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  1. cojemo

    Absence I think this is it for me, at least for a while

    Hey there, all who may read this! This isn't my first time making an absence post, but unlike last time where I left because I wasn't feeling well, things are a little different here. You see, I plan to vacate this site, for how long I don't know, but I don't plan on coming back anytime soon...
  2. cojemo

    Gonna Take a Break For a While

    Sup everyone, I'm just going to cut right to the chase as I've never been one for unneeded fluff; I'll be leaving this site while I sort things out in my life. For the few people I've talked to on here this shouldn't come as a huge surprise, as I've mentioned taking a break to deal with things...
  3. cojemo

    What does your favorite ICE CREAM FLAVOR say about you?

    That's pretty close. Who knew Ice cream personality tests would be this accurate? Well whatever. RAINBOW SHERBET MASTER RACE!
  4. cojemo

    ~A Great Big Set of Goodbyes~

    Well, from the signs of fatigue and you mentioning you were going to University soon I expected something like this, but even so it's surprising to actually see. I'm not very good at good byes, but since you mentioned me I feel obligated to try anyways. Still, I probably would've done so either...