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Nation Building 1800s Roleplay

You'll have to wait a while for that answer, Vader has school, I'll remind his if you stop screaming
I would like to claim the Lanfang Republic,a chinese state in western Borneo that existed until 1884
DefendKebab1918 said:
Is it necessary?
It's easier to communicate on alliances, trade deals, co-ops and such in Skype. If you don't want to do Skype, then I guess you could PM anyone you want to talk to from here,but someone could declare war on you on Skype and you wouldn't know until the turn occurs. So be careful.
Doesn't look like I'm going to have the free time I thought I would to invest in this. Instead of posting lackluster things I'm going to put the Ottomans up for adoption.

@DefendKebab1918, do you want it? You were asking to effectively join it.
Well,is the Qing Dynasty still in this rp?If he isn't,I would like to adopt the slot.

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