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1x1 (Azimuth and PastelBishie)

"Well, I guess that makes sense. Humans tend to be nonnegotiable, but murder is no way to keep the peace at all." She scoffed. Farrah never really understood extremists and their narrow way of thinking. It was either their way, or no way.

(That's totally fine, I can understand.)
'they have a sound logic behind it. No humans=eternal peace. They have plans to rid the earth of humans. The world must know.'
"So are they not human? Surely if they were then their plan would have a huge flaw. But I agree, if something this serious is going on, everyone needs to know." She agreed gravely. She knew that humans weren't very good for the Earth, but they weren't all that bad either. Humans had made numerous attempts to help make the Earth better and healthier, succeeding in doing so quite a lot.

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