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Realistic or Modern 136.6 - The Dead Zone's Witching Hour


Your Host Tonight
136.6 The Dead Zone.jpg

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'Welcome to Oak Creek, where the neither good nor wicked sleep. Here at the Dead Zone, we have our eyes wide open, and our ears hear everything. Secrets are only secret to some select few people, but here in Oak Creek, we've adapted to seeing in the dark. Listen in, and you'll hear the music, too.'

the hanging tree.jpg

Welcome to the Witching Hour, the official lore page for the RP Urban Legend, partially stylized in the form of late night radio show transcripts, though for the purposes of text RPs, there will be some aspects that will be more standard forms of text information, perhaps e-mails sent out to the various characters of the RP, perhaps publicly available documents. As the very first post, or as I'll be referring to them, 'broadcast', it seems only appropriate to introduce you to the setting this RP takes place in. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. And don't forget: If you look hard enough, you might find some interesting stuff around here, and not just the obvious ones.


"Thanks for tuning in to the Witching Hour on 136.6 The Dead Zone, Oak Creek's local station coming to you from the shadows. There's a storm coming and a lot of fresh bodies out there new to this little slice of purgatory, so today, we here at The Dead Zone are going to welcome you the best way we can. In a place like this, it always helps to be in the know, so let's dig this grave together, and let us light the candle. To start, let me introduce myself. I go by Mr. E. You won't get a whole lot more than that, to be frank. Occasionally, you'll find some things are best kept on the down low. But don't fret, my friends, because if you stick around, I'll prove to you that though I'm a shade myself, the light I'll cast for you will be bright. All you have to do... is listen.

How about we start with a brief history lesson. Originally, the land here was inhabited by the Clatsop tribe of native Americans, the people this county was named after. Like much of coastal Oregon, you'll hear plenty about the Lewis and Clark trail, but here in Oak Creek, we really don't care about all that. Shortly after Fort Astoria was established at the mouth of the Columbia River in 1811, this part of the country started sprouting civilization, and Oak Creek was no exception. Now, to clarify, Oak Creek is one of five individual communities that make up the entirety of Warrenton, along with Flavel, Fort Stevens, Lexington, and Skipanon, though are considered individual areas. Oak Creek itself, named after the various creeks and unusually predominant oak trees, as well as the most northern area alongside Fort Stevens, was first established in the late 1850s after Oregon being claimed by the US, and prior to general Warrenton area incorporation in 1899. Of course, it had been settled upon by white Americans prior, but not to an official degree.

Occasionally, you'll here the long-standing rumors that this particular area of land our community is built on was largely left alone by the natives, and though claimed, not actually inhabited by the Clatsop tribe as previously mentioned. The reasons a often pretty differentiating, as is a typical campfire story, but the common story is that something lurked deep beneath the ground. So you can imagine that when southern Oak Creek was dedicated for mining ores after Warrenton was incorporated, the Natives weren't exactly happy. They weren't angry so much as perturbed. Could there be something dark in the ground that we were in the process of waking up?

Fast forward to modern times. Aside from a particularly constant amount of precipitation, we seem to be doing rather decently. This is a rather quiet community. Though, it could certainly be argued: Is it too quiet? You'd think a town full of superstition and stories would have a lot more hubub, but, frankly, it seems we do our best to remained unnoticed by others. So my question today is for you, dear listeners: Are we quiet for a good reason?

Stay tuned in next time, new listeners, and we'll cover the various boogeymen that haunt every campfire tale in this town."

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