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Fantasy 18+ roleplay


I'm coming to terms with a broken heart
Hey I’m looking for an 18+ roleplay partner, I have been roleplaying for the last 11 years and I am most comfortable playing M/F roles. I am comfortable with writing as much or as little, I tend to match my partners detail. If you are interested feel free to email me or kik me.

Age (optional): 24

Timezone (optional): PST

Contact info: MrBadWolf93@gmail.com, Kik: MrBadWolf23

Availability: Any time any day

Fandoms: I’m not into most fandoms I love original plots

Genres interested in: any

What character(s) do you play?: I usually play my own character

What character(s) do you wish to play against?: I love a good romance plot or action plot, so if you’re interested send me a message!

Any plots in mind?: Not yet, but we can work out something that we both want.

Playbys/Face claims: Robbie Amell

Which gender(s) do you play?: Male

Ships: Any, I prefer one on one though

Preferred rp medium: Kik or GroupMe or Email

Anything else?: Nope!
Hey I’m looking for an 18+ roleplay partner, I have been roleplaying for the last 11 years and I am most comfortable playing M/F roles. I am comfortable with writing as much or as little, I tend to match my partners detail. If you are interested feel free to email me or kik me.

Age (optional): 24

Timezone (optional): PST

Contact info: MrBadWolf93@gmail.com, Kik: MrBadWolf23

Availability: Any time any day

Fandoms: I’m not into most fandoms I love original plots

Genres interested in: any

What character(s) do you play?: I usually play my own character

What character(s) do you wish to play against?: I love a good romance plot or action plot, so if you’re interested send me a message!

Any plots in mind?: Not yet, but we can work out something that we both want.

Playbys/Face claims: Robbie Amell

Which gender(s) do you play?: Male

Ships: Any, I prefer one on one though

Preferred rp medium: Kik or GroupMe or Email

Anything else?: Nope!

We can rp if you’d like.

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