house md

  1. aggravatedspacedolphins

    Multiple Settings throwing my hat into the arena (originals and fandoms)

    hi there! please don't let the fresh brand new account scare you away. let me introduce myself before you get too far. ABOUT ME i'm dolphins! i'm a thirty year old female. i live in the est, work a full time day shift job and every other weekend. my main hobbies include binge watching shows...
  2. Bellsora

    Fandom 1x1 Search (Destiny 2 [VG], Bridgerton, House M.D., Cyberpunk '77, Stranger Things)

    Hi lovelies! If you clicked on this, thanks! Now, if you could take a couple minutes to read through what all I'm looking for in a partner and roleplay, that'd be much appreciated. - Looking for a partner that is at least 20. This is for purely for my own comfort, being in my late twenties (RIP...