed that their before self can’t even comprehend, just like their namesake.

9 Stars (Nebula)
Said to be impossible to receive a 9th Enlightenment. Not much is known about this level, or this many stars, as there are no known agents to have achieved it. However it is said when one appears within the soul looks like a cosmic sea.

10 Stars (The Universe)
Even less is known. There is said to be 1 Existence that has reached the “Universe Rank”. In keeping in line with everything else, that would mean a 10th Star must be acquired through a 10th Enlightenment. But if a 9th is said to be impossible… People argue this fact, as it is said there is no limit to how many stars one can acquire, but no one known has acquired above 8…

What would be possible with 10 stars?

Capabilities of an Astral Agent​

As mentioned the Astral path is the hardest, and least understood of the paths (aside from those that follow it). As such, it can be hard to define the benefits of the path. Or, what are more commonly called “techniques” or “abilities” of Astral agents. I’ll list a few and when an Agent acquires them.

Spiritual Cleaning
Spirit energy is capable of cleaning and purifying the body. Similar to how martial artists remove impurities from their cores, spiritual energy removes impurities from the body. Except this process occurs naturally, without conscious effort from the agent. As one’s spiritual energy grows, the more the spirit cleans impurities from the body. Resulting in a very healthy body/person/form.

Higher spiritual energy is even able to make the body resist poisons.

Mental-Spirit Barriers
Most Agents attempt to shield their mind, or at best, their consciousness from various ill effects or mental attacks from outside sources. If the spirit is strong enough, it can block and defend against aggressive or violent attacks that attempt to assault the agent’s mind. Stronger spiritual energy can even free oneself from extremely potent illusions or worse, seals. The strongest of spiritual energies can break seals entirely.

Essence Shroud (Astral Aura)
Manifested spiritual energy in the real world. It is sometimes conflated with a martial artist’s “Aura”, as indeed, it does look, and act similar. However, it is more specifically Essence. Or “essence of the soul.” But Aura is commonly used to describe it, also, anyway. Most people just allow the word “Aura”, even the Agents who use it. Has functions similar to a martial artist’s Aura. Though isn’t as strong physically speaking, for obvious reasons.

Essence also looks more wispy and “loose” around the user, like fireflies swarming and flitting around them, rather than a Aura “covering” that martial artist’s have.

Comet Punch
A typical, obvious combat technique that Agents use after they acquire the 1st Star. Enshrouding their arms with spiritual energy dramatically raises the power of their attack. Punches with this increased spiritual pressure are commonly called “Comet punches”. Comet punches can break walls, even stone.

Meteoric Kick
A typical, obvious combat technique that Agents use after they acquire the 2nd Star. Enshrouds the legs with spiritual energy to dramatically raise the power of kick attacks or speed.

Enhanced Senses
While sensing is an inherent ability to agents, their senses grow broader, wider, and clearer with more Stars. They’re also able to perceive spiritual energies better and clearer. And can even trace spiritual signatures like dogs do smells.

Astral Projection
Another early technique for Agents to learn. Literally is able to walk around in their spirit form. The spirit form can pass through walls, fly, interact with other spiritual things, and most importantly, is invisible to people who lack Astral senses or understanding.

Astral Studying
An application of Astral Projection. One can literally use their spirit to study or even train. One can even do this asleep, if they get good at it! So while the body rests, the spirit can grow and amass more strength.

Soul Fling/Invade
Spiritual invasion techniques.
A technique where an agent can fling their soul away from their body. Typically used to fling their soul into another’s consciousness or mind. Depending on the spiritual strength of the agent, the soul can do different things within another being. Such as damaging them, talking to them, fighting them, stopping them from doing actions, or possessing them entirely. Other individuals with potent souls tend to be able to resist to some degree.

Even if it is one's own soul, existing inside another is dangerous. It goes without saying but soul vs soul will deal damage to the soul.

Dream Walk
Similar to the above technique. Simply an advanced technique where an agent is capable of entering the dreams of another. (Unless the other had strong mental barriers).

Soul Capture
An inverse of the above ability. This is one of the most potent abilities of an Astral agent, and is considered one of their most dangerous. It is imperative for a person to defend against this ability specifically.

This is a high level Astral technique where the agent attempts to capture the target’s soul. If successful, a number of things can occur from there.

One is that the captured soul can be imprisoned elsewhere. This will put the soulless body into suspended animation. But a body without a soul will deteriorate and become polluted with impurities. So returning the soul is an imperative for that individual. One can be nice and place some sort of protection spell or spiritual energy around the suspended person - but that’s only if Soul capture is used by a nice person, don’t expect such treatment.

Two, the agent can pull the target’s soul into their own inner world. There are various types of those, or they are called different things. Such as: Inner World, Inner Consciousness, Thought World, Mindscape, etc.

In this world, any number of things can happen. The simplest is chatting between spirits free of the constraints of the real world. Time can be altered too, by particularly strong agents. Another thing that can happen can be combat. This is the worst-case scenario for the captured soul. Combat within the Agent’s own world is extremely bad. Within one’s own world, the agent is nearly invincible, as they control the space. Only magic or particularly strong spirits can do much within there.

Soul Summon
A high rank Astral ability. Summon captured souls to fight with you. Though a tricky technique to use, because not often can souls affect the real world. One has to find a way to circumvent that, or provide a soul powerful enough to affect the real world. Typically speaking, magic can help. For example, by forging them a body to inhabit using Alchemy or some other such magic.

Summoned Souls also come in a variety of quality. Summoning souls that retain abilities is far harder than summoning weak souls. But the benefits if one is able to do so are obvious. The summoner must also have complete dominion over the souls and be able to actually control them. Or even keep them bound in this plain.

Soul Absorption
One of the strongest abilities of an Astral agent. Some consider it the absolute strongest. Soul Absorption is exactly what it sounds like. An agent uses this ability to absorb another’s soul. To do so, the other individual’s consciousness must be destroyed, or assimilated. Usually destroyed.

Soul absorbing is a shortcut to acquiring more power for an Astral agent. The density of the soul that’s absorbed is literally added to the agent that does the absorbing. Example: If an agent absorbs a dragon’s soul, that agent would gain the power of a dragon. However, as dragons have particularly fierce consciousnesses, one must first battle the dragon within a spiritual space for supremacy first. That’s just one example.

There is a negative to soul absorption. Absorbing too many souls, no matter how it's done, is never a good thing. It is impossible to completely erase another’s consciousness in its entirety. Eventually, if enough souls are absorbed, the agent is liable to go crazy or berserk, incapable of maintaining their own sense of self. One’s own soul will become corrupted with too many impurities and other consciousnesses. In this state, it is almost impossible to come back from / find oneself again. If one even wants to, they likely have to expunge the other souls.

Spiritual World
An Astral Agent's own inner world. There are various types of those, or they are called different things. Such as: Inner World, Inner Consciousness, Thought World, Mindscape, etc.

In this world, any number of things can happen. The simplest is chatting between spirits free of the constraints of the real world. Time can be altered too, by particularly strong agents. Another thing that can happen can be combat. This is the worst-case scenario for the captured soul. Combat within the Agent’s own world is extremely bad. Within one’s own world, the agent is nearly invincible, as they control the space. Only magic or particularly strong spirits can do much within there.

To elaborate, spiritual power can be cultivated, and at some point, a person's spirit becomes so strong and "big" that it is capable of manifesting its entire "world", like one's own spiritual plane of existence.

Prismatic Energies or Prism Attacks
Prismatic Energies begin to develop with the agent. Prismatic energies are just spiritual energy that has begun to crystalize in the real world. It's akin to Stars that others can both see and feel and can affect the real world. Prisms or Prism attacks are a new way for Astral agents to attack. A boon, since physically attacking is easily the weakest aspect of Astral Agents.

Prisms are crystallized, “rock hard” spiritual energy that can literally manifest into the real world. Flinging, shooting, and manipulating these spiritual-energy-filled prisms is a way of attacking for agents. There are many ways to use prisms, some are not even necessarily attacks. For instance, prisms can be used as shields or barriers, or block spells, or even amplify spells. They can also be used in tandem with the Spirit Sword.

Prismatic Realm
The Prismatic Realm is a unique technique that combines prismatic energy with an inner realm (mindscape, Thought World, etc, etc.). Once combined, a brand new entire “World” is created from one’s spirit. This is like its own subspace, existing beyond the boundaries of the world where even one’s spirit can exist in its entirety. The Prismatic Realm is one of the Astral agent’s strongest abilities. It essentially traps the target into a world of the Astral agent’s own creation, where the agent is considered a god. These worlds can be any number of things, from combat arenas, to entire labyrinths with traps, even fabricated monsters, as a couple examples.

The only downside to this is it brings the entire foe in, that is to say, their physical self. Unlike other mindscapes that otherwise pull in the foe’s spirit, which is usually weaker than their ‘self’. The agent can decide if they only use their Spirit self, or bring in their full-self, at their own discretion.

An 8 Star agent is capable of making a Fortified Prismatic Realm. The only other weakness of the Prismatic Realm is said to be that it is breakable by the target. However, a Fortified PR, is simply not. The 8 Star agent MUST be defeated within the FPR for the target to be able to escape. (Unless the agent simply releases them.)

Split Self/Dual Consciousnesses
Split Self is a very high level technique for an Astral agent. Essentially, one is able to “release” their “Spirit Self” from their physical form, similar to Astral projection. However, this is a more advanced form of the technique, which “hardens” the projected self, essentially allowing it to affect the real world. In other words, one clones themselves, only the secondary clone is their spirit in full.

Capable to be used by 5 star agents, but results in a diluted, weaker spirit clone. The “true” form of this technique is used by 7 star agents, that results in a perfect spirit clone.

This spiritual clone is extremely powerful, as the spirit is the strongest form of an Astral Agent. What's more, since not many things can actually harm spirits, the astral clone is nearly invincible, making it even more of a threat in combat scenarios.

On the other hand, this technique can be a double-edged sword. For if the enemies do possess a way of damaging the spirit, this technique is exposing the spirit to that threat. While the spirit clone is immune to most damage, spiritual-damaging abilities now do their full effect on the spirit clone, capable of severely damaging it. And spiritual damage is amongst the worst that can happen to an individual. So one must be prudent with the use of this technique.

Physical Immunity
At 8 stars, the agent can completely discard their physical self and transcend to become a completely Spiritual Being. Spiritual Beings are what the world calls gods, High Spirits, Higher Existences, or demigods. There are many different words for them, and no one would probably agree, but still.

Even if one fights at this stage with a physical body, any damage to it becomes irrelevant to the 8 star agent. All that matters is spiritual damage.

Spirit Sword
This is called the Strongest Astral technique. While it is called a ‘sword’, that is more of a metaphor, like “the sword of the soul.” Which is essentially what the Spirit Sword is. The Spirit Sword is basically the expression of the soul.

In easier terms to understand, the Spirit Sword manifests the agent’s Spirit as a weapon. The weapon is unique to each individual, hence why “sword” is more of a metaphor. This self-expression, this essence of an individual, this spiritual manifestation has unimaginable power. It is the end-all technique of the Astral agent. It is as unique as each individuals’ soul. And possesses power equal to those unique existences.

It’s said only the highest tiers of magics can fend against the Spirit Sword. Aura Edge can clash on par with a Spirit Sword, however, since Spirit Swords are so highly individualistic and unique it can’t be said that Aura Edge is its equal.

Note: The Spirit Sword can technically begin manifesting at the 2 star level. That is because it is a complex ability, requiring at least two spiritual ingots to crash into one another (metaphysically), causing the spiritual reaction to birth this ability.

But only 8 Star and up can fully master their Spirit Sword.

Dual Spirit Kings
A technique that combines the True Split Self technique and the Spirit Sword. Both consciousnesses/ both “selves” are able to fully use the full-powered Spirit Sword. (Remember the Spirit Sword isn’t simply a “sword”, it is a unique ability that manifests from the Agents soul.) This is an incomparably powerful technique.

Essentially forces the opponent to fight two clones of a fully realized 8 Star Agent, both wielding Spirit Swords.

Although fighting isn’t what Astral agents are known for, or are good at, this technique alone flips that on its head, and is typically seen as a supreme technique that turns an Astral agent into an insurmountable enemy.

Karma (or “Spirit Karma”)​

Or karma level.
In other words, “alignment” of an individual.

One’s karma affects one’s spirit. High karmic levels can both positively, and negatively impact the spirit and spiritual energy (thus impacting astral abilities).

That isn’t to say, negative karma will necessarily weaken an agent. On the contrary, if one has high negative karma, then while their stars will not shine white, they may glow black, thus resulting in strong astral abilities. Despite the negative karma. So even negative karma can be *ahem* “beneficial” to an Astral agent.

Some agents, in fact, decide to go this route, and amass negative (or “black”) karma by performing, well.. unscrupulous actions. Some find this easier than amassing positive karma. So, some consider it an easy way to obtain spirit strength. However, there are those that condemn this practice, as it befouls, pollutes, and defiles the soul.

Good or “positive” karma can also enrich the soul, resulting in powerful astral techniques. However, some find it a struggle to raise positive karma, or feel it is a self-righteous avenue and do not pursue it. Still, others do, and shine ever so brilliantly.

Neutral karma doesn’t really do much of anything, which is unfortunate, as it pushes agents to decide on a karmic path. EXCEPT, “True Neutral” is akin to those poles, resulting in empowered spiritual energy, as well. But one must maintain true neutrality for this, which is an extremely hard thing to do. And true neutrality can confuse, and even piss off others.

Astral Agent Ranks​

Crown Core awakener. Miniscule spiritual senses.
1 star agent. Primarily works on forging a 2nd star, or enhancing their senses.
2 star agent. Begins using Essence Shroud/Astral Aura.
3 Star agent. Proficient with many simple Astral techniques, and Astral Projection. Most have used Astral studying to achieve this rank.
Guide (or Star Guide)
4 Star agent. Decent with spiritual-mind barriers. A known teacher of Trainee and Pupil level agents.
5 star agent. Proficient with stronger spiritual-mind barriers. Good at the Soul Fling and soul invasion techniques. A famous agent who takes Student level agents under their wing.
Outer Teacher
6 star agent. Good at the Soul Capture technique. Particularly deadly/strong as a spiritual invader or fighting within an inner realm. Decent with prismatic energy.
Spark rank
7 star agent. Manifests a Prismatic Realm. And a master of True Split Self technique. Getting the hang of the Spirit Sword.
Shooting Star (rank)
8 star agent. Transcended the need of the physical. Appearing in any physical body is just for the sake of others. Master of a Fortified Prismatic Realm. Complete master of the Spirit Sword, even using the Dual Spirit Kings technique.
Nebula (rank)
9 stars. A Higher Existence. No known agents are at this rank.
Universe (rank)
Theoretical rank. Untold amount of stars sparkle within the infinite universe that has manifested within one’s soul. Peering into one’s soul now reveals an entire universe, which the one peering in would get lost within. One has become such an unfathomable existence, that they’ve beyond transcended anything physical. Physical damage no longer affects them at all. The only speculated/known existence of this rank is largely disbelieved by the world. And even denied by people within certain circles.
Misc. Things

Winxxar (Winter)
Svingn (Spring)
Somher (Summer)
Aittem (Autumn)
The seasons roughly even across the year. Though it may change a bit in various locations.

Way Gates
A fancy name for portals that are set up at specific locations across the world's map. Used for convenience's sake to travel. Though, they can be expensive to take. Especially if one wants to go somewhere more extravagant or more exclusive. Usually, those Way Gates are so expensive, they are only used by fancy nobles or high-ranked officials on business. For the common man, many Way Gates are too expensive to be used freely.

Spiritual Pressure, Killing Intent, Murderous Intent/Aura. It goes by several names. Though not all are exactly the same thing, they all fulfill a similar role or do similar things.

Those with power are able to exert their presence in what is known as “pressure.” The density of their presence increases with the power they accumulate. Strong individuals are even capable of controlling their presence (or “pressure”). Some presences are so terrifyingly strong that once exerted, can make people freeze in fear, or knock out lesser people outright.

It is common practice to control one’s pressure. For a few reasons. 1, one’s pressure can cause negative effects to other “lesser” people. 2, people can sense pressure, so it may be disadvantageous to reveal it to those who can sense it, and have nefarious intentions. 3, revealing one’s full pressure is like revealing one’s max strength. Giving away too much information about the individual.

It is wiser to keep things close to the chest, rather than reveal them to people one cannot trust. On the other hand, pressure can be an effective tool. Used to get into places one wouldn’t normally be able to. It can be used to scare lesser people away, without having to resort to violence. It can be used to gauge others before a fight. Etc.

Inner Sight
What "Inner Sight" is is simple, it's the ability to "look within" a person. Terms like "pressure" is someone's visible 'strength on the outside'. Whereas Inner Sight allows for the opposite, viewing 'strength on the inside'. It allows the one using Inner Sight to investigate another's inner being, inner self, and their inner strength.

To put it simply, people use Inner Sight to see what others have "unlocked" or "written" inside them. Or even more simply, it allows others to see how far one has progressed down a path.
Example: Someone uses Inner Sight to see you have 2 Rings and 1 Core and 2 Stars.

Partial Inner Sight and Fully-Developed Inner Sight
Inner Sight comes in two forms (well, really, it's more nuanced than that, but yeah 2).
The first form is Partial Inner Sight, or "muddled Inner Sight". Inner Sight is like any skill, it requires training to use, and some amount of skill to use. In other words, those new to using it can't necessarily gleam everything about another when using Inner Sight. When using underdeveloped inner sight, the target's inner strength may appear "muddled" or foggy. They may be able to see a ring or two, or even a core, but may not be able to tell the core's polished state, or the formation of rings, etc. That's Partial Inner Sight.
The second form is Fully-Developed Inner Sight. Someone who has mastered Inner Sight can see everything within the target. There's nothing muddled or foggy about it. Those with FD Inner Sight can learn everything about a person by a simple glance.

Obfuscating Inner Sight
A skill learned to hide things that the individual does not want seen by inner sight. Say you're a mage, and you really wouldn't like others knowing how many rings you have, so you "obfuscate" them. Obfuscation is much harder to learn than inner sight is. However...

Natural Obfuscation
People that are stronger, or what you could say are "at a higher level" have a natural obfuscation of their inner strength. That is to say, even if you've learned Inner Sight, if you are what others would consider a "weakling", you likely aren't able to fully glimpse another's inner power.
To put it simply, those that are stronger tend to have a natural *obfuscating* barrier to weaker people who attempt to use Inner Sight on them.

Obfuscation Ability
After some time, people who are strong and have a good grasp of their inner self, and inner sight, tend to learn how to control their level of obfuscation. They can reveal some things, certain things, or parts of their power at any given time. This is done for a variety of purposes. Maybe to trick your foe. Maybe to intimidate. Or maybe as a way of getting others to relax, being honest with others. Etc, etc.

Inner Sight Geniuses
Or Sight Geniuses, or Geniuses of the Eyes.
Occasionally there are people out there who are "geniuses" in regards to their "sight". These rare individuals are unique, in that they have what you'd called "Perfect Inner Sight" -- and cannot be tricked. Often, to claim the 'genius' title, these individuals are not even what you'd call "strong", yet they can still see the inner strength of people, with no fog, and with little training.
To put it simply. An inner sight genius can view inside anyone, see everything, and they cannot be tricked, nor did they need training, it is an "inherent ability" to the individual. That is why they are called "genius."

Needless to say, these people, regardless of combat strength are dangerous, and eagerly sought-after. These types, once discovered, often find their way to positions next to those in authority. Rulers and leaders like to know the power of individuals around them for obvious reasons, so having a Genius of the Eye next to them to tell them everyone's inner strength is not just desired, it's a "must."

Example of a genius: Sally at the goods store on main street, who could be said to have a combat level of 0 could be an Inner Sight Genius, still capable of seeing everyone's inner self.

Self Inner Sight
Finally, this inner sight is exactly what it says. It's the ability to look within oneself. The reason for this is obvious, to see what one has acquired through their countless time spent training the paths -or how far they've gone down the paths. It's one of the earliest learned skills for any individual who is attempting to go down a path. Mages, in particular, require this skill if they're going to even begin writing rings within their bodies.

Usually nations produce their own currency, however there is a generic currency, too. It’ll just be generic copper, silver, gold, and platinum coins.

The common currency is called Vercs. Examp: That costs 1300 vercs!

There are many languages across the world. Many races have their own languages, and can even have multiple languages or dialects in the same race. For example, not every Wildman speaks the same language. Fezinians have their own language. Even amongst more "human-oriented" nations, those nations tend to have their own language. Etc, etc.

But not to fret, language-clashing happens much more often in this world, so it's not uncommon for most people to know at least a couple different languages. Especially the more common ones. Many even learn their next door neighbor's language in school.

Vertanese - Primary language spoken in the Vert Tetrarchy and by it's four families
Reysanese - Primary language spoken in the Reysha Kingdom
Aezurnan - Spoken by the Aezuruna Sultanate and most of the Meqir continent
Theottin - Spoken by Theottians

Mana Stones
Mana that has crystallized. Mana stones are similar to monster cores, except their energy is magic based. Unlike monster cores which are in monsters, mana stones are created naturally, by nature compressing mana together into these stones. They can be found in "mana veins" and mana stone deposits. Many creations across the world are powered with mana stones.

Every monster drops a Monster Core upon defeat. Not to be confused with the Martial Artists’ Cores.
Monster Cores are strange powerful essences that many research and reverse-engineer. Monster cores are components used in all sorts of artifacts and creations the world over.
The strength of the monster core depends on the type of monster that was killed. Higher grade (C-A) monster cores are much much more valuable than low-grade ones from low tier (E-D) monsters.

Monster Ranks

Monsters that pose no real threat. Even "regular people" should easily be able to dispatch them with pitchforks, knives, make-shift spears from splintered wood, etc. etc.
Example: Lesser Fuzzball: Small fuzzball-like creature that hops around and doesn't pose much threat. It's fur is especially itchy though, causing sneezing, maybe in the worst-case scenario clogged throats or allergies to rear up.

Monsters that pose a threat to average human life. But are dispatched relatively easily by C tier Adventurers or a group of D ranks.
Monsters that pose quite a bit of a threat, can easily kill lone adventurers. Dispatched easily by B tier Adventurers, or a group of C rank.
Monsters that pose a threat to a company of Adventurers. Require teamwork or A rank Adventurers to kill.

Tragedy class
Monsters that pose threat to the lives of many people. Threaten entire towns.
Disaster class
Monsters that pose a threat to entire cities. Require multiple A ranks and S rank adventurers to kill.

Catastrophe class
Monsters that pose threat to grand cities and will result in a great loss of life. Require SS rank Adventurers to kill.

Calamity class
Monsters that are equivalent to supreme existences. Threaten entire nations and continents. Require many S rank Adventurers to work together to take down.

Different from Adventurers. Adventurers get requests from the guild. It is regulated and safer to get requests this way. Mostly only vetted patrons can put in requests to the guild.

Mercenaries do the opposite. They do not have a middleman. They go straight to the source to receive a request. For example, a local lord may want to kill the bandits in his territory. He will request a local mercenary corps to take care of them. Then the mercs agree, and go fulfills the lord's request. Then they return to the lord for their rewards. Some people prefer being freelance, and the freedom that comes with it. But it can be a risky business. Also if mercs fail and die, there's no one typically to repay the ones they leave behind.

One can be a Merc and an Adventurer, but it's harder than just being one or the other. You have to fulfill your obligations to both. And being an Adventurer supersedes being a merc. That is to say, if the Adventurer guild orders you to do something, you probably have to answer the order. You won't be able to fulfill merc obligations when you're answering to the guild.
Weapon Grades
Weapons come in a variety of forms, and are made with a variety of materials. They're also made by a variety of blacksmiths with a variety of skills, so while this grading system is the most accepted across the 3 continents, it isn't wholly comprehensive, and weapons can exist that don't necessarily fit within it. Regardless, weapons are classified as below, and even if they don't fit exactly, are basically 'forced' within these grades just to 'keep it simple.'

Also known as the Weapon Star Grading system. So it is applicable to say or hear "That's a 4 star weapon!" Or "That person wields a 6 star sword!" Etc, etc.

Weapons can possess Boons, Hidden Powers, and Authorities. It is recommended for people to find weapons that best match and play to their own strengths for best results. Though, some people spend their entire lives looking for such a weapon.

(these are for weapons, item-like equipment, and armors, too)

-Broken, Unusable or Junk "grade"
As it says, these are weapons that have broken, or are unusable in some way. For that reason, they shouldn't be used to attack or fight under any circumstance. Sometimes weapons like these can be repaired, fixed, restore, or refurbished. But are otherwise considered "junk".

*Amateur Grade
Incompetently made. Inept, crude, or rough weapons. Made with either 1 or 2 shoddy low-grade materials. Lack any Boons or Hidden Powers. Break Point is weak.

**Common Grade
Most basic grade featuring the most weapons that exist across the land. Ordinary weapons. Made with standard materials. Lack any fantastical elements. Break Point is average to below-average. Cheap and mass-produced. Common weapons can come with higher Break Points, but those are called Special Break Point Common weapons.

***Uncommon Grade
Cheap weapons made with mostly standard materials. However, may possess one outstanding quality, and may hold a simple Boon. Break Point is average, but breaks easily if over-used or misused or abused.

****Fine Grade
Sturdy weapons made with rare or impressive materials. Usually 1-3 different good quality materials. May hold a decent Boon. Break Point is slightly-above or above average. Weapon or Boon abuse will lead to the Break Point faster.

*****Grand Grade
Mighty weapons made with rare or high quality materials. Usually 2-4 different high quality materials. Hold 1-2 Boons. Though multi-Boon weapons tend to be simple or weaker Boons. Conversely Grand weapons with 1 Boon tends to be a strong Boon. Has a Firm Break Point. Like the weapons below, Boon abuse risks breaking faster.

******Luxury Grade
Splendid weapons made with many high quality or exceptional quality materials. Usually 3+ of these type of materials. Considered treasure or even national treasures. Sometimes weapons of this grade are simply referred to as "that's the treasure of so-and-so kingdom." Etc, etc. Has 2 Boons of decent effect, and weapons start manifesting Hidden Powers at this grade. Only 1 weak Hidden Power. Break Point is Strong or slightly-above Strong. No longer do Boons lower the Break Point, however, H-Power abuse will.

*******Legendary Grade
Exalted weapons that are made with the finest materials. Usually 4 materials of equal value, as 4 is the perfect number for "balance" and reach a state of "equilibrium" in the weapon. A lot of honored warriors from history are known to have amassed their legend wielding weapons of this caliber. Has 2-3 noteworthy Boons, and 1-2 Hidden Powers. Weapons begin manifesting Authorities at this grade, though not all Legendary weapons possess one, and need to "awaken" one. Unyielding Break Point. Authority abuse will drastically lower the Break Point.

********Heroic Grade
Dynamic weapons that are made with the most magnificent materials. Usually consists of 4 Exclusive materials. Has 3-4 Boons, 1-3 Hidden Powers, and an Authority. Impossible Break Point. Rapid-fire use of the weapons' abilities will lower the Break Point down from Impossible.

*********Mythic Grade
Absolute weapons that are made with mythical and exclusive materials, and by the best of the best blacksmiths. So-called mythical due to their mythical and rumored status. Not much is known about this grade, so as of right now, they're considered to possess an untold number of boons, powers, and Authorities. Does not seem to possess any risks or concerns of using weapons' abilities.


**********Mystery Grade
Special weapons that do not necessarily fit in the above categories, but are often above even Mythic-Grade weapons. Since even mythic grades are not understood, even less is known about this "mysterious" grade of weapons. Typically speaking, weapons that fall under this grade are special in some way. Custom-made weapons, in particular, would fall under this grade. It's speculated all Soul Weapons are Mystery Grade, and all Mystery Grade weapons are Soul Weapons. The abilities these weapons possess are unknown and uncalculatable. Ethereal Break Point.

Boons are special capabilities of a weapon. Not all weapons have them, but many in the higher grades do have some number of Boons. Not all boons are terribly useful, but it's better to have a weapon with a boon, than without one, right? Called 'Boons' since they seem to be on the more standard side.

Lightweight: Weapon weighs as light as a feather.
Catalyst: If weapon has mana channeled through it, only half of the usual mana is necessary.
Moderate Fatigue: Fatigue builds up slower when wielding this weapon.
Sharper: Edges of this weapon are sharper than normal.
Dull but Strong: Blunt-attacks are more effective with this weapon.
Mana-Circulation: Mana circulation through this weapon is easier.
Spiritual Support: Weapon channels spiritual energies better.

Hidden Powers (or just "Powers" sometimes)
Special abilities the weapon may possess. Like if a weapon can manifest fire, or cut through spirits, or absorb a foe's mana, or sap an opponent's strength. That sort of thing. Some powers are even greater and stronger or more useful than that. You can think of Boons as things that affect the wielder, and H-Powers as things that affect the target.

Authorities are a step above H-Powers. Authorities are masteries that a weapon possesses. Gods or god-like entities of the world have the capacity to grant people "Authorities". Well, weapons have abilities of the same, or near-same potential. Authorities 'govern' something. So while a H-Power of a sword may be Fire Starter for a flame sword. An Authority may control all fire, even those created by others. Authorities are extremely powerful and not to be taken lightly. Often Authorities are amongst the strongest abilities one can possess, so fighters must be extremely cognizant and wary of another's Authority.

Authority of the Cutting God -- Weapon has the ability to cut through anything. Literally nothing can stop its cuts except for other Authority-level powers.
Authority of Stillness -- Wielder is capable of slowing the world around them. Allowing the wielder to move at regular speed while everything else is slowed.

Soul Weapons
There are two forms.
Soul weapons grant immense power to the wielder, if the wielder earns their power -- which only happens if the Soul Weapon has been "tamed" or if the SW acknowledges the wielder.
First Form: A weapon that has a soul placed in it, usually by an Astral blacksmith, after the weapon is made.
Second Form: A being becomes a weapon. A weapon that's literally forged from the soul of a being.

Break Points
Literally defined as the weapon (or items, armor) "point of which it breaks". Low quality weapons and items have low break points, and High quality weapons have high break points. Etc.

Break Points are just like weapons, in that they are not absolute. Weapons can be made with any material and with any level of skill, so a weapon's particular Break Point can be its own, which means it can be either better or lesser than its Grade suggests. These scales are just for the "average" of what a weapon "should be".

Also, the Break Points of weapons is built into the weapon when it's crafted. However, using abilities one can strengthen, circumvent, or alleviate wear and tear that will gradually lead to a weapon's Break Point. In other words, for example, a fighter can clad their weapon in Qi, which will "reinforce" a weapon, thus protecting it from damage, and protecting its Break Point, or making it take longer for a weapon to reach the breaking point.

Delicate -- Will easily break. Shouldn't be used in any combat encounter.
Weak -- A weak and easily-broken weapon or item.
Average -- Most weapons are around this break point.
Firm -- Sturdy weapon or item. Can take some physical abuse.
Strong -- Highly physically resistant breaking point. Capable of withstanding potent magic.
Unyielding -- A break point that is not easily reached by any source. Requires constant and vicious abuse.
Impossible -- Said to literally be "impossible" to break by any means.
Ethereal -- Transcends the imagination of a weapon or item. Unknown what can break this creation.
Divinity n Gods
A strange energy from those that are "Divine". Divine beings are sometimes what you'd call 'gods'.

Gods in this world are people who have transcended from the 3 paths. As an example, Emersity Theota is a god. She was once human and transcended. Now she has Divine power.


You know what a human is.
They don’t specialize in anything, but at the same time, can freely choose whatever they want to do. Humans are known to possess “strong souls,” which aids in the Astral path.

You know what an elf is.
Have longer lifespans and tend to be more magically-inclined. Elves also tend to have “perfect” bodies which mean they’re good at martial techniques, too.
Diseases affect elves worse than humans, and other than certain special elves, they are not great with Astral techniques.

The “Dwarf” race, though Earthborn are the size of regular people.
Earthborn have sturdy, hardy bodies, capable of resisting diseases and poisons, but are weak to elements other than fire. Because their bodies are resistant against heat. Earthborn tend to pick up magic that affects the world well, and earth magic is their bread-and-butter. However, they also resist drugs, medicines, and potions, making those much more ineffective when used by an Earthborn. So life-threatening things can be particularly life-threatening to Earthborn. They even resist healing spells, requiring the healer to focus much harder to repair their tough bodies.

Many Earthborn make good blacksmiths. They are drawn to more physically demanding jobs. Since they are naturally physically stronger than most other races, even lifting big rocks is not an issue for them.

Earthborn skin shades range from browns, to deep browns, to grays, to reddish browns. Their hair is the same. They have yellow, copper, gold eyes with brown sclera. Blue eyes is a rare mutation, and it usually comes with white hair.
(Subrace) Bouldermen
Now these are the more “dwarf-like” race in the world. They possess pretty much all the same things as Earthborn, but are much stouter and shorter. Their facial hair grows thicker and rougher as well. These guys are pudgy and grumpy.

Wildmen (or “Wild men”)
The race is Wildmen, but Wild men, in general, are conflated together. Meaning humans that look like Wildmen are accepted in their race.

Race descended from the Airrosin. A demigod race of humanoids like the Theottians. Airrosin are said to be extinct.

Wildmen, on the other hand, are diluted Airrosin who primarily live in the North. They possess robust bodies that use muscles more efficiently. Their bodies have natural resistances to harsh weather, allowing them to remain warm even in the frigid North.

Wild men culture is exactly what it sounds like. Typical “wild” appearances and “savage” behaviors. They have sharp teeth, and are born with unique birthmark patterns across their bodies. These birthmarks are multi-colored and intricate. They are typically colored whites, blacks, and blues, in interesting patterns.

To supplement these patterns, Wild men will paint these colors across their exposed skin. Faces, in particular, and are almost always worn. Stars and celestial shapes are favored to paint. Scratches are often painted as well.

“Demigod” race from the past. The progenitors of the modern Wildmen. The strange multi-colored birthmarks appear on Airrosin in more frequency and are more pronounced, and even more intricate, almost appearing like each Airrosin was handcrafted by some Higher Existence. When using Astral techniques and magic, these markings would glow, and even change. Airrosin men are around 7 ft to 8’5’’ ft tall, with women being 6’5’’ to 7’8’’ on average. Airrosin have horns and antlers. Airrosin with massive antlers were considered very “attractive.”

Dire People
Unique humanoids that came up from Wravadar. They have dark skin colors. Dark grays even black. Their eyes are silver, red, or gray, with black sclera. They tend to be bony and lanky. They have black, gray, or white hair. Some have horns. It is unclear how they came from Wravadar. Dire People do not seem to do well in direct sunlight, or in magical places. They tend to pick up techniques quickly.

Fiend race
Fiends are similar to Dire People, and some believe they’re from Wravadar as well. Fiends have the widest height difference amongst their individuals, ranging from 3ft to 8ft. Their physical appearances also widely vary. Some have blackened skin (which is common), some have purple, or even bright pink skin. Fiends have any number of horns. Some even possess more than 2 eyeballs. People have seen Fiends with 8! Fiends (can) possess horns, wings, tails, even multiple arms. Their eye and hair colors are equally unique. They tend to be assertive, arrogant, haughty, playful, lascivious, and aggressive in nature.

Fiends are physically stronger than most races, and have unique racial abilities. Some can breathe fire! Racial abilities are unique between individuals as well. One fiend may resist disease, and another might not, for instance. One may be able to fly, another might not. One may be able to breathe underwater, another might not, etc, etc.

Despite all the differences, there are still enough commonalities between Fiends to be able to tell when someone is a Fiend.

Race born when the Feozane Volcano erupted. They appeared after it was calmed (some say it calmed because they were born. Some believe the Volcano literally “birthed” them.) It is common for Fezinians to call the Volcano their “mother”.

Fezinians are a “molten” race. Their skin is similar to Earthborn, except usually darker, blacker, and crusty. Molten veins are visible running through their bodies. They have glowing yellow, red, and orange eyes. Fezinians are HIGHLY resistant to heat, to the point that they can walk on lava. Fezinians are adept at fire magics. They tend to suck with the Astral path, though.

Fezinians do not live long, between 50-60 years. 70 year old Fezinians are rare. When they are killed they crumble apart, and the lava within their veins pour out and cools off. Most Fezinians can feel their death approaching. A tradition is that a dying Fezinian will sit in a cave or similar cavernous hidey-hole and wait for death, leaving behind a molten husk, or in rare cases, just crumbled dust. Leaving behind a molten husk is for those left behind, who celebrate the husk being left behind, and mourn the loss of their friend or family.

A race of people created by Emersity Theota. They can have any physical traits from the races present since Emersity Theota literally transformed a diverse group of people into them in the past. Theottians have higher vitality and live longer than humans (about 100-130 years). They have higher predisposition to magic, and are very adept with Light magic and Fire magic, in particular. Heal spells by Theottians offer a better healing factor.

While they can have any physical trait from other races, their appearance are rather homogenized. They have coppery, golden, or sienna skin. Eyes with multi-colored irises ranging from yellows, oranges, reds, and coppers. Their hair color tends to be reddish or brownish, with natural blondes appearing sometimes. Theottians are born with sun-like (or fire-like) birthmarks, usually on the forehead, but it can appear on other places of the body. The birthmark often glows when using magic.

The people of this race are very diverse. Beastmen look like humans with various animal characteristics and traits. Their animalistic trait can be extremely pronounced, or very understated. The variety of animals Beastmen appear as suggests a magical origin. It suggests a Higher Being influenced their development in the past.

Sea Race/Songswimmers
Songswimmers are essentially mermaids. Some songswimmers can exit the water, their tail fins morphing into feet. Most songswimmers have wonderful voices. Their unique racial ability allows them to manipulate the mind or emotional state of people who hear their songs. Songswimmers often mix their racial ability and magic together for stronger effects.

(The) Little People (called things like gnomes or pixies)
Little People come in diverse forms, too, but all share a similar body structure. Little People are just that, they’re very small humanoids, about 2-3 inches tall. They possess a strength incomparable to their size, but still nothing to write home about. Some are born with higher magic affinity.

A spiritual being that Astral agents can find, see, and converse with. They inhabit plants, and are humanoids with plant-like physical characteristics when they reveal their physical bodies.

Lesser Races
Unnamed Spirits


Astral Animals
Animals that have manifested Crown Cores, granting them astral powers. Astral animals gain higher sentience than normal animals, and can talk through telepathy, or talk outright.

Higher Existences
Beings that have gained more than what typical mortals possess. Usually consists of longevity, semi-immortality, unnatural resistances, miraculous powers.
Supreme Higher Existences
Beings that are even stronger than a Higher Existence. Their powers can’t be compared.

“Nth” Existences
Beings unquantifiable and incomprehensible. Do not fit into the normal world as we know it. Possess even higher abilities than Higher Existences. It is said to become one, one must fully master 1 of the Vertices entirely. Though probably takes mastery over multiple of the Vertices.
(Constellations, Premiere Maguses, Universes)

Mystic/Mythic Positions
Sometimes special occupations gain mystical power. These designations are so admired and revered that the position itself gains mythical properties. Individuals that inhabit these posts become special themselves, and suddenly gain the power that comes with said posting. These mystical positions can appear anywhere, at any time. Some have been around for ages. Some spawn after the position is newly made. It is a mystical thing and happens based on just how esteemed the position is. These special positions can grant any number of unique effects based on what the particular occupation may be.

Example: If a General becomes a Mystic Position, they may be able to boost morale with their words, or merely their presence. They may gain unnatural physical defenses or shrug off mortal wounds. Etc.

To simplify it, lets call it a "power boost" of mythic energy. The strength of this "power boost" is directly representational of how hard the said Mythic Position is to acquire. For instance, acquiring a Mayor position would be far easier than becoming a Grand Ten member. Therefore its power boost would be significantly weaker than the other mythic position's.

Noteworthy Locations​

3 Continents
Aufun - the Source of Astral Energy
M’Yuma - the Birthplace of Martial Arts
Meqir - the Cradle of Magic

Aufun Major Places​

Aufun is the East continent, with a patch of land that narrows, touching the West continent.
Aufun has an expansive land Northward, called the Wild North.

The central continent of Aufun is ruled by the Ver Tetrarchy, which touches the East-Southern continent of Meqir.

Ver Tetrarchy​

The Ver Tetrarchy is a nation ruled by 4 Powerful families.
The 4 Families of Ver.

It used to be ruled by 3, but a couple hundred years ago one of the families lost a bit of power due to producing lackluster heirs. Simultaneously another family produced a 1-in-a-million prodigy. Mistress Eshrael Winblade.

Eshrael was so powerful that she brought her family to the forefront nearly all by herself. Her strength was so unrivaled that the other families had to acknowledge it if they didn’t want war. Thus the Winblade family carved out some territory for itself, and established itself as the 4th ruling family. That was when the Ver Tetrarcy was born.

The Family Heads are each called Emperor (or Empress). Together the 4 Emperors gather to discuss policies, laws, and other such things that govern the Tetrarchy. Going to war with the Tetrarchy is tough since the 4 families defend the nation. With that said, the 4 families are not a monolith. They argue and are known to dispute amongst themselves. Sometimes they may not aid one another if a family falls under attack. Their alliance is shaky at best.

The family homes of each family are so large they’re like cities in of themselves. Many people live within these massive homes. From extended family, to friends, to servants and retainers and retainer families, and other maintenance-workers and family-contracted merchants.
The Robicc Family
The noblest, and second oldest family of the Ver Tetrarchy. One of the founding families.
The Robicc Family prizes things like nobility, valiancy, and integrity above all things. So it is no wonder they primarily produce knightly-types. The Robicc Family is primarily a family of Martial artists, after all. The Robicc Family has secret martial art techniques that have helped them do this for 500 years. And in all that time, they’ve only refined their techniques.

The martial artists of the Robicc family are not just widely respected, but widely feared. The Robicc name is known the world over. Even in other nations around the world their martial artists and knights are respected and watched with scrutinizing eyes.
The Au’Oshos Family
The oldest family of the Ver Tetrarchy. One of the founding families.
The Au’Oshos family prioritizes tradition and something called “the old ways.” They’re descendants of the Wild Tribes of the North. And keep many of their ways, even now. Only they’ve been forced to adopt some more modern ways to keep up.
The Au’Oshos Family is the one that has lost power in recent times. That is because they’re primarily a family that focuses on Astral arts.

While they have many unique techniques and methods for producing Astral agents, it is still very difficult to produce agents of quality. There was even a stretch there where they only managed to produce a few agents with only a very small number of stars. Hence why their family lost a lot of power. They only just managed to hold on, in fact, by conceding and giving up territory to the Winblades. Which was seen as a cowardly act, and lost them much favor in the Tetrarchy.

Nowadays, they’ve gained a bit of respect back largely in part because they have produced a significant heir. An Astral agent of renown that has shown off remarkable ability. This agent is the saving grace of the family.

A small town with very nothing noteworthy within.
The Inolore Family
The third oldest family of the Ver Tetrarchy. Joined after the two founding families.
A family that came up from the South, bringing with them unique magic.
The family has incredibly magical know-how and capabilities. The Inolore Family can be said to be a family of mages.

Many aspiring mages within the family leave and go join a Spire, or noteworthy academy somewhere. However, they fiercely protect and guard their own magical secrets. Mixing together the two, this is how the family has produced notable and famous mages through the ages. Many sages across the land have the last name Inolore.

Inolore Magical Research Institute
About 50 years ago, after the war with the Epica Empire, the Inolore family decided it was better if mages were stronger. So they founded the Inolore Research Institute, positioning prominent family mages as Instructors. They teach only the fundamentals of the Inolore magical secrets. If a promising student shows up, then an Inolore may take one on as their pupil. Only then are more Inolore techniques and spells revealed to the pupil alone.

Since its establishment, the Inolore Institute -shortened- has reached out to other notable magicians in the magical community, establishing connections. The Inolore Institute is VERY interested in the Izish ruins in the Aezuruna desert, and sends trained mages there often (with the sultanate’s permission of course).
The Winblade Family
They only came to be 200 years ago.
Eshrael Winblade (now called Mistress Eshrael) succeeded in forcing the Au’Oshos Family to give up some of their land, establishing it under herself. The Winblade family then made this land their territory and became the 4th ruling family. This is when the “Ver Tetrarchy” gained its true name.

The Winblades pride themselves in their unmatched strength. Using techniques created by Eshrael herself, the Winblades maintain their superiority. The Winblades are, primarily, what you’d called “Spellblades.”

Meaning they are martial artists (primarily swordsmen) that also use magic. It is this unique style that Eshrael brought to the scene 200 years ago. And this unique style that overwhelmed everyone else. For a time it was thought that mixing any of the 3 Vertices was a fool's errand. Diluting and making any of the vertices weaker. Eshrael proved everyone wrong.

Today the family still produces “spellblades,” however not a one has appeared that was as adept with the style as Eshrael. Not yet, anyways. The family’s techniques are hotly guarded and protected, not wanting to give away their secrets. The spellblades of the family are noteworthy, but since no prodigies like Eshrael have appeared, they’re only regarded with marginal interest.
Ver Tetrarchy Neutral War Room
Located smack dab in the center of the tetrarchy is a massive building. This is a “neutral grounds” where various people from the four families gather. As neutral grounds, there is a rule that must not be broken. NO FIGHTING PERMITTED ON THE GROUNDS. That is an absolute rule, to maintain the neutrality of the place. That rule extends to everyone else there too, as many people come and go. Others outside of the tetrarchy are invited there often for various political meetings and the like.

Every family territory has their own meeting rooms and places of businesses, however those do not have the “No Fighting” rule. Those places in each territory are expressly not neutral, this is the only place in the tetrarchy that is.

Four-Families Colosseum
Taking a page out of Aezunura’s and Epica’s books, the Four families decided to start up their own colosseum. Luckily there was already one in the Robicc family’s territory. So it's been repurposed and expanded for the amount of fighters that are flocking to it. The amount of people interested in tournaments and colosseum-styled fighting has been steadily increasing. It also brings in revenue to the Ver Tetrarchy, and is a good place to show off family-trained warriors.

Unfortunately for the other families, this means that the Colosseum is primarily overseen by the Robicc family. But the Robicc family has drawn up some agreements with the other families so they can be prominent in its maintenance and tournament upkeep.

Still, as it is primarily maintained by the Robicc family, that means this particular colosseum prides itself on honor and dignity. So fights within tend to be more akin to honorable duels. Unsightly fights like those in Aezunura are frowned upon. Even so, since the primary fighters come from all across the Ver Tetrarchy, that means all sorts of fighters appear within the colosseum’s fights, using all sorts of powers from the 3 Vertices.

The Northern Wilds of Vetan
Way in the past, a Wildman named Vetan conquered most of the North. His presence was so grand that many Wildmen naturally gathered under his banner. He was a Wild man unlike any other.

However, that was the distant past. It isn’t clear what happened to Vetan, but something did and he disappeared. Now the Northern Wilds are considered largely “wild” or “savage.” It is a sprawling tundra of fierce cold, spanning a large mass of land above most of the predominant kingdoms and nations of the 3 continents. The Northern Wilds (or Wilds of Vetan) are ruled by numerous tribes that have established territories that are not on any maps. Only the Wild men in the north are aware of those territorial boundaries. Many bloody skirmishes occur between tribes. Not many venture up to the North from below due to these factors.

Many tribes have noteworthy warriors and powerful Chieftains. A particularly powerful tribe is not to be trifled with, as their chief would be a Mystic Position. This is why conquering these lands for those below the Teeth is extremely difficult, if not impossible.

Vetan’s Teeth
A dangerous mountain range that acts as a natural barrier of the Ver Tetrarchy and the North. This mountain range is hard to cross, and is largely unexplored. It is home to many monsters, but keeps the chill from the North out of the nation below.

Phlinth, Northern Fortress
A large structure made from stone. Much of it has fallen apart over time and is rubble. As of right now, its function is unknown. Only the people of the past know. Wildmen often take up residence there if the weather turns bad. If anyone adventures north, they tend to stop at the fortress to use as a base for a time.

Vetan’s Ancient Steps
Another ruinous structure at the very top of the Northern land. It isn’t clear what its purpose is. It’s named for its most distinguished feature. A set of large stone steps that seemingly lead up to nowhere. It’s said this is where the veil between the real world and the Astral one meets. And is where the Source of Astral energy was discovered. But that hasn’t been confirmed.

M’Yuma Major Places​

Epica Empire​

An Empire that rose up 1000 years ago. The Empire spanned 2 of the 3 continents. After many many wars and rebellions that spilled untold amounts of blood and resulted in untold amounts of death, the Empire has been pushed back and pushed back, time and time again. Now it is about the size of the Ver Tetrarchy, the Aezunura Sultanate, and the Reysha Kingdom.

The most recent Emperor has felt such shame that he sought to expand once more and regain his lost land. He waged 2 wars. One against the Ver Tetrarchy and the Reysha Kingdom. He lost battles to both of them, resulting in most of the Epica Straight being lost and the Epica Great Wall being shattered. And both wars ended unceremoniously for the Empire, with the Empire’s crushing defeat. The Emperor’s failures in war 50 years ago caused him to step down from his position, as he had fallen into utter despair. Now he hides in the Citadel and has been rumored to be stricken with a terrible disease.

His daughter has risen and taken up the mantle of Empress, with the support of the people who are tired of senseless wars.

Her brother, who would’ve been 1st in line for the throne was unable to become Emperor since he did not have the backing of the people or other nobles. However, he longs to bring honor back to his family and rescue his father from despair and his disease. So secretly, the brother seeks to usurp his sister, reclaim the throne, and wage war once again, to reclaim land that rightfully belongs to the Empire! He has secret people backing him who feel the same (or perhaps have other nefarious plans.) For now, the prince watches his sister with envy.

Epica Citadel
A GRAND Citadel known the world over. It is a huge structure beside the Capital City of Epicanth. Its presence is so massive that looms over the already impressive city. Epica Citadel’s structure can be seen across the entire Empire.

The Citadel is where the royal family, their advisors and their servants live. Many many many knights guard the place. Other various powerful individuals make this place their home, employed and loyal to the Epica Empire.

Epica Colosseum
Built within the past 50 years. Seeing as how the colosseum of Aezuruna is so successful, the authorities of Epica thought it was prudent to try to salvage some of their reputation.

Frankly, it was a good idea. The colosseum has been successful, with the reputation of the place growing. More and more people have been flocking to Epica’s Colosseum. Even though it’s not as grand as Aezunura’s yet, it is still a pretty incredible place. The tournament and ranking scene is just beginning to take off. Many want to establish their rankings within Epica’s colosseum. Especially those that have failed at Aezunura’s.

Grand Wall of Epica
A massive barrier built by the Epica Empire as a border to the Reshya Kingdom to the Southeast.

As of 50 years ago. It was smashed through, leaving a huge hole. This happened in a war between the Epica Empire and the Reysha Kingdom. The Reysha Kingdom put up a fiercer fight than the Empire thought, and smashed through their wall. That pretty much signified the end of the war, the Empire pulling back counting their losses. The huge hole and the debris remains, but is watched by both sides.

Epica Straight
The barrier under Vetan’s Teeth between the Epica Empire and Ver Tetrarchy. Though it is split more in favor of the Ver Tetrarchy after the Empire had been pushed back, and is patrolled by the Robicc family.

Feozane Volcano​

A massive mountain to Epica’s north. 500 years ago it suddenly erupted, revealing it was a volcano all along.

Epica was able to fight against the massive eruption with their powerful Mage Emperor at the time and the Epica’s powerful retainers.

But after that, the northern land was drastically changed, and was lost to the Empire.

The Heart of Feozane
It is the name given to the protector of Feozane, and is a Mystic Position.

A sprawling rocky and molten city that was chiseled out of Feozane Volcano. After the eruption 500 years ago, the fallout mixed with magic and created the Fezinian race.

Feozane is the home of Fezinians. A race of “molten” people.

Deep in Feozane volcano are many powerful minerals rich in mana. The Fezinians mine these minerals as their primary export.

The Feo Spikes and Feo Chasm and the Feo Teeth
The eruption caused a major earthquake, which caused many rock spire-like mountains to burst up out of the ground. Inversely, just beyond those mountains that rose up, the earth cracked open and spread into a dangerous chasm. That is so deep, it is said to be bottomless. It at least goes so deep that it reaches flowing magma below. Crag spires grew downward along the sides of the chasm, earning the formation the name, the “Feo Teeth”. Making the Chasm appear like a giant hungry maw ready to swallow up any fool who gets to close.

Reysha Kingdom​

The Reysha Kingdom has recently gone through a major upheaval after the war with the Epica Empire. The Empire managed to assassinate most of Reysha's previous royalty. Leaving only a single prince alive, who was a babe during the war.

During the time the child grew the kingdom was overseen by the kingdom’s ministers and the late King’s Adviser who managed to survive the war. After the prince came of age, he became King at the age of 20. All seemed well until the King turned 46 when his mana became poisoned after an assassination attempt, which shattered a couple of his rings. Now he is on death’s door, and has been that way for the past 4 years.

During that time, the First Prince went missing. And the Second Prince had been overseeing his own territory. But now there are those that are calling for the Second Prince to be crowned. Even the Adviser -who is still alive- is backing him. The kingdom has been shaky since it hasn’t had a proper ruler for 4 years, as many were holding out for the King’s recovery. Unfortunately, that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen, and people want a proper ruler. The Queen is stricken with grief, never leaving her husband’s bedside, and is considered incapable of performing her duties.

The other children from the late king don’t intend to let this opportunity go to waste. They want to take the throne instead of their brother.

Principality of Diyatani
The land ruled by the Second Prince. A bountiful land, ruled nicely. Due to this, many back the Second Prince’s ascension to the throne.

Reysha(‘s Great) Lake (or the Great Lake of Reysha)
The grand lake in the center of the territory. Said to be created by a powerful individual in Reysha’s past when the country was on the verge of collapse from a famine. Since then, the Reysha Kingdom arose and prospered. The Empire looks upon this prosperous land with greedy eyes.

The lake is filled with mana to this day. Its waters possess heavy healing properties. So many flock to the cities on its edge, seeking its waters for various purposes. The fish from the lake, in particular, are rich with nutrients and rich in flavor. Potions are made from the lake’s water and sold the world over.

The Lake Guardian is a position taken by a powerful individual in Reysha. It is a Mystic Position that grants the guardian even more power. The Lake Guardian’s respect is known the world over.

Both a family name and the name of a city associated with the First Guardian of the Lake. Major trade, tourist, and historical city within Reysha. Practically speaking its a pretty important dot on Reysha's map.

Temple of the Lake/Temple of the First Guardian
Holy site found in the middle of Yurel. Largest structure in the city and is said to be where the first Guardian Lived, at least possibly for a time. Truth is, most records regarding the First Guardian are stored away and archived in the temple, but they're rarely brought out for the sake of their preservation. Only the higher clergy within the temple know for sure, but they do perpetuate the story that this was the home of the First Guardian. More public records that have been cross-referenced by scholars the world over do state that the temple was the first structure and the city sort of bloomed around it. Many believe that the temple was a holy site that in its early days served as a place for rituals involving the lake. Standard fair like rituals praying for bountiful catches to early fishermen settlers. Some theories even state the First Guardian was named at this temple, hence its second title. Again, only The Guardian and the higher ups at the temple have access to the original documents to prove any of this, so feel free to take it with a grain of salt too. It's possible those documents haven't been read in ages.

Great Lake Bureau District
Short walk away from the temple, the beating heart of the city, at least if you're looking at districts. Smack dab in the middle between the ports and the wider marketplace and just barely touching the upper and middle classes' residential district, this is where all permits are checked, records of trade kept, and really just an overall important point. Regardless if you're a merchant, visiting noble, or even an adventurer passing through this is stop number one. This area contains the embassies, guest quarters (for if you're particularly important), the Adventurer's Guild Branch office, the city archives (aka library), the Knights of the Lake's Barracks and headquarters which they share with the city guard, and of course the actual Bureau building itself which is adjacent to the library.


Oltinia is a new nation that appeared just 50 years ago. The Empire lost a major battle in the Northeast. But the Ver Tetrarchy didn’t want the land that was lost. So they called the Oltinia party.

Oltinia was a party of particularly powerful adventurers who helped in the war against the Empire. To recognize their efforts, the party was given the land that the Empire lost. Using their abilities and connections, they founded Oltinia, and settled there. Due to the connections these powerful adventurers had made, Oltinia quickly grew, despite being such a young nation.

Oltinia is ruled by a council of powerful individuals called the Olti. Only a powerful person can join the Olti council, so despite being a small nation, Oltinia feels very safe, because the people know their Olti members are not to be taken lightly, and are as strong as any other renowned person across the world, if not stronger. The Olti is a name that instills respect and fear.

Oltinia Academy
Since most parties have a well balanced team of martial artists, mages, and agents, Oltinia was founded with people who are very knowledgeable about each of the 3 paths/Vertices. So they know how to train particularly well in each.

Due to this fact, the Oltinia party founded a school to pass on their particular skills, teachings, and techniques. Within the past 45 years the school has gained quite the reputation. It is called Oltinia Academy. Many across the nations aspire to be trained in the 3 Vertices and seek to be admitted there.

Promising students from Oltinia Academy may even be picked by an Olti to become an Olti Disciple, to be specifically trained under an Olti.

Meqir Major Places​

Aezunura Sultanate​

Also known as the “Kingdom of mages”. The Azunura Sultanate is the nation that proceeds over the Aezunura desert on the southern Meqir continent. It is ruled by a “Sultan”.

The Cradle Cauldron is on the outskirts of the sultanate. The magic from the cauldron escapes and blows on arid winds across the desert and the kingdom. This means the people of the Sultanate grow up being bathed in magic, making them more magically-inclined.

Many of the guards of the sultanate are mages of a sort, compared to how other nations tend to produce more knights or martial artists as their protectors. Even the people make better use of magics, and are usually able to perform more useful magics and more efficiently. Making the towns and cities in the sultanate towns of magical wonder for those who live in other nations.

The sultanate tends to be where most of the world’s magical discoveries or inventions come from. Equipment and items typically have better enchantments from here, as well. That is why many flock to the sultanate to buy the higher quality magic items in the Magic Marketplace.

Magic Marketplace
Although it's called that, it's actually more of a city. (It’s also shortened to just the Marketplace.)

The Marketplace has ballooned since it became a popular tourist attraction. Many adventurers seek out this city just to find and acquire the best equipment possible. After all, better enchanted equipment means better protection from danger. It’s no exaggeration to say one’s likelihood of living longer is higher when one wears equipment from the sultanate.

The Marketplace has a bit of a “festival vibe” about it. Meaning it is a city of fun and self-indulgence. In fact, it has gradually grown to become a place of frivolous debauchery.

Since there are so many adventurers that come from all around, tournaments of all sorts are held year-round. It has its own unique ranking system and colosseum where fights are held. The tournaments that are held bring in A TON of cash. Cash flows through the Marketplace like a river.

Aezunura’s Colosseum
A massive structure built at the Marketplace. There is a constant ongoing tournament. The place has fights everyday. And there is an internal ranking system for all the fighters who apply to the tournament. The Champion of Aezunura is known world-wide and is a Mythic Position. There is a system in place for someone to challenge the Champion. In order to do so, one must win through an arduous gauntlet of fights. But if they do, then the Champion MUST accept the challenge. The Champion Fight happens once every 3 months, and is an event that brings people from all over.

Aezunura Desert
This desert spreads across most of the Meqir continent, covering about.. 65% of it. The entire desert is under the sultan’s domain, though it isn’t fully guarded nor fully watched as that would be a monumental task. So many tribes of thieves establish outposts across its sands.

Magic Signal Lighthouse (the Guiding Light-house)
To help those to navigate the desert, a massive spire can be seen across the entire desert. If someone pays in advance, the Magical Signal Lighthouse will aim a magical guiding light to help one navigate to their destination, which is usually an oasis or the capital city of the Aezunura Sultanate. It is sometimes called the Guiding Light house.

The Cradle Cauldron
This is where the phrase “the Cradle of Magic” came from. It is said magic is in this world because it leaked from the cauldron for eons.

A place of profound magical energies. Deep within the cauldron is said to exist all magics. Or all the knowledge of magic possible. It is said whoever reaches the bottom of the cauldron will reach a level of magical Enlightenment never before seen.

Mages of all sorts spend all their lives researching the magical energies of the cauldron. They live in the nearby Great Cauldron Spire. Mages gradually descend in the cauldron, using steps that have been carved for centuries into the cauldron’s side. This is because it is dangerous to enter the cauldron, which is why one can’t simply leap to the bottom. The magical energy within the cauldron is so magnificent and powerful it shreds apart any who dare leap in. One must constantly acclimate themselves to the cauldron’s magic. Once they do this, they can descend, but only at a gradual pace, as the magic within becomes denser and heavier and more overpowering.

The Cauldron is exactly what it sounds like. It is a massive cauldron-shaped hole that extends deep into the ground (it’s depth is unknown). Magic constantly leaks from the cauldron, and causes the hole to glow rainbow colors. It is located at the edge of the desert near the eastern coast. The land around the cauldron is all magically-burnt, leaving it blackened and craggy.

Great Cauldron Spire
Many mages and other magical-affiliates make their way to the cauldron, and this tower. They live all their lives here, just to study magic, and gain new profound enlightenment from the cauldron. Mages “dip” themselves into the cauldron many times a year, just to descend even a foot deeper.

Due to being so close to the vicinity of the cauldron, and their constant magical “baths”, the mages of the -shortened to- Cauldron Spire are particularly powerful. Mages from elsewhere really cannot compare. Well, that is the consensus. However, mages from elsewhere tend to undergo strict training in combat, and the mages of the Cauldron Spire spend a lot of time.. not doing that. So, maybe they’re not as beyond in their capabilities as they proudly profess.

Lost Kingdom of Izish
Izish is a well known civilization from ages past, before the sultanate. It was once a thriving nation, filled with potent mages just like the sultanate. It’s unclear what brought it to ruin. But something did.

Many archeologists -and other such researchers- flock to the desert to excavate and study Izish ruins. The ruins litter the desert. Some are obvious, sticking out of the sand like a sore thumb, others are not, hidden, lost to the sands.

Even now, the discoveries from Izish are having a profound effect on the world. Especially in regards to magical research, as Izish’s magical knowledge is shocking even to modern mages.

Lost City of Izish
Recently a massive city has been discovered in the desert. This is speculated to be the fabled “Lost City of Izish” -or its capital city. The rewards buried beneath the city are said to be immeasurable.

People want to excavate the city, but it appears protected by powerful magical barriers, so the process is slow, much to the chagrin of magical researchers across the world. The sultanate seeks anyone who can help with this endeavor.

Theocracy of Emersity Theota​

The nation that rules the Southern half of the Meqir continent, called ‘the Holy Land’. It’s on the smaller side, as far as nations go. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t lacking in strength. Like Aezunura, it is blessed with magical superiority. The difference is that the people of the theocracy are highly religious and specialize in Light magic.

They worship Emersity Theota. A human that not only ascended to godhood, but became the first of their race, the Theottians.

Holy City (of Emersity Theota)
The Holy City is a grand place of golds and reds. Its people are proud and diligent. All of the residents are religious. The city is guarded by the Holy Knights.

Inquisitors are a unique grade of Holy Knight. Like “special” Holy Knights. They’re a unique force that is sent out from the kingdom to do its bidding. Inquisitors are stronger than your typical Holy Knight.

The city is run by bishops, clergymen, priests, and other similar people with religious-sounding titles. The leader is the Crown Cardinal, which is a Mythic Position. As are Archbishops, though to a much lesser degree. The only one above the Crown Cardinal is the Holy One herself, Emersity Theota. (Also called the Divine One, and other similar-sounding titles.) Holy Mother is a unique and revered title for Emersity Theota, since she birthed the Theottian race.

Regardless of the connotations, or how rigid it may seem on the surface, the people of the Holy Land/the theocracy are actually a very welcoming and tolerant people. They do not mind most, or discriminate. People are open and free to be themselves and express themselves. The only thing they are rigid about, is belief in Emersity Theota. But they do not require outsiders to worship her.

The Inquisition
Or the Inquisitors. As mentioned, they're unique holy knights that are given special permissions. They also follow orders and go on special missions. There are various Inquisition corps.

Inquisition Mage Corps
Inquisitor mages. Simple as that.

The upper echelon of the Holy City are known as "Authorities". They each have an "Authority" which is basically a divine power granted to them by Emersity Theota. They are known as the literal "authority" of their particular Authority. These positions can be passed on, but only happens when appropriate successors are found. Needless to say Authorities are powerful individuals who are apart of the council of people who run the city. Their power is just a bit less than that of the Crown Cardinal. Authorities rule their own Dominions, and their authority is less in other dominions.

Authority of Divine Jewena
Authority of the Dark Sun Intevar Oncinth
Authority of Campaign and Conflict

The branch, district, or area of the Holy City that is ruled by a specific Authority. These districts are often accommodating or "themed" to their particular authority. The dominions are not equal in power or area either. They match the power of their particular Authority.

Dominion of Campaign and Conflict
Overseen by the Authority of Campaign and Conflict. This houses a smaller arena where Holy troops are trained, and adventurers come to train and hang out.

The Grand Holy Cathedral
This is the palace of the theocracy. Here is where the Crown Cardinal resides. It is a part of the Holy City, and presides over it.

The Grand Cathedral is a grand achievement in architecture and engineering. It towers above, reaching high into the heavens. Where the Throne of Voice sits high atop the cathedral amongst the clouds. It is said that here the Crown Cardinal speaks to Emersity Theota, who is said to still “live”. The Grand Cathedral has many High Priests. People are always coming and going. There are always lectures and sermons to hear in the lower chapels. There are always people wandering the corridors and reading in the expansive library. And there is a constant flow of coin from tax collecting. For some, the Grand Cathedral represents the best of the world -progress, and the future. For others it is a monument to over-indulgence disguised as piety.

Other Places of Note​

The Spiral Sea
Smack dab in the center between the 3 major continents. The Spiral sea’s waves constantly rotate in a counterclockwise direction. Perpetually in motion due to the sea currents that come from the open channel between the Reysha Kingdom and the Aezunura Sultanate.

The sea can be tricky to navigate, and is dangerous during a storm. The very center of the sea is deadly if it’s during High Rotation. High Rotation is when the currents pick up speed, causing the perpetual whirlpool of the Spiral Sea to go faster and gain strength. At its very center it's a death trap that no boat can escape. It isn’t recommended to sail during this time. The sea is largely understood now, so people can predict High Rotation times.

Meris - Undersea Kingdom
The kingdom of Sea Race, the Songswimmer people. Located off the East coast in the ocean deep.

Known as the Dying Land.

Wravadar was once extremely fertile land, said to have been blessed by the god Wravadar. (His name and the land’s name have been conflated into one, it isn’t even clear which is which, or if such a god ever existed in the first place.) It was said to be the second biggest continent of the world. A land of bounty, riches, and nothing but frivolous days of peace.

However, in the distant past -thousands of years ago- people looked towards its bounties and riches with envy. The peaceful people within didn’t even see what was coming next, nor did they have any way of defending against it.

A terrible clashing of many peoples happened. It was like the whole world went to war for Wravadar. Known as the War of Waste. A war of ruination that nearly decimated all the people in the world, leaving the survivors nothing. Wravadar was completely laid to waste.

Wravadar is now a desolate wasteland, permeated by death and magical pollution. It is a defiled land where nothing but heinous monsters roam, and seemingly nothing of note grows. The land’s once godly fertile lands are corrupted beyond repair. While it is unclear just what this “corruption” is, the corruption is ever-expanding, threatening to engulf the whole world.

To counteract this, ancient magicians came together. 4 Grandsages and one another. That one other is said to be a 8 Star Astral Agent.

Together, weaving a spell unlike any other, they sealed the entire continent of Wravadar. And pushed it down, down deep into the earth. Somewhere below, Wravadar rests, and is now called “the Underworld.” It is also referred to as “the Jailed Realm,” due to the seal around it.

Wravadar exists below our very feet, still sealed in what is called the Dreadbreak Binding. Some speculate it continues to expand. It is unknown if the seal will ever break from this expansion, but it is a hotly debated topic amongst circles of powerful individuals seeking a solution.

Gloomhall Castle
Home of the Gloomring royals. A large, dark, and gloomy structure. Recently been taken over by other Wravadaren "bandits".
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Grand Tournament Information
After the (supposed) death/disappearance of one of the Grand Ten, Mirror Blade Mijorine, the Epica Empire announced a big tournament that encompasses the world. Called the Grand Tournament. It's purpose? To replace the vacate Grand Ten. To find the next "Strongest" in the world.

A Joint GT Committee was established, that incorporated officials from all of the major countries, and some other choice individuals. Although, the Epica Empire is at the forefront, running the tournament. All major people across the continent were aware of the tournament before it was announced, but, as per the tournament's rules, they were barred from actually doing anything about it, in name of fairness for the would-be applicants. And then it was announced all at once, after which, the tournament went into full swing.

After it was announced.

The Registration process took 7 days. Where there was a small Screening Test just to prove applicability. Then, there was a 1 week set-up period by the tournament officials, during which, entrants were encouraged to "brush up" on their abilities (train in the meantime). Of which there were thousands of employees, working around the clock, and all over the world in many towns and cities. Then the Preliminary Tournament began.

For the preliminary tournaments, many many fights are hosted all at once, because there are so many entrants. The fights take place in "Blocks". If you are in Block A, for example, you only fight opponents in Block A.

This meant that there are even smaller tournaments in the preliminaries. And all winners of those Blocks would be accepted into the main tournament proper, taking place 3 months after the end of the last preliminary tournament, however long that took.

To put it simply, no matter the town or city you were in, you didn't have to be the only winner there to make it to the main tournament. All the Block winners would be admitted to the Grand Tournament, taking place on the Grand Stage, 3 months later.

All types of applicants are accepted into the Grand Tournament. Young, old. You can be someone in a position of power, or with a noteworthy title, a noble, or a commoner. Or a total nobody, so long as you had the skills to pass the Screening Test. All races, even lesser races -who could behave- are allowed in. Even some smarter, sentient monsters and magical creatures are allowed in. Even animals with Astral abilities.

The tournament even allows criminals. For the entire length of time that the tournament is in effect, criminals (in the tournament) will not be arrested. If you lost your fight, you would then be arrested, so fighting as a criminal came with some risk. However, if you won your Block Tournament, and showed up to the Grand Stage, then you just had to win 1 fight in the Grand Stage, and all of your crimes -no matter where they were committed, in whichever nation- you would be absolved of them. (The only crimes that would not be, were the crimes committed outside of the reach of the GT.) It is this promise that is drawing so many criminals to the tournament.

So, that while it is expressly forbidden to commit crimes during the tournament process, these are criminals we're dealing with. It's impossible to know what'll happen or keep everything in check. Even with all the Tournament Security there is.

Also, minor fights are bound to happen here or there with all these arrogant, volatile individuals showing up. Typically speaking, those things are low on the tourney officials' priorities, so small-time skirmishes are overlooked.

Still, this particular tournament's integrity is of the utmost importance. As it is a tournament meant to find a replacement in the GRAND TEN. So there are many people employed as Tournament Security. They take their job very seriously. Many Entrants have already been arrested, leading people to win their fights by default. Security typically have a level of combat skill, so you shouldn't think too lightly of them, even if you are a fighter in the tournament. Security are also allowed in the tournament, so it isn't unusual to see a T Security officer in a fight.

The GT gives prizes to winners at all stages of the tournament. That means 1st place and 2nd place win prizes in each Block Tournament. A smaller prize is awarded to the semifinalists. Prizes are proportional to the winning place, not the town or city. Therefore it doesn't matter where you're fighting. Your award money will be sent to you, coming from the pooled Tournament Treasury funds.

Sometimes, more specific prizes can be awarded, based on the individual who is the winner, and if certain deals were made before the fight.

There can only be 1 winner of the entire Grand Tournament. Whoever wins is granted a position and the title of Grand Ten. (It doesn't matter if they're actually the strongest, so long as they win first place.) With the position of Grand Ten, many unique benefits are awarded the individual. They essentially gain a unique position in the world.

The preliminary tournaments are Elimination-based. And the tournament takes place in "duel" format. This means that if you lose your duel -or fight- then you're eliminated, flat out. While there is a set up ring, the only way to be eliminated is to be knocked out or to give up/"surrender/forfeit" or if you're otherwise unable to continue fighting. Or in the worst-case scenario, if the fighter is killed. Remember, criminals are not arrested in this tournament, so killing one's opponent is technically allowed. (Though it is looked down on, and considered distasteful and dishonorable.) But if you lose at any point, then your previous kill is taken as a murder, and added to your crimes, and you will be arrested for it. So "ring outs" are not a way to be eliminated; you are allowed to step off the ring, or get knocked out of it. So long as you return to it to fight, since the fight is meant to take place within the ring.

The "ring" can look like many different things. Some major cities have a proper set up. With a stage made of white granite, with either dust, or grass surrounding it, and stands for onlookers to watch. Other, smaller towns may have nothing but a place to fight, with a "ring" drawn in the dust. It depends on where your particular preliminary tournament is taken place, but the rules and set-up are all largely the same.

The Grand Tournament proper is actually "double elimination". All losers of their first fights are given another chance. They're to fight other losers. If they win, then they're re-admitted to the tournament proper, at an appropriate place in the tournament. This is to prove there weren't flukes, or wins based on luck, or luck-of-the-draw with a poor match-up. But if you lose after being re-admitted to the tournament, then you're out for good.

If both fighters knock each other out, then they're simply eliminated. No mercy.

In the Grand Tournament Proper. There are certain individuals that have either proved themselves in the preliminary tournaments called "Lesser Seeds" or who are already noteworthy individuals who are participating in the tournament, who did not have to go through the preliminaries, "Greater Seeds".

Seeding means simply, fighters get placed at certain points in the tournament due to their renowned strength. These individuals get to bypass early fights due to their already-known and accepted strength.

If a Seeded fighter loses then it is grounds for a total upset that'll drive the masses wild.

Rival Fights
Spectacle is a huge part of the Grant Tournament. It's meant to be a celebration of the 3 Vertices, and battle in general. As the Grand Ten are noteworthy due to their high combat potential. If the GT goes on long enough, then natural rivalries manifest between fighters. While the tournament is supposed to be "fair" with the way the participants are matched - ie: it's supposed to be up to random chance. Rivalry battles are given priority. This means, simply, that the Organizers will manipulate the brackets, placing rivals against each other for legendary "rival fights" for purely the audience's benefit. These fights bring in a lot of revenue and viewership.

Betting is 100% legal. There is the official betting kiosks, where people can bet on their favorite fighters. There is no limit to how much one can bet, and who they can bet on. The only limitation is that you cannot bet on both fighters in one fight. Some fighters have different odds, so good betting can mean you make bank, or catastrophically lose. If you bet more than you make, there will be consequences though.

"Illegal" betting. That is to say, unsanctioned betting can and does happen. It's fine, too. But since it's unregulated, there are those that do not recommend it. There's no telling what'll happen with those criminal betters, or if you lose your bet.

"Bets" and "deals" can be made outside of these, with specific individuals. That is to say, Higher Ups, Officials, or Significant Individuals can and will make deals with particular fighters they like. These deals can be lucrative. As the tournament goes on, more and more of these deals occur due to interest in specific fighters.

Rules for the Grand Stage
  • You're able to leave the ring, but you must return to the ring in under 20 seconds, otherwise you'll be disqualified.
  • In regards to killing the opponent. Technically, it isn't allowed. To lose, the contestant must either be knocked out, or concede defeat. However, there are instances that lead to "accidental" deaths. These are possibly fine. The cases of deaths in the rings are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Clear signs of executions are not tolerated.


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Noteworthy NPCs across the world

Robicc Family

Lord Sheperd Robicc
The current head of the Robicc family, and leader of the whole of the Robicc territory of the Ver Tetrarchy. 'Emperor' Sheperd Robicc, the Emblazoned Falcon. A seasoned fighter with renowned strength built up over the years. His leadership skills now are noteworthy, but he notably struggled with this aspect when he was younger and learning. Not many dare to disrespect him or argue. A man who prizes integrity, honor, nobility, and honesty above all else. But isn't afraid of laying down the law if necessary. His one dark mark is a 'mistake' he made when he overly celebrated a victory and laid with a woman outside of his marriage, tarnishing his otherwise perfect honor. Unfortunately, that's is his first born, and a bastard.

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Pronoia Robicc
Daughter of Sheperd Robicc from his second wife. A dutiful, if not overly earnest girl. Seeks approval in all things that bring glory and honor to her Robicc name. Was drawn to the sword at a young age. Sheperd is known to 'favor' her, often yielding to her random whims. He says it's because "she's special," and leaves it at that. Pronoia has heard him say this once before when she eavesdropped. Now she strives her best to prove it. Prove that she's 'special', hence why she comes off as a try hard sometimes. Because of this, she has complex regarding Vequanial her junior half-brother who surpassed her ages ago.

Vequanial Robicc
One of Shepherd's youngest sons. A prodigy known to all familiar with the Robicc family. Despite his small, lithe frame, there is a beast hidden in his sword. Can best more than half the knights and soldiers of their region, only losing to his elder brothers, his father, and uncle. Has a devoted and responsible side, fulfilling any orders of his father to the T.

He has all 3 Cores, at the Muddled stage, with his Gravity Core nearing the Refined stage. It's rumored he's capable of Aura Edge.

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Alina Robicc
2 years older than Vequanial. She seeks to succeed her uncle as the Commander of the Firebrand Order.

Uncle Uzziel Robicc
Shepherd's older brother who lost a duel to him many years ago. The duel that would determine succession to Emperor of the family. He accepted his loss with grace and became Commander of the Firebrand Order of knights. He has reached the Zenith of the Martial path, with 2 refined cores and 1 True Pure Core.

He knows the Robicc technique to "burn Qi", literally igniting Qi flames. Which is where the Firebrand Order gets its name.


A 'knight of Juya', with a chivalrous disposition. Not strong, so a bit cowardly. But also a bit brave due to being rather weak. Was amongst the escorts escorting Sirindra from Juya to Epicanth, Epica.

Cauldron Spire

The spire of the great Cradle Cauldron in Meqir.
Upper Cauldron Spire Staff


Sir Craxisys
A wily old man, who has done much in his life. He appears as an old man though, because he hasn't written an 8th ring, and therefore aging still affects him more than others. He also believes his beard makes him look distinguished. Many mages across the world deeply respect him, his accomplishments, and for his genius spell-craft. While only Sage rank, many consider him the strongest mage that exists, despite only being a 7 ring mage, and not even in the Grand Ten.

He's notable for his remarkable, near-perfect shield spells, and that he has a Blue Heart Core. He invented the unique ring formation called the Cage Sphere formation. Where his rings are written around his Blue Heart Core, "caging" it. Blue Cores are known for unique effects, and his seems to resonate with his rings in particular. Granting his magic much more power than most.

The Cauldron Spire Director
Head Magic Seat of the Great Cauldron Spire's Seat Council
Seat of Protection.
Commanding Sage of the Cauldron's Magic Force

Spire's Magic Seats


Seat of Sealing
A woman of dubious demeanor. Tends to be matter-of-fact and gets annoyed when the topic at hand is derailed. Ylleth's sealing spells are second to none, but take awhile to set up. She won't seal just anything either, as she is a very wary and cautious individual.

Enchanting Seat
A mage who deeply respects those who are deserving of it in the magical world. Also known for his pragmatism and level-headedness. The items he enchants are of the highest grade and caliber.

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Evocation Seat
Famous for her ambition in magical power. Known as a Crashing Mage before. A mage who has shattered rings and attempted spells beyond her level all to ascend to higher strength. Has been rewriting her formation for the past 15 years, which is why she only has 3 rings right now. Despite her timid nature, and softspoken voice, is one of the Seats who is most known for her crazy lust for power and battle.

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Pixie Seat
Best user of unique Pixie magics. The granddaughter of the Head Elder of the Pixie village within the Cauldron Spire. Professor of Pixie Magics and History, and Natural Mana 101 in the Scholar Program within the spire.

Other Mages


One of the spire's High Mages.
Nephew of the Enchanting Seat, Myrdin.
Proficient in Enchanting magic himself.


Beawenna Peaceroot

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Epica Empire

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Elisztraza Epica
The current reigning Empress of the Epica Empire


Grand Court Magician of Epica


The Empire's Eye Genius. An enigmatic young boy, whose origins are unknown. Has a dark visage and piercing eyes. Talks to no one but the Empress


Elusadimus Hephamedes
Grand Architect of Magical Structures


Imperial Advisor Trudüün


Zelig Earthbane
The 'eldest son' of the noble Stone Walls and Poisoned Steps House. Has high ambitions. Is arrogant and haughty. Looks down on others.


Hausan Tyrídin Cylnncine Earthbane Baishoushan
The true eldest son of the Earthbanes, but who shed his station when he left and joined the Terrastal Infusion and Permeation sect. That's where he earned his last name, when he made Third Seat.
Has techniques from the Earthbanes (though hes forbidden from using them) and the TI and P sect. A formidable warrior. One of the GT Supernovas.
(Ignore the pistol in the pic, theres no guns in this setting)


Adonia Celenera Robicc Peacestorm
The current head of the Flame Walk of the Silent Forests House. Eldest Robicc daughter who married into the Peacestorm house, and had her husband pass away, leaving her as the head. A woman with a cruel reputation. Zelig's current fiancée.

Chromatic Knights




Neve, the Divine Blade of Blossoms

A swordswoman renowned as the first female pupil of the legendary Master Kai to earn the title of Divine Blade. Her talent allowed her to defend a shrine against over 1000 soldiers comprised of great martial artists, mages and astral warriors. She spends her time nowadays training Oltinian Children in martial arts. Her sword skills are said to be so great that she could cut apart the falling petals from cherry blossom trees with but a single slash.
Reysha Kingdom
The Hunter
Sophia Yurel's father. He didn't exactly make that title himself, its just how people refer to him. Typically wanders around and only takes quests involving the butchering and slaughtering of monsters. To the confusion of many, the man does not use a bow. Instead he wields a variety of makeshift weapons, many of them serrated or made of special alloys, which can include strange gimmicks. No one knows who he is, where he's from, or how he became the way he is. All you need to know is if a man comes into your guild branch clad in heavy protective leather clothing, has a bloodstained weapon specifically designed for monsters, and is either covered head to toe and/or reeks of blood that's him.

Information Guild

Agent: Veil
Real name, Nyasi. An agent who was killed by Jewena. Deceased.


Agent: Hebii
Real name, Hysssyyyddisssciyy. Or simply Hysydice. Self-proclaimed "Operative #2". Silent Walk, the Snow's Shadow, Shadow of the Snowflake Blade, Silver-Eye Hyss. A naga which only barely shows some of her snake-like characteristics.


Agent: Ghast
Real name, ???. Not much is known about this enigmatic man. He's working for Siebolt Faepierre.

Other NPCs
Theodore Myrius, the Alchemist
An Archmage who operates his own shop specializing in quality products made and modified via magic. Although possessing a wealth of magical power. He prefers the slow life of a magic shop merchant.

The Traveling Knight
Someone who went down the Astral path as far as he could and the material path stopped a little past halfway. At some point, he became able to manipulate the wind around him without using magic earning him the title of The Tempest Knight or T.T.K

FlowGrand family
Famous for being one of the best at the Predictions and Identification magic schools. They're often sought out for high-value items and to see what someone's future will be like.

Kouma is a young merchant who found, named and ultimately tamed Simurgh. Growing up the daughter of a prisoner in a penal colony, located in a region of the Azeunera Desert. With her mother dead during childbirth, the father placed much of the blame on her. As she was cast out -- she would resort to thievery for a time but soon...had managed to go legitimate. And found for herself the resources to make a small business for herself -- selling exotic spices, magical items, bestial parts and other strange oddities she could get her hands on.

Npcs defeated in the Grand Tournament Prelims

Raheet Ainhart
--defeated by Talio during the Block F finals

--Leader of the Noble Bears mercenary corps
--Honorable merc group
--Known to be a Martial Master.
--Defeated by Vequanial

Aruf Boldwin
--Juya knight
--Defeated by murderer Jirvr in Juya prelims

--a half-elf
--Defeated by Sirindra

--half-elf sister
--Defeated by Sirindra a few fights later


--Sordrinn's captain of city guard
--Defeated by Pronoia


--A Soul weapon
--Used Moon Dragon Stance! Rhiayukyomi, to manifest a Astral-Qi Dragon made out of crescent moons
--Defeated by Sirindra in Block A penultimate fight
--Bestowed to Sirindra after she won the Block tournament

--Wildman woman over 7 ft.
--Defeated by Sirindra

Orkön, The Blacksmith Smasher
--A Earthborn blacksmith turned criminal
--Defeated by Sirindra in Block A final


Izalia Spara
--Defeated by Sophia


Siebolt Faepierre
--Uses Physique of Sanctified Beasts cultivation technique
--First Sanctified Beast! Majestic Griffin Swoop: A transparent yellow-white visage of a griffin aura technique
--From the Faepierres, vassal family to Robicc, who are always in self-imposed competition with them
--Defeated by Pronoia in Block B final

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Grand Ten
[G10 in general is a Mystic Position]


"Please observe total reverence before a personage such as myself; wouldn't want to indirectly disrespect Our Holy Lady Emersity Theota, would you?"
The Authority of Divine
The most powerful Authority in all of the Holy City. Her dominion is far-reaching and so powerful it instills fear. Still, she seems to be a perfect individual, and never pushes her authority beyond what it should be. She's got a divine visage, so even the citizens of the Holy City gaze upon her in reverence and awe when she walks by.

8 Rings. 7 Star Spark Rank. Typical Martial Expert. Divine power courses through her.

Authority of Divine
Leader of the Holy Clerics
Councilwoman at the Holy Council
A Mythic Position

Has Dominion over her two Escorts, both insanely powerful fighters themselves, but are totally under her control
Aspect of Divine Upbringing
-- how being brought up in godliness and worship will empower ones soul

Aspect of Divine Overbearance
--- how being subservient to divinity humbles one and their soul

Avryss Gemlinn
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"Whether it be in the world of business, or the world of battle be crushed under the weight of Gold."
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"O~hh you're funny, little kitty. Come closer, I promise I won't bite. As long as you pay up~"
Avyrss' Jackal form
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Gemlinn's Wild Jackal
While his 3 Vertices are on the lower end, Avryss uses his immense wealth to supplement his lack of talent or skills in other places. He uses powerful enchanted items and weapons. He'll use monster weapons and items. He uses only the best potions, brewed by the best alchemists, to grant him the best effects. He rarely fights alone, always having the newest model golems to defend him. And he fights with enslaved monsters, and summons. He also is regularly guarded by mercs that are supplied and buffed by items from him. You could count all of them apart of his strength.

Forwent his position of leadership in the Jacklyss Tribe to become a merchant instead. His merchant business boomed and he never regretted his decision.

Is really a "Jackal Beastman" who uses magic to assume a different identity to appear as a "normal person" to lower the guard of those he does business with.

6 Ring Hexa mage. Specialty "Midas" magic. Calling forth waves of gold and turning peeps to gold.
5 Stars.
Upper Martial Expert. 3 cores. All Final Refined.
Possesses a "Golden Skeleton", which is stronger than average mortal skeletons -and reinforces his martial arts. Though outside of that, his martial arts are nothing special.

'Heir' of the Gemlinn Merchantry Guild
Lord Gemlinn of Gemlinn Merchantry Guild
Second Heir of the Jacklyss Tribe

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"Life's too short! Study the Astral Path and join me in the spiritual world! Cast away your physical self and this dying physical world!"
Yoam the Vibrant Spirit
Guy that's often seen with Elizstraza's entourage. At first it was a question who he was, but then people began to recognize him as the Grand Ten Astral Master Yoam, the Vibrant Spirit or Vibrant Existence. Generally, a pretty upbeat, and superfluous guy. His personality is known to be fun, but equally frivolous, making him the type of guy that not many ultimately like, despite being 'friendly' and 'outgoing.' It's unclear why he hangs around the Empress, her group, and Matias, but no matter.

Yoam is said to be the premiere Astral master that exists in the world right now. People argue who would win in a fight of Yoam vs the Astral Ace, (name pending). Though he thinks it would be a fun fight, he doesn't particularly care about the outcome or "who's stronger."

Shooting Stars 8 star agent. Is also called 'the Wandering Spirit', as he is known to walk the Spiritual plane, rather than the physical world.
Yoam's Prismatic World is a world of endless fractals and light.

Matias Mordin
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"The world is cruel. Sometimes the only thing you can do to fight back, is to be equally cruel. If you find yourself trudging through the swamp of despair, just loathe the world. Let that be your strength, and fight on."
Matias "the Average"
Was a known criminal, having done so many terrible things in name of "progression". A boy who was otherwise a normal existence, and talentless. Who despaired at this in a world of monsters and powerhouses. In a world where the 3 Paths exist. About his only real talents were being utterly, and absolutely determined to "become stronger," and the 'talent' of "studying to death," really applying himself, never giving up, and seeking every avenue to escape the swamp of despair that was constantly pulling him down.

Somehow, he managed to "breakthrough" and "surpass his limits" many many times, surprising everyone. To the point that he "rose to the top." Matias is the "hero of the common folk." As they view him as an inspiration to all "normal people" and "talentless" people out there. Frankly speaking, despite just having progressed far down a couple of paths, Matias is actually a quite mediocre magician in the grand scheme of things. Many suggest he isn't even Grand Ten anymore, and that he's undeserving of his positions. Or perhaps, he never was. But no one wants to remove him from the lineup, because of the way he inspires the common folks, and because if he was ever removed, other people would despair or go into an uproar at someone like Matias being mistreated.

Still, while he's not said to be anything special, Matias does have quite the list of records under his belt. Many can recount his various won fights, most of which pushed him to his limits, yet he overcame them and won, raising the spirits of everyone who witnessed such heroism.

Matias fights nearly "perfect" every fight. He has mastered "by the book" fighting in order to defeat prodigies, geniuses, and monstrous existences that can't be fathomed. If things have advantages or disadvantages against other things, then you can bet Mathias will employ those in his fight to win. It's why he never studied Martial, because he just defeats Martial enemies with his Astral Path. And he can just defeat Astral agents with his Magic Path. Studying Martial would've just wasted his time, and made him not be able to breakthrough bottlenecks down the other two paths.

Due to being a known criminal, Mathias was unfortunately bestowed the Suppression of Violent Tendencies curse. It was a "necessary" measure, just in case. But not everyone knows this, just thinking he's some incredible hero who rose up despite his mediocrity. Those that do know, believe he doesn't deserve it. Many have sent complaints to those in power who made him this way on his behalf, but nothings been done about it.

Briefly lost to a powerful individual named Gold Skull. But after his surprising death, which lead to a short stint in the Grand Ten -the shortest in history, Matias quickly reassumed his spot in the Grand Ten.

Shooting Stars 8 star agent. 8 Ring Mage.
Fights using "by the book" combat.
Sealing, Restoration, Alteration, and Projection magic schools are his area of expertise.
He's had a First and Second Severing.

Epica's Elite Archmage
Epica Citadel's Mage General
Epica Spire's Sealing Seat

Godlis Epica Starmantle
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"Were dragons always this weak? I seem to remember struggling with them more. I am Godlis, a hero out of time, nice to meet you."
The Hero of Old
The Dragonslayer is what he's often called around Adventurer guilds, with adventurers, in particular, praising slaying dragons. But for those really "in the know," they call him 'the Hero of Old'. Because Godlis is a man from the past. He was a Hero that adventured across the lands a thousand years ago. But just before he was about to slay some terrible being, the being cast a hail mary of a magic, sealing Godlis in a time egg. The time egg hatched in the present, and Godlis stepped out into a world he didn't know. Since then, he's basically gone back to what he did in the past, only now he has FANS. Godlis finds this amusing, as his past work was rather lonely. He does wonder what happened to his foe, but he hasn't heard any hints about the foe that managed to escape him. While he's seeking that foe on the downlow, he's mostly over it, thinking 'everything's fine'. If the world is fine now, then likely that foe perished by some other means.

What he does find funny, is that his line continues on, and is the rulers of the Epica Empire! Godlis feels a bit guilty after leaving behind a pregnant wife. But he finds solace in knowing something went right.

6 Star agent. Very high soul density.
True Pure Core, Blue Core, and Golden Core. Equivalent of Supreme Grandmaster.
Knows only one style. The Way of Prism Scales. A divine-inspired, dragon-touched style.

Way of Prism Scales
Uses the mantle of starscales for its techniques. Known as the style of the epitome of the world.

Wields the Sword of Man.


Mythic Position
S+ Adventurer

Renkaka Cherrycoat
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"'All things come and go.' A noble maxim. However, no matter the age, some of us still struggle with acceptance of the world. Those who can are praiseworthy."
Demonic Fur, Shadow Cat
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Master Ren
Known as the "Samurai Cat". A cat from the Pasfiri (cat beastmen) tribe in the secret Martial Beast Wilds of the Epica Empire. An exceptional, well-trained cat who made General. However, after a war with another tribe, seeking to end their Heavenly Tiger Sect, he departed his position and left to explore the world, becoming an Adventurer. S rank, of course. Quite famous now as the Adventurer "Samurai Cat". Though he isn't fond of that name. Cat's at least 99 years old, though he doesn't look a day over 35.

Lost his wife in the war, which is what made him ultimately leave. Still has that scar in his heart. Says "the only scratch that a foe has ever left on me, is the one on my heart, when my Matefiri died (Mate-for-life)". Now took his late wife's name out of respect for her.

Turned a bit "dark" when his mate was killed in the war, resulting in him gaining new power. Able to change into his "Shadow Cat" form with his Demon Fur.

Styles Practiced
Flying God Sword. Cherry Blossoms Soft Wind Dance. 5 Heavenly Tiger Constellations. And Shadow Cat Demon Claw Art.

Flying God Sword
Easiest style to master in the Heavenly Tiger Sect. Wildly taught. Yet, for some reason, rarely mastered. A quick and agile style, that makes one look like they're flying around. The Cat Cloud Step technique is one of the techniques of this style, literally allowing the martial artist to 'step' on air.

Cherry Blossoms Soft Wind Dance
The main style of the Cherry Blossoms Soft Wind Sect (his wife's sect). Learned it after marrying her; she was his sensei in regards to the style. An elegant, flowy style. It would appear that it's "softness" and "slowness" were weaknesses, but in reality, the opposite is true. Those deliberate movements are what make the style powerful. Catching foes off guard, and empowering the techniques with purpose, dignity of the soul, and gratitude towards beauty and nature. There's a reason why this style is also the sect's name.

5 Heavenly Tiger Constellations
A style taught to the Elders of the Heavenly Tiger Sect. Its techniques and teachings are secret otherwise. Powerful Qi-charged attacks laced with the killing intent of the 5 Tiger Constellations. Nearly a divine style. A god-touched style.

Shadow Cat Demon Claw Art
A style that "came to him" when he learned of his Shadow Cat alter-ego, when his Core blackened after his wife was killed. Renkaka won that battle by slaughtering the entire enemy force in his Demon Fur, Shadow Cat form. After that, techniques of this wicked style begun to gradually come to him. You could say Renkaka is the creator of this style. Uses fast strikes aimed at vital points. No wasted movements, all kill-shots. This style is about killing. Every attack is laced with lethality.

2 Golden Cores. Fully Black Core. The Sensei (Supreme Grandmaster). Spiritual Force Qi. Early Eternal Realm.
Will most likely never ascend higher due to his Black Core.
7 Stars. Spark Rank.

"Two-Lives Dual Shadows Technique"
Summons his Spirit Self as a Shadow fighter.
"Can you even keep up? Mrrw."

Ex-General of Pasfiri Tribe
Decorated Elder of the Heavenly Tiger Sect
Affiliate Elder of the Cherry Blossoms of Soft Wind Sect
Master Sensei of Flying God Sword style
S+ Lone Adventurer

Allmaster Garnestra "Garnet" Ruveillo
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"Let me tell you something. -Never train under a cat. I'm serious. I'm warning you. Don't do it. Seriously. Don't do it. I promise you, it's not worth it. You'll rather die 100 thousand times, I promise you. Just. Don't. Do it. Don't even consider it. Just friendly advice from a no-name swordswoman."
The Allmaster and Ruler of the Olti (And the Apprentice of the Cat which forever stuck)
Garnet, The Blade of the 5 Colored Lightning

Oltinian leader trained by Renkaka. Was once a cheerful young woman, but since became jaded and cynical and assholish under the hellish training of her master. While leading the Oltinia party, had to face 5 excruciating challenges to even become a disciple of Sensei Renkaka. Then, while under Sensei Renkaka had to face 10 more even more grueling challenges to graduate from under him. Such as climbing to the top of Orange Peak, where Garnet was trained under the Sunblaze Sect leader, under the full bearing of the sun in the middle of the Somher months, while naked. Another was enduring the Five-Colored Emotional Lightning Strikes of the Meris Kingdom. Yet another was partake in the Diet of the Poison Glutton King from the Cavern of Defiling Death. Which meant nothing but consuming poisons and rotted food for 4 whole years. Which was amongst the hardest challenge, since it meant she couldn't cultivate or refine her cores for 4 whole years. Garnet felt she was going to die more times than she could count. The agony of not being able to do so was almost worse than the consuming of poisons itself. She nearly passed out out of sheer joy when she ate a simple children's candy bar. Renkaka said she had ruined her accomplishment, and had her repeat the final year. 5 whole years of her life spent on eating nothing but filth and poison. Garnet thought her taste buds would never recover. And they haven't. Food has no taste for her anymore.

But when she finally finished the last challenge, Sensei Renkaka smiled, and took her hand, helping her up. Then he placed his hands -er- paws together and bowed to her, saying, "Well done, Master." Filling her up with unbelievable pride.

The very last challenge is something she's not pleased to repeat, as it's incredibly embarrassing. (But I'll tell you anyway =) .) The last challenge was for Garnet to endure a harem of the sexiest men from around the world, all seeking to romance the lady and have fun with her. All while Garnet was under the effects of Mystipiki's most powerful Love Potion and Aphrodisiac potion. 'Endure it' meaning to not engage with temptation at all. All to maintain her Pure Yin Body that she had been miraculously born with. The last challenge was said to be her hardest to endure.

After her training, Garnet returned to active duty with Oltinia. And she lead the party to glory as their seemingly unflappable, indominatble leader. Eventually gaining a kingdom and world-renowned recognition.

Has never taken a Direct Disciple.

Has sort of a bad personality. Gets intensely irritated by "arrogant bugs" that challenge her. So at this point, no one challenges her.

3 Golden Cores. Final Grandmaster, Wise One. Eternal Realm, Spiritual Force Qi. Lightning-charged Qi. Pure Yin Body.
6 Star agent. Hexa Crashing 6 ring mage.
(After the challenge of forcibly using Crashing rings, and shattering them, this is child's play for Garnet.)
Destruction, Enchantment, and Evocation are her primary schools of magic.

A Glutton for Poison. Body is not only immune to poisons, but she can produce poisons with her body now as well. Including the extremely lethal Tormentation of the Bowls. A poison brewed within one's bowls, and causes incredible bowl pains to the afflicted before horrifically killing them in the nastiest, unmentionable way possible.

Styles Practiced
Blood-dipped Blade of Poison Breath Style. Flying God Sword. Five-Colored Emotional Lightning Strikes Style.

Blood-dipped Blade of Poison Breath Style
Her signature style. A cutthroat style that incorporates fast cuts to primarily infect the foe with poison. And other lethal strikes to kill should poison be ineffective. No actually, that's not it. To kill, regardless of the terrible poison the victim is enduring, that would already kill them. Gets its name from Garnet's signature poison-breath that coats her blade.

Flying God Sword
Style of the Heavenly Tiger Sect, taught to her by Sensei Renkaka, perhaps the easiest thing she's ever learned.

Five-Colored Emotional Lightning Strikes style of the Meris Kingdom
Style learned after enduring the Five-Colored Emotional Lightning Strikes of the Meris Kingdom. Incorporates all of those particular lightning strikes into attacks and techniques of the style. Said to be an incomparable style of ferocious power. Not quite as nasty as some other styles out there (like her own Poison Breath Style), but still considered to be a style that many fear due to its peerless strikes of raw power.
Blue Lightning -- lightning that paradoxically causes freezing
Purple Lightning -- lightning that is said to be mind-breaking
Yellow Lightning -- lightning that is ear-splitting and nervous system paralyzing
Red Lightning -- lightning so blistering that it scorches the soul and burns the body
Orange Lightning -- uncomprehendingly heavy lightning that is bone-shattering

Yin and Yang Style of Heaven and Earth
The final style that Garnet has learned. Which she hasn't mastered yet. There is a very good reason for that. Her Pure Yin Body makes her reject Yang Qi. But her master still forced her to learn it, simply because she needs Yang energy to fight some foes. And her Pure Yin body technically "meshes well" with the Yin of the style. She only cannot attune with the style due to the Yang energy. Regardless, a style that focuses on sword attacks with and without definition. An incomparable style of unknowable and baffling sword movements. The mixed Yin and Yang energy results in transcendent power, capable of damaging some monsters that other styles would not be able to even touch.

Head of the Olti and Oltinian Council.
Guest Instructor of Oltinia Academy.
Associate Consultant of the Adventurer Guild Headquarters.
Affiliate Advisor of Epica Kingdom.
A Mythic Position.
Mostly the Unofficial Leader of the Grand Ten.

Mystipiki Palulu
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"Wanna have fun? Wanna find love? Wanna make love?! Or just wanna kill your enemies? Welcome to Mysti's POTION EMPORIUM! WELCOME! WELCOME! BRING IN YOUR DESIRES! AND YOUR VERCS! Pulihihihi~"
Pulala Mournemoon
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A crazy girl who does whatever she wants. She lives in MYSTI'S POTION EMPORIUM, a fanciful building that looks like something straight out of a little girl's imagination, that floats and teleports across the land. Just spotting her floating home is said to bring good fortune and luck. Mysti is a POTIONS MASTER. She brews all sorts of potions, but is most famous for her LOVE POTIONS, her BUFF POTIONS, and her LOVEBUFF POTIONS. Teehee~! She's also quite known for mesmerizing potions and potions that mess with the mind, memory, and similar things.

She's also famous for (-well she's famous for a lot of things-) inventing the Spell-Potion-buff technique. Which involves shooting a spell through one of her potions, then the potion breaks, and empowers the spell, which is usually aimed at her target.

Pulala Mournemoon is her odd counterpart. Pulala comes out for half the year. For half the year she's "Palulu", and the other half she's Pulala. While she's Pulala, she wanders the land, as if entranced. She's much different as Pulala. A darker visage, and cold exterior. She's like witch reaper. She viciously hunts ingredients for her potions, and won't stop at people who get in her way. During this time, her home crashes to the ground, and horrifying, murderous, deadly scarecrow monsters protect the place. Needless to say, her Emporium isn't open during this time.

Mysti is Fiend race.

8 Ring Elite Archmage as Mysti.
As Pulala, Central and Gravity Cores. Both Black Cores. Speculated to be around Peak or Upper Martial Master. Despite not being of appropriate rank, still possesses Infernal Realm Black Qi.

Nothing noteworthy besides the Manager of Mysti's Potions Emporium
Perhaps a Mystic Position

Medisfina Ilacthorn
"Attacking a woman is like playing with a venomous spider. Foolish. And you'll face the fury of her frenzied brood."
Votriviner the Thunderstruck

Royaer the Walking Stone

Dheimmjarl the Battlefield Butcher
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Ongrimm the Guilty Hunter
The daughter of the Chieftain of the Verdana Suavaga tribe, and a Beastman concubine, who is engaged to the Sub-chieftain. Their tribe lives in a warm, verdant spot called First Circle of Airrosin. A profound Mystic of the Astral Path. Her power is no joke, that she quickly rose to prominence. Her power was so inexplicable that word of mouth spread it to the lands below Vetan's Teeth. After a party of Adventurers escorting elected assessors to assess her, they returned in full agreement that she was the "real deal." Ever since, Medisfina has been officially apart of the Grand Ten of the 3 Continents. But its been hard to confirm her position with her. So as of right now, the 3 Continents just call her a Grand Ten, even if they are unsure she is aware of it. As the Mystic -or Seer- of the Verdana Suavaga tribe, she works right alongside Chieftain Tordrorn Ilacthorn, her father. Who just so happens to be known as the Monarch of the Northern Wilds. With the two of them together, they've conquered a lot of territory in the North, and are said to be the second coming of Vetan. Fighting against them is courting death, so many other tribes either act subservient, or just fight against each other, trying to steal land of the other tribes.

7 Stars. Starlight Bright stars. High Soul Density.
Adept at Dreamwalking. And as the Seer, occasionally witnesses prophecies.
7 Ring mage with 1 Organ ring.
Restoration, Sealing, Enchanting, Projection, Summoning, Alteration, and Nature magic are the schools she's mastered.

In particular, Medisfina is good at Nature and Restoration magic. Combining them together, the half-Beastman, half-Wildmen is capable of casting wide-area healing and boon-granting spells. And because its Restoration magic combined with Nature magic, in addition, she has high affinity for both, her spells are very potent. She can keep the bodies of her summoned souls healed and in prime fighting condition. Making her essentially a 1-man army. The only thing she can be said to be weak in is personal combat. She's terribly weak in that aspect, with basic combat abilities, supplemented with vine, plant, and earth spells to hold an opponent back. But if they get by her summons, then she's likely lost already.

Is particularly adept in Soul Capture. In fact, through battles with prolific tribes, Medisfina has managed to capture particularly noteworthy Wildmen's souls. Which she keeps contained in 4 talismans that hang from her neck. She summons them and uses magic to craft them bodies that are subservient to her. They are strong enough in spirit to retain their skills and Path abilities. This is the ability alone is what granted her the Grand Ten title 45 years ago. It does put a strain on her to capture and use souls, so she cannot just capture as many defeated people as possible. Thus she has chosen only some of the most powerful fallen Wildmen.

Votriviner the Thunderstruck
The Sub-chieftain of the Verdana Suavaga, and Medisfina's betrothed. Or he was, until he bit the dust on the battlefield. Medisfina made sure to capture his departing soul and now he continues to fight for the Tribe under his beloved's thumb. A Peak Martial Master and a 6 Star agent. Wields Lightning Qi.

Roayer the Walking Stone
Also known as the Seer of Stone. A potent Astral Agent from the Raudr Brann Enrag'e tribe. He regularly talked with the ancestors using the Star-gazing Raudr Obelisk. He used Stone Qi, and was able to draw the dust of his ancestors to form his stone armor. Due to this, his armor was tougher than regular rock or stone armor would be. It took her father fighting him for 3 days straight to take him down. A true monster of a man. Typical Martial Master and 6 Star agent and 4 Ring mage.

Dheimmjarl the Battlefield Butcher
An outcast for slaughtering his entire Malveilant Dagr'r tribe. Dheimmjarl only sought conflict and committed countless atrocities. He joined the fray in a particularly confusing battle against another tribe that was putting up solid resistance. However, the tribe's luck ran out when Dheimmjarl joined. Tordorn ordered the Verdana Suavaga tribe to stop fighting and wait. Medisfina watched him slaughter their entire enemy singlehandedly. Afterward Tordorn praised his "valor" in battle. Then ordered the Verdana Suavaga tribe to kill him. Even exhausted with countless wounds, it took 3 hours to bring Dheimmjarl down.

Ongrimm the Guilty Hunter
A particularly justice-oriented Wildmen with strong positive karma. Truly an enigma amongst the Wildmen. But because of that, his power is unmatched amongst the Wildmen, as his positive karmic leaning allows him to strike negative karmic foes with blows of particularly potent smiting Astral energy. A man with High Soul Density. Who wields the Axe of Rogroff Vetanson, another Wildmen said to be of the positive karmic leaning, whose spiritual energy entered his trusty axe and strengthened it after he died. It was said to be unremovable from his grave, but here Ongrimm is, wielding it. Clearly he was worthy.

Siesess (Tribal Princess)
Mystic and Seer of the Verdana Suavaga Tribe
Mythic Position

Mijorine Ohldking
"These days are as listless as staring in a mirror. How does one fathom one's existence?"
Mirror Blade Mijorine, also known as the Porcelain Princess
A woman of immense martial skill. She was nearly all martial path, and was S rank in it. She came up with the Mirror Blade technique using Qi. It was an almighty technique, capable of reflecting her foes' techniques right back at them, effectively making her foes' powers her own. Ever since she debuted the Mirror Blade, she was said to have never lost a fight again. Yet she is said to be dead.
Purported to be deceased. Due to this is an Ex G10 member.

2 Blue Cores. In spite of being primarily Martial, she did have Blue Cores instead of Golden Cores. 1 Golden Core.
A Wise One, Final Grandmaster
2 Stars. Very High Soul Density

Grand 10 Disciples
Jewena Disciple

Emersity Theota occasionally grants "miracles" to her race. These miracles can occur at any time, and appear in any shape or form. However, one hadn't occurred in 100 years. Then it finally happened. The Archbishop of the Fourth Parish was granted a weapon from Emersity Theota herself: the Spear of Emersity Theota. A weapon that holds a bit of her divine power within it. For quite some time, the Fourth Parish had not been doing so well. It was falling into squalor and wretchedness. Corrupt Bishops had ran the parish into the ground, and orphans, homeless, and other such impoverished people lived on the dirty streets. Most of the kingdom viewed it as a blight on Emersity Theota's blessed soil.

There had been one boy trying his best to resurrect the Fourth Parish. His name was Elnathan, and he had been born to a poor woman who was diseased. His mother passed soon after he was born, leaving him as one of those orphans on the streets. Still, when he was born, something was clearly different about him; people said he had been "born under the star of the goddess." Others said he was a miracle, that he was "sent by Emersity Theota herself." He struggled hard for the parish he was born into. Through this orphan's efforts, the 4th parish began to become a better place to live. Eventually he made Archbishop of the parish, granting him dominion over it, and allowing him better power for his various reforms across the parish. At some point, after he defended the parish from a monster wave attack, and rescued the 5th Parish's refugees, a miracle was granted to him. Emersity Theota threw down her spear, striking the ground right before him. He knew what this meant. It meant that he had been acknowledged by their Great Mother. He took the spear in his hand, felt its divine power, and lifted it up to the cheers of everyone. This miracle happened 100 years ago. Since then, not another miracle has happened. With his presence, the 4th Parish not only became a better place to live, it actually became sacred grounds. Where the spear struck became consecrated grounds.

After this event, Elnathan's presence could no longer be ignored. He was granted the position of Cardinal of Consecration, and a seat on the Sacred Order. And Jewena took interest in him. As the woman closest to Emersity Theota, she couldn't ignore another being wielding divine energy, so she took him to her side and made him her "Direct Disciple".

Known Unique Skills
10 Sacraments of Emersity Theota

Across the Holy City's forces, they learn the 10 Sacraments. These are the various ways, abilities, and attacks that these forces learn to fight and defend their country. It involves light magics, healing spells, buffing spells, rituals and sanctuaries, sealing spells, and the like.

Wielder of the Spear of Emersity Theota, also known as the Spear of the 100 Year Miracle
Since acquiring the spear, spearmanship flooded his mind as if he knew it from the day he was born. Still, he has studied spearmanship from other spear masters, to bridge and join the knowledge in his head, and the trained experience of his body.

Recovery Magic
Elnathan's healing magic is especially potent. Filtered with divine energy his heal spells are above the common priest's.

Spirit Sword/ The Divine 4 Ring Khakkhara staff
It appears as a [Chinese]-like ring staff. Since Elnathan is still treading the Astral Path, his Spirit Sword is still in its infancy, and only has 4 Rings. Each Ring of the Khakkhara staff has a unique power. Known as the ??? Rings of Aletheia.

??? Rings of Aletheia
The First Ring / The Vow of Righteous Worth

To call upon the staff, Elnathan must make some vow to do good, otherwise the ring with lock Elnathan's powers for even summoning the staff. For this vow, the 1st Ring will grant him some sort of buff chosen on the spot by the staff. Once the vow is completed, Elnathan will be fully-healed, and yes, that even constitutes reviving him if possible. The ring turns into strange angelic script, tattooing itself onto Elnathan's body. If the vow cannot be completed, then Elnathan will have to sacrifice something.

The Second Ring / The Sympathizer of Neglected Sinners
First it fully heals the opponent. Then it becomes a pendant that is worn by Elnathan. For whoever wears the pendant, all damage is reflected towards the attacker. But wearing it gradually depletes the wearer's stamina and gradually ramps up fatigue.

The Third Ring / Nexus of Light and Dark
The third ring expands to create a field within it. The field allows those within to transfer between their present self, their past self, and their future self on a whim. Indeed, under the grace of divine power, this ability allows those to glimpse their future powers.

The Fourth Ring / The Fourth Parish's Savior Stands Tall
Another field is created by an expanded fourth ring, though it is smaller than the field of the third. Within, Elnathan cannot die by any means. Although he is unable to dodge attacks at all.

Cardinal of Consecration
Archbishop of the Fourth Parish

Avryss Gemlinn Disciple

Yoam Disciple
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Madam Gray of the Kin Daughters of Ash

From the Garden of High Maledictions. Specifically apart of the Kin Daughters of Ash. A notorious sect of warrior women who train under perilous conditions to achieve Spiritual Enlightenment. They have sects all over the world, but the Kin Daughters of Ash are from Au'Oshos territory. More specifically, their homebase is located hidden in the Teeth of Vetan between the North and Au'Oshos territory. Incidentally, this is one of the best place to study the Astral arts.

Yoam and Ravynne became acquainted when Yoam traveled the world seeking Astral enlightenment. Despite the Kin Daughters of Ash only being women, Yoam settled there and trained there. His Astral abilities were so astonishing that the daughters couldn't bring themselves to drive him out. Through all of history, Yoam is the only male that has ever trained with the Kin Daughters of Ash. When he finally left the sect, he did so with a Disciple. A woman who was so taken with Yoam's Astral abilities she couldn't hold back from forcing him to accept her. Which he only did under one condition -that her soul belonged to him. She readily agreed. Upon her soul is an imprint of Yoam's. Akin to a Spiritual Signature. Written upon her signifies her as "his". She cannot go against him or his orders. But that suits "Madam Gray" just fine.

Madam Gray is one of the 3 leaders of the sect. The other two are Madam Black and Madam White: the Three Colors of Telos and Ash. What immediately impressed the Kin Daughters of Ash and the reason why they could not deny Yoam was because he easily stopped the sect's most devastating ability: World Deliverance and Cessation of Ash. A colossal Spirit World that is only capable of being brought into existence when the Three Colors of Telos and Ash combine their spirits and Thought Worlds. This particular Spirit World has the ability to destabilize reality and collapse everything into a world of nothingness, where nothing thrives, and there is only bleakness and finality. A world covered in ash. As Yoam threatened the group, they attempted to stop the male by enacting this Spirit World, only for him to easily break apart their attempt to do so.

The three couldn't believe it. Then they bowed and the rest was history.

For Ravynne herself, she is an excellent Astral agent in her own right. However to Yoam, he believes her to just be "an adequate Disciple."

The counterpart of the Kin Daughters of Ash is the Kin Sons of Fever.

7 Stars, but according to Yoam she is "on the cusp of her 8th"
3 Cores. All Final Refined. Her cores are notably "Ashen Gray", which is a peculiarity specific to the Kin Daughters of Ash.
Upper Martial Master

Known Unique Skills
Sword of Ash

A Martial art style of swordsmanship that oddly uses Astral energy as opposed to Qi. The motions of this style are those of ending, solitude, and salvation. A notably quiet style.

Specter of Ash
Ravynne's Spirit Sword is a cloud of ash that exudes from her spirit. Inside the cloud Ravynne is unable to be touched (beyond what can touch ash). Her body literally becomes one with the ash and she can move freely within it. Her cloud of ash can be as fluffy and light as a literal cloud, or like a smokescreen, or snow. Or it can be as toxic as a miasma from the some nether realm. It can burn like acid. It can shape and form into whatever she so desires. And it innately resists magic and mental attacks. Astral attacks work on it, but any low-tier Astral agent will get lost within the ash like a foggy forest that will never let them go.

White World
Ravynne's Prismatic Realm. A world of perpetual "white". The Three Colors of Telos have Prismatic Realms of each others' colors as a way to "balance" the leadership. Ravynne's "White World" disallows anything "black". Any sort of corruption, darkness, or evil simply cannot exist there. Evil beings begin burning the moment they enter. Darkness and Dark magics simply cannot exist there, nor be cast there. And above all, Death is impossible. No matter what happens within the White World, death will never befall anyone within. The White World is a canvas of white and quietude. Sound does not travel within the world of white, making it a silent world. Ravynne becomes a colorless specter of cruelty within.

Godlis Disciple

Beginner Sisjené
A girl from Lifepath, a well-known town for fledgling Adventurers, and beginners on the journeys of the 3 paths. Various experts and educational facilities exist here to help those just starting out. Godlis came here one day out of curiosity. That's where he met the girl. Godlis technically poached her from her previous Adventurer party, known as 'Family of Friends', yes, rather cringeworthy. This particular adventurer group began a tradition of adding their familial relation to their name.

While Jené's skills are decent, she's a bit on the "generic" side. That is to say, she hasn't displayed anything remarkable, and seems to be nothing more than an ordinary swordswoman. He isn't sure yet if she has "what it takes," or possesses any hidden qualities. When he was in Lifepath, he accompanied some fledgling adventurers to help out, but really acted more as a chaperone. Jené became interested in him. After some pestering, he agreed to let her accompany him. Since then, she's been following along on the Dragonslayer's travels, keeping an appropriate and respectful distance.

Godlis has tried to impart some wisdom upon her, but as she is a simpleton, he is unsure if anything has stuck. But Godlis is a patient man, so he's teaching her at a leisurely pace.

Jené couldn't be anymore different than Godlis' second disciple...

He hasn't taught her any of his own personal skills, as he has some ideas in mind for her. So, he's been teaching her the Martial Ace's Union of 99 Sword Styles, known as the Blade Marriage.


Godslayer Endé
Endé is a wicked and dark person. The complete opposite of Godlis, as it were. You could even call her sinful. It was her wickedness that caught up to her in the past. Long ago, people banded together and tossed her into darkness, sealing her away. It wasn't their only option, but it felt like the only appropriate one at the time.

Godlis was adventuring in some dark pit somewhere, when he accidentally happened upon her seal. Then he accidentally broke it, and freed her. Within that darkness Endé stewed. She was supposed to spend her time in there reflecting upon her actions, but in reality she spent the time brooding, ruminating, and imbibing like elves do.

The various races of Elves are split amongst the various "powers" and "elements" of this world. They live in these elements. They call this being "dipped" in them. In Endé's particular case, she is -or was- an Astral-dipped elf. An extremely rare race of elves that literally live within the spiritual essence of the world. Astral elf births don't happen very often, and seeing one in the real world is even rarer. As their bodies are made up of spiritual energy, they are akin to spirits themselves. It takes a lot for an "Astral elf" to manifest a body in the real world, but Endé managed it long ago.

After she was thrown in the darkness, Endé began to imbibe the element like all elves do, now it is more correct to say Endé is a half Astral-dipped and half darkness-dipped elf.

In some elven cultures, elves earn their names across their lifetime. It is constantly added onto. Elf names are akin to stories that represent that elf. For this particular elf, her name has come to be something terrible. She is known as From-Darkness-She-Seeks-to-Extinguish-the-Light-End-Divinity. That is her full name. An apt description. Sometimes she's referred to as just "From Darkness", though she prefers to go by "Endé."

Endé is a twisted person so she views any prohibition as a personal challenge. If it's forbidden she delves into it and traffics in it. Still, at her core, she is a religious person. Believes in god. All gods. Though Endé's life mission is to end all gods. Before she met Godlis in the present, in the past Endé had a negative experience with gods. So she went around slaying "god candidates" before they could rise to godhood. It was this sin that made those around her act, and cast their judgment upon her.

The two disciples are as opposite as can be. Though, both seem to be two facets of their master, and represent the stages of his life. Godlis took her in to try to reform her. And he felt somewhat responsible for bringing her into this unknown world.

8 Stars. Very dim stars. Extreme negative karmic alignment. First severed "kindness". Second severed reverence, adoration, and veneration for deities. She severed the capacity to worship.
3 cores. Two black. All impure.
3 Rings. 2 Shattered rings.

Known Unique Skills
Multi-Split Self Variant / Shadow-Soul Split

As a Astral-dipped elf, Endé was capable of splitting her soul into multiple fragments, instead of just two. Ever since she spent a millennium in darkness, the darkness fused with her technique. Allowing her to split herself into autonomous shadow selves that posses astral movement and abilities. She can send them across vast distances, and they often act as scouts.

The Godless World of the Setting Sun
Endé's Prismatic World. A dark place with a sun that is 'setting' and dying. In here, appropriately, strong individuals lose their strength and powers. No one other than Endé can remain strong within, reduced to beginner status in the 3 paths. Gods, in particular, lose divinity, and suffer a poison that constantly debilitates and damages them.

Renkaka Disciple
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"We've stopped eating half our droppings 5 centuries ago. Don't ask me about it again if you don't want to be forced to eat crap like my ancestors -We still offer them in rituals to our goddess, though.."

A rabbit Beastmen (or a Le'pikadé) from the Golden Nourishment Plains, overseen by the goddess of Abundance, Plenty, Comfort, Grain, and Wellness, which are the vast plains just before Reysha. The Lightfooted Golden Children of Doradatsubu is her tribe's name. Renkaka first noticed her when he felt a terrible battle unfolding across the Empire. Rushing over, he saw this Le'pikadé woman fighting against a Ourosenté (snake beastmen). Though they were natural rivals, whose clans tended to fight in small skirmishes all across the plains, it was well known the Ourosenté typically had the upper hand. However, this is where Renkaka discovered Cinder. A dazzling prodigy that wasn't born all that often. He felt blessed to have discovered 2 in his lifetime, and after Garnet set out on her own, he felt compelled to take Cinder as his second Direct Disciple. Cinder has such raw, unfettered talent that he had to adopt a different training style than the one he took with Garnet, whom he practically forced to grow. Cinder is the exact opposite. She grows at unprecedented pace. In the fight against the Ourosenté, Renkaka watched as she formed two cores and refined them in the middle of battle just to catch up to her foe. Something he had never witnessed before, leaving him utterly stunned.

Later, after only 3 months of training, she had formed all 3 cores and they had all made it to the Refined stage. An absolutely unprecedented refining speed! Cinder had progressed to such degree Renkaka was left astonished; he had to end the training. She absorbed the martial path like no other, and it was terrifying. If left to her devices, he was sure she would continue to grow stronger at an unmatched, accelerated pace. However, he knew, that a pace like that wasn't good. One's body had to calm down, allow itself to get accustomed to the path in a calm and serene way. If left like this, it could lead to disaster. Cinder isn't like Garnet. She's a true natural genius, but the actual concepts and theories she doesn't understand one bit. Renkaka didn't want her to corrupt her Qi or destroy her cores or body. Setting a more thoughtful and patient pace was a necessity with the rabbit woman. Since she's a bit of a dimwitted, "all natural", "brawns before brains" type, Cinder hardly noticed. It was a miracle Renkaka found her when he did; if he hadn't, then likely Cinder's raw talent would've destroyed her, with nature coming to collect its dues from the foolishly talented beastman.

Garnet absolutely hates her. As she was never forced to endure the trials Renkaka forced upon her.

Known Unique Skills

Many strong Le'pikadé are particularly adept at this ability. And Cinder is no different. In fact, she's easily the most ferocious at using this ability that Renkaka's ever seen. She's not skilled at it. Not by a longshot. Simply, her body is naturally predisposed to make use of the ability. Which is even more dangerous.

Thermoregulation is a Le'pikadé's ability to turn their body heat up. With increased body heat, the rabbit beastmen gain a boost in practically all physical parameters, from speed to strength. In Cinder's case, her physical strength jumps 10 fold, her speed doubles, and she loses all reason, attacking on primal instinct alone the likes of which Renkaka had only ever seen from the most dangerous of monsters. Plus her body becomes something similar to the Robicc's Fire Qi, igniting, and adding fire to her vicious attacks.

Golden Run of Grass Rivers
The typical style taught to the Children of Doradatsubu. A Le'pikadé staple technique as it makes the best use of their toned physiques and their natural rabbit-like musculature. A speed-based style. If anything, it's actually weaker with Cinder, whose body has outgrown the typical rabbit beastman's. That doesn't mean one should misjudge Cinder when using this style; her speed shouldn't be underestimated.

Golden Body Cultivate
A supreme method taught by the goddess Doradatsubu to her children in the "Plains of Plenty" -or Golden Nourishment Plains. A technique used to cultivate the very Golden plains themselves. Absorbing natural nutrients and divine-rich energy from the grains that the goddess herself blesses. Which enriches the body, eventually granting them a "Golden body" at some point in their lives, if the martial artist remains dedicated. Mana is also easily acquired and cultivated, but Cinder doesn't use magic. That isn't to say she doesn't make use of the mana. Using her ridiculous natural-genius specs, her body allows this "golden" mana to enrich itself, allowing it to circulate through her, cleansing her, revitalizing her, and granting her other benefits. Perhaps this is how Cinder gained the body she has.

Kin Sword of Wellness and Comfort
A sword style that emphasizes physical ease and freedom from constraint or pain. A sword style meant to promote inner wellness and relaxation. Both from its movements and its attacks that are relatively simple compared to other styles. But it is these simple motions and sword strokes that add meaning. This meaning cultivates relaxation in its wielder and allows for firmer, stronger attacks. Typically, this style doesn't mesh well with the Golden Run of Grass Rivers, despite being taut alongside it. For most of Doradatsubu's children, they're force to switch between the styles in the midst of battle to properly use both. That switch leads to some incongruence in the martial artist's movements, stalling them briefly. Many opponent's take advantage of this momentary switch.

However, this is not an issue for Cinder. Cinder's body is able to handle both styles simultaneously. Granting her unparalleled battle sense from her tribe. Though the Kin Sword of Wellness and Comfort doesn't exactly jive well with Cinder, who is a beastman who relies almost entirely on instinct, rather than the coolheaded and smart strikes that the style emphasizes. But somehow, it hardly matters with Cinder, her innate talent is just that great that it makes up for that minor discrepancy. However, if she were ever to gain understanding of the Kin Sword of WnC, then her battle ability would skyrocket even more.

Hilariously, while the Kin Sword of WnC is a style that emphasizes deliberate strikes that don't have much power. Cinder's don't work that way. Her attacks from the Kin Sword of WnC have ridiculous power behind them, scaring those in her tribe when she uses the style.

Since Cinder operates under instinct, she's easily swayed by the battle state and her innate emotional center. While she doesn't understand the style, the Kin Sword of WnC has the innate ability to cool Cinder down and keep her levelheaded. She won't "rage out" if she uses this style. However, if she doesn't use the style, she's liable to rage out much quicker.

Mystipiki Palulu Disciple

"Any man can be a success, but it takes a madman to be Great."
Redemas, the Curse-brewer

Redemas is a man of many talents, and many darknesses, whose origins are shrouded in secrecy, who has hopped from place to place as an advanced potion maker. He was recently working in Reysha, as it is home to an incredible potions industry which drew his eye. However, he was dismissed due to his methods threatening to corrupt the beautiful and pure Lake of Reysha, putting him on the bad side of the the Guardian of the Lake. Redemas makes potions more akin to poisons. Poisons that corrupt and alter the natural Martial and Astral cultivation paths. Acting like poison for whoever tried to refine and raise their paths while under the effects of the potions, making such actions toxic to the body and painfully damaging. After he was banished for his barbaric practices Mysti found him and took him in. She doesn't deny his passion or talent, though the potions he makes are sold in a dark corner of her shop.

After using Mysti's potions to help develop and nurture his Vertex paths he has grown exponentially, not to mention the actual innate level and spiritual density of his paths are stronger and more vigorous than those of a similar level to his, simply because he had been using Mysti's potions. It is for this reason, he respects the wily Fiend; never before did he imagine there was a potions master out there that eclipsed his own skill. He was eager to study under her, and learn from her. Despite his past actions, he has taken some effort to not piss his new master off, as he wants to continue in her services.

Although he is a witch's disciple, Redemas's magic path is very mediocre. Heck, you could call it bad. Redemas finds it embarrassing to be the disciple of such a prolific mage, but is unable to grasp the magic path oneself. Even using Mysti's potions he struggles with magic and -creating Rings. That is because, while the potions help with martial and astral paths, they don't really help mages create Rings, which is what Redemas struggles with the most. He feels incessant frustration being stuck at this current roadblock.

Redemas has mostly grasped Mysti's Potion Enhancing Spell technique. However, his is nothing but a mere joke compared to hers, as his potions are not on the level of Mysti's, thus their enhancement isn't as good. And his spells are much worse.

Redemas does find it endlessly embarrassing to be the disciple of a prominent mage with only the level of magic he has. However, that does not mean he won't fight to the best of his ability. He'd rather fully crush his opponent, than be weakened by embarrassment.

5 Stars.
4 Ring mage. Conjure school. Alteration school.
3 Cores. Muddled stage. One muddled Black Gravity Core. One refined Black Crown Core.
Strong Telekinetic Qi.

Known Unique Skills
Magic Potion Make

Using magic, Redemas can craft and make potions on the fly, as long as he has the knowledge of the ingredients that he can conjure up, or summon from his stash. Some ingredients are too complicated or are of too high quality to properly conjure with his magic level, so he cannot just make the most powerful potions he wants on the fly, but still, this is a potent ability. Using Alteration he is able to quickly adapt the ingredients or even the potion itself to produce the effects he wants.

Debuff and Poison Potions
Redemas is not above doing the most terrible things he can to his opponents to win. He will throw 'potions' that cause debilitating pain, or corrupting properties to the paths, blocking off one's ability to use Qi, or paralytic potions, or anything similar. He carries many of these potions on him, and will use them liberally, throwing them like bombs.

Buffer Potions
Those are for foes, these are for him. Continuing to fight unfairly, while debuffing his foes, Redemas will brew, use, or conjure potions for himself that grant various buffs. For example, while he may afflict his foe with a Stiff Joints and Pain debuff, he'll grant himself Stamina regen, Speed boost, and Iron legs and fists. Redemas prefers fighting unfairly. There isn't anything he won't do to win.

Dark Refinement
Redemas isn't just using his corrupted potions on his opponents. He has used them on himself to forcibly cultivate darker energies to increase his power. It was as painful for him as it is for others. Hell, more so, since he did it to himself much more. However, it ultimately has worked. Redemas now has Black Cores and Black Qi, which he wields with deadly efficiency.

Weaponized Bloodlust -- Red Qi
Redemas has very potent attacks using Qi that comes with it a terrorizing quality. His Qi is naturally terrifying. His Qi is like Bloodlust manifested.

Redemas' Weakness
It's not all sunshine and rainbows. His practices are like playing with fire. The self bodily alteration and corruption is a double-edged sword. Redemas will be randomly afflicted with bouts of intense pain, especially if he overuses his abilities. These bouts of pain are debilitating and aggressive enough to completely interrupt what he is doing at the time.

Medisfina Disciple

"When light and dark come together as one, that is where true chaos is. Where true creation is."

A somewhat childish, carefree, and malicious fiend.

When the Verdana Suavaga tribe went to quell another uprising, someone had already beaten them to it. A Fiend, to be specific. A fiend with two eyes, radiating two powers. This fiend, sat in the middle of a bloodied battlefield, laughing at her work. When she turned and their eyes connected, Medisfina saw a vision of the future. A future of a world torn apart by dark and light. A world that had been transformed just like Wravadar so long ago. Medisfina realized she had to take this "young one" in and guide her. So she did.

Although they call her 'fiend', Two-Eye is more of a monster with sentience. Two-Eye was 'born' when the lost spirit of an Airrosin was awash in a tsunami of blood and suffering. All the countless dead in the Wilds of Vetan was the catalyst, the countless battlefields was the tsunami of blood. Although officially, she is "Medisfina's Direct Disciple," the truth is more akin to Medisfina as her guardian. Something imprinted the young 'fiend' on Medisfina when the two met. Now Medisfina attempts to control her, keep her in check, and aim her talents and abilities for the greater good. Although 'she' appears the way she does -like a small girl, don't be decieved. She's a monster in sheep's clothing. Two-Eye is a malicious being, who finds fun in destruction.

6 Ring mage. Deep mana pool. Destruction, Creation, Restoration, Necromancy, and Nature magic.

Known Unique Skills
Eyes of Light and Dark

A monster possessing two powers in each of her eyes respectively.

Heal Pools
Two-Eye can create beacons -or 'pools'- of light energy that heal and rejuvenate those that bask in their light. These pools draw in the vitality of plants they're near, eventually "burning out", leaving blackened scorched marks of nothing but death.

Inverse Pools
Two-Eye can create similar looking beacons -or pools- that instead of healing, simply have a vitality-absorbing effect. Anyone who walks in them will be drained of vitality and either wither into ashes or be aged rapidly. Two-Eye can throw these, which is amongst her most deadly attacks.

Vitality Vampirism
Ability to heal by yanking life energy out of others. Two-Eye literally heals and rejuvenates herself by forcibly absorbing the vitality straight out of others.

Lasers of Light and Dark
Two-Eye's primary attack. Mana-based lasers filled with light and dark element, used to attack rapidly.

Splashing Ruin and Resurgence
A spell of both light and dark, that first begins with dark magic that rips the fabric of life asunder. Then restores the world with healing, light, and nature magic to create a new fertile land.

Madness Bloom
The dark of virtue, the light of chaos! Joining law and chaos!
An almighty spell that combines the explosive power of both light and dark. The conflicting powers obliterate and tear apart the target. If perchance someone were to survive it, they would be left with a madness debuff from the clashing paradoxical ideologies they were forced to endure.

Lightness Gather
A powerful magic that Two-Eye uses to draw all light to her, casting everything in darkness. She has a darkness variant of this one and the one below, too.

Gathered Illumination
A highly-concentrated, powerful blast, releasing all the light Two-Eye has gathered.

Mijorine Disciple

A man of duty and honor who wields the Mirror Light Fragment Sword. A serious man who doesn't bend or break, and rigidly sticks to his ideals. Mijorine is not just his master but his ideal person and knight. He eagerly accepted becoming her disciple after learning more about her. However, since she was killed, Erio has not received any more training from his master. And he has not been able to master her signature ability, much to his frustration.

Erio seeks to win the tournament and replace his lost beloved master. Although he views it as disrespectful to replace her, he still intends to do so, since he believes no one else is "worthy" of taking her place. Not that he is either, but he will do his best to fill her shoes. Although Mijorine taught him about always maintaining a considerate and merciful temperament. And to always be moral and upright. Deep down he has been struggling ever since the announcement of her death. Deep within Erio festers anger and resentment -for the one who is responsible for the premature death of his master. He seeks to punish whoever they are.

When he was a boy he was taken in by the bandits that destroyed his entire village. They took the boy and began training him. However, despite his environment it seemed his nature could not be changed easily. He began to hate who these people were. At some point he couldn't handle it, and he used his strength to wipe them out. This is when Mijorine found him, as she had been dispatched to go quell the bandit problem. She found the young man breathing heavily over an army of slain bandits. Thinking his actions were courageous and heroic, she felt moved. And thinking he looked sad, like a lost puppy, she took him in.

Erio seems like a strong soul, but he tends to be a bit inflexible, and is impulsive when it comes to following his principals. He may get carried away with things rather easily. He tends to let his principals control his emotions and actions, and doesn't think too hard about his situation. It is this bullheadedness that has served him well, aiding him in progressing down the paths.

Mirror Light Fragment Sword

Literally a blade created by "mirror light fragments" that fall from whenever Mijorine uses her Mirror blade technique. The clash of her technique causes these light fragments to spark and then fall. Collecting them, Mijorine offered them to a renowned blacksmith, who was able to smith them into this sword. Which she gave to Erio, her disciple. A legendary grade weapon.

7 Ring mage.
Sky Realm, Typical Martial Master.
5 Star agent.

Known Unique Skills

Reflection Strike
While he has not mastered the Mirror Blade, he does have a lesser version of it. If he swings his sword at the right moment to connect with his opponent's attack, he can bounce it back like baseball, tennis, or something out of zelda. It isn't as strong as Mijorine's technique by a long shot, but is more than adequate enough against most opponents. Oddly, Mijorine's is more like a perfect defense, whereas his is more like offensive maneuver.

Due to his sword being made out of mirror light fragments, it has natural reflection properties. More similar to Mijorine's technique, Erio can simply defend, and bounce attacks that are more magical or elemental in nature. Sometimes he can even send them back stronger, if it is an attack he is familiar with and capable of empowering.
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NPCS of the Grand Tournament​

The Judges Panel
The judges panel is made up of significant individuals from across the world. These people have notable positions and are all respected individuals. They have unique insight in many things, like the 3 Vertices, the world at large, or other such things.

What do the Judges do, if the tournament is elimination?
They evaluate the fights and the fighters. Judges can give out awards as they see fit, and can even overrule eliminations, if they agree based on a majority vote. They're primarily there for their insight though, for the benefit of the audience.

Sir Craxisys
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The Cauldron Spire Director, Head Magic Seat of the Great Cauldron Spire's Seat Council, and the Commanding Sage of the Cauldron's Magic Force. He is also specifically the Seat of Protection.

Many shields protect the audience from the fighters in the ring on the Grand Stage. Craxisys, in particular, is there to produce a barrier that is the strongest barrier protecting the Grand Stage. To make sure nothing harms the audience. Nothing should be able to get by a shield made from him...

High Inquisitor Assa of the Inquisition Mage Corps

She has significant insight into battle tactics, strategy, and into techniques used by others. A power granted to her by the divine. Plus she has sharp judgment and is a skilled mage in her own right. And someone recommended by Jewena of the Grand Ten and of the Holy City wouldn't be ignored.

"Why am I a judge?!?!"
Jewena: "I thought it would be funny! Te~hee~"

Lunamellia, the Mithril Moon
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One of the rare Draconian race. A race of humanoids that have draconian blood running through their veins. Draconians can be any race, so long as the draconian blood has mixed with them. Once the draconian blood activates, the individual's body adapts to it, transforming into that more akin to a dragon. A significant boost in power and capabilities comes with the transformation. A this time, the draconians also learn of one's 'ascendance', and call them to the Home of the Dragonkin. Which is ruled by the Council of Two-Leg Dragons.

Lunamellia is specifically a Mithril Moon draconian. Which is a dragonkin born under the light of Mithril Moon. One of the three moons. Hence her prominent position in the Home of the Dragonkin.

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First Sehzade of the Sultanate and Vizier. A man of a calm and collected demeanor. Thoughtful and insightful. Studious all his life so he can be the best he can be in his position. Eventually his strengths were recognized and he was made Vizier.

Maxima Serein
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Epica's Adventurer Guild Leader

The leader of the famed Maxima Ultimo adventurer party, which was prominent around 160 years ago, even before the Oltinia Party. Then Commander of the Maxima Ultimo Limitiss Alliance. Which lasted until about 70 years ago before finally petering out, with most of the members either dying or departing to their own ventures. It is said that if the Maxima Ultimo Limitiss Alliance was still a major player in Epica, that the former emperor would not have lost the war. But by then, Maxima already assumed her position in the Adventurer Guild.

A woman who has seen some shit, so her disposition is a bit muted. It goes without saying she has a lot of skill, but she is out of practice, and older. Some think she is simply past her prime.

Guest Judge
Week 1

Vicross Darmstadt

The current Vice-Leader of the Olti. A man with a fierce gaze, hard exterior, brutal temperament, and proclivity for harsh and decisive choices. He has natural charisma, albeit with a dark edge. He and Garnet do not get along well. His strength is the real deal, which is why the Olti have put up with his aggressive tactics.

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The Announcer
Despite how she looks, Coraeasea is actually a Songswimmer -or a "Meris". She's just using glamor magic to appear as she does. Coraeasea's work is well known, so she was scouted by Empress Elisztraza, drawing her out of the ocean. Coraeasea is used to announcing, having made it her claim to fame as the Meris Kingdom's primary announcer for their stadium.

"I'll provide play-by-play commentary!"

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The Commentator
Sarissa of the Black Spire. The dark Director of the Black Spire is here to give the color commentary of the Grand Tournament. Using her well-trained eyes that have seen things through a few thousand years, she is highly capable of explaining the mysterious, things of the immaterial, and what lies even beyond the magic path. She has dedicated her old bones to researching all such things, which is somewhat an obsession of hers.

"Gheh heh heh.. I'll~ah provide your~hah color commen~tary~ah. Gheh hehheh.."

Ver Tetrarchy Representatives

Robicc Rep
A prodigy from the esteemed Robicc house. A dutiful son. A master of the fire Qi from the Robiccs. What other talents does he have hidden?

Au'Oshos Rep
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The Radiant Oracle, Ivis Impint
Due to a prophecy revealing twin Au'Oshos born with unmatched powers and abilities, she was separated from her twin at birth. The prophecy said that either the twins would bring about calamity, or would be the savior of the Au'Oshos, bringing back their prosperity and raising the family back into prominence once again. Additionally their powers would bring about the revival of the Airrosin race, though the prophecy didn't quite say how beyond it requiring both twins. Her twin was 'rescued' from his fate, as one night he was taken from the family to places unknown, leaving poor Ivis to shoulder all of the family's desires and aspirations on herself.

Due to the prophecy, Ivis was viewed as their savior. Thus the Au'Oshos placed her on a pedestal from basically the moment she was born. Since she was to be their salvation, Ivis was basically never allowed to live her life alone. With constant praise, and all the resources available in the Au'Oshos family at her disposal, Ivis became a bit of a conceited and arrogant girl. She was a natural prodigy, and with the resources available cultivated her astral energy at a ridiculous pace.

Ivis was forced into becoming someone "special", as no one allowed her to be anything but. For this reason, she feels shackled by her family's expectations, and does not want to let them down, even if the whole ordeal is embarrassing for her, or tough on her. Deep down she isn't exactly this spoiled brat, but is really someone with a lot of empathy and compassion, but she acts the way she does, because she believes it is what her family desires. After all, someone as "special" as her -leading the family- cannot be overly sweet and gentle, and must showcase strength, confidence, and power. At home, she's quick to emotional outbursts of embarrassment and other such strong emotions. But in public she's barely seen and maintains a unyielding and rigid composure.

Also known as the Chameleon Agent, Kaleidoscope Witch, and the Bird of Paradise.

7 Star "Spark" agent. High soul density. 'Startouched' stars. Has not severed anything, as it's too risky.
Innately she has "Startouched" Astral energy. Which is said to be "a soul touched by the stars". That doesn't happen once every 400 years. With a soul that's been "Startouched", Ivis's soul is very powerful.

Known Unique Skills
Astral Eye Genius

With astral energy empowering her natural eye-genius ability, Ivis is capable of viewing and understanding even more things. Specifically, she is able to perceive the spiritual world. She can see the flow of energies like Qi and mana, though she can see the flow of astral energy even better; to such a degree, no astral technique ever catches her off guard.

Using a unique light refraction skill, she is able to hide within her astral energy, effectively becoming invisible. Only those who are able to perceive her astral energy can see her as she does this.

Prismatic Affinity
Iris has innate compatibility with prismatic energies. Her capabilities with prismatic energies are sharper and stronger than most agents. In fact, there isn't an attack she makes that doesn't have prismatic energy mixed within.

Kaleidoscopic World
Ivis Impint's Prismatic World. Due to the innate compatibility between it and Prismatic energy, Iris' world is more harmonic than most. Almost acting as reinforced prismatic world.

A world of changing colors and patterns and refractions.

Bird of Paradise
The reason for her title. Ivis has the natural ability to morph into a powerful avatar of a giant bird that radiates astral and prismatic power.
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Emotional Threads and the Spectrum of Emotion
Ivis's Spirit Sword. Her abilities are deeply connected to her emotions. Her astral energy is very unique in that it is so ingrained with her emotions, that Ivis attacks with spiritual-made-physical emotional threads and abilities. That is to say, her Spirit Sword is literally her emotions made manifest. Her emotions are an extension of her, and can manifest in many ways, thus she can do practically anything she wants with her Spirit Sword, limited only by her own imagination and overall emotional capacity. Unfortunately, she's a rather simple girl, so is not capable of too much fantastical thinking.

Common Ways her Emotions Manifest
Anger Thread -- A thread that burns
Sadness Thread -- A thread that turns to water
Embarrassed Thread -- A thread of force
Joy Thread -- A thread of illumination
Envious Thread -- A thread of imprisoning
Excitement Thread -- A thread of bursting wind
Nervous Thread -- A thread of electrical shock
Depressed Thread -- A thread of freezing
Compassionate Thread -- A thread of healing
Disgusted Thread -- A thread of toxin

Being taught to be a calm, cool, and collected leader has backfired on the young Au'Oshos. At her calmest, Ivis is at her weakest. So in most fights Ivis simply cannot exhibit the range of abilities she possesses.

Inolore Rep
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Quincy is a prodigy mage in the Inolore territory. His mother is the headmistress of Magical Research Institute. Which is a coincidence. Quincy's prodigious talent is too much for the young boy, so despite his genius, he isn't the best mage as of yet due to being very immature.

Although his talent is immense, has yet to fully control his magic. Resulting in casting spells of absurd power that he cannot control. Also wastes a lot of his mana to do so, however, he has such a vast mana pool it doesn't matter. Because of this, he primarily uses mana attacks rather than magic. For the magic he does use, he tends to use more basic, low Ring spells. With his mana pool and empowerment abilities, his spells conceal how low-tier they are.

Uses a unique Ring Formation that fools people.

Winblade Rep

Mina is speculated to be the Eight Spellblade.

She is known as Mina, the Menace of the Magic Blade.

She is not considered a prodigy. Though some call her the 'genius of effort'.

When she was growing up, Mina created all sorts of crazy useful spells that help her train her swordsmanship with her brother and father. When her brother went to the Winblade academy at 12, she went to go adventuring alone at 11 to gain relevant experience. She joined her brother at the academy a year later. He already knew just how wild and absurd his sister was when it came to training. She has 3 scars, even though she could've healed them using her own healing magic. She says she'll 'reward' her opponent for their efforts if they're able to significantly wound her. One across her nose, earned from her brother when he slashed her face in a duel when she was 5. One stretching from her ribcage to her back, where she was nearly killed when she received a massive bite from a monster during training when she dumbly went on her own into the woods. And one where sword-talon from the Raven Messiah, that pierced her straight through her leg.

After arriving at the Winblade Academy, she declared war on the school, claiming she would surpass the other students, and reach the top. It didn't take long for her to do so.

Mina is working her way through the 13 Spellblade styles of the Winblade Spellblades. Once she masters one, she moves on to the next, even if it means not fighting at the top of her game, she struggles until she masters the one she's working on.

They are
dual wielding
ultra dual wielding greatswords

In spite of everything, she still hasn't mastered Eshrael's Spellblade. "Maximum Utilization". Which is maximizing spells that benefit the sword, while performing perfect swordsmanship. The second thing is Swing Spell. A technique created by Eshrael that literally casts a spell with each swing of the sword. No matter how fast a spellcaster is, there is simply no way they can cast spells as fast as they can swing a sword -- but Eshrael could. And finally, the prize of the Winblade Spellbladesmanship: Efficient Speed. Every martial artist is fast. Every swordsman is fast. But not everyone knows how to make the best use of their speed -- that is 'Efficient Speed'. Eshrael learned this. Efficient Speed is something all Winblades endeavor to learn.

Perfect Equipment
Not only does Mina have Constant Circulation, but she wields a sword that allows for better mana flow. The blade itself also benefits from mana, with increased power, cutting, and spell-casting as a medium. Her armor, too, is the same. Mina is able to draw out her maximum potential with the least amount of mana expenditure and consumption due to her specialized equipment that all Winblades eventually earn.

3 Cores. Gravity: Muddled stage 3. Crown: Refined stage 2. Heart: Refined Stage 1. Geniuine Force qi.
Penta mage.

Known Unique Skills

Constant Circulation

After having inscribed the Winblade Spell, Constant Mana Flow, around her body, mana constantly circulates around her body. Which should hurt, but Mina has had the spell going since she was a child, so she's used to it. With her Constant Mana Flow, she is easily able to make use of self-buffing spells to their maximum effect. Her magic, too, is easier to cast and quicker.

Self-Buff Spells
In accordance with the Winblade's Spellbladesmanship, Mina primarily makes use of various self-buffing spells that she stacks on top of one another to increase her physical parameters. She uses magical self-barriers as well, to defend from attacks.

Sword Intent
A powerful qi-based ability of sword masters. Once a swordsman reaches a certain level, they can manifest something called "sword intent". Which is almost an illusion made real. Not to be confused with Aura. Sword Intent makes all sword strikes much stronger.

Sword Bow
Mina's ultimate technique. Though it is still being refined and is in its infancy.
For every swordsmanship style she masters, she is able to conjure that type of sword. She calls these conjured swords her "sword bow", with each 'arrow' being a different sword. Her sword bow is a more aggressive form of Sword Intent, and allows her to willfully control multiple conjured blades at once.

Other Reps​

Aezunura Sultanate Rep

Samir-Tanis-Savkh's Retainer

A well trained Osireth, literally meaning 'One who engages in slaughter'. Though for Ankh-nub-annu, his family is more 'owned' by Samir-Tanis-Savkh, rather than follows him out of loyalty, so it is more correct to call him a Mam-Osireth. Meaning 'Owned one who engages in slaughter.' Still, Ankh doesn't even question his lot in life, serving Samir with no complaints. Ankh's skills are akin to a master assassin of the desert. He is a formidable warrior, and Samir trusts him with his life. He has faced the Champion of Aezunura for the past 2 years. Yes, he has lost every time, but just earning the right to challenge him is something regular warriors cannot do.

Holy City Rep

A pious woman who isn't the most skilled Holy Cleric in the Holy City. Since the Holy City didn't take this manner very seriously, they simply chose an adequate candidate and entered her in the tournament. A Theottian using common glamor magic to appear like what most people believe to be your average or normal-appearing missionary woman.

Meris Kingdom Rep

Undira the Feral Nereiconda

Undira is a bulky, rabid Songswimmer, who prefers brute strength to the typical MO of the typically lithe songswimmers. Her voice isn't the best at manipulating minds, so instead she uses it on herself to alter her own mind's state, which in turn, alters her body's state. Undira is well known in the Meris Kingdom stadium for her vicious attacks and brutal fights.

A known user of the Harpoon of Drowning Ruin, though Undira's isn't fully mastered.

Harpoon of Drowning Ruin
A large staff or spear, in some cases a trident, that is made purely out of water. Once unleashed and stabbed into the ground, causes water-based catastrophes. It is said the Harpoon of Drowning Ruin was once used and sunk the Meris Kingdom, which originally used to be on land, thousands of years ago.

Fezinian Rep

Corethonn is a powerful Fezinian with a uniquely defined tail. Sometimes called Corethonn, of the Stratified Tail. Corethonn has a hatred of Ragnar spurred on by intense envy and jealousy. One day he wants to put the Mother-born-rock into the ground.

North Rep

A Wildmen who has ventured down from the North. He is a notorious killer around the northern area of the Empire that isn't secure enough. He has slain some students from the Oltinian Academy when they were out during practical exams. He is a brutal man who finds honor in killing.

Oltinian Rep

Instructor Lightbane, the Stygian Beauty of the Academy

A "spell"swordswoman who trains students of the Oltinia Academy. Her training methods are harsh, but effective. Many love her classes because they feel they learn and grow stronger after every session.

Her Blackstreak style is extremely difficult to learn however, so she doesn't take on many direct disciples. Though her Black Luster magic is a favorite of the mages of the academy.

Reysha Rep

Cyran, the Azurebreaker

Not the Guardian of Lake Reysha himself, but an acolyte of the temple. Trained in the Lake Guardian's Azuresword. A young knight with a promising future, and hotheaded desire for strength and power. A capricious kid with undeniable skill. He is only considered the Reysha Rep because he's outlasted many Reysha fighters thus far, but other than his duties as an acolyte of the Temple of the Guardian, he has no further Reysha loyalties. If anything, he wants to show up the Yurel family, because he thinks they're wash outs. Despite his abrasive personality, Cyran is said to have a 'Heroic Spirit'.

Beastman Rep

A capable warrior in Grath's army. Vanzark has proven himself time and time again on the battlefield. Grath didn't choose a particular warrior to enter the tournament, instead, he held his own contest. A brutal free-for-all of the best warriors under his command. Vanzark may not be the outright strongest, but he did come out on top in that fight, earning him the right to compete. He is a bit more levelheaded than his Khan, but that doesn't mean he should be underestimated.

Elf Rep

Chosen by Steward of Valor specifically. As he views her skills as noteworthy among the elves. And wants to show off her skills to the people of the Four Great Nations. Night-Tease-Dancer-Enchantress-of-Twilight -or Night Tease- was more than willing to accept his offer, as she has somewhat of a crush on the Light-dipped elf. For Night-Tease, she is the exact opposite. A naughty tease and flirt, who is Darkness-dipped. For her, Steward of Valor is a unique existence and is a prize almost too irresistible.



Zelig Earthbane


Hausan Earthbane Baishoushan


Adonia Celenera Robicc Peacestorm


Madam White, one of the leaders of the Kin Daughters of Ash. Technically speaking she's supposed to use the Black World, but since Ravynne left, Vigridis has been using the White World in secret.

Important Nation Officials Observing (VIPS)​

Vashti Au'Oshos
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The mother of Ivis Impint, and the Mistress of the Au'Oshos. A firm woman with an unyielding character bordering the dramatic. After hearing about the prophecy regarding her child, she steered hard into bringing up her child "right" for the Au'Oshos, especially after Ivis's sibling was stolen away from the family. Hearing how the family could be resurrected, it was all Vashti could think about. So, she was incredibly strict with Ivis and how her daughter was raised. Due to this, the family has already begun to regain some lost power, which only fuels the woman's ambitions even more. Thus she's on the Joint Grand Tournament Committee. Vashti expects great things from her daughter in this tournament.

Prince Diyatani Reysha
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After his elder brother went missing, Diyatani was forced to step up. He has proven himself a more-than-adequate ruler, with many viewing him as an excellent king's candidate. Although, there are those that say all this is a facade; everything he shows is nothing more than a calculated move on his part to raise his reputation. Even his showing in this tournament is a calculated move to be witnessed by the masses (not so dissimilar from the Empress). If that is so, Diyatani is a shrewd man, never letting the public see anything but a pretty face, and a poised, intelligent leader.

Collins Felbrigg, of Spiral Sea Trading Fleet

International Merchant and Traders Association Chief Chairman

An unscrupulous man who leads an association of merchants that travel across the Spiral Sea to reach the various nations of the world. He is a man with a discerning eye and a love for nothing but money. People question his ethics but there has been no hard evidence against him for any wrongdoings. Still, many claim he perpetuates plenty of shady business practices. However, he is a VIP because of his hefty donations to Epica and the tournament. Due to this he is on the Joint Grand Tournament Committee, even if some of them aren't happy about that.

Shalamy Powder Inolore, the Enlightened Child
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Inolore Magical Research Institute Headmistress

Although she's called the "Enlightened Child", it is simply a name given to her because of her appearance. In truth, Shalamy is a full grown woman. Her magical prowess has just resulted in the youthful body people see her as. With her magical expertise she eventually became the Headmistress of the Inolore Magical Research Institute, and was bestowed the "Inolore" name that is granted to all significant mages within the Inolore territory.

Due to her position and prestige, she easily found herself apart of the Joint Grand Tournament Committee. Her son is in the tournament, too! Which makes her a happy mamma. When she stands next to her son, people who aren't aware think they're young siblings, or perhaps even fraternal twins.

Winblade Matriarch, Winoset Winblade

Although the Winblades are a meritocratic family. Due to when Eshrael appeared and grasped power for her family, the family as a whole has adopted a matriarchal structure. That isn't to say there isn't equality and meritocracy within the family. Everyone is taught equally, and whoever has talent simply has talent and is rewarded. Still, the family has a woman head out of respect for Mistress Eshrael, the First Spellblade.

Winoset is the Seventh Spellblade.

Not literally, obviously, but a numbered spellblade is the title given to the Heads of the family.


From the Alliance of Elves

Steward of Valor -or Light Walker- is one of the leaders of the elves who sits on the Council of the Alliance of Elves. He is a "Light-dipped" elf, otherwise known as a "High Elf", and embodies their qualities fully. A man of integrity that holds himself with shining dignity. The elves don't bother themselves with the politics of the other nations often, but this seemed like just such an event to be involved in. Though, even now, he struggles to understand all these strange customs. Apart of the Joint Grand Tournament Committee as an Envoy of the Elves, to establish better relations with them.

Grath Werecroft

Khan of the Stone Cats Tribe, and a Grandis Pasfiri (Great Cat beastman). His tribe rules a large portion of the Martial Beast Wilds. Renkaka's tribe split away from the Grandis Pasfiri tribe alliance, putting the Grand Ten member on Grath's bad side. They've clashed several times in various skirmishes across the wilds.

For Grath, disloyalty is the worst crime. Desertion is a slap in the face, and is a grave offense. Grath has lost all respect for Master Ren and the other Pasfiri of his tribe. He wants nothing more than to bring them to heel. But right now, he is ignoring his warmongering ways and has joined the Grand Tournament at the behest of the Empress, who seeks to establish relations with the savage tribes of the wilds. Grath said he will use this tournament to come to any decisions regarding alliances or the like. If he is unimpressed with the tournament then he warns it will only fuel his anger.


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Act 1: The Grand Tournament
Plots and Storylines
***The Grand Tournament Preliminaries***

Across the 3 continents, an incredible tournament is being held. Since there are so many entrants, it is currently in the preliminary tournament. Literally thousands and thousands of people have entered. And most of them will be eliminated.

Special Notes:
--Sirindra is in the preliminary tournament in Juya in Au'Oshos territory.
--The Great Cauldron Spire has been tasked with a creating the monumental Grand Stage for this event.
--Vequanial Robicc has been ordered to enter the tournament.
--Jewena of the Holy City has tasked the monster Sim with 2 tasks to heal his master, 1 is to win the Grand Tournament.
--An Information Guilder Veil overheard this, and has fled the city with the surprising news.
--Jewena, with Intevar's help, is in pursuit of the fleeing shadow.
--Veil managed to relay her info to another agent - Hebii.
--Jewena purged (killed) Veil just after, as Hebii escaped.

**The Preliminaries are Over**
--Sirindra won her Block A tournament in Juya.
--Having been defeated, the enigmatic Moonhu has bestowed himself (Soul sword) to Sirindra!
--Talio won his Block F tournament at the 4 Fam's Colosseum.
--Vequanial won his Block G tournament at the 4 Fam's Colosseum.
--Pronoia won her Block B tournament at the 4 Fam's Colosseum.
--Alina won her Block tournament at the 4 Fam's Colosseum.
--Sophia won her Block tournament at the 4 Fam's Colosseum.

***The Mystery of Mirror Blade Mijorine's Death***
Underlying the tournament is the cause for it, a worrisome mystery. One of the Grand Ten has died. It is implied she was murdered since Grand Ten don't simply die. Who could've done this and why?
--At her party, Empress Elis showcased Mijorine's sword, which serves as proof of the woman's death.

Special Notes:
--Currently the Great Cauldron Spire's leadership are investigating Mijorine's disappearance.

Part 2: Grand Stage Tournament

***Elisztraza's Pre-Grand Stage party***
Located in Epica Citadel in the capital, Epicanth. The Empress brought many people interested in the tournament together, dignitaries, nobles, royals, merchants, and other interested peoples, including the tournament's fighters! At this pre-Grand Stage party, Elis gives a speech that is thanking various people for their effort and work they've put into the tournament. She also showed off Mijorine's sword, indicating she was dead. The player characters who are involved in the tournament attend the party.
--An altercation happened. Now there is a duel between Talio and Hausan Earthbane Baishoushan.

***Grand Stage Reveal Event***
At a special event, the Grand Stage was revealed. It is a colossal floating piece of land that houses the Grand Stage Arena, and the new state-of-the-art city, Grand Gala, as well as, other biomes. People were taken up to it, as it's officially opened!

Special Notes:
--Elis came out with the Epic Plate. Which is a magi-tech device that's essentially a tablet. It comes with the Epica System, which has peoples' profiles in it. The plate can also be used for notifications for events and the like.

***The Gods Reveal Themselves***
At the event, the gods revealed themselves. For specific people, they granted the IrrisThal System. A gods-special system that provides different benefits than the Epica System. They also expressed that people should seek to impress the gods to be rewarded.

Part 3: Grand Tournament Begins

***First Week***
The tournament proper finally begins! Sirindra vs the Reysha Rep, Cyran! With colorful commentary from Coraeasea, Sarissa, and the judges panel, Sirindra comes out on top in the first ever fight of the GT!
--At Sirindra's win, the gods reward her with Paragons, indicating Paragons are rewarded in the GT fights. Even Cyran -who lost- won some.


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