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1x1 RP Plots (all genres welcome) - looking for long-term partners


A Hunter Must Hunt
Hi everyone, I'm looking for long-term partners in 1x1 RPs.

A little about me and personal preferences:

- I have been RP-ing for over a decade, both play-by-post and tabletop.

- My timezone is GMT +2 and I have a full time job; this can put me at odds with American and Asian players, but even so if I'm involved in an RP, I will usually attempt one post per 1-2 days.

- I prefer my RP partners to be 18 or older. That said, I won't reject anyone on age basis.

- Detailed writing (2-4 paragraphs); I don't mind single paragraph posts, but no one-liners and the like please.

- I usually play male main characters, but I'm up for playing females if my RP partner specifically requests it.

- I am open to romance plots (MxF preferred, I'm not very good at other pairings), but I don't usually play solely romance-focused RPs. I just like to mix it all with action, drama and tension.

- Please use proper grammar; I don't mind typos and such as long as we understand one another, but let's strive to avoid misinterpretation.

- Be sure to communicate; if you have ideas for RP details and plot points, don't hesitate to share, and if you don't like something I've thought of or posted, say so and we'll find a workaround. RPing is a mutual experience and should be handled as such: by mutual involvement.

- If an RP can't be fluid (time zone differences, real life issues, etc), that's no problem for me, I don't mind waiting a few days for replies. Also, if you simply lose interest and wish to halt the RP for any reason, just let me know. However, I will be expecting the same amount of patience in turn.

- And naturally, let us stick to the site rules in general and have fun!

Plots + pairings within:

These are thematic plot ideas for which I have made established pairings. However, these plots are more defined by story-driven motivations than specific characteristic demands, so - save for some exceptions - they are pretty open for whatever kind of character you wish to play.


(Fantasy / Adventure) Blood is Thicker

Two children of a prestigious noble household are kidnapped from their home, dragged off to a distant city and sold to a gladiator school. They each get put through harsh, vicious training as they learn to survive in their cruel new environment. Years pass, and they are on the brink of earning their freedom; all they have to do is win one last championship. Things take an unexpected turn, however, as a reminder of their past reaches out to them, and an unmistakable opportunity presents itself to finally uncover what was the true driving force behind their kidnapping and enslavement. They could just forget it all and move on with their lives... but the truth begets revelation. History persists, no matter how far you stray from it.

(Fantasy / Adventure) A Hero and A Dragon

Every child has fancied becoming a hero. Challenge a dragon, slay it, earn wealth and glory everlasting! But sad truth is, dragons are next to extinct. They disappeared over the ages, slaying each other for contested living space, or dying by human war machines. All but one. One last dragon lives alone, secluded in a mountain cave, forever undefeated and immortal, guarding a treasure beyond everyone's wildest dreams. Or so the stories go; when an overly curious young person decides to discover the truth for themselves, things really quite aren't as they first seemed. The dragon is under a curse, and its salvation out of reach... unless someone would take pity?

(Fantasy / Adventure) The Illusion of Choice

When a fortune teller prophecizes the birth of a child who would end the tyranny of the currently reigning warmongering usurper of the kingdom, the tyrant is quick to take swift action. He/she gets rid of the raving prophet, has the child found, and adopts him/her as his/her own child to defy the prophecy. Nearly two decades later, the tyrant falls ill to an incurable disease which will slowly consume him/her. His/her only hope lies in finding a mysterious healer in a distant land. Too afraid to leave the country behind publically, the tyrant takes the journey incognito, with his/her adopted child at his/her side. What surprises does the long road hold ahead of them? Will the perils undertaken and secrets revealed strengthen their bond, or tear it apart completely?

(Fantasy / Comedy) Necromancer College

The world's one and only Necromancer College has yielded the very best professionals of the dark arts for generations and its popularity is rising higher then ever. However, the Grim Reaper is fed up with how the reckless practice of black magic keeps screwing up the administration of the underworld, so he abuses his personal peer pressure to enforce new conditions to the curriculum. As part of the graduation exam, students must carry out 13 charitable deeds with the aid of black magic within the span of a month, and after getting their diploma they must swear to uphold an actual ethic code. To further complicate matters, each graduate is assigned with a lost soul from the underworld who were victims of dark spells to ensure the ethical application of necromancy. This can't end well.

(Fantasy / Adventure / Psychologic Horror) Darkened Dreams

A couple of sibling heroes lay claim to an artefact of power and set out to destroy two sinister sovereigns who are responsible for the ruination that is befalling the land. But all is not as it seems: as they get closer to their goal, their perception of reality becomes increasingly distorted, strange memories of a modern world invade their waking hours, and visions of indescribable oddness haunt their sleep. Surely this is a curse of the evil tyrants! With resolve redoubled, they make haste through many dangers, only to come to a horrifying discovery, and a decision which leads to either misery or death.

SPOILER: it's all just a coma-inducted power fantasy dream of a couple of siblings/close friends who attempted suicide and are on life support. Dark, I know.

(Fantasy / Adventure / Survival Horror) Monster Union

With their kindred facing near extinction, two monsters team up to burn their way into history by aiming for the big prize: they will find the top dogs of the monster hunting guild and their backer, the inquisition responsible for driving their race(s) to the edge of disappearence, so they can ritualistically tear off their head and shit down their necks. However, neither monster is particularly a powerhouse, so they will have to use wits and cunning to outsmart and defeat those who would stand in their way, as well as seek allies to their cause.

(Fantasy / Adventure / Comedy) The Knight, the Maiden and the Dragon

A somewhat comedic take on the classic fairy tale setup. A dragon kidnaps a lady, and a knight is sent to the rescue... except the dragon is an overly eager hatchling, the knight is actually not of noble birth (nor personality), and the lady in question has plenty of reasons not to go home. Is there a room for compromises? Can they resolve their differences somehow? And whatever the case, both dangers and wacky distractions will unavoidably befall them on their roads to adventure...

(Fantasy / Adventure) Tales of the Fox and the Runaway

Inuyasha-inspired half-serious, half-comedic adventure. During the unification wars of Japan, the son/daughter of a renowned samurai family becomes orphaned and driven out of his/her home. To secure a living for life, he/she confronts a similarly home-lost wild kitsune and takes the fox spirit's hoshi no tama (star orb) jewel, technically blackmailing the kitsune into servitude. What the hapless idiot doesn't know, however, is that this newfound bond is not as one-sided as it seems: if one is hurt, so is the other. Thus begins a journey to unmake the binding, and for both of them to find a new place to settle down.

(Fantasy / Adventure) Partners in Damnation

A would-be magician and a wannabane tyrant embark on a quest for power, both dreaming delusional fantasies of grandeur once they seize it. The talens of both are required to get through the hazardous path leading to their mutual goal, and agents of goodness and justice seek to thwart them at every turn. How will it all end? Will the two evil-doers turn on one another at the last moment, or will they grow attached enough to overcome their common enemies? Will they stick to their sinister nature, or learn to see a better way? Not even the gods are sure, but they are placing bets, that's certain.


(Modern / Supernatural) Blasphemous Bounding

Some overly eager and stupid child (or teenager/young adult) desperately wants to prove he/she is brave and cool, so he/she agrees to spend a night at a haunted, long-abandoned hotel at the edge of town. Turns out the hotel really is haunted, however, by a non-corporeal demon no less. Playing on the child's naivity, he/she possessed the kid and proceeds to ruin his/her life on short term, landing him/her in a heavily supervised psychiatric ward. Realizing that ending up seated for the rest of the kid's lifetime won't be fun, the demon and his/her host enter into a compromise to bust out and try to make things right while the police, detectives and a superbly persistent exorcist is in their wake.

(Modern / War) Peacekeeper and Freedom Fighter

Serious and realistic. A special forces soldier vs. a dangerously cunning militant vigilante. Perhaps there was once a time when they used to be close, but that is a thing of the past. Each want to protect the civilians of the region - by eliminating the other. They have been at each other's throats for a while, and the fight between their factions cost many lives. Who is right? Who is wrong? In the seemingly endless conflict, the arrival of a third party stirs up the fragile balance of power. Either way, both heroes know how this ends: in blood.

(Modern / War / Conspiracy) Ex-Insurgents in Extreme Trouble

A couple of international terrorists decide to ditch their old life and go legit together, signing up with a private military contractor company. At first, all is well; nobody recognizes them, they can make friends, and finally seem to have found a good cause to work towards, namely civilian relief efforts. But all too soon, the operation is headed to hell: they are struck by unidentified combatants, explosions and shootouts ensue, and before they know it, their duo is framed by international media for the entire mess. Who is truly behind this atrocity, and why are they left with the responsibility? They have to uncover the truth and expose the true masterminds behind the incident before it's too late - both for them, and for future victims.

(Modern / Cosmic Horror) Fear Unthawed

With the onset of global warming melting the ice caps of Antarctica, the leading nations of the world each have their sights set on the soon to be exposed natural treasures lying within its long undisturbed earth. To avoid diplomatic tensions, an international brigade has been organized to measure up the south pole. What they did not know in advance, however, that there is much more buried within the icy embrace of Antarctica than oil, gas or metal. While governments and corporations battle in the background, unspeakable things will begin unfolding, threatening not just the explorers, but perhaps everything else as well...


(Sci-fi / Adventure / Discovery) A World of Woes

Planet Earth has endured an alien invasion, and in the wake of the horrible conflict the nations of the world united to recover from the ravages of war and reach out into the future together. But as they expand across space, they do not find traces of their attackers, only ruins of alien civilizations, and recurring astronomic references to some malignant force that periodically blazes through this part of the Milky Way. Soon, the twilight of the human race seems to approach: a planet-sized alien structure enters the scene, leaving only chaos and destruction in its wake. Teams of super elite commandoes are organized in an attempt to land on and infiltrate the planetary engine, to shut it down for good. What they would discover within, however, may change everything humanity presumes to know of its place among the stars...

(Sci-fi / Comedy) Manburgers Are Unhealthy

Two human specimen are kidnapped by aliens, experimented on and put in a zoo on the planet Zblorg, only to be busted by the local equivalents of PETA. As it turns out, mankind will soon be caught in a horrible orderal: thanks to the test results, humans are considered an unintelligent race and therefore can become part of the menu of an interstellar fast food chain. Something must be done to prevent the foreboding tragedy.

(Sci-fi / Adventure) Pilgrimage to Thrask-Atlur

Adventures of a duo of extraterrestial criminals, who must undergo a sacred pilgrimage to a holy site of their world to be absolved of their sins and be able to face the afterlife in peace. They must travel there without using any technological means. The journey is a hazardous one to begin with, given the dangerous flora and fauna. But problems are further escelated when a bunch of stupidly agressive and ignorant expansionist aliens, called "humans" decide to invade the planet... how will the road to redemption end?

(Sci-fi / War) Task Force Xaphan

In an interstellar war between two hyper-corporations, a new factor is about to enter the fold: the titular Task Force Xaphan. Thing is, instead of being supersoldiers with implants and the best possible armaments, they are actually plain old humans with merely a couple of simple gene-mods and sub-par combat tools. What makes them truly special is their training - the know-how to fabricate weapons, improvised munitions and explosives just out of anything, and figuring out how to mess up even the most advanced technologies to overcome superior opponents. Sabotage, guerilla tactics, infiltration, counter-offensives, assassination, demolition? All in a day's work. When their latest mission leaves them in a tight spot, however, even they find it challanging to claw out of this dirty business...

(Sci-fi / Survival Horror) Artificially Abandoned

A horroristic sci-fi. A crew of space pirates/scavengers discover what may yet be their greater prize: an entire, seemingly abandoned, yet almost intact space station at the edge of an unclaimed, uninhabited star system. Soon enough, however, their missteps awake the lurking madness of the station; their ship is destroyed, and those inside get butchered. Only a handful of the crew survives due to getting seperated from the others; they must learn the secrets of the station, and find a way out.

Mixed / Other:

(Steampunk / Time Travel / Survival Horror) The Strangest Stronghold

In a steampunk world, an archeological team unearths remains of a pre-human civilization. Unfortunately, the team comes under attack as their nation is invaded and they cannot evacuate in time, so they retreat to the depths of the dig site. Little do they know the ordeal they involuntarily got themselves into - up to and including, but not limited to: lovecraftian monsters, prehistoric miscreants, time travel, a mysterious pursuer that stalks them, and visions of the world's ending. Can they endure all this madness with their bodies and sanities intact? Probably not, but hey, let's hope for the best.

(Post-Apocalyptic / Adventure) In Search of Eden

Human civilization may not have ended, but it came to a frighteningly close brush with complete collapse. However, it was not by war over resources or beliefs which brought this about. Unspeakable diseases have culled the population of the human race on a level never seen before. Entire countries have turned barren and lifeless. Solar winds stripping at the planet's magnetic field caused massive changes in climate, resulting in the collapse of infrastructure, floods, deadly heat waves and mass extinction of many animals. Humankind retreated to tightly controlled city states run largely by authotorian regimes and corrupt megacorps. Those who live on the outside organize into large, scavenging nomadic tribes, constantly exposed to threats by wild beasts and marauders. With the rising of a mysterious paramilitary group in the fringes of society, promises of a new hope blossom. But to achieve it, sacrifices will have to be made...

Miscellaneous Pairings

In this section you can find some of my liked character pairings, devoid of specific plots and settings. The terms are largely simplistic so they cover broader categories and themes.

Hunter & Prey
Mentor & Apprentice
Hero & Villain
Master & Servant
Noble & Underclassman
Immortal & Mortal
Magician & Non-magician
Non-human & Human
Faithless & Faithful
Outlaw & Lawman
Explorer & Plunderer
Avenger & Savior
Freelancer & Official
Hybrid & Pureblood


Below I list settings in which I'm willing to roleplay in, in no particular order. I am open to both plot and pairing ideas for them.

IMPORTANT: when it comes to Fandom roleplays, the overwhelming majority of the time I prefer to play OC characters, not established canon characters. Thanks for understanding.


Berserk (manga/anime)
Avatar (Last Airbender and Legend of Korra both)
Dungeons & Dragons (fantasy franchise)
The Witcher (game series/novels)
Lord of the Rings (3rd or 4th age, Shadow of Mordor game setting also okay)
Bloodborne (video game)
Darkest Dungeon (video game)
Diablo (video game series)
Thief (video game series - the original trilogy, not the reboot)


Alien & Predator (sci-fi franchises)
Warhammer 40k (sci-fi franchise)
Command & Conquer (video game series, from Tiberian Dawn up 'till Tiberium Wars)
Starcraft (video game series)
Star Wars (canon and expanded universe both)
Overwatch (video game)
Terminator (film franchise)
Fallout (video game series, especially New Vegas)
Xcom (video game series)

Other / Unsorted

Cthulhu Mythos (canon and Call of Cthulhu materials both)
Dragonball (original series and Z both)


So if you happen to be interested in long-term roleplaying in any of these plots or settings, post here and/or shoot me a PM.
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Artificially Abandoned sounds interesting me. Of course, if you don't want to do that plot with two separate people, I'm also up for The Strangest Stronghold. I also like a little romance in my RPs. :)
I'm interested in either Tales of the Fox and the Runaway or Partners in Damnation. If you're interested, contact me through my email located on my profile page!
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I'm interested in the two: The New Shadow and In Pursuit of Crime and Coin.

I'm also in the Avatar fandom so hit me up if you're still searching.
Holy cow, so many people interested!

@Rose_Lawlington The Dragon, the Maiden and the Knight is claimed now - for you!

@Jodie I have yet to receive a reply from @PokemonGirl , but I am not against playing in a trio. The Strangest Stronghold is unclaimed as of yet. A little romance is also welcome on my part :)

@Cottontail I'm assuming you tried to give me an e-mail adress. Take note of the 10-post rule. Until you have at least 10 posts, you cannot post links or e-mail adresses. If you have it on your profile, I can read it there.

@Aster right now I'm not looking for an Avatar RP, maybe later. We can discuss the other two, however.
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Whoops, that would probably be it. It is located on my profile, so if you're still interested, you may find it there. Thanks!
Hello~ Your last post was from a little while ago but I figured I'd post anyways.

I'm super interested in a Witcher RP and your (Sci-fi / Horror) Artificially Abandoned plot seemed interesting. If you're looking for another RP let me know <3
Hi @Jaded Jinx !

Your posting is quite... coincidental, I'd say, since I planned on updating this topic just recently. Your interest is most welcome!

I'm up for either Witcher or Artificially Abandoned, whichever you fancy more.

Hit me up on with a Personal Message and we can start discussing.
Oh. New member, I see.

You have my sympathies with the 10-post count. Happened to me, too. :P
I am very interested in the Partners of Damnation plot if that is available, however if it is not I would love to know of any plots that are open that I can perhaps be a part of and role play with you.
Morris said:
Hi @yangwolf2019 !
Sorry for the late reply. Partners in Damnation is unclaimed, so it's up for grabs. Hit me up on PM if you wish to start discussing.
That sounds fantastic! Unfortunately my account is still new so I don't have the PMing feature available to me yet. So if you don't mind waiting I will be able to later tonight, I just wanted to let you know as I didn't want you to think I was ignoring you.
No worries, I can wait. Though technically you just need 10 posts and you seem to have that. Whenever you have the time, just click on profile name or avatar and use the "start a conversation" option that pops up on the profile card.
See I thought so as well, but the site implements a 10 post and 24 hour policy; useful but it does get in the way of progress. Though I'll be able to PM about 19:00 so all will be well. Thank you again for being patient! I appreciate it.
Would you be interested in creating a plot with me? I like to throw in mixtures of things of what my partner likes and what I like. If not its fine! ^-^

Pm me if interested
Topic has been updated with new plots!

The additions are located directly above the older plots in their respective sections. By all means, give a chance read.

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