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Fandom 175AG-ATLA Page


Chimeric Spirit
Put your CSes here.

CS (For OC)

-OC characters can use any bending element since benders of all elements are re-emerging. But only one element OFC. However earth, water and air don't have teachers readily available, and high level fire-bending training is only available to loyalists.
-If you want advanced bending abilities (Healing, Bloodbending, Lightning, Lavabending, Astral Projection, Glider-less flight, Metalbending, etc) You can lock them and have your characters discover them later on, if you write that you have them.
-No guns (ofc). Swords, bows, daggers, hammers, axes, electric gloves, and whatever else is fair game.
-OFC you can be a bad guy, a fire-nation-loyal admiral, solider or secret police member.
-No characters younger than 10 pls.

Physical Description: (Write it. Use a real photo of someone. Use an anime character. Draw your own. IDC.)
Skills and Abilities: (Bending, Chi-Blocking, Sword fighting, Technology skill, Skill with animals/plants/healing?)
Strengths/Weaknesses/Personality (If you're one of those people that 'figures it out along the way', that's fine with me. Try and squeak out a few sentences though.):

CS (For Canon character)

Character you are using:
History/backstory since 100AG (Must be at least semi accurate/believable within avatar lore.):
How it has/will alter them:

For crimes against Her Imperial Majesty's Government

Xiongnu "The Raider" Attila
Family Name: Xiongnu
Given Name: Attila
Known Aliases: The Raider
Age: 25 Years
Appearance: Often wears full head coverings, sources report that he is no less than six feet tall, with a lean, wiry build. Those who have seen him without his headdress describe his features as fine, not suiting his life of irreverent crime and banditry, with light brown hair and a mole beneath his left eye. Do not rely on his well-known purple tunic and cloak as an identifier, he is known to disguise himself in various costumes and uniforms to infiltrate cities.

Known Skills: Archery, Ostrich-Horsemanship, Disguise, Western Steppes Swordsmanship, Stealth, and Infiltration

Be warned of his following strengths:
>Quick wit
>Well spoken
>Loyalty to his gang

He may be captured by exploiting his known weaknesses:
>Obsession with food and wine
>Debilitating attraction to women
>False sense of honor and justice
"The Raider" is a known criminal and brigand who stands in the order and justice of the Fire Nation Empire's civilizing missions to the Si Wong Desert. He was presumably born Xiongnu Attila to a family of loyal horse-ostrich herders. Giving into the regional predisposition towards anarchy, he took to stealing more beasts than he raised, as well as organizing attacks against the police and government officials. He has since amassed a small band of similar criminals and traitors who have waged a mobile war of banditry against the Imperial Government, sabotaging rail lines, attacking marching troops, and holding entire towns hostage under his savage form of communal governance.

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  • Gender: Female
    Age: 22

    Height: 5'7" or 1.70m
    Eye color: Fern green
    Hair color: Black

    Skin color: Light

    "I was cast aside by my own parents like I meant nothing to them! How could I just stand by and watch the same thing happen to my nation?"

    Being abandoned by her parents at a young age, Kuvira would be left to wander within the earth kingdom moving from town to town attempting to survive and seeing the impact of the fire nations oppresion first hand. Though eventually would come into the care of a disgrunatled hermit deep within the woods who despite there abrasive nature nurtured her talents and, over time, came to regard her as a daughter. Growing up, she became heavily influenced by their ideologys concerning practicality, freedom and self-fulfillment. A smart and natural leader, Kuvira would eventually leave to quickly rise within the ranks of the rebel cells still within the kingdom until a suprise attack left them scattered.

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