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Realistic or Modern ◞⇣ENDGAME 「cs」

Roleplay Availability
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text-align: left; background: var(--heading); [/class] [class name=heading maxWidth=1000px] background: transparent; margin-bottom: 15px; padding: 5px 0px 0px 0px; [/class] [class name=teamstats] display: flex; width: calc(100% - 25px); flex-flow: row wrap; align-items: center; align-content: center; justify-content: center; margin: -4px -4px 11px 21px; [/class] [class name=teamicon] flex: 0 0 100px; height: 100px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain; background-position: center center; font-size: 0px; margin: 2px; [/class] [class name=suittype] flex: 0 0 150px; height: 150px; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; align-items: center; align-content: center; justify-content: center; font-size: 0px; margin: 2px; font-size: 6vh; letter-spacing: -2px; font-family: 'Share', sanserif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; color: #19221c; [/class] [class name=teaminfo] flex: 2 0 175px; [/class] [class name=statblock] display: block; font-size: .7em; letter-spacing: 1px; margin-bottom: 6px; text-transform: uppercase; [/class] [class name=statname] display: inline; margin-right: 10px; background: #19221c; padding: 2px 8px; text-transform: uppercase; [/class] [class name=orangevar] --bgimg: url(https://i.imgur.com/N0uts0y.png), url(https://i.imgur.com/J32gqXs.jpg); --bgsize: auto, auto 120%; --bgposition: center center, -55vh bottom; --bgcolor: #d67833; --render: url(https://i.imgur.com/aakHc1I.png) 13% bottom/auto 97.5% no-repeat; --boxshadow: inset 0px 0px 5px #8c4724; --heading: rgba(204, 130, 84, 0.5); [/class] [class name=redvar] --bgimg: url(https://i.imgur.com/N0uts0y.png), url(https://i.imgur.com/sInq9zc.jpg); --bgsize: auto, auto 120%; --bgposition: center center, -20vh -10%; --bgcolor: #b23636; --render: url(https://i.imgur.com/Ss1GGHe.png) 20% -16%/auto 120% no-repeat; --boxshadow: inset 0px 0px 5px #6b231f; --heading: rgba(175, 78, 82, 0.5); [/class] [class name=tealvar] --bgimg: url(https://i.imgur.com/N0uts0y.png), url(https://i.imgur.com/ViHpw1E.jpg); 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Both pieces have variations and equippable tools, which can be set from a user's account on the ENDGAME database. Since a good part of the game is AR, there's no need for a physical change to wildly variate how either behaves. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*arenas and gyms[/div] Most major cities have one or two large arenas at which to host the local ENDGAME tourney. These arenas span around five soccer fields, while also boasting multi-floored areas. Aside from those, there are smaller arenas, better known as "gyms", for practice and casual play. These are typically half or less the size of a standard arena, making for quicker games.

There are different kinds of terrain and situations that players are able to play in, heavily affecting the strategies of anyone participating. Things like time of the day and visibility-scale are part of it. These are randomly selected during the beginning of the match, forcing players to adapt. As for maps, ENDGAME's default four boasts a decent variety, with arenas and gyms often making ones specific to their area.

[div class="statname"]CITY (outdoor 70% | indoor 30%)[/div] The area around Tomorrow Games' HQ has been recreated into a map for players to fight in. Plenty of areas to duck into and hide, as well as narrow gaps to take advantage of when teams are forced to bottleneck. A certain section is an indoor restaurant with tables, counters and a kitchen.

[div class="statname"]CRUISE SHIP (indoor 60% | outdoor 40%)[/div] A slightly narrower than usual map where getting pushed out of the play area means "death by drowning". Most of the map occurs within the ship itself with its myriad of hallways, but there's a large deck area at which there's nowhere to hide.

[div class="statname"]FOREST AND PLAINS (outdoor 100%)[/div] One of the maps where players will have to pray to RNJesus for weather and time. While parts of the map are heavily wooded, there are open tree line areas as well. As an incentive to come out of hiding, these are the places where the map spawns items for use of either team. It's not uncommon to see fights break out at these locations.

[div class="statname"]BUILDING (indoor 100%)[/div] The game picks from different building layouts. As for its purpose, this is also randomly chosen from presets. It could be an apartment complex, a bank, a mall... anything really. The most popular is a recreation of TG's offices. It includes a lobby, a corporate office level, cafeteria, and even a small rendition of a non AR-d ENDGAME arena.

They also make seasonal maps for fun. To avoid the default maps from going stale and sections of it abused, a good part of the map is randomized each time it's generated and set-up. Amongst the 4, the city is least varied as it's always forced to pick from different areas around TG's head office. On the opposite side of the spectrum, the Forest and Plains maps are never the same. [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*gamemodes[/div] ENDGAME is most famous for its 5v5 team death match wherein one group of players must eliminate the entire enemy team. These games typically last from 30 minutes to an hour, but have no real time limit. The 3v3 variation with its smaller map is a fairly popular choice as well. However, other modes exist, with arenas and gyms listing their schedules at least three days ahead of time.

[div class="statname"]ENDGAME (5v5 or 3v3)[/div] In a team vs team death match, one team must completely eliminate all members of the opposing group. It doesn't matter if there's only one member left on one and there are still five on the other; the game's not over until all are gone.

[div class="statname"]FLAGSHIP (5v5 or 3v3)[/div] Another team vs team mode, but this time each team must flag one of their players. Should the flagged player die, the team automatically loses. Neither team knows who is flagged on the other, so it's up to the team how they want to approach the road to victory.

[div class="statname"]BATTLE ROYALE (16+ or 9+)[/div] A more casual game mode where players fight for themselves, but can temporarily team up to get ahead of the pack. Players are blindly situated at random points in the arena. The map walls off some places after certain time points, eliminating anyone who isn't in the active play area. The map gets smaller and smaller as the timer counts down to zero. Your goal is to be the last one standing.

It's fairly common for players to professionally play more than one game mode. Some even use the exact same team for both ENDGAME and FLAGSHIP. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox suitbox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*ar helmets[/div] AR helmets are strictly passive skills. All players can equip a maximum of only two skills, no exceptions.

[div class="statname"]INFRARED[/div] Detect units through cover (not applicable to Type B bodysuits)

[div class="statname"]AUTOMARK[/div] Automatically mark last known position of one enemy as long as one member of the team has seen them. Limited to self-view if communications are jammed.

[div class="statname"]JAM-PROOF[/div] Cannot have communications disabled.

[div class="statname"]AUTO-WARNING[/div] Notifies player when enemy points weapon at them. Cannot specify location of enemy.

[div class="statname"]BODYSUIT IDENTIFIER[/div] Identify bodysuit type of enemy.

[div class="statname"]BINOCULARS[/div] Zoomed in view.

[/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*bodysuits[/div] Bodysuits are rented from an ENDGAME gym or arena for the day. They cannot be privately owned, as personal modifications to its physical abilities are strictly prohibited. Any player caught doing so is automatically banned from the immediate premises and any other ENDGAME venue from then on. The game highly values integrity and sportsmanship.

As explained before, bodysuits read the interactions between the player and its environment. Each type of suit has a specific amount of armor. Upon reaching null, any shot to a vital region is considered a kill, while other shots can disable a player. Shooting a hand may disable use of said hand, rendering any two-handed weapons useless. Additionally, certain areas deteriorate armor more upon receiving damage. Heads, joints and hands are often key areas to hit during the early game.

Headshots from a high caliber weapon cause armor deterioration and simulated concussion, but the first hit is never an instant kill. The only exception are shotguns, which are instant kill but one must be extremely close to the target.

There are three suit types available for use, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*slots[/div] There are three kinds of slots available in suits: a primary weapon slot, a secondary weapon slot, and tool slots. Primary weapons can be any weapon from the gun categories given. Secondary weapons must be from the Handgun or Machine Pistol categories, no exceptions. Tools must be from the tools category, and each suit type has a varying number of tool slots available.

All suit types are able to give up their weapon slots for tool slots. Giving up a primary weapon slot gives two (2) tool slots, while giving up a secondary weapon slot gives one (1) tool slot. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*type a[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]A[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]PRIMARY WEAPONS[/div] ONE (1) SLOT [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]SECONDARY WEAPONS[/div] ONE (1) SLOT [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]TOOL SLOTS[/div] TWO (2) SLOTS [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]PASSIVE SKILL[/div] AUTOMATICALLY DETECTS HIDDEN MINES AND TRAPS [/div] [/div] [/div] Type A is what most would call the most introductory of the suits, being the recommended build for newbies to the game. At its base, it boasts a decent mix of mobility and defense, making it the all-rounder of the suits. While the least common of the suits in professional play, it's an oft-used defense against teams like LOUDER who favor crowd control. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*type b[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]B[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]PRIMARY WEAPONS[/div] ONE (1) SLOT [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]SECONDARY WEAPONS[/div] ONE (1) SLOT [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]TOOL SLOTS[/div] ONE (1) SLOT [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]PASSIVE SKILL[/div] UNDETECTABLE BY ENEMY ABILITIES [/div] [/div] [/div] Meanwhile Type B is geared towards scouts, making them a viable choice for those who want to go into enemy lines undetected. Its users cannot be detected by anything other than physical sighting. Type B is immune to auto-warning systems, infrared and the like. It boasts high mobility at the cost of lowered armor. Making full use of its abilities requires a good blend of skill, strategy and pure luck. [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*type C[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]C[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]PRIMARY WEAPONS[/div] ONE (1) SLOT [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]SECONDARY WEAPONS[/div] ONE (1) SLOT [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]TOOL SLOTS[/div] TWO (2) SLOTS [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]PASSIVE SKILL[/div] unique tools equippable only this suit [/div] [/div] [/div] Type C suits are typically the choice of more experienced users. It boasts high armor, but is bogged down by lowered mobility in its weight and flexibility. However, the fact that this bodysuit has certain equips exclusive to it make it indispensable to high-level ENDGAME play considering their utility. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox equipsbox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*guns, weapons, tools[/div] All equipment have weight similar to the item they're emulating. This has a bigger impact on movement than the suit a person is wearing. Players are limited by their own physical capacity. This means that unless a player is super buff, it's extremely uncommon seeing players carrying more than one heavyweight item.

Ammo on guns is unlimited, but players are still required to reload each time a magazine runs out. As mentioned earlier, only Handguns and Machine Pistols can be used as secondary weapons, no exceptions. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*assault rifles[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]AR[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]AK-47[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]M4A1[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]FN SCAR[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]STEYR aug[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*sub machine guns[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]SMG[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]MP5[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]ump45[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]FN P90[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]kriss vector[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*shotguns[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]SG[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]spas-12[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]armsel striker[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]double-barrel shotgun[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*light machine guns[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]lmg[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]hk mg4[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]fn minimi[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*handguns[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]hg[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]fn five seven[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]desert eagle[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]colt .45[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]model 69[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*machine pistols[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]MP[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]uzi[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]mac-11[/div] [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]mp7[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*special tools[/div]
[div class="teamstats"] [div class="suittype"]ST[/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]grenade belt[/div] three (3) to five (5) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]decoy[/div] one (1) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]placeable barricade *[/div] one (1) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]riot/ballistic shield[/div] one (1) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]drone *[/div] one (1) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]mines[/div] three (3) to five (5) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]traps *[/div] three (3) to five (5) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]hunter's knife[/div] one (1) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]throwing knives[/div] three (3), reusable [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]radio jammer *[/div] one (1) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]emp[/div] one (1) per team [/div] [/div] [/div] Those marked with an asterisk (*) are equippable by only Type C bodysuits. One may equip multiple types of grenades on one grenade belt. Drones can be either landlocked or airborne, landlocked being the stealthier of the two. Throwing knives must be picked up to be used again. Decoys can be visual or sound, but not both at the same time.

An EMP is an equippable that takes up one tool slot. Its range is global and disables any helmet perks, comms, drones, mines and traps on all sides. It lasts for 3 minutes after activation. Only one can activate per game, which makes timing it crucial. It can only be activated after 5 minutes on the game clock. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox louderbox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*LOUDER[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="teamicon" style="background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/gr631KH.png);"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]TEAM NAME[/div] louder [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]ranking[/div] TWENTY-NINTH (29th) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]SEASONS[/div] six (6) registered seasons [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]WIN/LOSS[/div] 1.01 [/div] [/div] [/div] LOUDER was formed during the 4th season of ENDGAME, originally comprised of a bunch of random individuals who needed a team to join the higher level leagues. Said group was lead by Lucas Kent, who went on to become one of ENDGAME's legendary players when he reverse-swept a 1v5 situation during the finals. Despite the loss, their popularity soared as clips of the play continue to be referenced even today. They decided to continue the team beyond one season (their original agreement was only for the fourth season), eventually forming a brand organization by the same name. Two of the original members continue to play. Two others, one of whom is Lucas, have taken on more administrative roles. The last member left during the 7th season to found Galahad.

The team has often featured a pivotal center within their lineup. They excel in hit-and-run tactics, often making good use of tools and terrain. Despite their expansion, they retain their independent philosophy, refusing company sponsorships for the team as a whole. Individual player sponsorships, however, are alright with them. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*STYLE[/div] As mentioned, LOUDER excels in guerilla warfare-like tactics. They make use of the tools and terrain available to them. A lot of people have commented that for such an attention-grabbing name, their extensive use of stealth and traps feel quite opposite to the brand's image. Due to their playstyle, they excel in maps with a lot of cover, such as the city area and certain variations of the building map.

The general vibe of the team is very relaxed, with an urban street flair to their outfits. Unlike ZER0 and Galahad, none of them members have any matching clothing items. However, they look more cohesive as a team than Antiheroes due to their singular style family. [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*TRAINING[/div] The team holds individuals accountable for their own training. While it does hold group practice sessions, majority of training is free form and at your own time and pace. If you don't pull your own weight, you'll get relegated to the bench.

LOUDER is one of the teams that spends quite a bit of time studying their opponent's playstyles, second only to ZER0. They're willing to make more adjustments to take advantage of enemy weaknesses. As a result, most of their members have a fair amount of proficiency and reliance in the various tools made available to players by the game. Rather than outright training, LOUDER is the team that figures out weird interactions in the game to take advantage of. Take for example, the 'extra 10' bug from season 8. LOUDER was the one who figured out certain bullet types had an extra 10px hitbox outside the range indicated by the game. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox galahadbox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*GALAHAD[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="teamicon" style="background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/pktHtLw.png);"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]TEAM NAME[/div] galahad [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]ranking[/div] sixteenth (16th) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]SEASONS[/div] three (3) registered seasons [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]WIN/LOSS[/div] 1.08 [/div] [/div] [/div] Gregers Lazarov was a member of the original LOUDER team until he eventually left due to a difference in opinion. He believed that company sponsorships could be used for the benefit of the team, whilst Lucas thought it was too close to selling out. Shortly after leaving of his own volition, he founded Galahad, recruiting players who'd found dissatisfaction in their current organizations. Other teams found it too close to poaching but remained silent; LOUDER, true to form, publicly called them out. Everyone watched with baited breath as the drama unfolded on Chunmi during the start of the 8th season.

Galahad is a disjointed team consisting of the most notable members of the competitive scene. These are either former star players of other teams, or simply players who have strong public appeal and large fanbases. It's rare to see a complete rookie amongst them. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*STYLE[/div] Galahad has a very individualistic approach to the game, with players typically moving on their own. Whereas LOUDER has some coordination involved in their strategy, Galahad is literally five different people doing their own thing. Teamwork isn't exactly their thing, but due to the skill of each individual player, they're able to win games. Divide-and-conquer is a strategy they lean heavily towards.

ENDGAME's following often refers to Galahad as the princes/princesses, whether they're being sarcastic or just an honest-to-goodness fan. Their uniforms remind people of Japanese prince/ss idol costumes, complete with differing color schemes. They were going for a more royal look, but considering the fact many of their players are widely considered to be good-looking, that's what ended up happening. [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*TRAINING[/div] Galahad's training is even more relaxed than LOUDER's, if that's even possible. Due to the myriad of teams the members originated from, the organization can't agree on any one method that fits for everyone. As a result, most training is individual, with some group training sessions and frequent scrimmages against other teams.

While most teams keep most of their training secret, with a few scattered glimpses via monitored streams, Galahad tends to be open with theirs. This is mostly because there usually isn't much of a plan in the first place, with strategies created on the fly. Gameplay wise, if there's one thing to note about their players is that they're very adaptable. Despite their independent tendencies, most know how to cooperate if the situation calls for it. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox zerobox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*ZERO[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="teamicon" style="background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/nbVgWHF.png);"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]TEAM NAME[/div] zer0 [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]ranking[/div] FIRST (1st) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]SEASONS[/div] eight (8) registered seasons [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]WIN/LOSS[/div] 1.19 [/div] [/div] [/div] ZER0 is considered one of the original teams that helped form the competitive scene of ENDGAME. Five of the top players of the time formed a team from the bottom up, going from open league to pro league. Three members continue to play. Two were forced to retire due to injuries, but only one left the scene completely to pursue other goals. The other one chose to stay and act as strategist and coach for others.

Amongst the teams, ZER0 is the one most alike to how actual military behaves. When on the field, they wait for their captain's orders before taking individual action. Their philosophy revolves around them as one unit. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*STYLE[/div] In contrast with LOUDER which has a very self-reliant style, ZER0 has a defined chain of command. Some call it rigid, but considering how the team sits at the top of the rankings, they had to be doing something right. Members of the team know that they're able to trust the others to have their back. Communication is key to ZER0.

Fitting with the team's militaristic vibe, the team wears the same base uniform with personal flairs in the form of color scheme and accessories. However, the colors members choose tend to be very muted and suited to camouflage such as blacks, greys and browns. [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*TRAINING[/div] Members of ZER0 do everything together. From eating together to practicing as a team, they spend a good part of the day in close quarters. Everyone monitors each other's progress; feedback is given regardless of rank. The team trains its members to take these criticisms graciously. Another advantage of the team is their myriad of benched members. Unlike other teams, they're comfortable with switching between their main roster and reserves with no threat of disrupting the group's teamwork.

Like LOUDER, ZER0 researches their opponents on upcoming matches, exploiting weaknesses they find. There isn't any one map the team is good at. As an all-rounder, they tend to perform well in any terrain, thought admittedly they're rarely able to really maximize it for their use. Much of their training time is spent doing drills and recreating situations that they might find themselves in at some point in a game. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox antibox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*ANTIHEROES[/div] [div class="teamstats"] [div class="teamicon" style="background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/zDUBM9K.png);"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="teaminfo"] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]TEAM NAME[/div] antiheroes [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]ranking[/div] fortieth (40th) [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]SEASONS[/div] ten (10) registered seasons [/div] [div class="statblock"] [div class="statname"]WIN/LOSS[/div] 0.95 [/div] [/div] [/div] Antiheroes is one of the oldest teams in ENDGAME's competitive scene, having been a participant since the first season. Their founder, Eliza Pollux, is an iconic figure in ENDGAME's history. She lead her team to victory in the finals during the game's first two seasons, bouncing back from from Lucas' match reverse-sweep in their best of five. After ten years in the business, the four of which was coach work, Eliza abrupt left the scene. Antiheroes is now struggling with their new leader as they try to find their new identity.

Eliza's philosophy on ENDGAME was very simple: "It's a game, have fun with it." She became friends with TG's founder and was pivotal to many of the quality of life changes in early patches of the game. Despite not making it out of groups since the second season, the game has a small but loyal fanbase primarily comprised of followers who'd been with them since season one. Others, however, have criticized the organization for not taking the game seriously enough. Whatever the case, people are curious to see what's Antiheroes without an Eliza Pollux. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*STYLE[/div] Like ZER0, they're an all-rounder that performs well enough in most maps and terrain. Unlike them however, Antiheroes is structured to be more democratic than leader-biased, which could mean for some very unexpected turns in their strategy. That's what often makes Antiheroes matches so interesting to watch. On the flipside, delays in communication and disagreements on what plan of action to take are oftentimes their downfall.

The only thing that makes Antiheroes cohesive is their lack of cohesion. Avatar outfits can range from military to casual wear, making for some interesting combinations when on the field. One of the most hilarious was during a past World's Groups stage, which occurs during October. The team dressed as various characters. One was Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney, and beside him was Goku. [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*TRAINING[/div] While ZER0 values teamwork above all else, Antiheroes values camaraderie. You could coordinate with someone you disliked on ZER0, but that simply doesn't work in a team like Antiheroes. While not everyone's best friends, people are amicable enough to each other and are close enough to call each other a casual friend. They often eat meals together, and in-house team versus team matches are a common occurence to get some practice in.

Training in the Antiheroes house is fairly well-rounded. There's a fitness regime, actual drills, and then the in-house battles, usually for a casual reward like who's paying for dinner that night. While their players are willing to work hard, they don't turn the game into their life like other teams. They take the time to enjoy ENDGAME and the process of getting good at it. Like Galahad, one of their strong points is the myriad of personalities in their roster. Someone was bound to make an interesting way to deal with an enemy's strength. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox rulesbox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*RESPECT[/div] My philosophy on GMing is fairly relaxed: respect me, I respect you. As a GM, I'm in a position of authority over participants of my roleplays. If I reject someone, there's a reason for it, and I'm willing to take a second look if they decide to listen to my criticisms. In that same vein, if my players decide to (politely) criticize me for a decision I made, I will take it into account with no hard feelings. I'm willing to listen to discussion and disagreement, but when I draw a line, I don't budge it.

Respect extends to beyond the roleplay sphere however. If a player has a history of things like theft or character plagiarism, remaining unapologetic about such things, I reject them. I don't tolerate bad behavior in my roleplays. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*LITERACY[/div] I don't care much for labels. As long as you can post a cohesive paragraph, then you're good. We all start somewhere, so if we offer feedback on your writing, it's because we want to help you grow. Occasional misspellings are understandable, we all have those days. But if you can't get your their/they're consistent, then I think you should brush up a bit more on English before trying out here. [/div] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*RESERVATIONS[/div] Are non-existent, unless you've been personally invited to this roleplay. Everyone goes through a screening process; you submit a character concept, and we'll see if it's up to standards. Failure to comply with this will mean automatic rejection. Unlike most roleplays, ENDGAME will be operating on a roleplayer cap rather than character cap. Feel free to create as many as you can handle once you've passed the application. Click the pro players in the menu to access the code for the cs. You are required to use it. [/div] [div class="section" style="padding-bottom: 125px;"] [div class="heading"]*COMMITMENT[/div] Should you fail to speak with me within a month, you're booted from the roleplay, no exceptions. I don't mind long absences so long as you keep us updated on your current status. Likewise, should you no longer feel like participating, I want to be informed instead of leaving us with question marks. I take more offence at being dropped like a hot potato than being told directly that you no long feel like you can commit. [/div] [/div] [div class="scrollbox hidebox csbox"] [div class="section"] [div class="heading"]*CODE[/div]
	[class name=images]
		--playerimg: url('https://i.imgur.com/Q2heE9e.jpg');
		--ingameimg: url('https://i.imgur.com/vepXSVY.jpg');
	[comment]to keep the code neat, I placed nobr tags around the entire thing. you'll need to use [br][/br] to create linebreaks. the images are squares; as long as it's a square, it'll stretch to fit![/comment]
	[div class="ratio images"]
		[div class="root"]
			[div class="diacontainer"]
				[div class="diagonal left"]sss[/div]
				[div class="diagonal right"]sss[/div]
			[div class="tabcontentholder playertabholder hidetabholder"]
				[div class="tabcontents playertabcontents personalitycont hidetabplayer"]
					[div class="contentblock mobileinfo"]
						[div class="contenttitle"]basics[/div]
						[div class="loadoutinfoarea"]
							[div class="contentinfo"]
								[div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"]
									[div class="infotitle"]full name[/div]
									full name here
								[div class="infoblock"]
									[div class="infotitle"]gender[/div]
									gender here
								[div class="infoblock"]
									[div class="infotitle"]age[/div]
									age (#)
					[div class="contentblock"]
						[div class="contenttitle"]personality[/div]
						This is where you talk about your character's personality and all that shit.
					[div class="contentblock"]
						[div class="contenttitle"]strengths[/div]
						strengths as a person, not as a player. this can be skills, aspects of their personality, whatever
					[div class="contentblock"]
						[div class="contenttitle"]weaknesses[/div]
						weaknesses as a person, not as a player. this can be skills, aspects of their personality, whatever
					[div class="contentblock"]
						[div class="contenttitle"]preferences[/div]
						you can make separate preference contents my copypasting the contentblock class for likes/dislikes. or just combine them here
				[div class="tabcontents playertabcontents historycont hidetabplayer"]
					[div class="contentblock"]
						[div class="contenttitle"]personal history[/div]
						what happened to them in their personal life? bad break ups??? idk man. you can mention shit that went on in their player history and how it impacted them, but the focus is definitely their personal life.
					[div class="contentblock"]
						[div class="contenttitle"]endgame history[/div]
						their rise to fame, have they ever switched teams, that kind of thing here.
				[div class="tabcontents playertabcontents misccont hidetabplayer"]
					[div class="contentblock"]
						[div class="contenttitle"]misc #1[/div]
						honest this is whatever you feel like putting
			[div class="tabcontentholder igtabholder hidetabholder"]
				[div class="tabcontents igtabcontents stylecont hidetabig"]
					[div class="contentblock mobileinfo"]
						[div class="contenttitle"]basics[/div]
						[div class="loadoutinfoarea"]
							[div class="contentinfo"]
								[div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"]
									[div class="infotitle"]player tag[/div]
									player tag here
								[div class="infoblock"]
									[div class="infotitle"]team[/div]
									team here
								[div class="infoblock"]
									[div class="infotitle"]seasons[/div]
								 number of seasons played (#)
					[div class="contentblock"]
						[div class="contenttitle"]playstyle[/div]
						how do they play? do they prefer to go in, act as decoy, set up traps? go crazy.
					[div class="contentblock"]
						[div class="contenttitle"]strengths[/div]
						strengths as a player, not as a person. this can be physical abilities, inter and intra personal skills, whatever.
					[div class="contentblock"]
						[div class="contenttitle"]weaknesses[/div]
						weaknesses as a player, not as a person. this can be physical abilities, inter and intra personal skills, whatever.
				[div class="tabcontents igtabcontents loadoutcont hidetabig"]
					[div class="contentblock"]
						[div class="contenttitle"]loadout #01[/div]
						[div class="loadoutinfoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"]
							[div class="infoblock"]
								[div class="infotitle"]bodysuit[/div]
								type c
							[div class="infoblock"]
								[div class="infotitle"]ar helmet[/div]
								equip 1[br][/br]
								[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]ar helmet[/div]
								equip 2
							[div class="infoblock"]
								[div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 1[/div]
							[div class="infoblock"]
								[div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 2[/div]
							[div class="infoblock"]
								[div class="infotitle"]tool slot[/div]
						feel free to add more via copy pasting this contentblock
					[div class="contentblock"]
						[div class="contenttitle"]loadout #02[/div]
						[div class="loadoutinfoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"]
							[div class="infoblock"]
								[div class="infotitle"]bodysuit[/div]
								type c
							[div class="infoblock"]
								[div class="infotitle"]ar helmet[/div]
								equip 1[br][/br]
								[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]ar helmet[/div]
								equip 2
							[div class="infoblock"]
								[div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 1[/div]
							[div class="infoblock"]
								[div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 2[/div]
							[div class="infoblock"]
								[div class="infotitle"]tool slot[/div]
						feel free to add more via copy pasting this contentblock
				[div class="tabcontents igtabcontents eventscont hidetabig"]
					[div class="contentblock"]
						[div class="contenttitle"]event name[/div]
						[div class="infoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"]
							[div class="infoblock"]
								[div class="infotitle"]participants[/div]
								name1, name2, season 2 louder, etc
						notable events between player characters that have occured for plotting purposes. 
					[div class="contentblock"]
						[div class="contenttitle"]event name[/div]
						[div class="infoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"]
							[div class="infoblock"]
								[div class="infotitle"]participants[/div]
								name1, name2, season 2 louder, etc
						notable events between player characters that have occured for plotting purposes. 
			[div class="imagesflexbox"]
				[div class="imagecontainer player"]
					[div class="invi"]playerNAV[/div]
					[div class="imgbox"]
						[div class="filter playerimg"]
						[div class="stripes"]stripes[/div]
						[div class="darken"]darken[/div]
						[div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
						[div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
						[div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
						[div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
						[div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
						[div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
						[div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
						[div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
					[div class="divider"]divider[/div]
					[div class="infoarea playerinfoarea"]
						[div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"]
							[div class="infotitle"]full name[/div]
							full name here
						[div class="infoblock"]
							[div class="infotitle"]gender[/div]
							gender here
						[div class="infoblock"]
							[div class="infotitle"]age[/div]
							age here (#)
				[div class="expander"]kqjhekhe[/div]
				[div class="imagecontainer ig"]
					[div class="invi"]igNAV[/div]
					[div class="imgbox"]
						[div class="filter igimg"]
						[div class="stripes"]stripes[/div]
						[div class="darken"]darken[/div]
						[div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
						[div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
						[div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
						[div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
						[div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
						[div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
						[div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
						[div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"]@sugarvine[/div]
					[div class="divider"]divider[/div]
					[div class="infoarea iginfoarea"]
						[div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"]
							[div class="infotitle"]player tag[/div]
							player tag here
						[div class="infoblock"]
							[div class="infotitle"]team[/div]
							[div class="teamanswer"]zer0[/div]
						[div class="infoblock"]
							[div class="infotitle"]seasons[/div]
							number of seasons played (#)
			[div class="nav playernav"]
				[div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn homeplayerbtn"]
					[div class="navtitle homeplayertitle"]home[div class="invi"]player[/div][/div]
				[div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn personalitybtn"]
					[div class="navtitle personalitytitle"]personality[/div]
				[div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn historybtn"]
					[div class="navtitle historytitle"]history[/div]
				[div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn miscbtn"]
					[div class="navtitle misctitle"]misc[/div]
			[div class="nav ignav"]
				[div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn homeigbtn"]
					[div class="navtitle homeigtitle"]home[div class="invi"]ig[/div][/div]
				[div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn stylebtn"]
					[div class="navtitle styletitle"]style[/div]
				[div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn loadoutbtn"]
					[div class="navtitle loadouttitle"]loadout[/div]
				[div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn eventsbtn"]
					[div class="navtitle eventstitle"]events[/div]
[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
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[/class] [class name=playerreveal] left: -35%; transition: width 1s ease-in-out .75s, left 1s ease-in-out .75s, transform 1s ease-in-out .75s, right 1s ease-in-out .75s; [/class] [class name=playerreveal maxWidth=1000px] top: -80%; bottom: 80%; width: 150%; left: -10%; transition: height 1s ease-in-out .75s, top 1s ease-in-out .75s, transform 1s ease-in-out .75s, bottom 1s ease-in-out .75s; [/class] [class name=ighide] right: 0px; width: 13%; transform: rotate(0deg); transition: width 1s ease-in-out .75s, left 1s ease-in-out .75s, transform 1s ease-in-out .75s, right 1s ease-in-out .75s; [/class] [class name=ighide maxWidth=1000px] width: 150%; top: 87%; transform: rotate(0deg); transition: height 1s ease-in-out .75s, top 1s ease-in-out .75s, transform 1s ease-in-out .75s, bottom 1s ease-in-out .75s; [/class] [class name=igreveal] right: -35%; transition: width 1s ease-in-out .75s, left 1s ease-in-out .75s, transform 1s ease-in-out .75s, right 1s ease-in-out .75s; [/class] [class name=igreveal maxWidth=1000px] bottom: -80%; 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display: block; height: 2%; width: 100%; [/class] [class name=imgbox] position: relative; display: inline-block; height: 18vmax; width: 18vmax; font-size: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; background: rgba(197, 197, 206, 0.15); pointer-events: none; margin: 2px 0px; [/class] [class name=imgbox maxWidth=1000px] height: 20vmax; width: 20vmax; margin: 0px; [/class] [class name=filter] position: absolute; z-index: 4; width: 88%; height: 88%; top: 6%; left: 6%; right: 6%; bottom: 6%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; filter: saturate(115%); [/class] [class name=playerimg] background-image: var(--playerimg); [/class] [class name=igimg] background-image: var(--ingameimg); [/class] [class name=stripes] background: url('https://i.imgur.com/I2cSAxH.gif') center 1px; position: absolute; z-index: 5; width: 88%; height: 88%; top: 6%; left: 6%; right: 6%; bottom: 6%; mix-blend-mode: soft-light; [/class] [class name=darken] opacity: .4; background: #1f1f23; position: absolute; z-index: 6; 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align-items: flex-end; justify-content: flex-end; align-content: flex-end; [/class] [class name=ig] text-align: left; [/class] [class name=ig maxWidth=1000px] text-align: center; [/class] [class name=nav] position: absolute; width: 13%; height: 100%; z-index: 4; box-sizing: border-box; display: flex; flex-flow: column nowrap; justify-content: space-evenly; align-items: center; align-content: center; padding: 10% 0px; pointer-events: none; font-family: var(--font); [/class] [class name=nav maxWidth=1000px] top: auto; flex-flow: row nowrap; padding: 0px 6%; width: 100%; height: 13%; left: 0px; [/class] [class name=ignav] left: 0px; top: 0px; [/class] [class name=ignav maxWidth=1000px] top: 0px; [/class] [class name=playernav] right: 0px; top: 0px; [/class] [class name=playernav maxWidth=1000px] top: 87%; bottom: 0px; [/class] [class name=navbutton] font-size: initial; height: 0px; width: 42%; padding-top: 42%; border-radius: 50%; position: relative; cursor: pointer; transition: background-color .75s ease-in-out; 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color: #FFFFFF; font-size: .85em; margin: 0px 0px 25px 0px; text-align: justify; [/class] [class name=contenttitle] font-size: 4.5vh; line-height: 4vh; font-family: var(--headerfont); color: #FFFFFF; display: block; font-style: italic; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: left; margin-bottom: 10px; [/class] [class name=hidetabplayer] bottom: 100%; top: -100%; transition: bottom 1s ease-in-out 0s, top 1s ease-in-out 0s; [/class] [class name=hidetabig] top: 100%; transition: bottom 1s ease-in-out 0s, top 1s ease-in-out 0s; [/class] [class name=hidetabholder] opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; transition opacity 1s ease-in-out 2s; [/class] [class name=mobileinfo] display: none; [/class] [class name=mobileinfo maxWidth=1000px] display: block; [/class] [class name=loadoutinfoarea] flex: 0 0 0px; overflow: hidden; width: 18vmax; display: inline-block; width: 100%; font-size: initial; color: #FFFFFF; box-sizing: border-box; text-align: left; transition: flex .8s ease-in-out 0s; [/class] [class name=contentinfo] overflow: hidden; width: 100%; display: block; width: 100%; font-size: initial; color: #FFFFFF; box-sizing: border-box; padding-bottom: 15px; text-align: left; [/class] [class name=divider] display: block; height: 0px; width: 100%; font-size: 0px; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class name=infoarea] flex: 0 0 0px; overflow: hidden; width: 18vmax; display: inline-block; width: 100%; font-size: initial; color: #FFFFFF; box-sizing: border-box; padding-bottom: 15px; text-align: left; transition: flex .8s ease-in-out 0s; [/class] [class name=infoarea maxWidth=1000px] display: none; [/class] [class name=infoblock] display: block; text-transform: uppercase; box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; padding: 0px 5% 0px 10%; font-size: 1.2vh; [/class] [class name=infotitle] display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; font-size: 1vh; background: #19221c; padding: 2px 8px; letter-spacing: 1px; line-height: normal; margin-right: 10px; margin-top: -2px; margin-bottom: 4px; [/class] [class name=teamanswer] display: inline; [/class] [class name=revealinfo] flex: 1 0 0px; transition: flex .8s ease-in-out 1.75s; [/class] [script class=imagecontainer on=click version=2] (removeClass (+ "imgflex" currentnav "nav") "imagesflexbox") (removeClass (+ "reveal" currentnav "nav") "diacontainer") (removeClass "enabler" (+ currentnav "nav")) (= currentnav (trim (index (split (getText) "NAV") 0 ))) (addClass (+ "imgflex" currentnav "nav") "imagesflexbox") (addClass (+ "reveal" currentnav "nav") "diacontainer") (addClass "disabler" "imagecontainer") (addClass "enabler" (+ currentnav "nav")) [/script] [script class=navbutton on=mouseenter version=2] (removeClass "navshow" (+ selectbtn "title")) (= selectbtn (trim (getText))) (addClass "navshow" (+ selectbtn "title")) [/script] [script class=navbutton on=mouseleave version=2] (removeClass "navshow" (+ selectbtn "title")) [/script] [script class=navbutton on=click version=2] (addClass (+ "hidetab" currentnav) (+ currentnav "tabcontents")) (removeClass (+ "reveal" currentnav "nav") "diacontainer") (removeClass (+ currentnav "nav") "diacontainer") (addClass "disabler" "imagecontainer") (addClass "whitebtn" (+ currentnav "navbtn")) (addClass "revealinfo" (+ currentnav "infoarea")) (removeClass "darkbtn" (+ currentbtn "btn")) (= currentbtn (trim (getText))) (addClass "expand" "expander") (removeClass "whitebtn" (+ currentbtn "btn")) (addClass "darkbtn" (+ currentbtn "btn")) (removeClass (+ "hidetab" currentnav) (+ currentbtn "cont")) (if (== currentnav "player") (group (addClass "playerreveal" "left") (addClass "ighide" "right") (addClass "imghide" "ig") (addClass "hidetabholder" "igtabholder") (removeClass "hidetabholder" "playertabholder") )) (if (== currentnav "ig") (group (addClass "playerhide" "left") (addClass "igreveal" "right") (addClass "imghide" "player") (addClass "hidetabholder" "playertabholder") (removeClass "hidetabholder" "igtabholder") )) (if (or (== currentbtn "homeig") (== currentbtn "homeplayer")) (group (removeClass (+ "imgflex" currentnav "nav") "imagesflexbox") (removeClass "expand" "expander") (removeClass "disabler" "imagecontainer") (removeClass "enabler" (+ currentnav "nav")) (removeClass "playerreveal" "left") (removeClass "ighide" "right") (removeClass "playerhide" "left") (removeClass "igreveal" "right") (removeClass "imghide" "ig") (removeClass "imghide" "player") (removeClass "whitebtn" (+ currentnav "navbtn")) (removeClass "darkbtn" (+ currentbtn "btn")) (removeClass "revealinfo" (+ currentnav "infoarea")) (addClass "hidetabholder" "tabcontentholder") )) [/script] [script class=teamanswer version=2] (= team (lower (trim (getText)))) (if (== team "zer0") (= team "zero")) (addClass team "ratio") [/script] [/export] [class name=images] --playerimg: url('https://i.imgur.com/Q2heE9e.jpg'); --ingameimg: url('https://i.imgur.com/vepXSVY.jpg'); [/class] [div class="ratio images"] [div class="root"] [div class="diacontainer"] [div class="diagonal left"]sss[/div] [div class="diagonal right"]sss[/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontentholder playertabholder hidetabholder"] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents personalitycont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock mobileinfo"] [div class="contenttitle"]basics[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea"] [div class="contentinfo"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]full name[/div] full name here [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]gender[/div] gender here [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]age[/div] age (#) [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]personality[/div] This is where you talk about your character's personality and all that shit. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]strengths[/div] strengths as a person, not as a player. this can be skills, aspects of their personality, whatever [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]weaknesses[/div] weaknesses as a person, not as a player. this can be skills, aspects of their personality, whatever [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]preferences[/div] you can make separate preference contents my copypasting the contentblock class for likes/dislikes. or just combine them here [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents historycont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]personal history[/div] what happened to them in their personal life? bad break ups??? idk man. you can mention shit that went on in their player history and how it impacted them, but the focus is definitely their personal life. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]endgame history[/div] their rise to fame, have they ever switched teams, that kind of thing here. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents misccont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]misc #1[/div] honest this is whatever you feel like putting [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontentholder igtabholder hidetabholder"] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents stylecont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock mobileinfo"] [div class="contenttitle"]basics[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea"] [div class="contentinfo"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]player tag[/div] player tag here [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]team[/div] team here [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]seasons[/div] number of seasons played (#) [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]playstyle[/div] how do they play? do they prefer to go in, act as decoy, set up traps? go crazy. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]strengths[/div] strengths as a player, not as a person. this can be physical abilities, inter and intra personal skills, whatever. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]weaknesses[/div] weaknesses as a player, not as a person. this can be physical abilities, inter and intra personal skills, whatever. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents loadoutcont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]loadout #01[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]bodysuit[/div] type c [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]ar helmet[/div] equip 1
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]ar helmet[/div] equip 2 [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 1[/div] equip [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 2[/div] equip [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot[/div] equip [/div] [/div] feel free to add more via copy pasting this contentblock [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]loadout #02[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]bodysuit[/div] type c [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]ar helmet[/div] equip 1
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]ar helmet[/div] equip 2 [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 1[/div] equip [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 2[/div] equip [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot[/div] equip [/div] [/div] feel free to add more via copy pasting this contentblock [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents eventscont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]event name[/div] [div class="infoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]participants[/div] name1, name2, season 2 louder, etc [/div] [/div] notable events between player characters that have occured for plotting purposes. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]event name[/div] [div class="infoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]participants[/div] name1, name2, season 2 louder, etc [/div] [/div] notable events between player characters that have occured for plotting purposes. [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="imagesflexbox"] [div class="imagecontainer player"] [div class="invi"]playerNAV[/div] [div class="imgbox"] [div class="filter playerimg"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="stripes"]stripes[/div] [div class="darken"]darken[/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [/div] [div class="divider"]divider[/div] [div class="infoarea playerinfoarea"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]full name[/div] full name here [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]gender[/div] gender here [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]age[/div] age here (#) [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="expander"]kqjhekhe[/div] [div class="imagecontainer ig"] [div class="invi"]igNAV[/div] [div class="imgbox"] [div class="filter igimg"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="stripes"]stripes[/div] [div class="darken"]darken[/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [/div] [div class="divider"]divider[/div] [div class="infoarea iginfoarea"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]player tag[/div] player tag here [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]team[/div] [div class="teamanswer"]zer0[/div] [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]seasons[/div] number of seasons played (#) [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="nav playernav"] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn homeplayerbtn"] [div class="navtitle homeplayertitle"]home[div class="invi"]player[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn personalitybtn"] [div class="navtitle personalitytitle"]personality[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn historybtn"] [div class="navtitle historytitle"]history[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn miscbtn"] [div class="navtitle misctitle"]misc[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="nav ignav"] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn homeigbtn"] [div class="navtitle homeigtitle"]home[div class="invi"]ig[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn stylebtn"] [div class="navtitle styletitle"]style[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn loadoutbtn"] [div class="navtitle loadouttitle"]loadout[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn eventsbtn"] [div class="navtitle eventstitle"]events[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
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[import]9080800[/import] [class name=images] --playerimg: url('https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/powerlisting/images/f/f4/Headphones%2C_long_hair%2C_red_eyes%2C_bandaids%2C_white_hair%2C_anime_girls%2C_original_characters%2C_shattered_glass.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150111175416'); --ingameimg: url('http://fs1.directupload.net/images/180731/h4axz4fd.jpg'); [/class] [div class="ratio images"] [div class="root"] [div class="diacontainer"] [div class="diagonal left"]sss[/div] [div class="diagonal right"]sss[/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontentholder playertabholder hidetabholder"] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents personalitycont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock mobileinfo"] [div class="contenttitle"]basics[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea"] [div class="contentinfo"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]full name[/div] Elena Maria Tzaikow [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]gender[/div] Female [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]age[/div] 19 [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]personality[/div] Elena is a very dedicated person. She selects a target and she reaches it. She has learned that if you want something done, you have to do it yourself. And she lives after that. That means she is sometimes very hard to deal with. She does not take no for an answer and is quite stubborn, which makes it almost impossible to argue with her. However, outside of moments where you disagree with her, she is a very kind person. She wont go out of her way to help people (And if she does, you mean the world to her), but she isnt an asshole that does not care for others. If it does not interfere with her main objective, she does not mind helping. And if she doesnt have a big goal to achieve at a moment, she enjoys hanging out with people. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]strengths[/div] Her main strength is her dedication. She will achieve a goal she set for herself by any means necessary. She can therefore focus very well and is almost immune to distraction. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]weaknesses[/div] Her great perk of dedication comes with a drawback. Stubborness. Her views and opinions are near impossible to change. That makes her unable to think outside of the box. She is the one to keep running against the wall until one of the two collapses. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]preferences[/div] There is nothing that Elena likes more than victory. For that, she hates defeat. Those are the two key things. Other than that, she enjoys anything competetive. From games to simple little wastes of time like arm wrestling. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents historycont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]personal history[/div] Elena had a rather eventless childhood. She was the older of two kids, her sister Katherina being the younger one. That meant she was the main focus of her fathers attention. She replaced a son, which means she got raised to fit the role of a "heir". She was raised strong, without compromise and taught to work for what she wanted, to never accept defeat. The two of them have noticed the game Endgame when they grew 16. The moment Elena was old enough to play, she did exactly that. Play Endgame. It was fun and a great way for her to release her competetive nature. She even got to the point where she could play it for a profession. Even if it was not a profession her father really deemed suitable. It was a big discussion, but the man noticed that he had raised her well. She did not ask for permission. The discussion was over before it had begun. No was not an option for the young woman. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]endgame history[/div] Whe joining, obviously Elena played at a very low level. But her dedication to achieve victory each and every game worked. She was a steady force, pushing forward. Most enemies on lower levels could not handle the combination of high armor and damage used in such an aggressive way. They were used to such players being a lot more defensive. Combined with the great aim that Elena had developed, she won rounds alone. She kept rising through the ranks. Soon enough, the russian player was globally known. It didnt take long and she made her way into the pro scene, being part of Antiheroes. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents misccont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]misc #1[/div] / [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontentholder igtabholder hidetabholder"] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents stylecont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock mobileinfo"] [div class="contenttitle"]basics[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea"] [div class="contentinfo"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]player tag[/div] Lemons [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]team[/div] Antiheroes [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]seasons[/div] 5 [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]playstyle[/div] Lemons has a very aggressive playstyle. She relies on strong armor and weapons. She does not want to surprise the enemy. She relies on her aim and intends to simply take you down before you can do so to her. Her playstyle is pushing in and simply hitting harder, while also taking hits better than the enemies she encounters. That way she can be both, a very strong solo player, but also a great distraction. Her approaches are never silent and can draw quite a bit of attention. And if one does only take it for a distraction, not reacting, that will be the last mistake they made. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]strengths[/div] Lemons has incredibly great aim. She is quick on her reactions and gets the headshots quickly if an enemy pops up in sight. She is quite beefy too, making her able to take quite a few heads on firefights before going down. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]weaknesses[/div] Lemons is not very quick. She cannot outrun an enemy and those that go for quick rotations can surely, if they do it clever, flank and gank Elena. Further, she always calculates for losing health. So you can expect that at some point, she WILL fall, unless all enemies die before being able to hit her. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents loadoutcont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]loadout #01[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]bodysuit[/div] type c [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]ar helmet[/div] Infrared
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]ar helmet[/div] Autowarning when enemy aims weapon at you [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 1[/div] M762 Assault Rifle. (Lower firerate with higher damage, perfect for somebody like Elena) [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 2[/div] Desert Eagle .50 [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot[/div] Full belt of Flash Grenades (taking up both tool slot. A lot of flashes) [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]loadout #02[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]bodysuit[/div] type c [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]ar helmet[/div] Automarking last known position of one enemy
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]ar helmet[/div] Cannot have communications cut off [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 1[/div] UKM-2013 (LMG) [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 2[/div] FN Five Seven MK2 [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot[/div] Placable Barricade Radio jammer [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents eventscont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]event name[/div] [div class="infoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]participants[/div] name1, name2, season 2 louder, etc [/div] [/div] notable events between player characters that have occured for plotting purposes. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]event name[/div] [div class="infoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]participants[/div] name1, name2, season 2 louder, etc [/div] [/div] notable events between player characters that have occured for plotting purposes. [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="imagesflexbox"] [div class="imagecontainer player"] [div class="invi"]playerNAV[/div] [div class="imgbox"] [div class="filter playerimg"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="stripes"]stripes[/div] [div class="darken"]darken[/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [/div] [div class="divider"]divider[/div] [div class="infoarea playerinfoarea"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]full name[/div] Elena Maria Tzaikow [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]gender[/div] Female [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]age[/div] 19 [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="expander"]kqjhekhe[/div] [div class="imagecontainer ig"] [div class="invi"]igNAV[/div] [div class="imgbox"] [div class="filter igimg"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="stripes"]stripes[/div] [div class="darken"]darken[/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [/div] [div class="divider"]divider[/div] [div class="infoarea iginfoarea"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]player tag[/div] Lemons [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]team[/div] [div class="teamanswer"]AntiHeroes[/div] [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]seasons[/div] 5 [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="nav playernav"] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn homeplayerbtn"] [div class="navtitle homeplayertitle"]home[div class="invi"]player[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn personalitybtn"] [div class="navtitle personalitytitle"]personality[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn historybtn"] [div class="navtitle historytitle"]history[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn miscbtn"] [div class="navtitle misctitle"]misc[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="nav ignav"] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn homeigbtn"] [div class="navtitle homeigtitle"]home[div class="invi"]ig[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn stylebtn"] [div class="navtitle styletitle"]style[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn loadoutbtn"] [div class="navtitle loadouttitle"]loadout[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn eventsbtn"] [div class="navtitle eventstitle"]events[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
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[import]9080800[/import] [class name=images] --playerimg: url('https://i.imgur.com/333ViSQ.png'); --ingameimg: url('https://i.imgur.com/axJwcKM.jpg'); [/class] [div class="ratio images"] [div class="root"] [div class="diacontainer"] [div class="diagonal left"]sss[/div] [div class="diagonal right"]sss[/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontentholder playertabholder hidetabholder"] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents personalitycont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock mobileinfo"] [div class="contenttitle"]basics[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea"] [div class="contentinfo"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]full name[/div] sử chi (summer) [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]gender[/div] female [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]age[/div] twenty-two (22) [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]personality[/div] A jack-of-all-trades throughout her life, Summer have learned to cope with many persons of interests and is quick to pick up on what needs to be done. With that said, Summer is complacent in her words and keeps a leveled head in assessing the situation. She is not afraid to speak her concerns and is confident in her posture to make a stand for herself, as well as being adaptive to most situations should it requires her attention. Although shy of deciding for herself, she is usually decisive in her choices to minimize the chances of worst-case scenarios. Summer dislikes internal disagreements and enjoys the things given to its fullest, no matter how transient it may be. Like all things considered before a course is given, Summer tends to be in deep thoughts frequently. She is polite to others and believe that whatever is given will be returned. Her main philosophy is to commit to the cause, no matter how bleak it may seem - knowing that by tending to a dying flower properly, she is able to make it bloom beautifully one last time before dying. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]strengths[/div] Summer's strength lies within her ability to adapt with most situations having been raised in a struggling nation. A sense of patriotism drives and forms her servitude mindset to any cause of which she had committed herself to. As an ardent fan of ENDGAME since her participation, Summer is keen on studying teamplays and opposing team's tactics. As a person of perpetual progressiveness, she is quick to pick up on her own flaws and learns to better herself for the future. She is dependable and flexible when it comes to compromising - a tolerant person at heart, whose only discrimination lies within the heart of concerns for her acquaintances and friends. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]weaknesses[/div] Her time within a centralized command structure have left her with a certain sense of servant-like outlook. She usually goes with the flow, without needs for extensive planning, aside from the immediate task at hand. Being a tolerant person have its perks and cons - one of which is that Summer tends to be lax with others, giving them an impression of her being a pushover. As a gray man, she is usually dismissed from the foremost concerns, if not her presence altogether. Summer has little charisma and persuasion to go by and is objective-minded, making her a dependent creature of habits and familiarity than an independent individual. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]preferences[/div] Summer likes ENDGAME for its objective-driven community, whose goals align no matter their differences. She dwells in the betterment of her gameplay and the friendly community where everyone is communally dedicated, all for some "fun'. Summer loves being able to be a part of a team - to belong, and respects many within LOUDER, even the rivaling teams. Her only discontent is not being able to drink while her team is training for an upcoming season. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents historycont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]personal history[/div] Summer is an average student throughout her life, fading in and out of the background of the classrooms and her family. Growing up in a poor family fails to deliver her anything eventful or notable of words, aside from her personal struggle to get a part-time job since the tender age of twelve. Taking up several different jobs, she is tolerant of those around her, and learn to bypass their flaws and look only to aid the more vibrant part of their struggles. She eventually dropped out of college, when her parents passed in a motor accident and enlisted in the army to find a purpose in life. The harsh realities of making pass boot camp was somewhat endearing to Summer, as she went through the same struggles that everyone within her unit did. It was here, that she developed her sense of teamwork and physical aptitude for her future as an ENDGAME enthusiast. When her contract was up, she was discharged from the army and came to pick up on the gaming community's trend. Sickened by the realities of returning to her previous struggles as a civilian with no one to stand beside, she drowned herself in ENDGAME and alcohol, hoping to find something or someone to give her a purpose - like a sergeant ordering her to stack the sandbags. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]endgame history[/div] Even when Summer made it into LOUDER's candidate-screening process, she was still very mediocre at the game, with only a notable trait of promoting other's spotlights by her active playstyles of supporting the team. She didn't care much for attention and only wanted to discover more about the game's community. Little did she knew, that she would eventually be mentioned in several medias regarding her support role and sole-focus on teamplay. Her phenomenal skills with assault rifles in several gameplay streams are eventually picked up on by many audiences, including her own teammates. Summer was then given a contract by LOUDER, after a few months of being screened for her abilities, when she had grown more fluid with the other members, something of which she cherished humbly. Despite being offered several sponsorship from many different teams, including the prominent three that rivaled LOUDER, Summer remained faithful to the latter for only one reason - fun. Summer looks only to advance her newfound purpose with little needs for extravagances offered. She is content with what she is given and asks no more than such, accompanied by a certain sense of pride of "not abandoning the ship" that she had set out with. The young girl would then go on to play ENDGAME with LOUDER, doing her best in aiding their climb of the global ranks. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents misccont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]misc #1[/div] Summer is a gun nut and has a collection of firearms keychains, each for every main weapon that she used each season. As a recently-famed professional player in LOUDER, Summer have been participating in conventions as a cosplayer for fun, while improving public relations for LOUDER.

Seasonal Player Intro/Outro:
(play this as you read! :3)​

[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontentholder igtabholder hidetabholder"] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents stylecont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock mobileinfo"] [div class="contenttitle"]basics[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea"] [div class="contentinfo"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]player tag[/div] five_niner [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]team[/div] louder [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]seasons[/div] five seasons (5) [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]playstyle[/div] Five_Niner is a team-oriented player and relies on her weapons/tools to accomplish a mission. She prioritizes the team's purpose, and will only kill if it facilitates her goals. Five uses only one primary weapon, trading her defensive posture in close-quarter engagements for unrivaled precision and extensive deployment of auxiliary equipment. As seen in many of her gameplay streams, Five employs multiple lines of defenses, luring attacking forces into heavier defenses - retreating and counterattacking. Her main playstyle relies on movement and concealment, as well as extensive uses of terrains for natural and/or oblique covers. Five engages in abrupt actions, and is constantly on the move, reducing her static signatures and vulnerability to a pincer attack. As a trained soldier in real life, Five draws her superb handling of assault rifles from her experiences and tend to keep hostiles at range, delaying their movements with overwhelming suppressive fire and usually obtaining fire superiority. She is usually seen wearing different bodysuits for different occasions - a varied specialist that picks out the optimal equipment to support her team or fill in needed roles. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]strengths[/div] Five's in-game strengths are evident in itself with almost non-existent recoils when she picks up an assault rifle, making her quite deadly at medium to long range combat - furthered by her trigger-disciplines on short-bursts and semi-automatic shots. Her tactical reflexes and natural team communications enhances the fluid movements of her team, as well as promoting peripheral awareness, no matter the threat. She is a dependable player whose dedication never fails to advance LOUDER's movement and combat efficiencies. Five never sticks with one type of gear or position, in an effort to mask her unique build of a pure rifleman, while keeping her far from OPFORs with Automarking/Infrared systems. In addition, her real life physical conditioning is transferred into the game with notable performances in the field for prolonged battles. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]weaknesses[/div] As her equipment varies in different matches, Five has a few notable weaknesses that few, if not many keen players could pick up on. Also, because of her erratic loadouts, it is periodically difficult to coordinate with her movements should communications be cut short. She is reliant on teamplay and sees little reasons to wander away from the objective. Five is generally not an attacker and that correlates with her non-aggressive playstyle - reducing the effectiveness of her initiative and marginal chances to change the course of battle. As such she is not a solo player by nature and would be seen accompanying one or more teammate(s). As Five carries no secondaries, one would occasionally outperforms her at close-quarter, if not most of the time if she is caught by surprise. Five only reserves her full potential as an assault rifle specialist in desperate situations, a double-edged strategy that could determine the outcome of a skirmish should she fails or succeeds. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents loadoutcont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]loadout #01: "five creeds"[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]bodysuit[/div] type a [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]ar helmet[/div] jam-proof
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]ar helmet[/div] infrared [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 1[/div] steyr aug - "operation dragons teeth" event Type-95 skin [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 2[/div] decoy: 1x nightingale decoy (visual player-image) [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot[/div] grenade belt: 3x smoke / 2x frag
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]tool slot[/div] mines: 2x anti-personnel mines
[/div] [/div] Customized Description: ENDGAME build / skeet n yeet
ヽ(・∀・)ノ [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]loadout #02: "nine banger"[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]bodysuit[/div] type c [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]ar helmet[/div] jam-proof
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]ar helmet[/div] automark [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 1[/div] fn scar-l - season 7 "Weltkrieg" StG-44 skin [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 2[/div] drone: 1x automated ground sentry (callsign: roomba) [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot[/div] mines: 5x anti-personnel mines
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]tool slot[/div] traps: 3x flashbang / 1x incendiary / 1x trip-flare
[/div] [/div] Customized Description: FLAGSHIP build / lure dem in n skeet!
(⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃ [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]loadout #03: "four runner"[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]bodysuit[/div] type b [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]ar helmet[/div] binoculars
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]ar helmet[/div] bodysuit identifier [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 1[/div] m4a1 - season 9 "Peacekeeper" lvoa-c skin [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 2[/div] shield: 1x ballistic shield [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot[/div] grenade belt: 2x smoke / 2x flashbang / 1x frag [/div] [/div] Customized Description: BATTLE ROYALE build / annihilate n evacuate
==(っ≧ω≦)っ [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents eventscont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]event name (open for update with other players)[/div] [div class="infoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]participants[/div] name1, name2, season 2 louder, etc [/div] [/div] notable events between player characters that have occured for plotting purposes. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]event name (open for update with other players)[/div] [div class="infoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]participants[/div] name1, name2, season 2 louder, etc [/div] [/div] notable events between player characters that have occured for plotting purposes. [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="imagesflexbox"] [div class="imagecontainer player"] [div class="invi"]playerNAV[/div] [div class="imgbox"] [div class="filter playerimg"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="stripes"]stripes[/div] [div class="darken"]darken[/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [/div] [div class="divider"]divider[/div] [div class="infoarea playerinfoarea"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]full name[/div] sử chi (summer) [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]gender[/div] female [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]age[/div] twenty-two (22) [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="expander"]kqjhekhe[/div] [div class="imagecontainer ig"] [div class="invi"]igNAV[/div] [div class="imgbox"] [div class="filter igimg"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="stripes"]stripes[/div] [div class="darken"]darken[/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [/div] [div class="divider"]divider[/div] [div class="infoarea iginfoarea"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]player tag[/div] five_niner [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]team[/div] [div class="teamanswer"]louder[/div] [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]seasons[/div] five seasons (5) [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="nav playernav"] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn homeplayerbtn"] [div class="navtitle homeplayertitle"]home[div class="invi"]player[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn personalitybtn"] [div class="navtitle personalitytitle"]personality[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn historybtn"] [div class="navtitle historytitle"]history[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn miscbtn"] [div class="navtitle misctitle"]misc[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="nav ignav"] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn homeigbtn"] [div class="navtitle homeigtitle"]home[div class="invi"]ig[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn stylebtn"] [div class="navtitle styletitle"]style[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn loadoutbtn"] [div class="navtitle loadouttitle"]loadout[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn eventsbtn"] [div class="navtitle eventstitle"]events[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
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[import]9080800[/import] [class name=images] --playerimg: url('https://www.rpnation.com/media/irlalt-jpg.37308/full'); --ingameimg: url('https://www.rpnation.com/media/igalt-jpg.37307/full'); [/class] [div class="ratio images"] [div class="root"] [div class="diacontainer"] [div class="diagonal left"]sss[/div] [div class="diagonal right"]sss[/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontentholder playertabholder hidetabholder"] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents personalitycont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock mobileinfo"] [div class="contenttitle"]basics[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea"] [div class="contentinfo"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]full name[/div] Angela Fay [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]gender[/div] Female [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]age[/div] 22 [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]personality[/div] Angela "Azura" Fay has a happy-go-lucky personality, mainly in it for the fun. She is very physically active, often found parkouring. She has a laid back air to her, always grinning a chill smile. Despite her easygoing attitude, her fashion style is... well... she wears a lot of chains and belts with blue accents. She loves to run around, listenning to music wherever she goes. Often acting at the mediator, Angela steps into arguments and defuses a lot of them with big smile. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]strengths[/div] Always cheerful and easygoing, she can make even strangers feel welcomed and happy. Likewise, she takes everything in stride, never taking anything too personal. She's extremely fit and agile, with a wonderful sense of spatial awareness, fine tuned from her parkouring. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]weaknesses[/div] Because of her happy-go-lucky attitude, she sometimes takes risks and doesn't think things through. If anything, she's only reliant on her gut, and her gut says fun = good. Her unpredictability is a source of headaches for her manager. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]preferences[/div] Angela LOVES FUN, whether it be in games, sports, general activities, anything really. Still though, Parkour and ENDGAME are her main sources of fun. She also loves good food, and has been binging on a lot of gourmet sweets ever since her sponsorship money has started flowing in. But she hates To N Fro's fries with a passion. Never give her one. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents historycont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]personal history[/div] Angela Fay is a local girl who's lived in Avenal her whole life. She had a fairly normal upbringing, living with a loving mother and father, and a younger brother. From an early age, she was physically active. She was always on a school sport teams, especially in acrobatics. Despite living and growing up in Avenal, she didn't see much interest in ENDGAME (most likely due to her parent's apprehension towards the game). Some way or another, she got into parkour and free running when she was in her early teens, using the many structures of Avenal as her playground. She became a well respected Tracer among the local parkouring community, earning the nickname Azura for her oftentimes blue clothing.

Angela got into ENDGAME when she was 16. At the time, due to how prevalent ENDGAME is inside the city, arenas faced heavy competition serving the same customer base. So the less well known and unpopular arenas were more than happy to open their courses to the parkouring community, who are always on the lookout for new spaces to run through. During one of her usual runs, the arena she frequented was occupied by a game. The teams that were playing were in a dispute about the team sizes and decided to just pick up random people off the street, assuming that they'd be good at ENDGAME, living in Avenal after all. And so, Angela joined as a random. It was clear she wasn't very good at the gun, but her parkour skills made her a great scout for the team. Over the course of the match, she got more and more excited, being able to put her parkour skills inside an adrenaline-pumping match. Eventually, she started participating in more ENDGAME matches at her arenas. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]endgame history[/div] Angela entered the professional space when she was scouted out by the Antiheroes group for her unique style. But even before that, she was already gaining a small online following from clips of her parkour within matches (taken without her permission of course). Now, she was in a team, and quickly climbing up the ranks through premier and into pro league. Very quickly, she was forming her fanbase under the name "Azura," the parkouring, grenade throwing, happy-go-lucky girl of ENDGAME.

After 3 years with Antiheroes, Angela was invited to join LOUDER due to her hit and run esque playstyle. However, after a few training sessions with them, she realized that she wouldn't be able mix well into their team philosophy and cooperative play. Even within Antiheroes, she was starting to see the strain of it all. For the most part, the companionship of it the team was great, but she wanted to find higher level matches, thinking it'd be more fun.

As such, Angela ended up joining Galahad, the new team that just showed up. While this made her a traitor to the rest of LOUDER, she didn't mind it too much. She was given a lot more freedom in Galahad and gained a lot more popularity with expanded advertising. Of course her Chunmi blew up when her switch was announced, but her fans follow her to the end. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents misccont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]misc #1[/div] Has a lot of sponsorships with Galahad affiliated companies due to her flamboyant playstyle. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]misc #2[/div] Still maintains a strong presence within the local parkour community. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]misc #3[/div] Quite possibly the easiest for the public to meet among Team Galahad's players. [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontentholder igtabholder hidetabholder"] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents stylecont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock mobileinfo"] [div class="contenttitle"]basics[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea"] [div class="contentinfo"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]player tag[/div] Azura [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]team[/div] Galahad [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]seasons[/div] 5 [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]playstyle[/div] Angela "Azura" Fay is heavily reliant on grenades. She loves a run and gun playstyle, but to make it more interesting for herself, she carries a lot of grenades of many kinds. Because of her history of parkour, she favors hit and run tactics, often utilizing the environment to make plays. While she could be said to be Team Louder's strategy in one person, she gets so much fun out of it that she has little to no stealth, often becoming a distraction with her grenades and parkour. Because of this, she ends up working alone from the rest of her team. Of course, she likes to change up her strategy, always seeking something fun, but the majority of her matches involved grenades and adrenaline pumping runs. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]strengths[/div] Agile, fit, and capable, Azura utilizes her parkour skills to their fullest, making plays that border the insane. She shines the best when she's making use of the environment, tossing grenades off walls, weaving through arena props and obstacles, and just wearing a smile on her face. She can do cooperative work, but she works best for the team when she can move freely. Quite possibly, her greatest aspect is that she'll almost never rage, only go mad with a golden smile. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]weaknesses[/div] Due to her chaotic playstyle, she exposes herself to many risks and sometimes forgets how her plays will affect her teammates. Most cases its fine as the members of Galahad are expected to take solo actions, but a slow down of communication and her constantly changing strategy hasn't been a boon for the team. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents loadoutcont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]loadout #01[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]bodysuit[/div] type b [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]ar helmet[/div] auto-warning
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]ar helmet[/div] automark [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 1[/div] 2 grenade belts [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 2[/div] Desert Eagle [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot[/div] 1 Grenade Belt [/div] [/div] Run and Gun tactics utilizing a lot of grenades. Parkour in and Parkour out of enemy fire. Extremely flashy. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]loadout #02[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]bodysuit[/div] type c [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]ar helmet[/div] infrared
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]ar helmet[/div] automark [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 1[/div] FN P90
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]weapon slot 1[/div] or 2 grenade belts [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 2[/div] FN Five Seven
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]weapon slot 1[/div] or 1 grenade belts [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot[/div] Traps
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]tool slot[/div] drone [/div] [/div] Guerilla Warfare with a lot more explosions. Affectionately known as "Louder in a box." Designed for setting up traps. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents eventscont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]Azura's Betrayal[/div] [div class="infoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]participants[/div] Azura, Season 8 LOUDER [/div] [/div] Due to her playstyle, many believed that Angela would eventually join LOUDER. When the time came, Chunmi was abuzz with the news. However after a few play sessions, Angela found the team too restrictive for what she likes. A combination of the obsessive counter plays, teamwork-centric strategies, and over reliance on knowing the game caused some discomfort for her. While her playstyle is similar, her mentality clearly wasn't. She was here to have fun, utilizing all-or-nothing strategies. As such, she declined their invitation and joined Galahad instead.

At the time, both LOUDER and Galahad had sent her offers, one for her playstyle, the other for her popularity. However, many in LOUDER and LOUDER fans took great offense to her actions. Chunmi exploded with claims of her joining the team only to steal their tactics, selling out for the money, or even just to snub LOUDER. As such, she became one of the most hated from LOUDER. Of course Angela herself had no ill will, and isn't too bothered by the drama that it has caused, too carefree to really notice. [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="imagesflexbox"] [div class="imagecontainer player"] [div class="invi"]playerNAV[/div] [div class="imgbox"] [div class="filter playerimg"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="stripes"]stripes[/div] [div class="darken" style="opacity: 0;"]darken[/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [/div] [div class="divider"]divider[/div] [div class="infoarea playerinfoarea"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]full name[/div] Angela Fay [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]gender[/div] Female [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]age[/div] 22 [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="expander"]kqjhekhe[/div] [div class="imagecontainer ig"] [div class="invi"]igNAV[/div] [div class="imgbox"] [div class="filter igimg" style="filter: saturate(80%);"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="stripes"]stripes[/div] [div class="darken" style="opacity: 0;"]darken[/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [/div] [div class="divider"]divider[/div] [div class="infoarea iginfoarea"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]player tag[/div] Azura [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]team[/div] [div class="teamanswer"]galahad[/div] [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]seasons[/div] 5 [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="nav playernav"] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn homeplayerbtn"] [div class="navtitle homeplayertitle"]home[div class="invi"]player[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn personalitybtn"] [div class="navtitle personalitytitle"]personality[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn historybtn"] [div class="navtitle historytitle"]history[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn miscbtn"] [div class="navtitle misctitle"]misc[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="nav ignav"] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn homeigbtn"] [div class="navtitle homeigtitle"]home[div class="invi"]ig[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn stylebtn"] [div class="navtitle styletitle"]style[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn loadoutbtn"] [div class="navtitle loadouttitle"]loadout[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn eventsbtn"] [div class="navtitle eventstitle"]events[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
[import]9080800[/import] [class name=images] --playerimg: url('https://i.imgur.com/Vu9GJLP.png'); --ingameimg: url('https://i.imgur.com/Vu9GJLP.png'); [/class] [div class="ratio images"] [div class="root"] [div class="diacontainer"] [div class="diagonal left"]sss[/div] [div class="diagonal right"]sss[/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontentholder playertabholder hidetabholder"] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents personalitycont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock mobileinfo"] [div class="contenttitle"]basics[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea"] [div class="contentinfo"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]full name[/div] Thomas Saint-Claire [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]gender[/div] Male [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]age[/div] Twenty-Eight (28) [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]personality[/div] Thomas' persona began to change into a father-like personality as he took after his younger siblings, since the passing of his mother. He's typically silent due to his minimal socialization since his childhood, but is very caring and trusting towards his friends. He has a unique aura/charisma that allows anyone to really approach without a worry. He is extremely chill to a certain extent, allowing insults and condescending attitudes to fly over his head for the most part. In most typical day to day conversations, Thomas is very polite as well as understanding. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]strengths[/div] Thomas is very devoted and ambitious towards his goals not matter the obstacles he may face throughout the journey. He's tenacious and will see to get whatever needs to be done. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]weaknesses[/div] Lack of social interactions since childhood has lead to poor social skills with anxiety. Thomas is also very carefree which comes from his attitude of not caring for anyone not related and or friends with him. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]preferences[/div] you can make separate preference contents my copypasting the contentblock class for likes/dislikes. or just combine them here [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents historycont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]personal history[/div] The passing of his mother at a young, pre-teen age has emotionally and mentally broken Thomas but has since grown to be cold towards most strangers with the combination of that and his social anxiety has lead to a very small friendship circle. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]endgame history[/div] Before being picked by Zero, Thomas displayed tremendous skill in solo queue with his LMG support type of game play. Especially during the early phase of the game when there was no real meta quite set up. Many players would run and gun it, most players not adapting and or supporting their team mates. Because of his support play style and skill with his LMG he was picked up by Zero before it made it into the Pro League. His military training and cohesion fit perfectly with the team's play style and supported the team through the minor leagues into the Pro League. His above average, continuous performance has lead to Zero's top performance in the Pro League but due to a contract dispute Thomas joined the newly formed Galahad. The first three seasons as a newly formed team was rocky but the team made up of pro players continued their steadfast approach allowing them to maintain their position in the Pro League. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents misccont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]misc #1[/div] honest this is whatever you feel like putting [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontentholder igtabholder hidetabholder"] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents stylecont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock mobileinfo"] [div class="contenttitle"]basics[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea"] [div class="contentinfo"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]player tag[/div] Brigand [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]team[/div] Galahad [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]seasons[/div] Eight (8) [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]playstyle[/div] As a support player in a team of non-existent team work, Thomas adapts towards whatever teammates' actions and supports them through the fight. Utilizing his binoculars he is able to physically spot both enemies and teammates, keeping an eye on a majority of players. His main load out of the Bodysuit Type-B allows him to traverse and respond to any conflicts on the map in support of his team with his LMG in open maps and an AR in more closed areas. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]strengths[/div] With his military training and experience, Thomas is physically competent allowing him to carry his load out without a problem. His marksmanship with the AR is above average and is normal for a professional player, however his LMG's marksmanship is top notch and is his specialty. His stamina and speed is also kept into top condition allowing him to traverse the map at ease, and if the need arises he is able to make confident call outs for the teammate he is supporting. His environmental awareness allows him to keep a keen eye on the situations at all times. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]weaknesses[/div] His lack of skill in other weapons limits his load outs weapon wise. His play style heavily relies on his teammates' performance which eliminates his solo presence. His tall appearance could also affect his ability to blend in to his surroundings other then his fashion in-game. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents loadoutcont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]loadout #01[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]bodysuit[/div] Type B [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]ar helmet[/div] Binoculars
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]ar helmet[/div] Jam-Proof [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 1[/div] HK MG4 [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 2[/div] Colt .45 [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot[/div] Radio Jammer [/div] [/div] feel free to add more via copy pasting this contentblock [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]loadout #02[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]bodysuit[/div] Type B [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]ar helmet[/div] Binoculars
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]ar helmet[/div] Jam-Proof [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 1[/div] AK-47 [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 2[/div] Colt .45 [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot[/div] Radio Jammer [/div] [/div] feel free to add more via copy pasting this contentblock [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents eventscont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]event name[/div] [div class="infoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]participants[/div] name1, name2, season 2 louder, etc [/div] [/div] notable events between player characters that have occured for plotting purposes. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]event name[/div] [div class="infoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]participants[/div] name1, name2, season 2 louder, etc [/div] [/div] notable events between player characters that have occured for plotting purposes. [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="imagesflexbox"] [div class="imagecontainer player"] [div class="invi"]playerNAV[/div] [div class="imgbox"] [div class="filter playerimg"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="stripes"]stripes[/div] [div class="darken"]darken[/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [/div] [div class="divider"]divider[/div] [div class="infoarea playerinfoarea"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]full name[/div] Thomas Saint-Claire [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]gender[/div] Male [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]age[/div] 28 (28) [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="expander"]kqjhekhe[/div] [div class="imagecontainer ig"] [div class="invi"]igNAV[/div] [div class="imgbox"] [div class="filter igimg"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="stripes"]stripes[/div] [div class="darken"]darken[/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [/div] [div class="divider"]divider[/div] [div class="infoarea iginfoarea"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]player tag[/div] Brigand [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]team[/div] [div class="teamanswer"]Galahad[/div] [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]seasons[/div] Eight (8) [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="nav playernav"] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn homeplayerbtn"] [div class="navtitle homeplayertitle"]home[div class="invi"]player[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn personalitybtn"] [div class="navtitle personalitytitle"]personality[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn historybtn"] [div class="navtitle historytitle"]history[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn miscbtn"] [div class="navtitle misctitle"]misc[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="nav ignav"] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn homeigbtn"] [div class="navtitle homeigtitle"]home[div class="invi"]ig[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn stylebtn"] [div class="navtitle styletitle"]style[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn loadoutbtn"] [div class="navtitle loadouttitle"]loadout[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn eventsbtn"] [div class="navtitle eventstitle"]events[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
[import]9080800[/import] [class name=images] --playerimg: url('https://i.imgur.com/leXjI10.jpg'); --ingameimg: url('https://i.imgur.com/lrF8rOo.jpg'); [/class] [div class="ratio images"] [div class="root"] [div class="diacontainer"] [div class="diagonal left"]sss[/div] [div class="diagonal right"]sss[/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontentholder playertabholder hidetabholder"] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents personalitycont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock mobileinfo"] [div class="contenttitle"]basics[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea"] [div class="contentinfo"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]full name[/div] alissa garfield [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]gender[/div] cisfemale [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]age[/div] twenty-four (24) [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]personality[/div] Alissa comes off as a brash individual whose main philosophy in life seems to be "if it's ugly, it deserves to die." This applies to objects and people, most unfortunately. She's not one to sugarcoat things and has been the source of more than one conflict in LOUDER's team house. While harsh, the underlying reason is somewhat idealistic; Alissa believes that everything and everyone serves a purpose. If you're bad at what you're doing, there's a good chance that isn't what you're meant to do in life. The brunette would rather you didn't waste your efforts on futile attempts, and instead channel it into finding what your destined talents are. Her communication skills, however, are lacking and she leaves herself open to a lot of negative misunderstandings. Unfortunately, she's also doesn't care enough about what others think of her as a person to explain her seemingly disparaging words.

While her apathy towards others is apparent, it would be lying to say that pride and vanity aren't involved in her desire to win. She cares little about others; she cares a lot about what she thinks of herself. She always caps the day with a self-review, looking for things that she could've done better whether it's in her art or in her gameplay. Dissatisfaction with her own performance is her biggest motivator. Alissa is willing to use most means possible to gain the upperhand and achieve the outcome she wants. If this means playing a little dirty, then she'll absolutely do it. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]strengths[/div] The brunette's biggest strength is her single-minded pursuit of being one of the best. Alissa is open to criticism, willing to look at the negative comments on her play on various online platforms to decide if they have any merit. If they do, she does something about it. She understands that talent is nothing without hard work. The LOUDER member knows her natural abilities have limits. But if nothing else, no one could ever criticize her for lack of diligence. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]weaknesses[/div] Critical of others and most especially herself, occasionally Alissa is blinded by these mistakes and pigeonholes herself into correcting them rather than playing to her strengths. For someone who deems efficiency as one of her core values, it's ironic that she wastes so much of her time trying to fix things that aren't inherently wrong. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]preferences[/div] Alissa enjoys going to museums and sketching during the off-season. She's most famous online for her hilarious caricatures of rival teams, specifically Galahad members. She likes meticulous work, and it shows even in her cooking with its precise measurements and cuts. As for things she dislikes, she hates ugly and useless things. That's a broad spectrum of objects and actions, which include crying, brooding and okra. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents historycont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]personal history[/div] Alissa had a quiet childhood, having only her mother as her family. She never really questioned it; she was content with her life, so why look for a father who so obviously held no interest in her? She never lacked for anything, neither failed no excelled at school. It would've been a painfully drab life if it weren't for art. From the beginning, it was obvious Alissa only studied to appease her mother's desire for her to have a good education. Whenever she had a spare moment, she'd have pencil to paper, trying to bring to life in the images in her head.

The brunette acknowledges she is fortunate to have a parent who understood that passion. When she voiced her desire to go into art for college, this was met with reluctance, but ultimately, approval. The only condition she'd been given was to pass the talent test within three tries, and Alissa managed on her first go. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]endgame history[/div] Alissa initially participated in ENDGAME as a group activity with her friends in high school. While it was fun, at the time she was primarily pre-occupied with convincing her mother to let her study art. She delved deeper into the game during college, when she found herself looking for other things to occupy her time during those periods when she could barely look at her own work. In an effort to earn more in game currency for personalizing character, she played the game more and more often. Along the way, her need to prove herself kicked in. It became less about the clothes and more about how she wanted to win. She couldn't say she was the most physically fit of individuals, but she knew her attention to detail could come in handy in the game. It was then when she began to pay attention to certain mechanics in the game and noticing how some of them weren't quite... right. This paved the way for her current playstyle, which some claim border on cheating. Alissa uses some likely unintended interactions to her advantage. She also wasn't above inciting the temper of her opponents' tempers pre-match, gaining herself a few wristslaps by the local arena/gym referees. She was unapologetic about it, gaining some fans along the process who fully-supported a figure who was willing to use any advantage possible.

Her rise through the rankings didn't go unnoticed by professional teams, but the first to make an official offer was LOUDER. The invitation came as a surprise, but it wasn't a choice she made easily. Ultimately, she decided to say yes with the caveat her mother would also agree. Lucas Kent himself successfully wooed her mother to allow her to postpone her architecture education to pursue a career in ENDGAME. Though it sounded even riskier than Alissa's initial desire for art, if that was what she wanted, her mother would support her.

She adapted fast to the competitive environment. Its organized system made full use of her observation abilities, allowing her time to study her opponents habits and quirks. Trash talk? Checking her Chunmi is evidence enough. Exploiting these the same way she did the game's jank came easily to her, being that before she actually said the things to a person's face and probably risked being on the receiving end of an uppercut. Call it brave, call it stupid or call it unsportsmanlike, it doesn't matter. Either way it's how she made LOUDER's main roster after her stint in the premier league, despite the attitude she possessed. Opinions on Alissa were polarized, but fans of LOUDER called it the founder's second coming. Honestly, did people really think Lucas could have won that 1v5 playing without fighting a little dirty? [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents misccont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]misc #1[/div] Alissa is known for posting caricatures of players on Chunmi. This includes members of rival teams and her own members. [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontentholder igtabholder hidetabholder"] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents stylecont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock mobileinfo"] [div class="contenttitle"]basics[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea"] [div class="contentinfo"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]player tag[/div] lost [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]team[/div] louder [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]seasons[/div] two (2) [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]playstyle[/div] Since debuting in the premier league under LOUDER's sister team, Alissa has been courted by offers from ZER0. It's not difficult to see why Lost would make an excellent member of ENDGAME's top team. With her almost obsessive need to study her opponents idiosyncrasies, she has an uncanny ability to predict the enemy strategy, putting her one step ahead of them. Outside of her required training regime, she spends hours going over match clips, closely studying any upcoming competitors and analyzing her own team's mistakes. That being said, that's where her similarities with the military team end. The rigidity of the organization would not mesh well with a player whose playstyle relies on one's ability to adapt at the drop of a hat. Lost has a tendency to move on her own, fully expecting others to either follow her lead or make their own call. Hence why she's still with LOUDER, a year after her pro league debut.

Another key aspect of her playstyle is her abuse of how certain mechanics in the game work. She's the perfect example of why LOUDER members have gained the nickname "jank jukers" in reference to how they use unintended interactions to their advantage. When the local gym isn't in use, Lost is one of the people who dedicate their spare training time to studying how the game works and seeing beyond what the skill readouts say.

Like most members of LOUDER, Lost favors Type B and C suits. More often than not she trades out one of her secondary weapon slots for an additional tool slot. The equips she brings varies widely, as unlike many players, she tends to fill in missing parts of her team's strategy over giving herself a defined role. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]strengths[/div] Detail-oriented and observant, Alissa is often called to help the team's coach assess enemy's and their own team's playstyles. She's one of the primary voices when it comes to strategy meetings, as well as lining out their options in any situation once they're in game. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]weaknesses[/div] Unlike many of ENDGAME's players, Alissa is no natural-born athlete. She's definitely fit from all the training that she underwent as she began playing professionally, but there's still a physical limit to what her body can do. Her stamina isn't that great as compared to many of the players, hence why she's often subbed out after a couple of matches. Sometimes even after only one, especially if the round was particularly intense. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents loadoutcont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]loadout #01[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]bodysuit[/div] type b [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]ar helmet[/div] jam-proof
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]ar helmet[/div] infrared [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 1[/div] fn minimi [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot 1[/div] mines [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot 2[/div] hunter's knife [/div] [/div] The main goal of loadout is reconnaissance and disabling. Mines are there for the enemy team, while the hunter's knife is for affecting the environment such as cutting the power or sneaking through fauna. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]loadout #02[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]bodysuit[/div] type c [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]ar helmet[/div] jam-proof
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]ar helmet[/div] bodysuit identifier [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 1[/div] mac-11 [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot 1[/div] drone (ground) [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot 2[/div] radio jammer [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot 3[/div] traps [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot 4[/div] 3 flash grenades, 2 blast grenades [/div] [/div] Her typical set-up when she's the primary utility on the team. None of the tools are set in stone, but the set above is her typical equipment when faced with uncertainty. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents eventscont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]event name[/div] [div class="infoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]participants[/div] name1, name2, season 2 louder, etc [/div] [/div] notable events between player characters that have occured for plotting purposes. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]event name[/div] [div class="infoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]participants[/div] name1, name2, season 2 louder, etc [/div] [/div] notable events between player characters that have occured for plotting purposes. [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="imagesflexbox"] [div class="imagecontainer player"] [div class="invi"]playerNAV[/div] [div class="imgbox"] [div class="filter playerimg"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="stripes"]stripes[/div] [div class="darken"]darken[/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [/div] [div class="divider"]divider[/div] [div class="infoarea playerinfoarea"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]full name[/div] alissa garfied [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]gender[/div] cisfemale [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]age[/div] twenty-four (24) [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="expander"]kqjhekhe[/div] [div class="imagecontainer ig"] [div class="invi"]igNAV[/div] [div class="imgbox"] [div class="filter igimg"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="stripes"]stripes[/div] [div class="darken"]darken[/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [/div] [div class="divider"]divider[/div] [div class="infoarea iginfoarea"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]player tag[/div] lost [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]team[/div] [div class="teamanswer"]louder[/div] [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]seasons[/div] two (2) [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="nav playernav"] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn homeplayerbtn"] [div class="navtitle homeplayertitle"]home[div class="invi"]player[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn personalitybtn"] [div class="navtitle personalitytitle"]personality[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn historybtn"] [div class="navtitle historytitle"]history[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn miscbtn"] [div class="navtitle misctitle"]misc[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="nav ignav"] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn homeigbtn"] [div class="navtitle homeigtitle"]home[div class="invi"]ig[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn stylebtn"] [div class="navtitle styletitle"]style[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn loadoutbtn"] [div class="navtitle loadouttitle"]loadout[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn eventsbtn"] [div class="navtitle eventstitle"]events[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
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[import]9080800[/import] [class name=images] --playerimg: url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0c/ee/8e/0cee8e1d93cd1e2e4405227c9c838d85.jpg '); --ingameimg: url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/04/8d/2f/048d2fd13d8a51203935b714a955f395.jpg'); [/class] [div class="ratio images"] [div class="root"] [div class="diacontainer"] [div class="diagonal left"]sss[/div] [div class="diagonal right"]sss[/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontentholder playertabholder hidetabholder"] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents personalitycont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock mobileinfo"] [div class="contenttitle"]basics[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea"] [div class="contentinfo"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]Full Name[/div] Auryx Breyer [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]Gender[/div] Male [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]Age[/div] 17 [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]personality[/div] Auryx is often described as very childish and bold; frequently not thinking before he speaks. He is borderline fearless and sanguine even in the face of an impossible situation, traits that have the potential to boost team morale. Despite being usually quite optimistic and energetic, Auryx can sometimes come off as a bit detached as his childlike nature can often get the better of him. His attention is effortlessly caught by anything remotely interesting.

Auryx's overwhelming positivity can easily be misunderstood as a bit pretentious, proven by the not-so-small number of arguments he's caused at the Louder team house. Auryx loves a good fight and won't hesitate to use dirty tactics in order to win. Sometimes he overworks himself, especially when he's trying to play catch up after a missed week of play. He is quite young and gets burnt out fairly quickly when putting in 100% effort; this, combined with his tendency to chase his goals with ferocious passion, leads to lots of illness and overexhaustion.

The philosophy of "we don't live for long, so have fun while you can" is one that Auryx seems to indirectly adopt. He doesn't believe in an afterlife, but this nihilistic view only strengthens his resolve. Be good and have fun till' the very end. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]strengths[/div] Auryx's main strength lies in his cheerful and passionate character. His sense of motivation is infectious and spreads to everyone around him, even the audience of a match. Apart from this, he's very hard working, never giving up on a challenge or pursuit. Criticism is something he takes to the max, second in priority only to enjoying yourself while playing. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]weaknesses[/div] Blind hope can only get you so far; Auryx has a tendency to not be as serious as he should when handling a match. The carefree identity he owns, in some cases, is very self-destructive and has been the cause of many failures during his formative years. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]preferences[/div] Auryx enjoys dancing in his spare time and has grown rather proficient at it over the past few years, even going so far as to enter and win a few local competitions. He loves it because of the expression is allows and the fact it's a fun form of exercise. He is also fond of fashion and doesn't mind going on a small shopping spree every now and then in search for new styles to sport. Auryx doesn't particularly despise anything other than a few foods, but gets uncomfortable during professional meetings with higher ups. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents historycont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]personal history[/div] Ever since Auryx was young, he loved playing with toy guns. He would often play with foam dart blasters or waterguns and have little firefights in the backyard against his dad, who shared a similar hobby, Paintball. Auryx idolised his father, and wanted to be just like him and play real-world shooter games like Airsoft, however, his dad was quite paranoid about the dangers of such activities and absolutely prohibited him from participating in them. For the majority of his teenage years Auryx used FPS games, specifically Direct Hit, to fill the void. That was, until he learnt of ENDGAME.

The day after his 16th, Auryx's friends (easily) convinced him to sneak out and play the AR game with them. He quickly became entirely addicted, playing every day after school, with or without friends. Because of this, Auryx's grades plummeted and his attention towards schoolwork slowly diminished more and more. Of course, he didn't tell his father this. He was just ''playing games with friends, at their house''. Although, the facade only lasted for a few months before his parents found out and decided he needed some kind of disciplinary action.

Auryx was sent to a boarding school, where he wasn't allowed to leave the campus unless supervised, thus preventing him from playing ENDGAME. He worked as hard as he could to finish school as soon as possible, just so he could continue playing again. With help from the schools accelerated student program, Auryx ended up graduating a year and a half early through extra credit. He immediately returned to ENDGAME and quickly rose to stardom at the local Gyms, where he was offered a partnership with the competitive group LOUDER for his amazing critical-thinking skills and dedication. Auryx accepted without a second thought and, much to the dismay of his parents, began to pursue a career in professional ENDGAME. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]endgame history[/div] Auryx always knew of professional ENDGAME but never considered a career in it until he started playing religiously. Auryx's desire to get back to the game helped him build character through cultivating his motivation and by the time he returned to the game, he was stronger than ever.

Unusually, Auryx was put straight onto Louders team instead of a sister team due to the recent retirement of two members and the fact he had already been in the Premier league for a good while in a ragtag team known as Crashh. His recruitment into Louder was rather uneventful, so much so that his transition into professional life was near seamless apart from the protests of his parents, whom ended up reluctantly supporting his decision anyway. Auryx, being fairly new to the true professional scene has only played in the pro league for about half a season and has quickly garnered a following as an underdog in Louder's lineup. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents misccont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]Misc[/div]
  • His Chumni an amalgamation of memes and positive messages.
  • He has a pretty large sweet-tooth.
  • His favourite food is Dark Chocolate.
  • His favourite music is K-Pop/J-Pop.
  • He loves aquariums and zoos.
  • His favourite movie is Back to the Future.
  • He enjoys drawing from time to time, but is really bad at it.
  • He once made his entire class come down with a cold because he didn't realize he was sick.
[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontentholder igtabholder hidetabholder"] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents stylecont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock mobileinfo"] [div class="contenttitle"]basics[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea"] [div class="contentinfo"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]player tag[/div] Starboy [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]team[/div] Louder [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]seasons[/div] Half a Season (0.5) [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]playstyle[/div] Auryx adopts a very catch-and-kill oriented playstyle. He often uses decoys and utilises his team to split up the enemy and pick them off one by one. This makes him a perfect candidate for the Type C suit, which he carries multiple disorient traps and smoke grenades in. Usually Auryx trades in his Primary or Secondary weapon for extra tool slot(s) depending on what the teams composition is, but can smoothly switch to a more aggressive playstyle by equipping his favourite AR, the FN SCAR. He uses his incredibly good critical thinking skills to solve problems and set up traps on a case-by-case basis. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]strengths[/div] In combat, he is quite level headed and manages stress with ease. This helps him to predict the enemy teams movement. He is excellent at thinking on the fly and can come up with a plan at a moments notice. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]weaknesses[/div] His main downfall is how easily he gets worn out. Playing more than a few intense matches in a row can leave him not performing at his highest potential, and creating slip ups in his coordination or focus. Despite this, he still tries his hardest and keeps calm. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents loadoutcont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]loadout #01 : Catcher[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]bodysuit[/div] type c [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]ar helmet[/div] AUTOMARK
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]ar helmet[/div] JAM-PROOF [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 1[/div] (Traded) [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 2[/div] uzi [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot(s)[/div]
  • Decoy
  • Traps (3x Disorient, 2x Immobolise)
  • Radio Jammer
  • Ballistic Shield
[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]loadout #02 : Killer[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]bodysuit[/div] type b [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]ar helmet[/div] JAM-PROOF
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]ar helmet[/div] INFRARED [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 1[/div] fn scar [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 2[/div] fn five seven [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot(s)[/div]
  • Throwing Knives
[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents eventscont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]event name[/div] [div class="infoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]participants[/div] name1, name2, season 2 louder, etc [/div] [/div] notable events between player characters that have occured for plotting purposes. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]event name[/div] [div class="infoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]participants[/div] name1, name2, season 2 louder, etc [/div] [/div] notable events between player characters that have occured for plotting purposes. [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="imagesflexbox"] [div class="imagecontainer player"] [div class="invi"]playerNAV[/div] [div class="imgbox"] [div class="filter playerimg"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="stripes"]stripes[/div] [div class="darken"]darken[/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [/div] [div class="divider"]divider[/div] [div class="infoarea playerinfoarea"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]full name[/div] Auryx Breyer [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]gender[/div] Male [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]age[/div] 17 [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="expander"]kqjhekhe[/div] [div class="imagecontainer ig"] [div class="invi"]igNAV[/div] [div class="imgbox"] [div class="filter igimg"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="stripes"]stripes[/div] [div class="darken"]darken[/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [/div] [div class="divider"]divider[/div] [div class="infoarea iginfoarea"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]player tag[/div] Starboy [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]team[/div] [div class="teamanswer"]Louder[/div] [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]seasons[/div] Half a Season (0.5) [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="nav playernav"] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn homeplayerbtn"] [div class="navtitle homeplayertitle"]home[div class="invi"]player[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn personalitybtn"] [div class="navtitle personalitytitle"]personality[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn historybtn"] [div class="navtitle historytitle"]history[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn miscbtn"] [div class="navtitle misctitle"]misc[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="nav ignav"] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn homeigbtn"] [div class="navtitle homeigtitle"]home[div class="invi"]ig[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn stylebtn"] [div class="navtitle styletitle"]style[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn loadoutbtn"] [div class="navtitle loadouttitle"]loadout[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn eventsbtn"] [div class="navtitle eventstitle"]events[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
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[import]9080800[/import] [class name=images] --playerimg: url('https://imgur.com/WYdZNzn.png'); --ingameimg: url('https://imgur.com/BTlTNqG.png'); [/class] [div class="ratio images"] [div class="root"] [div class="diacontainer"] [div class="diagonal left"]sss[/div] [div class="diagonal right"]sss[/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontentholder playertabholder hidetabholder"] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents personalitycont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock mobileinfo"] [div class="contenttitle"]basics[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea"] [div class="contentinfo"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]full name[/div] celine song [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]gender[/div] female [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]age[/div] twenty-six (26) [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]personality[/div] As a person who’s favorite pastime appears to be making others squirm, Celine is best matched by more patient individuals. In fact, her favorite targets tend to be the more hot headed and egoistic of the bunch, making her a frequent initiator of fights within Galahad. Well...if you can even call them that. Most of said arguments end up one-sided, with Celine even cheerily laughing away at certain points, prompting others to once again question if she ever takes anything seriously.

This nonchalance exists not only in matches but also in just about any other business she conducts. It isn’t that she doesn’t stop to meticulously plan before heading out, but if things are going too smoothly, no one can put it past her to make a mess of her own plans because she “felt like it.” Win or loss, success or failure, nothing can give her the bitter taste of true defeat so long as she found the general experience entertaining. At the very least, she cares about her endeavors enough to aim towards victory as an end goal, but her wayward and erratic behavioral patterns can be ulcer-inducing nonetheless. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]strengths[/div] With her nonchalance comes a mind of steel. There’s only a handful of things that can make Celine crack under pressure, making it exceedingly difficult to cloud her judgement through sheer nerves. Incidentally, this also makes way for her general inability to register anyone as an enemy. There are indeed individuals that she dislikes, but she’s fairly tolerant and forgiving of most trespasses against her. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]weaknesses[/div] Her refusal to turn from her ideals works both as an advantage and a detriment. Despite preferring not to personally sow seeds of discord, nothing gets in the way of her pursuits. If you can’t tempt her with a more entertaining proposal, her response is simply “it’s my way or the highway.” At the same time, she’s easily distracted by most amusing things, though that in itself is not much of an improvement. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]preferences[/div] Much like her own capricious personality, Celine always loves a good surprise. While most value the phrase “all according to plan,” for her, it’s the unexpected variables tossed her way which makes things thrilling. Similarly, her hobbies include collecting random (but cute) plushies and “developing” new recipes that range anywhere from delicious to a danger to mankind. The only thing she absolutely can’t seem to stand is eggplant. She claims she’s allergic, but most have realized by now that such claims are all just a lie. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents historycont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]personal history[/div] There was little in Celine’s life that made her feel discontented. Her family’s income was fair, and her parents gave her the attention a growing child needed. Even academics didn’t pose as much trouble for her. Granted, the means that she would be receiving her education was dictated by her parents to the tee, but that was just a minor setback. It wasn’t as if she had much interest in any particular schools anyway.

Unfortunately, this method of just going with the flow stunted her tendency to bother seeking out things of interest. School? Just a prerequisite to your diploma. Music? Just noise to fill in awkward silences. Books? Just pieces of paper meant to spread ideas. If it weren’t for her childhood friend Keira dragging her into her “brilliant” escapades, she doubted she would have strove for anything.

Most of her friend’s antics got her into trouble, if anything, but it was admittedly Kiera who had managed to get her into capoeira and cooking. Most importantly, the blonde had pulled her into the game called “Endgame,” stating that she’d been anticipating its release for the longest time. Strangely enough, her interest in the game wasn’t entirely there right from the start. It was fun, but she wasn’t sure if it was something that she could invest all her time into. Seeing how much Kiera seemed to enjoy and love the game, however, drove her to continue, if only to continue to support her friend. It was only after Kiera’s unfortunate injury and inability to continue the game that she no longer found reason to play, only to pick it up again upon the blonde’s encouragement.

“Find your own endgame,” she said. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]endgame history[/div] Having played endgame since it’s release, Celine and Keira’s (tag: Nobilitiea) professional debut began with Antiheroes. Though the former of the two did initially show some signs of clumsiness, her rapid improvement and dedication to studying the game’s ins-and-outs quickly melded her into a strong player. That said, their rise to fame was largely based around their teamwork (though their difference in personalities and playstyles did garner their own fanbases). Wherever Nobilitea missed, Celine would cover with a follow-up, and due to the large number of games played together, they soon became a staunch tag-team recognized by many.

It wasn’t until the end of season 4 where the dynamic duo was suddenly no more. Due to Nobilitea’s retirement from Endgame as a result of health issues, Celine continued her 5th season alone, though the end of that season saw Celine suddenly drop from the game as well. Due to the timing, the reasons behind Celine’s leave saw mixed theories. Some believed that it was indeed a result of her long-time partner being gone, but most figured that the year gap said otherwise.

Whatever the case, Celine’s return to the game two years later brought about the first surprise of many to come. Having been known for her dedication towards her partnership with her friend, returning to the pro scene as a member of Galahad was the last thing her fans (or now some anti-fans) had expected... [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents misccont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]misc #1[/div] Eating Celine’s food is like playing Russian Roulette, and unfortunately, she manages to make both the good and bad dishes look visually appealing. There’s actually a rumor that she’s given a fellow player food poisoning at some point, though who and when it was is unknown. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]misc #2[/div] Celine shrugs off viruses like she shrugs off negative comments. She catches colds once in a blue moon, and the only time she caught the flu was (ironically) when her parents decided on a whim that she’d be getting a flu shot administered that year. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]misc #3[/div] Her real name is technically "Chaerin," and is only documented as "Celine" due to living in the states. She was actually born in South Korea (though moved to California at age 3) and visits her grandparents there annually without fail. [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontentholder igtabholder hidetabholder"] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents stylecont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock mobileinfo"] [div class="contenttitle"]basics[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea"] [div class="contentinfo"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]player tag[/div] celine [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]team[/div] galahad [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]seasons[/div] eight (8) [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]playstyle[/div] Though her pro-league debut is marred with her having to pay a hefty fee due to having accidentally smashed the barrel of her gun against a steel beam, the experience she's gained since endgame's release makes her a textbook player of the game. Mixed in with her hobby of capoeira as a means to keep fit, Celine is undoubtedly a skilled and elusive player whether it be in making defensive or offensive plays. As a result, it isn't unusual for her to adapt and tweak her style to make up for any losses, as commonly seen in her old antiheroes matches alongside her friend Nobilitea.

However, in her current team, Celine's playstyle takes on a much more self-sufficient role. Calling it a "hunter's dance," she employs extremely aggressive all-or-nothing strategies the moment she singles out an enemy or lures them towards her "zone" where her mines and other potential obstacles curve the fight towards her favor. Though reckless and even foolhardy to some, her abuse of the game's ins-and-outs and her ability to read the situation somehow makes it possible for her to pull these up-and-personal tactics successfully, and when all fails, she has enough backup plans ready for her to disappear back into the fray. Unfortunately, this "assassination" style makes the hit-and-run types more troublesome on her end, but to Celine, there's nothing more exhilarating than the chase that ensues. And many of her fans agree. They just dearly wish that she would start using her handguns purely for shooting. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]strengths[/div] As a veteran of the game, Celine is adept at using the environment/game to her advantage and analyzing the situation. It's this knowledge alongside her ability to recreate her plans at a moments notice that allows her risky style to work. When coupled with her agility and flexibility, she can traverse maps with relative ease all while staying hidden from her enemies until it's too late. Her aim may not always be the best in her team, but if she's close enough, accuracy is hardly much of an issue. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]weaknesses[/div] As good as she is at getting the jump on people, when the element of surprise is gone, there isn't much else that Celine can do other than retreat and recover. Due to her average accuracy and the fact that she is hardly ever seen with models that are specialized in greater range, if she can't get close enough or lure her opponent close enough to her location, it's easy to say that she'd be better off picking different prey. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents loadoutcont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]loadout #01[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]bodysuit[/div] type b [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]ar helmet[/div] automark
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]ar helmet[/div] auto-warning [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 1[/div] none [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 2[/div] desert eagle [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot 1[/div] grenade belt [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot 2[/div] mines [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot 3[/div] hunter's knife [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]loadout #02[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]bodysuit[/div] Type C [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]ar helmet[/div] Infrared
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]ar helmet[/div] automark [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 1[/div] MP5 [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 2[/div] none [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot 1[/div] grenade belt [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot 2[/div] drone (land) [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot 3[/div] traps [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents eventscont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]celine's return[/div] [div class="infoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]participants[/div] celine, season 8 galahad [/div] [/div] After 2 years of absence, rumors of former Antiheroes member Celine announcing her return began to spread throughout the part of the community familiar with the retired player. Ends up, the rumors were true, just in a way that people hadn't expected.

As it turned out, Galahad had approached the player a few months prior to her return with an offer of a spot during the game's eighth season. Some former fans became enraged at the thought of it all being a planned betrayal in spite of their hopes that she had a good reason for quitting. Others, however, continued to watch on and observe the player out of interest on whether or not the change in teams would lead to a change in Celine herself. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]event name[/div] [div class="infoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]participants[/div] [open] [/div] [/div] notable events between player characters that have occured for plotting purposes. [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="imagesflexbox"] [div class="imagecontainer player"] [div class="invi"]playerNAV[/div] [div class="imgbox"] [div class="filter playerimg"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="stripes"]stripes[/div] [div class="darken"]darken[/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [/div] [div class="divider"]divider[/div] [div class="infoarea playerinfoarea"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]full name[/div] celine song [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]gender[/div] female [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]age[/div] twenty-six (26) [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="expander"]kqjhekhe[/div] [div class="imagecontainer ig"] [div class="invi"]igNAV[/div] [div class="imgbox"] [div class="filter igimg"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="stripes"]stripes[/div] [div class="darken"]darken[/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [/div] [div class="divider"]divider[/div] [div class="infoarea iginfoarea"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]player tag[/div] celine [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]team[/div] [div class="teamanswer"]galahad[/div] [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]seasons[/div] eight (8) [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="nav playernav"] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn homeplayerbtn"] [div class="navtitle homeplayertitle"]home[div class="invi"]player[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn personalitybtn"] [div class="navtitle personalitytitle"]personality[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn historybtn"] [div class="navtitle historytitle"]history[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn miscbtn"] [div class="navtitle misctitle"]misc[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="nav ignav"] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn homeigbtn"] [div class="navtitle homeigtitle"]home[div class="invi"]ig[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn stylebtn"] [div class="navtitle styletitle"]style[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn loadoutbtn"] [div class="navtitle loadouttitle"]loadout[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn eventsbtn"] [div class="navtitle eventstitle"]events[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
[import]9080800[/import] [class name=images] --playerimg: url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b2/65/ca/b265ca284a9fb7192eef1b863adf3693.jpg'); --ingameimg: url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/ee/8a/56/ee8a568bb8dfd0294d45979251d06ce9.jpg'); [/class] [div class="ratio images"] [div class="root"] [div class="diacontainer"] [div class="diagonal left"]sss[/div] [div class="diagonal right"]sss[/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontentholder playertabholder hidetabholder"] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents personalitycont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock mobileinfo"] [div class="contenttitle"]basics[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea"] [div class="contentinfo"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]full name[/div] Misha Chen [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]gender[/div] Female [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]age[/div] seventeen (17) [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]personality[/div] A painfully shy introvert expresses herself more through her online persona (Calliope) and prefers to keep social interactions to a necessity. While she isn't against meeting new people and talking with them, Misha was never the type to initiate conversations and prefers to stay in the shadows unless approached---much to the chagrin of her superiors and squad leaders.

Like most introverts, small talk drains her energy bar and usually makes her more fidgety. If the topic is not about games or endgame, it's usually likely to die out. Anyone who brings up the subject of games will usually find out what a game enthusiast Misha is and how she dedicates a lot of her time and effort into different sorts of games. A fun habit of her is to put things into game perspective and oftentimes she slips in net lingo into her real life conversations.

Aside from being an introverted game otaku, Misha's personality is rather obsessive towards things she sets her mind to (which are usually her passions) letting her to forgo necessities like sleep, food and proper rest when she's in the process of achieving whatever goal she has her eyes set upon. Because of her small, nerdy appearance people usually mistake her as a student who stays up late studying---when in truth, she's probably pulled an all-night farming for a SRR card on her mobile gacha game and had to last minute cram on the way to school.

Fortunately, Misha has good friends and family who keep her in check, making sure she's passing with fairly decent grades and actually taking care of her body. She's quite good at following orders and prefers to have some form of structure in whatever she's doing. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]strengths[/div] Independent > Able to carry out tasks on her own if required. Misha actually has a preference to do things by herself, despite having no qualms with following a respectable leader. Due to her history of being alone most of the time, she's quite used to being on her own.

Flexible > Her quick thinking allows her to adapt to many things. One of her characteristics is her inability to plan only one option or path; she has always been the type to lay out all her options before executing anything. Her strengths lie in being able to come up with new ideas on the spot when needed.

Obedient > Like a true soldier, Misha carries out her tasks with meticulous efficiency. She enjoys the praise and recognition she gets when her team leader acknowledges her skills and abilities. Her obedience is often built on trust and the more she's likely to trust and respect her superior, the more she's able to execute her orders with greater precision. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]weaknesses[/div] Obsessive > Blame the otaku side of things, but Misha likes to do thorough research and saturate herself with whatever she gains an interest in. Fortunately, there's not much which trigger this side but when it is, she will forgo her health, family and friends to accomplish whatever menial goal she's set up in her head. It's ironic how someone so obedient could also be so undisciplined. Her addictions are her leashes.

Introverted > Not really one to step out of her comfort zone, Misha shortchanges herself on a lot of connections and social interactions which could actually help with her Endgame career. If it weren't for her teammates and team leader's encouragement to make friends, Misha would've probably settled with having no one in the community.

Stubborn > Diligence and stubbornness is the thin line which Misha threads on. Oftentimes than not, she falls under the stubborn category and ends up falling into her routinely, destructive habits due to her lack of desire to change. It's funny how someone so open-minded to different possibilities and outcomes could stay so obstinate in sticking to one path (usually linked to her obsessive trait). She's still learning to change this. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents historycont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]personal history[/div] This insightful individual has few friends and usually keeps herself locked away in her world of games. If it weren't for the fact that she was forced to take gymnastics and self-defense as a kid, Misha would've very well spent all her time playing MMORPGs, FPS, and competitive team games like LOL. Once she was finished taking her acrobatic and self-defense classes, Misha was old enough to register for Endgame. It was her parents' suggestion, for they fear their daughter would end up locking herself in her room, sitting in front of her computer screen for hours. They got more than they bargain for because Endgame was something Misha grew obsessed with.

For the past year and a half, Endgame became her life. It was safe enough to say that she was fairly addicted to it due to her love for gaming. She was taken in by Zero a few months after her Endgame debut and it's her teammates in Zero who remind her to properly live should she want to continue Endgame healthily. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]endgame history[/div]Misha's rise to fame was short but evident given her playtime and the long hours she spent on the game itself. She's never looked to join a team granted that she's only ever played for fun and because she genuinely enjoyed the sport. It was only after she was recruited by Zero did she start to consider Endgame seriously as a viable career option. She's still young and still has a long way to go.

Currently she's staying with Zero and is happy where she is. To her, it's became almost like a second family as her teammates watch out for her both on the battlefield and in real life. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents misccont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]miscellaneous[/div] ➢ Misha loves alpacas (especially those plushies)

➢ She actually wears thick-framed purple glasses when she doesn't have contacts on. Her vision is absolutely horrible. (-700)

➢ Because of her Endgame avatar, she's frequently associated with cats. Her Endgame avatar is often seen with a cat hoodie.

➢ She's lactose intolerant.

➢ Communicates better via texts or sns vs irl. [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontentholder igtabholder hidetabholder"] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents stylecont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock mobileinfo"] [div class="contenttitle"]basics[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea"] [div class="contentinfo"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]player tag[/div] calliope [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]team[/div] zero [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]seasons[/div] 1 [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]playstyle[/div] The frontline charger who's tasked to break enemy formation or scout for nearby troops. Misha's required to go in fast, hard and usually for the kill. Her style is only slightly different from those who hit and run, mostly because she relies on teamwork to make up for areas where she's lacking. She often charges in and runs further into enemy lines as her teammates behind her pick off the enemies she's scrambled. At times where she is called to pull back, she does so but only when ordered to or in the rare occasional moment, at her own discretion. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]strengths[/div] Stamina and endurance is Misha's greatest weapon. Being one of the youngest players in competitive Endgame, Misha relies heavily on her youth and history in acrobatics and gym. Her play style is fast, violent and calculated. As a member of Zero, she puts full trust in her team commander's orders and advice, following them through like a true soldier. With her fast reflexes and speed, Misha is usually one of the few to dive head first into enemies rank, leaving her to favor Body Suits B and C. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]weaknesses[/div] With a strong preference for close combat over long distance, the down-side to Misha's game style is that she's usually more at risk of group ambushes and traps. This flaw is usually balanced out by her team's organization style; her teammates make up for areas she lacks. However, a lack of trust in her teammates (whether it be her trusting her teammates or her teammates trusting her) can greatly affect her performance.

Disputes and fights could lead to them winning or failing. With her play style, she is not able to get far on her own (perhaps far as a sacrificial pawn but nothing more), thus relies heavily on others to carry out their part as well. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents loadoutcont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]loadout #01[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]bodysuit[/div] type c [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]ar helmet[/div] Jamproof
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]ar helmet[/div] Autowarning [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 1[/div] MAC-11 [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 2[/div] Desert Eagle [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot[/div] Grenade (normal) [/div][div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot[/div] Radio Jammer [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]loadout #02[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]bodysuit[/div] type a [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]ar helmet[/div] infrared
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]ar helmet[/div] autowarning [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 1[/div] Uzi [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 2[/div] MP7 [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot[/div] Hunter's knife [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot[/div] Drone (airborne) [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents eventscont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]event name[/div] [div class="infoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]participants[/div] name1, name2, season 2 louder, etc [/div] [/div] notable events between player characters that have occured for plotting purposes. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]event name[/div] [div class="infoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]participants[/div] name1, name2, season 2 louder, etc [/div] [/div] notable events between player characters that have occured for plotting purposes. [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="imagesflexbox"] [div class="imagecontainer player"] [div class="invi"]playerNAV[/div] [div class="imgbox"] [div class="filter playerimg"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="stripes"]stripes[/div] [div class="darken"]darken[/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [/div] [div class="divider"]divider[/div] [div class="infoarea playerinfoarea"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]full name[/div] misha chen [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]gender[/div] female [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]age[/div] seventeen (17) [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="expander"]kqjhekhe[/div] [div class="imagecontainer ig"] [div class="invi"]igNAV[/div] [div class="imgbox"] [div class="filter igimg"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="stripes"]stripes[/div] [div class="darken"]darken[/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [/div] [div class="divider"]divider[/div] [div class="infoarea iginfoarea"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]player tag[/div] calliope [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]team[/div] [div class="teamanswer"]zer0[/div] [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]seasons[/div] one (1) [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="nav playernav"] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn homeplayerbtn"] [div class="navtitle homeplayertitle"]home[div class="invi"]player[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn personalitybtn"] [div class="navtitle personalitytitle"]personality[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn historybtn"] [div class="navtitle historytitle"]history[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn miscbtn"] [div class="navtitle misctitle"]misc[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="nav ignav"] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn homeigbtn"] [div class="navtitle homeigtitle"]home[div class="invi"]ig[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn stylebtn"] [div class="navtitle styletitle"]style[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn loadoutbtn"] [div class="navtitle loadouttitle"]loadout[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn eventsbtn"] [div class="navtitle eventstitle"]events[/div][/div][/div][/div][/div]
[import]9080800[/import] [class name=images] --playerimg: url('https://78.media.tumblr.com/34737ece71312738f6b305a5069ab235/tumblr_o5e5ixeDzw1sk1rjvo1_1280.jpg'); --ingameimg: url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/af/d4/06/afd406d11ed69fc784531d10c5cdaddd.jpg'); [/class] [div class="ratio images"] [div class="root"] [div class="diacontainer"] [div class="diagonal left"]sss[/div] [div class="diagonal right"]sss[/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontentholder playertabholder hidetabholder"] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents personalitycont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock mobileinfo"] [div class="contenttitle"]basics[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea"] [div class="contentinfo"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]full name[/div] parker hellen kingsley [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]gender[/div] cisgender male [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]age[/div] 19 [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]personality[/div] Outside of the game, Parker is rather quiet and reserved, though not entirely socially inept, mind you. He does well when placed with people that he knows, though he struggles in the act of getting to know somebody. He's a major bookworm, and loves to analyze things, which is why he spends a lot of his off time studying opposing team plays, and reviewing his own team's plays. Once you get him to open up, he's really rather chill, and even still just prefers to keep quiet. If he has something to say to you, though, you'll know it, as subtlety is not one of his strong suits.

Another thing that they boy loves to do in his free time is write, and this acts as his primary creative outlet. Everybody has to do something in order to get their ideas, their dreams, their goals, etc, out there, right? Well, he uses his writing, ranging anywhere between a short story to journal entries to half-done novel ideas. Parker loves to express himself, though not verbally, he believes this medium is just as good, if not better. He's a long-time supporter of expression through art, and any artist's, writers, or even singers he meets, he praises.

With plans to eventually enroll in university, the boy values the advancement of one's own knowledge. Even as he plays ENDGAME full time, he still makes time during his day to get in some reading or some math practice. While neither of those seem to enjoyable, he doesn't mind them all too much, and he'd rather do something that would be less enjoyable than to let his mind fall flat. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]strengths[/div] Parker, as a person, has had to take a lot of shit in his life. This has made him tough as nails and able to take on almost anything that is thrown his way. On top of that, he still remains friendly, polite, and as respectful as he can be. Another of his strengths is his sharp mind, which helps him to create strategies, remain organized, and stay on top of the game (the game being life). [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]weaknesses[/div] At times the boy can be too polite, leading to others taking advantage of him and walk all over him. His ability to take a lot is also a weakness, because he doesn't know when to stand up for himself. He's also a bit too particular about things; everything has its place, its order, and it needs to stay that way. Despite his politeness, or perhaps even in spite of it, he has a subconscious tendency to look down on certain people, depending on their circumstance. He also doesn't do well with human interaction outside of the game, making him almost a hermit to those that don't know him. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]preferences[/div] Parker loves reading and writing and would much rather sit down with a good book than sit down and have coffee with somebody. His favorite setting is inside on a cold rainy day, either sitting and watching the pitter patter of the skies or relaxing and watching a good movie. Parker is also a strong supporter of certain fandoms, mostly of the books he reads and the movies he watches, and collects merchandise of them. His most prized merchandise are the vinyl figures of his favorite characters from a story called Veil Breach. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents historycont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]personal history[/div] From an early age Parker was singled out as different, and somebody to be scorned and looked down upon. He was always quiet, even during recess, and would mostly just sit on the benches and watch his peers as they ran wild through the playgrounds. Teachers would berate him for this and try to force him to go play with his peers, but he would refuse and would sometimes even get in trouble for this. Another thing that singled him out as a child was his intelligence. While he certainly wasn't a genius, he might as well have been in the eyes of his classmates. While they averaged with Cs and Bs, he was scoring A+ on almost every assignment, and that led to more resentment. However, the peak of his alienation came in the eighth grade, right before High school. While most of his classmates were "hooking up," which literally just meant hiding in corners and making out (if they knew how, most didn't), he was... afraid of girls. Maybe not even afraid, but perhaps disinterested. He got more flutters and butterflies in the locker rooms in gym than in the hallways with girls his age. He was caught with an openly homosexual student, kissing him. Now, this might not have been that big of a deal, but up until that point in his life, he'd always claimed to be straight. From there on out he was branded a liar and a queer. Though in reality, he hadn't lied, he just simply hadn't known. How could he have?

His life never got much easier from there, and his whole High school career he spent most of his time hearing curses, names, and the likes. He found his escape through books, video games, and the track, where he ran for the school's team. It was here that he decided that he didn't want to be like his parents, he didn't want to stand in court rooms and defend or attempt to incarcerate somebody. He wanted to make games, he wanted to analyze their functions, their sales, their designs. And it was this interest that steered him towards ENDGAME, and the rest is history. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]endgame history[/div] Parker started out very much a small fry in the big world of competitive ENDGAME. His beginning ratios were all negative and he was sloppy with the mechanics. You could say that he was a noob, if that word is even relevant anymore, but either way he wasn't good. It was only through hours and hours of practices and losses that he got better. He honed his skills and singled out his playstyle. And from there he only kept getting better and better, taking the time after every game to analyze how everything went; what he could've done better, what he did well, what his team could've done better. It wasn't long before every match that he was playing was amassing an audience, and this soon led to LOUDER approaching him with an offer to join the team, which he took them up on. The DEVILDOG made his way to the spotlight. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents playertabcontents misccont hidetabplayer"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]misc #1[/div] Aside from his fame in ENDGAME, the DEVILDOG is also known for one published short story, titled Carried Away, which is set in a world of high-fantasy and revolves around two men who love each other. [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontentholder igtabholder hidetabholder"] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents stylecont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock mobileinfo"] [div class="contenttitle"]basics[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea"] [div class="contentinfo"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]player tag[/div] DEVILDOG [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]team[/div] LOUDER [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]seasons[/div] number of seasons played (2) [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]playstyle[/div] Parker relies on two separate styles of play that are very different from one another, making him somewhat adaptable as a player. The first approach follows the lines of "run and gun," where Parker equips himself to be as light as possible to be as nimble as possible. Using this style sends Parker on more of a "lone-wolf" trip where he will stray from his team in an attempt to take down anybody in his path and wreak absolute havoc as a distraction. This play-style requires extensive knowledge of terrain and player-routes, requiring a close study of other team's plays. When using this style, Parker will load out with either a sub-machine gun or a machine pistol as his primary and a secondary that may vary through the handguns. One unique aspect of this play-style is the selection of throwing knives as a tool, which Parker uses with a quickness and aim almost unbelievable. The second style that Parker follows is more of a support one. He will equip with some heavy-hitting weaponry and stick to his team, providing cover-fire through use of a shotgun and hopefully getting off quick-kills to clear paths. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]strengths[/div] Parker boasts quite a bit of endurance, having run track & field when he was in high school. This allows for easy use of his first loadout which requires quite a lot of running. On top of that, he's quick as well, allowing him to get behind his enemies before they've even seen him. His focuses on close-quarters combat puts him at an advantage when he's behind enemy lines, allowing quick bursts of damage before he retreats and regroups. Another strength Parker has is his adaptability as a player. He can be placed in almost any position on the field and hold it down adequately. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]weaknesses[/div] Given his adaptability, he excels in close-quarters and only does okay in other positions. Support positions aren't the best for him, but he can pull them off. His love for close-quarters is also a weakness, especially when facing opponents skilled in ranged combat. Another downside of his playstyle is that there are times in which he can get stuck behind the opposing team, with virtually no escape, and that is his undoing. [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents loadoutcont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]loadout #01: DEVILDOG[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]bodysuit[/div] type b [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]ar helmet[/div] jam proof
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]ar helmet[/div] automark [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 1[/div] kriss vector [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 2[/div] fn five seven [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot[/div] throwing knives [/div] [/div] This loadout is designed specifically to allow parker into enemy lines in order to cause as much chaos as possible and to make distractions. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]loadout #02: SUPPORT[/div] [div class="loadoutinfoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]bodysuit[/div] type a [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]ar helmet[/div] auto-warning
[div class="infotitle" style="opacity: 0;"]ar helmet[/div] jam proof [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 1[/div] spas-12 [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]weapon slot 2[/div] desert eagle [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]tool slot[/div] grenade belt, hunter's knife [/div] [/div] This loadout is one Parker uses when sticking around his teammates [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents igtabcontents eventscont hidetabig"] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]event name[/div] [div class="infoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]participants[/div] name1, name2, season 2 louder, etc [/div] [/div] notable events between player characters that have occured for plotting purposes. [/div] [div class="contentblock"] [div class="contenttitle"]event name[/div] [div class="infoarea" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]participants[/div] name1, name2, season 2 louder, etc [/div] [/div] notable events between player characters that have occured for plotting purposes. [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="imagesflexbox"] [div class="imagecontainer player"] [div class="invi"]playerNAV[/div] [div class="imgbox"] [div class="filter playerimg"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="stripes"]stripes[/div] [div class="darken"]darken[/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [/div] [div class="divider"]divider[/div] [div class="infoarea playerinfoarea"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]full name[/div] parker hellen kingsley [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]gender[/div] cisgender male [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]age[/div] 19 [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="expander"]kqjhekhe[/div] [div class="imagecontainer ig"] [div class="invi"]igNAV[/div] [div class="imgbox"] [div class="filter igimg"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="stripes"]stripes[/div] [div class="darken"]darken[/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="vertical" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="top: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [div class="horizontal" style="bottom: 0px; right: 0px;"] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [/div] [div class="divider"]divider[/div] [div class="infoarea iginfoarea"] [div class="infoblock" style="margin-top: 17px;"] [div class="infotitle"]player tag[/div] DEVILDOG [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]team[/div] [div class="teamanswer"]louder[/div] [/div] [div class="infoblock"] [div class="infotitle"]seasons[/div] 2 [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="nav playernav"] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn homeplayerbtn"] [div class="navtitle homeplayertitle"]home[div class="invi"]player[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn personalitybtn"] [div class="navtitle personalitytitle"]personality[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn historybtn"] [div class="navtitle historytitle"]history[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton playernavbtn teamcolorbtn miscbtn"] [div class="navtitle misctitle"]misc[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="nav ignav"] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn homeigbtn"] [div class="navtitle homeigtitle"]home[div class="invi"]ig[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn stylebtn"] [div class="navtitle styletitle"]style[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn loadoutbtn"] [div class="navtitle loadouttitle"]loadout[/div] [/div] [div class="navbutton ignavbtn teamcolorbtn eventsbtn"] [div class="navtitle eventstitle"]events[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]

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