Search results for query: *

  1. HumanPlus

    Looking for a decent star wars system

    Hey. As many others, My gaming group went in to see the new star wars movie and about two seconds after we left the theater it was decided that we totally should start a star wars campaign. There was just one problem, the thousand different star wars systems out there. So i'm asking you...
  2. HumanPlus

    Things you would only say in an RPG

    Okay this is not actually something said in-game but translated from a skype conversation me and my friend had today, trying and failing miserably to plan for our next session for our Scion game. Friend: I'm still saying, i have a plan for the Charybdis thing. Me: Hm? Friend: We need a...
  3. HumanPlus

    Things you would only say in an RPG

    Here's one from less than two minutes ago in our Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay game "Since i am poor i will drag my dwarven butt onto the inn counter and intimidate the barkeep to give me a meal."
  4. HumanPlus

    Things you would only say in an RPG

    Oof, this is hard. One of my fellow players is pure gold when it comes but we speak Danish when we play so I'll have to translate. "I know they're a race of sexually deviant evil douchebag elves but we're practically family. I'll probably be fine." "I have an idea! If we take a piss over the...
  5. HumanPlus

    Spells That Don't Suck

    Well i mainly like sorcery because of the aesthetics. Sorcery in Exalted has an element i love, the fact that it looks good. You can take all the charms for traveling faster you want, but to me it doesn't compete with standing by a lakeside with raised arms as your anima weaves the light of the...