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Realistic or Modern 1924

Woohoo! Really tempted to base mine off one of the concept art pieces I saw with the attack bear. Man I want that attack bear.
[QUOTE="Jager 9]Thanks Ein!!!

You picked an interesting character which is probably going to provide some really good drama for the group considering his nationality.
[QUOTE="Jager 9]im curious, how will we start this? will we already be in a group?

The idea is, we'll be starting out as strangers who so happen to be on the same truck attempting to head north and gets stopped shortly after leaving the city. Things get interesting from there on out. (B')
Mehehehehe. Hopefully there won't be too big of a language barrier. I'm excited to get this thing started.
Id like to start in the coming weekend, though the soft deadline is Friday evening the hard deadline is Sunday. I want everyone one the same page before we begin.
I'll have mine finished by then, I've just been busier than expected for the past couple days picking up a few more things to prepare for the end of autumn and into winter.

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