• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom 100th Hunger Games (accepting)


...the Story Teller
1. No God-Modding/Powerplaying.

2. No OOC in the main thread.

3. No One-Liners, a minimum of 2 paragraphs per post.

4. Third-Person POV.

5. Character limit is 2-3 per person, depending on how many people sign up.

6. Tag the person you're talking to and post your location.

7. Romance is allowed, though site rules still apply.

8. Be Realistic: This is the Hunger Games, not the Everyone Lives Games.

9. I didn't think that I would have to say this, but apparently I do. Be Active.

10. Picture of your character must be put in every post.

11. Backgrounds and font colors are encouraged.

-More Rules Will Be Added If Necessary-

-If You've Read The Rules, Then put the angel emoji At The End Of Your CS
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It's not recommended that you join a detail oriented rp if you are new to rps @eliisc00l but I am willing to give you a shot. If you can create a good enough bio for your character you can join in, is that fair?

@Coal I think you need to read the rules again. Please make sure to read tem because you are missing something at the end of your character sheet. Though your character is very good and I can't wait to start playing.
SerenityAngel said:
It's not recommended that you join a detail oriented rp if you are new to rps @eliisc00l but I am willing to give you a shot. If you can create a good enough bio for your character you can join in, is that fair?
@Coal I think you need to read the rules again. Please make sure to read tem because you are missing something at the end of your character sheet. Though your character is very good and I can't wait to start playing.
Done, and Khaos is male but on the CS you have him as district 2 female
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What's up with the fact taht the list of participants from each district only goes up to D7? Is that a part of this roleplay's lore or....
Too many characters makes for a far more difficult rp to maintain. I'm trying to limit withdrawals and drop outs. I figure 14 different participants max is a good stopping point, but I could extend it if I find enough dedicated people.

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