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[I want him to run me over with a bulldozer it would hurt much less]



Hello and welcome to my thread! [please excuse the prefix, for it's terribly misleading.] My name is adrianne5sos, but feel free to call me Adri or Adrianne, either one is completely fine by me! I'm not new to this site, I was here a few months ago, but I'm definitely new to all these updates. It's horribly confusing, aghh. Just trying to find my way around here after coming back gave me a headache.


Anyways, I'm here to look for some partners to roleplay with! I have plenty of plots, pairings, and fandoms, and I'd be willing to options or fandoms that you guys like but aren't listed, just keep in mind that I don't do anime or any cartoons, it just feels incredibly weird to me to be roleplaying an animated character, my apologies!

Anyways, onto things about me, yeah?


Well, I'm sixteen years old and a high school student who's taking two honors or AP classes, but those can definitely pile up quickly and leave me with no time to be able to respond. Also, my school is literally in the middle of a dead zone and I receive little to no service while I'm at school, so if I accidentally leave you on seen during a weekday, it's only because I'm at school and totally unable to respond. I'm completely and utterly obsessed with bands, mainly 5 Seconds of Summer, and I will constantly talk about them, so if that annoys you just please tell me? I will sometimes probably spam you with gifs of 5 Seconds of Summer and complain to you about how attractive Luke Hemmings is, and so if I do that I apologize, just let me know and I'll stop. But besides that, I'm a major chatterbox [talk to me please!!!] but I also apologize for literally everything and I honestly don't mean to do so, but I just feel like a lot of things are my fault. bUT ANYWAYS.


Onto my plots, rules, fandoms, and pairings, yeah?



- 5 Seconds of Summer [you knew this was coming]

+ Luke Hemmings x OC ******

+ Michael Clifford x Luke Hemmings ***********

+ Ashton Irwin x OC *******

+ Michael Clifford x Calum Hood ********


- Marvel

+ Clint Barton x OC **

+ Steve Rogers x OC ***


- I literally have no other fandoms, but please suggest some if you want to roleplay any! I'll see if I know it or not.



01. Please don't god mod! I'm very very picky about that, and if I feel like you're god modding I will, absolutely positively will call you out on it and make you fix it. Sorry not sorry.

02. I'm a total chatter box! I love making friends and internet friends are my favorite things ever because they're a lot more caring than my actual friends, oops. But please just don't roleplay with me and not talk to me ooc, because then it makes me feel awkward. I want to make friends, so please talk to me!

03. Don't make everything one sided! I don't want to feel like I'm bouncing my ideas off a brick wall, if that makes any sense! Please contribute to plot development, I want to have the both of us make the plot, not just me!

04. I'm a very detailed roleplayer, especially if I'm really into the roleplay! I can type up to about 7 or 8 paragraphs if I'm really into it, but if I'm feeling lazy then I'll probably write three to four paragraphs. But I want you to reflect my length, if you can't go as long, that's perfectly okay, I just want someone as descriptive as I am!

05. Please be open to ideas! I want you to tell me what you like or don't like about my ideas, I don't want you to say 'yeah that sounds great' and leave it at that, that makes me feel kinda awkward. I want the both of us to be active in making up plotlines or ideas!

06. I'm not a huge stickler for grammar, but spelling mistakes really irks me if it's literally every other word that's misspelled. I'll understand if English isn't your native language, you just let me know and I'll completely understand! I mess up on my English sometimes and it's the only language I know.

07. I typically only do MxF or MxM pairings, I'm not all that great with FxF and plus I've never done it before, so that just makes it awkward and a lil bit uncomfortable for me, if that makes any sense? But if you can be really convincing and give me some good ideas I may be lenient and we could try it!



[side note= So, I don't have plots for all the genres I have, but I'll definitely put them up when I get them!]








01. and if you wanna go to heaven you should f*ck me tonight 

[i legit dont swear at all oops but yes this is based off the halsey song 'young god and you should listen to it actually i'll link it here]

he's the one that you always see walking down the halls, his head held high as all the girls swoon over him, the boy with the stubble and the leather jacket and the smoking addiction that only seems to make him more enticing. the girls he always has over at his house that he only wants them over to get in their pants and then leave. he always had this air of mystery around him, as if there was this hampered air that always followed him, making him seem greater than he actually was. there were rumors spreading like wildfire about him, his flings, his addictions, the secrets he always seemed to hide. but you seemed to lure him in even more than he did everyone else, the way you never seemed interested in him, making him even more determined to get to know you. but you weren't prepared for what you were going to find out about him, who, what he actually was. a demon.

a monster.

[this one makes no sense but it soundS COOL]

02. danger. 

[this one's based off an edit i saw on instagram it looked lit ok]

sometimes the most innocent looking ones could be the most guilty.

he would say that sometimes, after the murders of a high school teacher and his nineteen year old daughter began ringing out over the news, the newscasters asking if anyone recognized the man on the screen to call police immediately. you brushed it off as nothing, knowing your boyfriend wasn't stupid like that, that he was just saying things to scare you.

and then it began getting worse.

he would flinch at sudden movements, he had nightmares every night, and when he even saw police lights flashing while he was driving his grip tightened on the steering wheel. and you began thinking to yourself, who is he? would your sweet, loving, caring boyfriend be as stupid to take two human lives, two human lives who had done nothing but good?

and then you realized.

sometimes the most innocent looking ones could be the most guilty.


01. summer we'll never forget.

it started out as bet, honestly. that we would go on a trip with our two best guy friends in a repaired and still beat up vw wagon and go to as many music festivals as you could. that you would bet you wouldn't fall for each other, that you bet that you guys wouldn't hook up sometime during the trip. but yet it happened. it was a small crush, honestly, never thought it had meant something more. but it turned out to be one summer we'll definitely never forget, surfing on the beach, spending nights on the beach underneath the stars.

it was a summer that we would never try to forget. the one where we fell in love, we traveled the country, and we had the time of our lives.

02. year of late night bets and drunken regrets.

if you could describe senior year in a sentence, that would be it. parties with your friends, pretending like you didn't have a care in the world and would gladly go spray paint the brick wall of the school with profanity, not caring if you'd get in trouble. drunken hookups with your best friend, parties that lasted until two am. a spark that would ignite something that you never thought could happen, a romance that spurred out of three, drunken, slurred words.

"i love you."


01. oh, cinderella

[this one in my personal opinion is rlly cheesy and adorable but i thought it was cute]

it's victorian france, and the beloved prince of france has finally turned seventeen, which means glamorous balls, extravagant gifts, and especially, a time when he must pick a queen. but the only problem? his heart belongs to a small commoner boy, one who he had snuck out of the castle to see upon many occasions. and when he finds him at the ball, celebrating his birthday, he's torn between a decision. stay with his lover and be exiled out of france, or be torn apart, never to see each other again.

[this one makes no sense so let me explain :: one of them is the prince of france and the other is a common boy who lives in a village near the palace, the prince has fallen in love with the common boy and the common boy loves the prince, they begin secretly dating, and when the prince turns seventeen he has to choose a princess to marry and he's torn between doing what the king asks and be torn from the common boy, or be exiled out of france for being gay and still be with the common boy.]

02. i'm coming home to you

during the 1940s, every single man from the age of 18 to 21, if they're capable to do so, is being sent to training camps across the us to train for the upcoming war. muse a is one of the selected to go, and muse b is his lover, who is unable to be sent to war for a medical issue. muse a doesn't want to leave muse b and doesn't tell him about him needing to go until three days before he's sent off, and muse b finds out because he finds a letter explaining the camp and where he needs to go. muse a is torn apart, and he leaves on a bitter goodbye from muse b, and constantly sends letters to muse b. but one day, the letters stop, and muse b is worried sick. and then one day, a letter arrives at muse b's house, saying only one sentence.

"i'm coming home to you."




Bandmate x Bandmate

Demon x Human

Human x Fallen Angel

Pianist x Punk Guitarist

Author x Photographer

Mental Hospital Patient x Nurse

Introvert x Extrovert

Singer Songwriter x Veterinarian

YouTuber x Best Friend

Best Friend x Best Friend

Innocent x Gang Member



that's all I have lovelies! If any of that interests you, feel free to comment below, and don't shoot me a PM until I tell you to, it'll clog up my PMs and I like having things organized oopsies.


But I love you all! Hopefully you'll be able to roleplay with me soon!

Hey!! Interested in danger, I'm coming home, and 


Bandmate x Bandmate

Author x Photographer

Introvert x Extrovert

Innocent x Gang Member
Hi! I'm quite interested in Introvert X Extrovert, a summer we'll never forget, Innocent X Gang Member, and Youtuber X Best Friend :)

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