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1-on-1 Wolf Roleplay (Phoenix Lord and Shiloh ONLY!)

Third, I am putting up a starter.

Shiloh was a 10-month old lone wolf pup. After the death of her parents, she had ventured off on her own and taught herself to hunt. One day, Shiloh was standing in the meadow when she felt the breeze blowing through the grass beneath her paws. She pointed her nose to the sky, letting the breeze cool her face as she closed her eyes. Suddenly, she noticed a shift in the air, she could sense the presence of another wolf. Her blue eyes shot open as she scanned the treeline for the unidentified wolf.
Phoenix walked through the trees, enjoyng the peaceful nature around him. As he reaches the edge of the trees, on his way to a nearby lake, he notices a wolf pup in the meadow in front of him. He takes in a breath, hoping to catch a hint of the pup's scent before he approaches it. When he determines that he is upwind and unable to pick up a scent, he slowly walks towards the pup, careful not to startle it.
Shiloh stood her ground as the wolf approached her. She kept her eyes locked on his, always ready to defend herself. As he got closer, she pinned her ears back.
Phoenix lowered his head to the pup's level in order to make himself seem smaller and less threatening. When he reaches the pup,he catches the scent finally and learns that the pup is female. He gives her a worried look, wondering why she is out her all alone at a young age.
She looked at him, still keeping her guard up, keeping a gap between them. She sniffed him cautiously, sensing he meant no harm. She perked her ears up, wagging her tail a little bit. She looks behind him, checking for a pack, wondering why he was alone.
Phoenix relaxes when he see her drop her guard and relax as well. He looks around to see if her pack war around but could see and scent no other wolf. Looking down at her carefully, he walks around her and sees not maiming injuring or the scent of sickness from her, confusing him even more. However, his need for water was drawng him towards the lake still and he slowly heads towards it in order to get a drink.
Shiloh stood perfectly still as he walked around her. She wondered what he was thinking as she kept an eye on him. She noticed he was inching toward the lake, and she thought about following him. Instead, she decided to sit and wait until he cam back, if he decided to. She watched him carefully, thinking of her dad. The wolf had a slight resemblance.
Once he reached the lake and took a long drink, Phoenix turned back to the she-pup and debates what to do. Despite beng a lone wolf himself, he was worried about the pup being a lone wolf as well. Deciding to see what she would do, he walked back over to her and layed down with his head on his paws and watches her intently.
Shiloh watched as the wolf came back and laid down. She focused her blue eyes on him as she laid down. After a while, she began to roll around in the grass, yipping happily. She had always been alone, it was nice to have some company. Seeing the wolf just lay there, she stopped rolling around and she laid on her side.
Phoenix smiled as he watched the pup roll around happily in the grass. When she stopped and looked at him, he crawled over and lightly nuzzled her stomach, licking it playfully.
Shiloh froze for a moment as the wolf inched closer, relaxing as he began playfully licking her stomach. She pawed at his nose lightly, yipping happily. She rolled round a little bit more.
Phoenix paws at the playful pup, enjoying the company and the happiness that the pup is radiating now that he is playing with her. In a bit, he nips her tail playfully and pounces around, wanting to play a game of tag.
Shiloh plays with the wolf, happy that she finally found another wolf. She got down on her front paws after he nipped her tail, she tries to pounce on him and catch him. After chasing him around, she nips his tail and bolts out of his way, growling playfully.
Phoenix plays and runs around with the pup till the sun begins to dip below the horizon and he looks up to see the darkening sky. He then looks at the pup and wonders what she plans to do now since she seems to be alone and what he should do to at least try to help.
Shiloh notices the darkening sky and she looks at the wolf. She begins to walk toward the rock she usually slept on right at the edge of the meadow, hidden by trees. She hopped up on her perch and she looked down at the wolf wagging her tail.
Phoenix stares at the pup, watching her move to a rock which he assumes is her 'den'. He grunts unhappily and watches her look at him happily. He thinks about his actual den that resides in a cave made by the roots of a large tree and debates bringing her. Having decided, he walks over to her and nudges the pup to follow him as he leads her to his den.
Shiloh reluctantly followed the wolf, wondering where exactly he was taking her. She looked around the forest, having not been to this particular area. She saw a few birds nesting in the trees above her head, she tilted her head slightly. She yipped loudly, causing the birds to move. She yipped some more, enjoying herself and the birds reactions.
Phoenix notices the pup's worry but keeps leading her to the den. He jumps when she starts yipping, having had his senses focused on his surroundings. He looks at her and huffs in slight amusment and annoyance at being startled. After a bit, they arrive at his den and he allows her to enter the root cave first
Shiloh walks into the den, sniffing the air lightly. She looks above her and she sees the roots intertwine providing a roof. She lowered her eyes to look at the rest of the den, amazed at how big it was compared to the rock she was used to sleeping on. She sat and looked at the large wolf, wagging her small tail, her blue eyes lighting up.
Phoenix follows her in and watches her, happy that she likes the den. Since it is late, he curls up near the back of the deb, preparing to sleep for the night. He looks at her and winders what she will do
Shiloh wandered around the den and then sat in the mouth of the den, feeling the breeze hit her face. She thought for a little bit before going to curl up next to the large wolf, wrapping her tail around herself.
When the pup curls up next to him, he curls his body around her some in a protective way. Then he slowly fades away until he fully falls asleeo.
Shiloh laid, wide awake for awhile, staring up at the moon. She felt herself slowly begin to get tired before she finally drifted off to sleep enveloped in the wolfs warmth. She felt safe with him.

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