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1x1 Creepy Pasta RolePlay

Daniel sat down upon your couch and turned on the TV to watch the news and see what they are doing
Daniel finished up cooking his food and walked right back into the living room seeing Psy there"sorry if it's not as nice as your place"
I don't mind. I'll be out of your hair soon, after I find a place to live of course ~She smiled and played with her knife~
"at least you won't have me killing people almost everyday and I don't see you as a freak I see you as everything else of person who is just a loan"
Daniel put down the controller because the news was already on it was his favorite channel to watch
~Psy leaned back in her chair and sighed happily. She lived the news, but the boring money and business stuff was her least favorite of the whole thing~
Daniel watch the news until his tulpa bug him to go out for a walk.he got up then headed outside starting on his walk
after a while Daniel passed out again his tulpa taking over when he woke up he saw dead bodies hanging about five of them the guts hanging out from their stomachs and blood was everywhere.
Daniel started to walk home going through alley way so no one will see him covered in blood"great he just keeps on making me do this"
Daniel got home and noticed that Psy was asleep he gently picked her up not to disturb and brought her to her room and covered it up he went to his room and started to change clothes

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