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1x1 w/Q


Elder Member
This thread is currently a work in progress))

• Internet friends who wish to meet in real life imagine themselves as being adventurers in a fantasy world. Their dreams combine, and they somehow managed to create the ideal fantasy world they were wishing to discover. Together they travel the world, searching for its true creator. (since a realistic fantasy world couldn't create itself, just because a number of people combined their dreams)
The two friends were talking on Facebook when this strange popup appears on both of there screens. It was some spiraling image, but it looked 3D almost as if you could reach out and touch it. Both of them tried to touch it and there fingers start to be pulled in, both freak out and attempt to pull out but nether of them can. Suddenly they are both pulled in, they get transported to this strange world. They wake up and notice that they are next to one another, they don't recognizance each other for having never seen each other before.
"Oh crap, just when I was viewing the highscores." Maven had the feeling it was just a lazy Sunday morning, she was almost sure she had accidentally fallen asleep last night while viewing the battleground highscores of a RP multiplayer game. She would ocassionally fall asleep while reading articles or doing any kind of activity that wouldn't require her full attention. She then got up and remembered. "Wait, what am I talking about? I was talking with him just a moment ago." She wanted to convincer herself that the whole situation wasn't just a dream.
'who is this girl?' Rob thinks to himself. ' this girl? who cares! where the heck am I? Some sort of forest.' He thinks looking around, then suddenly he gets a throbbing pain shot through his head. "Ouch! my head hurts like hell!" He says grabbing his head.
"A forest? Where's my couch?"Maven spoke in a croaky, morning specific voice as she got on her feet, of course, after two or three failed attempts. She then noticed the yelling boy next to her, who seemed troubled by her presence, or probably the situation he was in. "Hey, are you alright?" She questioned, reaching a shaky hand out at hin.
Looking at the girl he smiles at her being friendly. "thanks." He takes the hand and pulls himself up. "I have no idea how I got here, do you?"
"I was just texting a friend a moment ago. Then a strange popup thing appeared and then, I..seriously don't know what happened next."She replied with hesitation and took another look around.
"What's that?"She questioned, raising her eyebrow slightly. There was a hint of suspicion in her voice, rather than confusion or fright. She could already imagine the figure of another 'survivor' coming from the bush.
"Bonnie! Oh, Bonnie!"An old man who also came out of the bush called, suddenly discovering the group. "Oh well, hello! It looks like Bonnie discovered a new pair of newcomers!" He said, looking down at the newcomers.

Maven was utterly confused.

(Sorry, but I just can't let you start a dramatic moment all of sudden. I'm aslmost certain that rabbit was going to kill them. xD
(Major pout, you told me tonstart drama. GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh well.)

Rob looks at him strange, "How did you know we were newcomers? " he could tell that that this kan was no malicious but just not normal.
"The creator summoned you in this world, you see. Many youngsters like you are often brought here from tons of different dimensions, he managed to reach you using a thing you probably call..'popup'. Is that so?" He asked, tapping his chin as he sat down on a log.
Robs eyes got wide whem the old kan said dimension. "Holy crap! We traveled through dimensions?! Which one? The 6th or seventh!?" He askes so enthusiastically (it sthe seventh I will explain if you want)

"I don't know, the creator himself may know the answer, and you could reach him. I guided many like you before. And I could help you reach the creator."The old man said with a smile, as he put a hand on his shoulder.

Maven liked the idea.."Yeah! That sounds just right."She exclaimed.
"Then what are we waiting for? LETS GO!" He runs over and grabs the old man and starts to drag him off I some direction.
Maven grabbed him by his arm, while the old man went back to pick up his rabbit. "We can't just run off in some direction without having any clues." She explained.

"And sadly, I won't be able to follow you in your quest. I must stay here and guide newcomers like you in new directions."The old man said in a low voice as he sat down on the log. "But here, take this. It is a notebook containing all the clues you need to find the creator."
He was sure this was the right direction, something blocked out everything everyone else says and he just pulls away and runns off.
"Oh goodness, I'm sorry...I...Thank you!" Maven said as she tried to catch up with him, the old man waving at them and wishing them goodluck.
He ran as fast as he could not knowing where to go but knowing thst it was the right way, something told him and maybe, just maybe he was right.
Maven eventually reached the edge of the forest, and ahead was a city, it looked like it was all made of white marble. Maven took a step behind and bumped into two tall men, who were pointing their sharp spear tips out at her. "What is happening?"

(Drama. Yes.
"Well, we don't mean you any harm, we are just passing through. " This did not apease there agitated state and pointed there spears closer.
"CRIMINALS!" One yelled in a highpitched, annoying voice as he lifted a clug, and hit Maven, who was trying to give him rational explanations.
Robs purples narrow into slits like the eyes of snakes. Rob koves so fast its almost as if he hadn't moved at all, the next thing anyone notices is that the mans club is flying off into the distance. Robs skin suddenly becomes as extremely pail.
Dude. Pls. Grammer)

The alarm was given. Maven's body was abandoned and wizards surrounded Rob, ready to cast their lethal magic, when suddenly, a paralysing shock hit Rob. The archmage arrived just in time.

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