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1x1 Angel and Demon War


Ten Thousand Club
There is a war between the angels, and the demons

our characters meet in battle, but are captured by the third side. The humans. They use the demon and angel to find out the weak points of the species

1x1 Angel and Demon War - Please don't post unless you have permission


Ashlynn 'Ash' Storm




Ash is a calm and caring creature, who would do anything to make sure others

won't get hurt or suffer in any way. Before the war she'd help angels, demons and humans alike with wounds, money and anything they needed. However, once the war came the peace loving creature was forced to change her caring ways.

Now Ash acts more cold hearted, unable to avoid caring in the conflict that has torn apart families and friends and placed them against each other. She'll now willingly kill for her species,having been convinced that the demons are vile, uncaring creatures who simply want to wipe out the other species of the planet.

However, deep inside her calm, gentle nature remains, just waiting for the right person to unlock it and get past her cold nature.

Ash was born to two young angels, who adored her at first. However, her mother was killed in a fight with a demon, who had been trying to rob her. Her father, destroyed by his wife's murder, took up drinking. Ash refuses to talk about the scars on her body, including the ones on her wings, and the self-harm ones on her wrists.

Ash has a perfect aim with her bow, of which she made herself. However, she is stronger with her magic, which is a gentle but cold blue, and is more powerful in the form of Ice


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Dezmarten 'Dez' Dante

Age: 912

Gender: Male

Species: Demon

Personality: Dez is... well, Dez. That's probably the summary you'll get from anyone who has met him.

Aware that he is tragically attractive, and with more than 900 years of experience, he knows how to be charming; it comes naturally. The innate, good-natured charm he was born with has by now been refined into something sleeker, more seductive and efficient, and subsequently, he's rather good at getting what he wants from people, to a certain extent anyway.

Problem is, manipulation and seduction aside, he's not all that good with people. Oh sure, he's likeable and often good company, well-versed in making conversation and jokes, he just has difficultly going beyond that point. The diagnosis of his having 'intimacy problems' doesn't even begin to cover it. Equipped with a great deal of cynicism, realism, and a torrent of evidence to back up his lack of faith in other people, he has trust issues, to say the least. He just genuinely doesn't believe that nice people -really, genuinely nice people - exist. He also seems to experience deep paranoia about those close to him getting hurt, either due to his own incompetence or because of him.

That aside, he's fairly laid-back, grounded, optimistic, and is generally very tolerant of others. When he's in one of his infamous bad moods, however, he's not the kind of person you want to mess with. He likes displacing his anger onto others, shall we say...

History: A long and complex shit-storm that quite frankly, he's unlikely to tell you. Let's just say that he found out the hard way how people can be a bunch of arseholes. Whatever happened to him, it's gotten him in the mindset that one of the few things he's good at is seduction, and that's how people are going to value him. He also has a scattering of deep, unpleasant scars, that join together to form a ritualistic sort of pattern across his back, which he will refuse to explain. He does not like being touched there.

Magic/Fighting: Dez is a talented and trained magic user for fighting, although he is useless in most other magic departments. His magic is pitch black, and he is additionally able to manipulate darkness. Occasionally, his magic gets the best of him and takes over to a certain degree. In this state he is more powerful, but less able to control his own actions. He is also a capable hand-to-hand combat fighter, although previous injuries tend to hinder him.

Other Appearance points: He possesses black, stubby, and triangular horns, and a black tail with the typical triangular tip. When especially pissed-off and using magic, to the point where it takes over, his eyes go flat black.

He's also a vain narcissist who is ridiculous and pretty much refuses to wear anything other than three piece suits. Many people have tried to convince him that this is a bad idea; all have failed.

Head aching, back aching, everything aching, Dez started to come around. Struggling out of unconsciousness, he couldn't really think straight for a groggy fog had settled across his mind. He felt hungover, but couldn't recall drinking; not that that would be unusual, but this time it felt different.

Forcing his eyes open, he was surprised to find that there was no blinding light, no trashed remnants of a party, no hordes of bodies sprawled about unconscious. Instead, he sat in semi-darkness, his eyes taking a moment to adjust. When they did, he realised he was lying down on some kind of stone bench in a small, slightly cramped room. Opposite him, a girl was sleeping. Nothing about this was particularly alarming or unusual. It took him a moment, however, to realise that she had wings.

Groaning internally, Dez cursed his luck and sat up, albeit with some difficulty. His head was pounding, and when he touched the back of his skull it stung. So someone had knocked him out then. And then locked him in a room with an angel. He wasn't entirely sure what was going on, but he was sure from that information alone that it could not be good.

Looking down at his hands, he found two funky looking bracelets had been secured around his wrists. Upon lifting them for inspection, he realised they were not funky bracelets at all, but rather handcuffs, controlled either electronically or magically, he didn't know. He'd never seen a design like this before, but he'd been in cuffs enough to know a pair when he saw them. Glancing over at the angel, he noted that she too appeared to be sporting similar jewellery, and then the sinking feeling in his stomach worsened. What kind of hellish trouble could he be in for an angel to be locked up too?
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Ash's blue eyes fluttered open and she groaned, the feeling that someone was jumping on her head hitting her as she woke from the depths of her forced sleep. Her eyes blinked in a tired manner, her long brown hair, tied in a platt over her shoulder, tickling her nose. She pushed it away from her face and sat up.

Allowing her eyes to slowly adjust to the dull lighting, and rubbing her temples, she was rather surprised that she wasn't staring at the wall of one of the angel barracks tents, or that she was looking at a bloody battlefield, covered with angels and demons alike, dead as dodos. Instead she found herself staring at a demon, who was staring straight back at her.

She reacted instantly, a cold growling noise escaping her throat. Her mother had been killed by one of these creatures, as had her father, though she didn't care for him. Her cold blue eyes glared at him, her wings quivering in hidden rage, the white feathers bristling at the sight of her enemy. She tried to unfold her wings, only to find them bound painfully to her back with a strong but lightweight metal. The thing that held them to her back curled around her chest tightly.

She huffed, placing her head in her hands, and blinking at the cuffs that decorated her wrists as well, covering up some of the neat scars on them. She looked over at the demon again, and pressed herself against the wall
"Oh great," Dez said flatly, cocking a eyebrow and grimacing. "You're one of those angels." He sighed. He could be stuck in here with anyone, and it just had to be her. He held no personal quarrel with angels; demons were just as bad, and he had never become involved in the current war. He'd done enough fighting for one lifetime, thank you very much. To be stuck in a room with an angel who hated him straight off the bat however, just because he was endowed with horns and a tail, really wasn't top on his list of 'most fun things to do'.

Spotting her back herself against the wall, he rolled his eyes and gave her a dry smile. "Relax will you? I'm not going to touch you." He raised his own hands, displaying them for her to see the cuffs around his wrists. "Probably couldn't even if I wanted to. Whatever the hell is going on, we're both in deep shit."

Exhaling, he leant back against the wall and massaged his temples, trying to get his head on straight. What the hell had happened? The last thing he remembered was trying to find somewhere, anywhere, he could stay for the night without getting mixed up in another brawl. What with the war raising everyone's aggression levels to maximum, you could barely take two steps without pissing someone off. At least where he was now seemed to be devoid of bloodthirsty soldiers.

"I'm Dez, by the way," he said off-handedly, glancing back at the angel. Looking her over, he mentally noted her beauty with a feeling of mild interest, but made nothing of it. By now, the response to beauty for him had become who cares? His eyes then travelled down her arms. He wasn't sure if it was the low light playing tricks on him, but he thought he recognised the short slashes of self-harm peppering her skin. Either way he said nothing, glancing away from the skin in case looking there made her uncomfortable.
"What do you mean 'Those Angels'?" Ash growled lowly, "Your kind slaughtered my mother." She continued, trying to break her wing cuffs by flexing her wings, but only ending up causing herself pain. Had he met her a few years ago, before the war started, he'd of been greeted by a gentle, calm angel, who would do anything for anyone.

But now he was met with the cold hearted version of the angel, the version who would kill mercilessly to save her kind, would kill the species who killed her mother, and her father, though she didn't care for him. She calmed slightly when she realised he too was cuffed, meaning that neither of them could touch each other, but also likely meaning they were in bad trouble. She sighed, giving up on the wing cuffs and simply sitting there watching him

The last thing Ash remembered was cutting down a group of demons, when she felt a sharp pain in her neck and turned to find a human hefting a needle. She had collapsed onto the ground unconscious after that. But surely it wasn't possible? Had they simply got lucky with a angel sedative? Perhaps they'd stolen it from the angel barracks, it was possible, though unlikely.

"Ash" She replied shortly. She looked him over, noting how handsome he was but shaking it off quickly. Love was for children, and this was war. She could afford to be emotionally attached to anyone, even her fighting team
"Well, it's a real pleasure to meet you Ash. Shame it couldn't be under slightly less hellish circumstances," Dez replied dryly with a half smile, stretching himself out on the bench, feeling a dull ache throb through his muscles. "And I'm not denying that members of my species have killed people. In case you haven't noticed, we're at war; everyone's slaughtering everyone nowadays. We kill your mothers and fathers, you kill ours. Everybody loses." Exhaling, he couldn't summon the energy to put any anger into his lecture. Killing and hurting was what people did; there wasn't much point in dwelling on it. Everyone learned that eventually.

In the moment of bitterness, Dez felt the compulsion to try and escape, suddenly feeling claustrophobic. It wasn't like he was unused to being in cells, or locked up, or captured. It was the thought of doing it all over again that was so suffocating.

Focusing on his wrists, he calmed himself down and drew on his magic. He could feel it stir lazily, and for a moment he thought he had it. Then a sharp stinging sensation shocked him directly where the cuffs lay over his skin, and his grip on his magic slipped, and the energy dissipated. Great. No magic meant no decent self-defence, and worse still, this was all feeling far too familiar.

Trying to push back on the sense of panic, he glanced back over at Ash. To his surprise, there was something unexpectedly calming about looking at her. Maybe it was just an inborn angel trait, or because hell, at least this time he wasn't on his own. He figured he probably ought to be nice to her, considering how they were locked up together for the time being. "I am sorry about your mother though," he said, more gently this time, leaning back in his seat. "Were you close?"
Ash looked up at him and sighed, "I wish it wasn't under such circumstances that I'd meet anyone" She told him, less coldness in her voice now that she had calmed, "I know....I just wish it would end already" She muttered, watching him carefully. She then looked outside their cage with a quiet sigh. Her wings were far to uncomfortable, and they kept quivering in agitation at being locked to her back. She felt like a animal about to be slaughtered, which could be true.

She watched him as he tried to use his magic, and concentrated on her own. A light chill set around the room, until she was shocked by the cuffs, letting out a yelp of surprise. Her ice magic immediately dissipated, and she growled before defiantly trying again, only to get the same stinging sensation.

She looked over at him again, "As close as we could be for a mother and her 50 year old daughter" she said softly. She could hardly remember her
Laughing at her comment about not wanting to meet anyone under such circumstances, Dez raised an eyebrow and titled his head in agreement, grinning. "Fair point. And hey, sounds like I should give bad lectures more often - we'll have universal peace in no time."

The grin dropped back into an absent smile, and Dez watched her as her magic failed just the same. The expression shit out of luck came to mind, but he decided against saying it. No need to be Captain Obvious. "Shit, that sucks," he said with a sigh in response to the comment about her mother, kicking his legs out before him. He didn't really know what else he could say; she'd have heard it all before. He could tell her it would get better, but then that would be lying. "Least you were close whilst it lasted."

Just as he finished speaking, a door not too far from their cell was opened, and following this the sound of footsteps traversing the floor approached them. From what he could tell from listening, there were three newcomers, all walking in slightly imperfect unison. He tried to glance through the bars to discern the identity of whoever approached, but the low light levels prevented him from seeing anything more than distorted silhouettes moving though shadow. It wasn't long before he caught the scent, however, and his back stiffened, his muscles tensing. "Humans," he muttered under his breath, at once both unsettled and surprised. What the hell were humans doing here?
Ash sighed, and smiled slightly, "Seems a good tactic" She said quietly, staring at the cuffs as if willing them to unlock. When they didn't she huffed and tried to wiggle from them, wincing when it only made her wrists red raw, and slightly bleeding.

Ash nodded, "I suppose." She mumbled, her memory taking her back to the day after, when her father had got blind drunk and had hit her for the first, and certainly not the last time. After that, her calm and gentle demeanour had slowly disintegrated, becoming the angry, coldhearted angel she was now, hardened by abuse and war. She'd often been called a saviour by the angels, the slayer of demons, but hell she wasn't proud of that title.

She flinched as she heard a door open, and pushed herself against the wall again, facing the door in preparation to fight the humans, even though she was cuffed to the wall. She could still kick and bite them though, and she grinned sadistically
"Well, well, well," a nasal, male voice said in a jeering tone. One of the humans approached the bars, stepping close enough for his face to be half visible. He was young, and perhaps he had once been handsome, but his face was knotted and twisted by scars, his bottom lip barely a lip at all. He looked between the two prisoners with a gleeful smile, stretching his scarred skin even further."If it isn't The Slayer of Demons and the universe's resident whore. Fancy meeting you two down here."

"Well fuck," Dez said flatly, looking the human over as he spoke. "Sounds like we've been kidnapped by villains out of a nineteen twenties gangster movie."

"Shut it," the human male snarled, his previous cruel amusement vanishing in a moment of anger. He relaxed quickly, however, soothed by his obvious position of power. "Hilarious as you are, I'm afraid we have other purposes for you, rather than taking advantage of your comedic skills," he said, softly, and his voice was far more unsettling than had he been shouting. He turned his head aside, and said to one of the humans accompanying him, "Get these two out. We've received orders to begin the initial round of testing."
Ash watched the man with a raised eyebrow, "Hey...I know you! You're out of one of those spy films!" She chuckled, sounding rather cold again, "You must be the villain, can't see a hero looking like that." She continued, then looked at her demon companion, "I mean, honestly. Don't you agree?" She asked with a grin, clearly trying to annoy the man. She looked over him, "Wheres your annoying villain sidekick? Or is it these two?" She asked, looking between the two with him, "I mean, they're not as ugly as you, but they still look horrific"

She grinned at him, her eyes colder than ice when he told the two to collect them. The two both walked in, and unhooked the chains from the walls, and pulling on them, forcing the two to follow. When Ash didn't, one pressed a button on a small remote and it shocked her
Grinning, Dez mirrored Ash's mocking expression and tone. "You're absolutely right. That would make these two charming fellows his minions."

"You bitch," The human snarled through his teeth at Ash when she insulted his appearance, stepping forth in the cell before halting. Straightening out of the aggressive posture he'd taken on, he smiled, narrowing his eyes at her. "Ha ha, very clever. They said you were clever. clever's not going to help you much now though, I'm afraid."

Stepping out of the cell, he led the way as the other two humans escorted the prisoners down a dimly lit corridor. Dez watched as Ash resisted, and saw how they electrocuted her in punishment. He thus came quietly, putting up no resistance as they dragged him down the corridor. Whatever was happening, now didn't seem like the right time to attack, not with everyone having their guards up. He needed a way to catch one of them in a moment of vulnerability...

As he tried to construct a plan in haste, however, he was led with Ash up to a door, which when opened revealed an unlit room. "What is up with you lot and bad lighting?" He muttered under his breath. He received a smirk from the scarred human in return, and then the man clapped his hands together and light flooded the room, illuminating its contents.

Dez's stomach dropped, his dry smile vanishing completely. Not again.
Ash grinned at Dez, then watched the human as he snarled, her face falling into a expressionless look as the human calmed, or at least seemed to.

She hissed as she was electrocuted again for speaking like such to their group leader, and steeled herself for further punishment as she kicked at one of the men in annoyance. She wasn't trying to escape, instead trying to aggravate them. She needed to attack when they weren't expecting it, which wasn't now, but she still wanted payback for drugging her with a sedative.

Ash rolled her eyes a the unlit room, "I swear you don't like light bulbs" She muttered, then looked at the man seriously, "Couldn't afford em?" She asked, before the light was turned on. She kept a expressionless face as she glanced about, when inside she was panicking
Dez felt sick. He couldn't look away from the room, but as his gaze locked he barely even saw what was there, too light-headed to focus.

The walls, ceiling, and floors were all stark white, almost glowing in the bright light cast by overhead fluorescent strip lights. Far more terrifying were the two stone slabs positioned centrally in the room, with restraint ties nailed down to them. Displayed on the back wall were three racks, and hung upon these were all kinds of instruments. Not the musical kind. The torture kind.

The rest of the room was populated by clinical, silver tray tables, upon which all manner of odd things were gathered. Plants, metals, wood scraps, liquids; a collection of odd things, the purpose of which Dez could not discern. What he did know, however, was exactly what sort of thing went on in a room like this. "No," he said his voice empty, hollow. But it didn't matter. The humans proceeded, taking himself and Ash to one of the slabs each.
Ash was silent as she was lead to a slab, and was cuffed to it. She looked over at the demon, slight fear in her usually emotionless eyes. She stared at the collection of odd things, trying to figure out the purpose of each. She could no longer see the instruments of torture, and that calmed her slightly, but made her tense in worry, hoping she'd at least see the object her torturer was holding before she was injured with it. She sighed softly, and smiled sadistically at the man, "Nice place you've got here" She commented, keeping up her carefree appearance.

Meanwhile, one human dragged Dez to the slab and cuffed him onto it, tightening them so that he could only just wiggle. This was the same as Ash's, and designed to rub the skin raw as the victim thrashed in pain
Catching Ash's glance, Dez could only think she had every reason to look fearful. He didn't know what she had been through in life, but regardless, non-consensual torture was unlikely to be fun. He smirked at her comment as he was pushed back onto the stone slab. "Yeah, it's a real fairytale cottage."

"Cute," the scarred human male said flatly in response as he walked between them, checking over their restraints. He then gestured for his human companions to go and retrieve items from both the table and the rack, before he looked back at his captives, a sly smile on his face. "Oh, you two are going to enjoy this, I'm sure. See, you get to better the universe. Angels and demons have both become rather problematic for the everyone else at the moment, what with their war screwing up the lives of everyone. Since neither side shows any interest in calling it quits, we're going to have to end the war ourselves. But Simon, I hear you say, how do you intend to go about doing that? Simple. One side just needs to become extinct."

One of his glamorous assistants then handed him one of the instruments. It was relatively small, with a white handle and a metal head. The head was circular, with razor sharp jagged edges. The centre piece clamped either side of this spiked edge had a surface like a grater. When the human, who was apparently called Simon - or at least liked to refer to himself in the third person as Simon - clicked the device on, the edge began spinning, as did the grater part, slowly at first, releasing a gentle purr. "Now, would one of you two fine citizens like to tell me your species' weaknesses? Because if not, I've been charged with the task of finding out the hard way." He gave them both a smile. "And I must say, I'm rather looking forward to it."
Ash growled at him, "I wouldn't give you my species weakness if the world depended on it!" She hissed venomously, not once showing fear whilst she said this. Instead she glared at him, "Nice toothpick" She then grinned, curious as to what it did and how it worked, but not really wanting to find out. However, if her species replied on it she'd never tell him

(Can't post more......can't think)
"Oh, don't insult my toothpick, sweetheart. It's ever so fun to watch in action. Very messy," Simon said with a simpering smile, pushing up a notch that sent the device whirring around even faster. "And you?" He asked of Dez.

"Yeah, not happening," Dez said with a dark laugh, pulling lightly at his restraints to test them.

"Well, it's not like I expected you to be that easy; not even you," Simon said, with added emphasis in Dez's direction. "Although, might I just point something out? If you tell me the weakness of the other species, yours will win the war. Not only that, but this whole war can be over. Think of how many lives you'll save."

Simon shrugged, walking toward Ash, his device hovering above her chest. "I've heard all the rumours about you. I know what happened to your mother, your father. What you've become as a result. I would have though that for you, this would be the greatest opportunity of your life. You can finally get the revenge you deserve."
Ash snorted, "I still wouldn't tell a lowlife like you! Slaying Demons is a closely guarded secret, most of our troops don't know, they're only sent out to weaken them. Its usually me who does the dirty work. However, I'm still not gonna tell ya, because I'm betting you'll only use it on a demon who knows our weakness, and thus end up wiping out my own species" She hissed, not fazed by the device above her chest. She knew she was right, humans wanted both sides dead and, in the end, it would mean the extinction of both species. Besides, there were few things that could kill her, and she wasn't afraid of death

Torture however, was going to hurt
"Aww, aren't you touched, whore?" Simon said, glancing back at Dez. "She's practically defending your species. The hundreds she killed can completely be forgiven now." Looking back at Ash, his smile widened, and reaching down he stripped the clothing covering her chest. "No matter. We can test your boundaries without needing a word from you. I've always been into finding things out myself anyway. Let's find out how many slices I can cut you into without you dying, hmm?"

"Wait," Dez said quickly, his voice raised, verging on panicked. "I'll tell you."

"Well that's no fun," Simon muttered with a sigh. Catching sight of the expression of his two human companions, however, he rolled his eyes and went over to Dez, clicking the Toothpick off for a second. "Yes?"

"You really want to know the secret weakness of demons?" Dez asked, his voice low, grave.

"No, I just thought I'd ask for the laughs," Simon quipped back. "Yes, of course I do. Out with it."

"I tell you, and you must use this knowledge to end the war peacefully," Dez said, speaking quickly, desperately.

"Sure thing, whore-meister. Just hurry up and spit it out."

"Well," Dez said, glancing briefly over at Ash, his voice barely audible so that Simon had to lean in to hear properly. "The one true thing that demons really can't stand... is ugly fucks like you."
Ash started cackling as the demon said this, "They aren't exactly clever are they? I mean, both sides know each others weaknesses, but these creatures couldn't work it out?" She chuckled, and looked at Simon, "So tell me, how'd your mother react when she saw your ugly mug?" She crowed, "And lord, where'd you get your intellect? Your father?" She called, grinning at him in a annoying manner. Her eyes glinted with mischief, and she continued to ramble on about Simons mother and father, and how they, and him, were stupid and likely to be ugly. She finished with, "I mean, even a mother can't love that face?"
Gradually looking more and more infuriated, his face turning from red to a purplish colour, Simon eventually snapped. "Shut up, both of you!" He yelled, panting heavily. He glared between the both of them, physically shaking with the force of his anger. "You know how this happened to me? It's because I was caught in the cross-fire between your two races' petty feud. You think my species is ignorant? Then how come we're not the ones pointlessly murdering everyone?"

He eventually cooled down from his rant, his skin returning in patches to its normal colour, and the grin worked its way back onto his face. "You two don't seem to quite get it yet. Pissing me off isn't going to help you. I've got you here as long as I want, however I want." Running a hand back through his hair, he tried to gather some composure. "The question is, which one of you two beautiful creatures shall I defile first?"

"I bet you couldn't even get a scream out of me," Dez said coolly, watching Simon levelly. Why he was taking on some bizarre self-sacrifice quality, he wasn't entirely sure. Some kind of logic governed the decision somewhere. He was used to this sort of thing; he could take it. The angel... she'd clearly been through her own personal shit-storm. She didn't seem like she needed brutally tortured to be added to that list.
Ash rolled his eyes, "I'm gonna point out that I've had plenty of torture through my life Simon and thats been from professionals, and they couldn't even make me whimper" She grinned, basically challenging him to make her scream. the first one was true, the second one.....well, she'd lasted a week before she screamed fully.
"Oh good, conflict in the ranks," Simon sighed happily, before he beckoned his two human companions closer by crooking his fingers at them. "We'll turn it into a little competition, shall we? The first one to scream loses? The first one to die, wins!" He looked at the two humans and smiled. "Choose your weapons then gentlemen."

Already holding items from the rack, the two humans each approached one of the prisoners. The woman went and stood beside Ash, and the other man took his place beside Dez.

The woman was of slight stature, with sharp features and dark hair pulled back in a bun. The equipment she bore did not look intimidating at first, for all she held was a tube and a funnel. However, she then proceeded to open Ash's mouth and force the tube down her throat, pushing back against her gag reflex. "Liquid number one," Simon narrated in a singsong voice. "Water. Whilst I'm a sceptic that this will be your race's downfall, it's all good fun to try it out all the same, don't you think?" As he spoke, the woman slotted the funnel into the top of the tube, and then retrieved from one of the tables three large jugs of water, which she set down beside Ash.

The man who went to Dez's bedside was carrying a more complex device. It was a long pole with a sphere on the end, the surface of which contained pores. When he clicked it on, it began to glow red hot, and after a couple of seconds a metallic liquid began to drip slowly from the pores, increasing in frequency as more of the substance within melted.

"Well ladies and gentlemen," Simon said, rubbing his hands together and smiling happily. "Let the science begin!"
Ash didn't make a noise, gagging slightly as the tube was forced down her throat. Now unable to talk, she tried to bite down on the tube with sharp teeth. Whilst water certainly wouldn't hurt her, three jugs would likely make her need to pee. She looked over at Dez and raised a eyebrow as if to say He gets all the fun. I just get water. She awaited the water patiently, breathing deeply through her nose as she couldn't through her mouth because of the tube, which she was trying to bite

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