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  1. BuggaBoo

    Experiences Whats something you regret doing in a RP, or an embarrassing RP moment?

    Hi!! Sooooo like here's a good reason to make sure you read carefully what your partners write before you. One of the charries had been taken out one shot and so my charrie went to console and heal them. So she placed her hands on the afflicted area. Failed to read that the other charrie had...
  2. BuggaBoo

    Viewpoint What makes you turn down an RP opportunity

    Hi!! Sooooo like I only rp in groups now. And when i do withdraw from RPs, it's always been these 4: Discord - dealbreaker and hard pass. Too many disgusting experiences (not talking about it) that and you get a gazillion notifs. Hard to keep up and no real desire. It's just an rp lol Speed...
  3. BuggaBoo

    Viewpoint Fav thing about writing?

    Hi!! K sooooo like I do have reeeeeally obv self inserts lol but I love doing my "familiar inserts" more. These are charries based on others I know. I like to try and replicate how I think they'd react to what happens in the RP as i know them. Only shown one person my writing and she told me to...
  4. BuggaBoo

    Other Roleplay Pet peeves

    Oh! I just thought of one! Fancy assed coded stuff that doesn't do well on a phone. And is without a plain text version. Like there are some coded posts where like it cuts off or it feels like i'm playing those kids games where you take your mouse and click on everything to see if there is...
  5. BuggaBoo

    Advice/Help Getting into character

    Hi!! I do a lot of self insert in my charries lol i admit that. But sometimes its because i want to see what i'd do in like a super ridiculous situation AND have like a desired body type, perfect makeup and skin lol . But then most of the time I do 'familiar insert' type charries. These ones...
  6. BuggaBoo

    Advice/Help Longer replies?

    Hi!! So i do write a lot. It's not great but i think it covers the bases. My goal is to always aim for 300-700 words. Within 300 words the next person should find something of interest in your post from which they can build on. Basically at the core I do a 3 paragraph format of about 300...
  7. BuggaBoo

    Advice/Help Please teach me how to boss cuz I'm sooooo not a boss!!

    D'aaaaaaaaw tysm! Yeah im trying to do my best. Yeah my biggest concern really is after that whole like 'honeymoon phase' where like everyone is just coming down from offa the smell of new fresh rp and the actual grind begins. Cuz then after like the first few times they post you usually get...
  8. BuggaBoo

    Advice/Help Please teach me how to boss cuz I'm sooooo not a boss!!

    Hi!! So I never GM'd here on RPN. And even when I did GM it didn't go well cuz I was reeeeeeallly scatterbrained back then. Like I still am bonkers but not as bad now lol. Soooo like I'm starting off as a co-GM. K sooooo like my question is this: What advice do you ol' head GMs have to...
  9. BuggaBoo

    Other Roleplay Pet peeves

    So you see a nice RP. Everything is well written, well thought out and reeeeealllly gets the creative juices flowing! Then you see the CS. My gosh its gigantic. So many things to write about. Well the GM seems like they apprecitate hard work and creativity, right? K lmma kill this app...
  10. BuggaBoo

    Advice/Help Please Help make AI my friend so I can make pretty pictures!

    cool cools. loves this. this is like those dress up sites i used to mess around when i was little lol
  11. BuggaBoo

    Advice/Help Please Help make AI my friend so I can make pretty pictures!

    wow this is really easy to use! tysm!!
  12. BuggaBoo

    Advice/Help Please Help make AI my friend so I can make pretty pictures!

    not looking for fcs. I want to make fcs and other pics using AI.
  13. BuggaBoo

    Advice/Help Please Help make AI my friend so I can make pretty pictures!

    Hi!! I make reeeeeeeallllly good stick figures. But not good enough for FCs lol My friend has made me some nice pics using AI and they offered to teach me but its on discord and I'm not about the discord life. They said that there are other AIs out there that can help but pfffft doesn't...
  14. BuggaBoo

    Advice/Help I don't want to make potato! I want to make map!!

    k cools i like these but the incarnates are prettier. The village and neighbourhood ones look easy enough to do and like the trees and houses are cute too. i can just like edit it text for landmarks and places of interests too. TYSM!! Me n MS Paint make MS Suck Potato pics not maps lol
  15. BuggaBoo

    Advice/Help I don't want to make potato! I want to make map!!

    K cool cools i see you. Wow like some of those maps niiiiiiicccceee tho! Lol they even have battle maps for like dnd games. K well its free to try and I'mma make a regional map TYSM!!
  16. BuggaBoo

    Advice/Help I don't want to make potato! I want to make map!!

    Hi!! I'm looking for a map making app but one that is a few steps up from a drawing app but waaaaay below Photoshop mastery lol Can anyone pleeeease point me in the right direction? Like just something to make cities or like as big as a province. Nuttin fancy and expensive. Preferrably free...
  17. BuggaBoo

    Advice/Help Toying with some Space Opera concepts

    Hi!! I like the Small scale version. Cuz SPACE PIRATES!!