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Fantasy 14th Black Crusade - Fantasy RP (Open)

Tyson Hulkrow

Tyson suddenly awoke with a start. He swore that he heard a noise on the roof above him, dust trickled down, gently falling through the air. Directly after the thud, he felt a chaotic presence directly above him, something was completely releasing its aura, probably trying to draw him or other like him out. 'Does this thing even know that it's landed above me, or is it coincidence.' Tyson didn't believe too much in coincidence, so he masked his own aura while he crept over to his pistols. Slowly, quietly pulling the hammer back, he looked up at the wooden ceiling and aimed his pistol upward. In his other hand, a rapier imbued with holy magic. 'I don't know what you are, but you landed on the wrong rooftop, demon.' He thought to himself. With the creature unleashing its aura so liberally, it was nothing at all for him to discover its exact location above him. With the squeeze of a trigger, black powder smoke filled the room and a small iron bullet coated in silver was sent crashing through the ceiling, and subsequently the rooftop. He didn't expect to hit whatever was up there through the roof, but he wasn't going to let it just sit up there either. Throwing his pistol to the side and picking up another one, Tyson backed against the far wall and aimed his pistol at the creature's aura, should it choose to burst through the ceiling or crawl in through the window, he would be ready. He felt naked without his heavy Hunter's gear on, but he had fought in much, much worse conditions that this.

(I hope you don't mind me shooting at you)
Constantin said:
Tyson Hulkrow
Tyson suddenly awoke with a start. He swore that he heard a noise on the roof above him, dust trickled down, gently falling through the air. Directly after the thud, he felt a chaotic presence directly above him, something was completely releasing its aura, probably trying to draw him or other like him out. 'Does this thing even know that it's landed above me, or is it coincidence.' Tyson didn't believe too much in coincidence, so he masked his own aura while he crept over to his pistols. Slowly, quietly pulling the hammer back, he looked up at the wooden ceiling and aimed his pistol upward. In his other hand, a rapier imbued with holy magic. 'I don't know what you are, but you landed on the wrong rooftop, demon.' He thought to himself. With the creature unleashing its aura so liberally, it was nothing at all for him to discover its exact location above him. With the squeeze of a trigger, black powder smoke filled the room and a small iron bullet coated in silver was sent crashing through the ceiling, and subsequently the rooftop. He didn't expect to hit whatever was up there through the roof, but he wasn't going to let it just sit up there either. Throwing his pistol to the side and picking up another one, Tyson backed against the far wall and aimed his pistol at the creature's aura, should it choose to burst through the ceiling or crawl in through the window, he would be ready. He felt naked without his heavy Hunter's gear on, but he had fought in much, much worse conditions that this.

(I hope you don't mind me shooting at you)
(I expected it to happen xD )

Silith was just about to relax till a bullet launched through the roof embedding its self into her leg and making her scream in pain as she immediately fell on the ceiling groaning in pain as she grabed her leg in pain. She had no idea what had happened but it did and she knew she was being hunted. She tried to keep quiet but couldn't as she groaned and whimpered in pain laying there on the roof not knowing what to do
Tyson Hulkrow

The black smoke slowly filtered out of the room through the window. Above him, Tyson could hear the creature groaning and writhing in pain. 'It must be young if it makes sounds like that after catching a simple bullet.' Before he could do anything else, the innkeeper knocked on his door. 'Damn that fool!' Tyson thought, he scuffled across the floor and opened the door, quietly closing it behind him. He could see the confusion and potentially anger written on the Inn keeper's face, but Tyson raised a finger to his lips, "No time, get me a ladder and some rope, there is a demon on the roof." Tyson whispered to the man, who now looked pale and worried. In minutes, a ladder was brought before Tyson outside and some rope with it. He set the ladder against the roof over the wooden awning on the front of the building and tied the legs to the awning supports, this way the demon couldn't just shove the ladder over on his way up. With pistol in hand, Tyson rose each step on the ladder until he was on the roof, the demon in clear sight on the other end of the building. Before he could kill the thing, he needed information. With the gun aimed at the beast, he steadily pulled himself up onto the roof. Still in his nightclothes, Tyson looked rather ridiculous threatening anyone. "Tell me who sent you here, beast, or I will put a bullet in your head." Tyson's aura was no longer concealed, and his fatal intent was radiating from his body.

@Daniel reaving
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Kiba headed into the town under the cover of night, sneaking into homes, stealing anything valuable that he could find or fit into his bag. Smiling as sat on a roof, content with the small amount of treasure.
Constantin said:
Tyson Hulkrow
The black smoke slowly filtered out of the room through the window. Above him, Tyson could hear the creature groaning and writhing in pain. 'It must be young if it makes sounds like that after catching a simple bullet.' Before he could do anything else, the innkeeper knocked on his door. 'Damn that fool!' Tyson thought, he scuffled across the floor and opened the door, quietly closing it behind him. He could see the confusion and potentially anger written on the Inn keeper's face, but Tyson raised a finger to his lips, "No time, get me a ladder and some rope, there is a demon on the roof." Tyson whispered to the man, who now looked pale and worried. In minutes, a ladder was brought before Tyson outside and some rope with it. He set the ladder against the roof over the wooden awning on the front of the building and tied the legs to the awning supports, this way the demon couldn't just shove the ladder over on his way up. With pistol in hand, Tyson rose each step on the ladder until he was on the roof, the demon in clear sight on the other end of the building. Before he could kill the thing, he needed information. With the gun aimed at the beast, he steadily pulled himself up onto the roof. Still in his nightclothes, Tyson looked rather ridiculous threatening anyone. "Tell me who sent you here, beast, or I will put a bullet in your head." Tyson's aura was no longer concealed, and his fatal intent was radiating from his body.

@Daniel reaving
She rolled around a little in pain before she saw her attacker and hissed immediately at him as she held her leg in pain, her bright white eyes constantly

Flickering from black to white, the sign of her special blindness. He didnt scare her one bit. If he hadnt gotten that shot Off she could have easily Taken him in open combat. She tried to stand up but the pain in her leg kept

Her Down. It was unbelievably obvious she wasn't a well experienced demon and a very young demon but still she knew what he wanted, her blood splattered all over the Roof, that all people like him ever wanted in life, to spill the blood of those they do not understand.
Constantin said:
Tyson Hulkrow
Tyson wet his lips as he slowly approached her, deliberate and careful steps. Now his gun was aimed more downwards than forwards, he looked down at the creature with obvious distaste. "Perhaps you are deaf, but that is unlikely, tell me why you are here, or you will die, that should be simple enough for you to understand." The Witch Hunter never expected to see a demon so soon upon his arrival, either they were spreading more rapidly than he thought, or this one was a wanderer with no real connection to the darker forces at play. Either way, it was a demon, and demons were not to be spared. His gun-less hand twitched, if she didn't answer this time, he would use his ability of holy accusation, it was his ability to summon the will of the God-Emperor himself to get the truth out of his target. It worked especially well against demons.

@Daniel reaving
She looked up at him before immediately looking away as if she had just looked into the sun. He glowed brightly to her making it obvious he was a hunter of the dark beings. "I will never answer to a murderer! You and all like you kill us without hesitation! Women an children alike!! I have watched men like you slaughter babies just because they were different!!" She screamed at him before she growled then suddenly disapered reappearing on the roof of the building across the street. She was lucky it was night time because she could move through the darkness which she had done
Constantin said:
Tyson Hulkrow
For a split second, Tyson looked confused. A demon calling a Hunter a murderer? The audacity of that statement was astounding, but it was all just to throw him off guard, which it did, he allowed her to leave his sight and get across the roof. Unfortunately for her, the God-Emperor cared not for physical distance. The Witch Hunter's eyes glowed with a bright white energy and he pointed his finger across the street at the demon. When he spoke, it sounded as if the God-Emperor himself were the one making the statement, his voice bellowed across the street to her, it was nearly deafening. "Listen, creature of unholy origin, I am an agent of the God-Emperor's will, you will answer me, or the God-Emperor himself will smite you with Holy Lightning!" Birds scattered and rats fled underground, everything with common sense either went indoors or fled from sight. "You, filthy creature, will tell me your intent in coming here, and then, you will tell me what master you serve, or, you will die!"

@Daniel reaving
She screamed in pain as the magic worked on her and she tried to resist but spoke with a groan. "I have no intent...... A-and I technically have no master" she cried out in pain as she rolled around on the ground wanting it to stop. I hurt her more than any bullet could ever hurt her, the magic of the king of murderers working on her. She hated it being forced to bend her will to this fake righteous man. It was like being raped for her, painfull, horrible, demeaning and the best part was he could care less
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Constantin said:
Tyson Hulkrow
All of the intensity and raw power of the moment vanished in a flash, Tyson's arm jerked downward, ending his connection with the God-Emperor. Every fiber in his body told him to end this demon here, that letting it live would be a mistake, that it would bring more unholy filth to this land. It was then that he remembered the watchman strung up on the barracks. His comrades were quick to shed themselves of their tainted gold, perhaps she could serve as an example as well. "Flee from here, wicked wretch, and know that a With Hunter watches over this city, you and your unholy kind aren't welcome here. If I ever see you again, it will be your last day alive." His decision made his skin crawl, he was supposed to slaughter her kind, but she could serve a greater purpose, and that was what he served, a greater purpose. His pistol deftly aimed at her torso, if she refused to leave, then he would get his chance to kill her.

@Daniel reaving
"You are forever dumb. Your little trick at the barracks will never work, this town has been gripped by demons for years. It was founded by demons..... You will never be able to rid this town of demons, they are everywhere." She growled as she tried to get up but failed and fell down screaming in pain truly not able to move, the mans magic drained her mental power, she couldn't even teleport three feet let alone stand
Kiba jumped off the roof tired of watching the scuffle between the two of them. "Alright that's enough, if this keeps up I may just get mad." Looking to the female he walked over kneeling down with a smile on his face. "Wanna be my new master? My current one is a real hot head"

@Daniel reaving
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Tired, very very tired. Sleep was all that could currently swim through the young child's mind as he dragged his feet along the road that took him directly to the city of Ravenloft. He travelled alone most of the way on foot but had been picked up by a trading caravan passing by near his destination. 'If only I could levitate myself to the city.. things would be much easier for me..' He thought to himself as he let out a huff and sigh between soft pants from the lack of breath because of the tiresome journey for a child to undertake. But he managed and pride bubbled in his little chest as he looked at the city, hurrying his pace up a bit and walking along the road, he eventually entered it, walking past the tall and thick walls that guarded the city and looked around, hoping to find an Inn or place to stay for the night just to regain his strength.

But.. commotion somewhere pretty close by distracted him and he found himself following the feeling of pain and the smell of demon blood and gunpowder. Looking around, he eventually saw a man on the roof and a woman laying on the ground under a net of light? He watched for a moment before he slowly made his way over to the woman but glanced up at the man. He gave a little frown before he reached down and touched the net that was cast onto the demoness. Closing his eyes for a moment, the net seemed to just get sucked/absorbed into his hand, making his eyes flicker with a dim glow before he shook his hand. Since she was a demon, he couldn't manually help her due to his body being charged with holy light beyond what it usually was used to. He he reached around in his satchel and pulled out a vial of pretty blue liquid, slipping it into her hand quickly and made his way away to be able to hopefully find a place to discharge the light without bothering other people.

@Constantin @Daniel reaving (Hope it's ok the little kiddie intervened o-o if not, I'll change my post~)
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Constantin said:
Tyson Hulkrow
Tyson smiled as the young demon fell onto the cobbled streets below. "If they are everywhere, then they will all see what I want them to." A wicked glint appeared in his eye as the shining moon reflected off of it. As she laid on the street below him, he cast a net of holy light towards her, if she couldn't move, then it would seal around her and cause her pain if she tried to use magic to escape it. 'If there truly are demons everywhere, then I might as well let them know I'm here.' Drawing the demons out would be an enjoyable task, but slaying them all would be even more enjoyable. Provided everything went according to plan, he would need to send a raven to the Order High Priests, more Hunters and Warrior Priests would be needed if this town really was as infested as she claimed.

@Daniel reaving
Ceat6 said:
Kiba jumped off the roof tired of watching the scuffle between the two of them. "Alright that's enough, if this keeps up I may just get mad." Looking to the female he walked over kneeling down with a smile on his face. "Wanna be my new master? My current one is a real hot head"
@Daniel reaving
@Constantin[/URL] @Daniel reaving (Hope it's ok the little kiddie intervened o-o if not, I'll change my post~)
Silith hit the ground with a loud thuds long her scream out in pain before the light net was cast onto her burning through her

Clothing and singing her skin making her scream in pain before a man just suddenly appeared and asked if she would be his master. She was confused and to weak to respond as she tried her best to get out of the net. Then a boy came and just removed the net, as if it was nothing at all and

Handed her a vile before going off leaving her alone and defenseless again. She was to weak to drink the liquid given to her and just layed there, her body smoking and burnt in the patern of the net. She didnt know wht to do besides fight back, So she did. She glared at the man on the roof her eyes going pitch black as she shot into his mind, delving deep into his fears easily finding his worst fear. The fear he would never be able to over come. Then she pulled at it, bent it to her will, made him start to see that fear. In the end it was a hallucination but he would have no way of fighting it as the fear played in his eyes as if it was really there
Kiba leaned over Silith picking her up as if she were his bride or an injured child. "Regardless of whether or not she is a demon, you don't treated females like that" Heading towards the tree line with her in his arms he looked down smiling. "Can't let the rest of them find you or you really will be killed" he told her and winked.
Tyson Hulkrow

Tyson could hardly believe his eyes when another foul beast seemed to rise up from the depths of this unholy place. A child made the net around the demoness shrivel and waver, meaning that they had something holy within them, otherwise it would have scorched them so painfully that they likely would have died. The demoness was right, there were demons all over this city. So many thoughts rushed through his mind, one coming to the surface, this city needed to be cleansed, and it wasn't the kind of cleansing involving holy water and blessings, but instead the one involving fire and slaughter. As the net disappeared, Tyson could feel the influence of the demon's vile magic in his mind, it was searching for fear. Harsh images of his past arose, being beaten at the orphanage, the world consumed in a demonic fire, but it was only brief. Fear did not exist to a Witch Hunter, he sincerely hoped that she was still in his mind when he opened his eyes to see her being dragged away. 'Silly little creature, know you not of the Order? I am fear.' As the demoness was dragged down the street, Tyson squinted one eye and lifted his pistol for a final shot, this time aimed at the demon who came to her aid. Black smoke and a cracking noise filled the air as the Witch Hunter squeezed the trigger. Almost immediately he scrambled down the ladder and sprinted up to his room. In five minutes he was fully geared and reloaded. Tonight there would be no sleep, tonight, there would be a hunt.

@Daniel reaving @Ceat6 @Past Paradise Tears
The ruined earth met the soles of Richard's feet as he walked, caked dirt and tufts of sand filled the crevices of his legs and arms as he moved, curiously, toward the sound of singing. The closer he got, the louder it became; accompanied by a vision of a rather large tree. The words were soothing, but ominous. Richard felt the need to grab his sword on occasion, but merely the hilt; never did he feel the need to unsheath it. He would take time looking around, trying to find the mysterious vocalist. But as he grew closer and closer, he noted that the singer must be in the branches of the trees. He called forth.

"Maiden of song! Where can I find you within this tree?" He exclaimed simply, looking about with utter confusion. There seemed to be no sign of her.

Ceat6 said:
Kiba leaned over Silith picking her up as if she were his bride or an injured child. "Regardless of whether or not she is a demon, you don't treated females like that" Heading towards the tree line with her in his arms he looked down smiling. "Can't let the rest of them find you or you really will be killed" he told her and winked.
Constantin said:
Tyson Hulkrow
Tyson could hardly believe his eyes when another foul beast seemed to rise up from the depths of this unholy place. A child made the net around the demoness shrivel and waver, meaning that they had something holy within them, otherwise it would have scorched them so painfully that they likely would have died. The demoness was right, there were demons all over this city. So many thoughts rushed through his mind, one coming to the surface, this city needed to be cleansed, and it wasn't the kind of cleansing involving holy water and blessings, but instead the one involving fire and slaughter. As the net disappeared, Tyson could feel the influence of the demon's vile magic in his mind, it was searching for fear. Harsh images of his past arose, being beaten at the orphanage, the world consumed in a demonic fire, but it was only brief. Fear did not exist to a Witch Hunter, he sincerely hoped that she was still in his mind when he opened his eyes to see her being dragged away. 'Silly little creature, know you not of the Order? I am fear.' As the demoness was dragged down the street, Tyson squinted one eye and lifted his pistol for a final shot, this time aimed at the demon who came to her aid. Black smoke and a cracking noise filled the air as the Witch Hunter squeezed the trigger. Almost immediately he scrambled down the ladder and sprinted up to his room. In five minutes he was fully geared and reloaded. Tonight there would be no sleep, tonight, there would be a hunt.

@Daniel reaving @Ceat6 @Past Paradise Tears
"You are wrong young one. You are nothing but a fake. I am fear.... I am the night....... I am the memories that shoot you awake. I am the nightmares that haunt you forever." A voice whispered in his head as silith managed to drink the vile the child gave her which immediately healed her making her smile as she slipped from the mans grasp her bow appearing in her hand. Slowly she aimed and drew the bow back as a magical arrow appeared nocked on the string as she took a breath in then let it out slowly as she let the string go. A massive shock wave launching as the arrow rocketed off the bow and toward the human at speeds to fast to dodge as it flew straight for his heart
RobinDenstro said:
The ruined earth met the soles of Richard's feet as he walked, caked dirt and tufts of sand filled the crevices of his legs and arms as he moved, curiously, toward the sound of singing. The closer he got, the louder it became; accompanied by a vision of a rather large tree. The words were soothing, but ominous. Richard felt the need to grab his sword on occasion, but merely the hilt; never did he feel the need to unsheath it. He would take time looking around, trying to find the mysterious vocalist. But as he grew closer and closer, he noted that the singer must be in the branches of the trees. He called forth.
"Maiden of song! Where can I find you within this tree?" He exclaimed simply, looking about with utter confusion. There seemed to be no sign of her.

Arrelidardilian's song became imploring. It sensed the close proximity of a noble heart, but it could not reach out beyond the twisted bark.

"Come to me, warrior. Free me from this tree. Claim me, and I will grant you strength."
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Delacare said:
Arrelidardilian's song became imploring. It sensed the close proximity of a noble heart, but it could not reach out beyond the twisted bark.
"Come to me, warrior. Free me from this tree. Claim me, and I will grant you strength."
Richard stood still, looking throughout the branches of the trees. He took a steady step forward, and then another, feeling the aura of something... powerful, resonating from the tree. "Maiden, where are you in this branches? How can I free you?" He implored, his eyes tracing the branches of the tree as he walked. At this point, he left his sword completely alone; the only tool he needed at this point was his eyes, which were already failing him.
Tyson Hulkrow

Tyson was just about to leave the inn when he felt a demonic energy coming towards him, it was concentrated and moving fast, he could sense it's hostile intent. 'Some sort of attack?' He thought to himself. Out the window he saw a bright blur above the rooftops, it was indeed headed for him. Without time to think, the Witch Hunter withdrew a blessed Sigil of the God-Emperor from one of his many exterior pockets. With only half of a second to spare, he lifted it and the arrow collided with the holy artifact. Glowing sparks flew all around the Hunter as the arrow stayed embedded into the Sigil, just in front of his heart. 'Demonic energy has no effect on blessed artifacts of the God-Emperor.' The arrow remained in the Sigil for a few seconds, light shattering and filling the room as it dissipated against the holy emblem. He pocketed the emblem and made his way down the creaking stairs, the Inn Keeper was hiding behind the counter, shivering in fear. Tyson paid him no mind and left the inn, starting down the path after the demonic pair. 'Could be a trap, I need to move quietly and mask my presence.' He was excited to wet his hands with the blood of a demon once more.

@Daniel reaving
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Constantin said:
Tyson Hulkrow
Tyson was just about to leave the inn when he felt a demonic energy coming towards him, it was concentrated and moving fast, he could sense it's hostile intent. 'Some sort of attack?' He thought to himself. Out the window he saw a bright blur above the rooftops, it was indeed headed for him. Without time to think, the Witch Hunter withdrew a blessed Sigil of the God-Emperor from one of his many exterior pockets. With only half of a second to spare, he lifted it and the arrow collided with the holy artifact. Glowing sparks flew all around the Hunter as the arrow stayed embedded into the Sigil, just in front of his heart. 'Demonic energy has no effect on blessed artifacts of the God-Emperor.' The arrow remained in the Sigil for a few seconds, light shattering and filling the room as it dissipated against the holy emblem. He pocketed the emblem and made his way down the creaking stairs, the Inn Keeper was hiding behind the counter, shivering in fear. Tyson paid him no mind and left the inn, starting down the path after the demonic pair. 'Could be a trap, I need to move quietly and mask my presence.' He was excited to wet his hands with the blood of a demon once more.

@Daniel reaving
It was to plate to hide his presence as black tendrils of physical shadow whipped out of the darkness at him as another arrow was loosed at him from the other side of town by silith. She would not lose this fight. He had no where to hide. No light to keep her from him. The night was her realm and he was smack in the middle of it. She knew exactly where he was at all times, as if she was standing right infront of him but she wasnt. "Give up! You can't beat the night." The voice whispered in his ear as the black tendrils of shadow kept attacking
Arias felt dizzy, surprisingly dizzy from the magic he absorbed. Letting out a shaky breath, he stood a bit away from all the racket, trying to somehow keep it together since he didn't want to lose it or see someone dying. He gulped shakily, knowing he wouldn't be of much use to anyone being easily just pushed aside by any of them, being so small and all. 'I feel so useless...' He thought as he straightened up and stumbled away, the more he moved, the more he moved, the worse his dizziness got and the more he found it hard to move.

He glanced back at the Witch Hunter while his wobbly knees pushed him forward and down the street some more before he fell down with a whimper. Things never really went their way and he hated it but knew that something good would probably happen eventually if he doesn't die tonight in case the hunter wanted to purge all non-human creatures from this town. 'Would it be foolish to call for help in my thoughts..?' He asked himself, trying to get back up stubbornly but found it a great struggle.

@Constantin @(anyone else who wants to help or be friends with a little boi)
RobinDenstro said:
Richard stood still, looking throughout the branches of the trees. He took a steady step forward, and then another, feeling the aura of something... powerful, resonating from the tree. "Maiden, where are you in this branches? How can I free you?" He implored, his eyes tracing the branches of the tree as he walked. At this point, he left his sword completely alone; the only tool he needed at this point was his eyes, which were already failing him.
"I am within the tree. Free me. Give me your heart. Lend me your hand. Trust in me. That is my only demand."

Arrelidardilian strained against the blackened bark.

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