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  1. That Lass Over There

    Other Most Painful Character death

    This thread. Though it seems to have been revived ( > ,< )👍
  2. That Lass Over There

    Other Favorite heartbreaking quotes, RP or Fandom?

    Until you start having to split 'em up into three chunks, haha. My posts can get really long depending on the occasion, and discord does not like that.
  3. That Lass Over There

    Other Favorite heartbreaking quotes, RP or Fandom?

    I'm impressed you got that beyond Discord's annoying character limit, the #2 reason I don't RP on there.
  4. That Lass Over There

    Other Favorite heartbreaking quotes, RP or Fandom?

    My favorite heartbreaking quote - well, one of them anyways - goes to Dave Strider from homestuck. "I'm not a hero. My bro was. John is. I'm not." There were several from homestuck and other franchises that hit me in the feels much more, but that one has just stayed with me, and I think hurts...
  5. That Lass Over There

    Other Most Painful Character death

    Well, I see most of my top candidates have been stated (screw whoever said Raz, I'm still not healed) I may have missed it, but I didn't see any homestuck mentions, so... Oof, Dave's bro. Like, I hated bro as a person. But he was cool on screen as a character, and the effect it had on Dave who...
  6. That Lass Over There

    Other To all my followers

    No problem! You do some pretty cool stuff @Idea , I still remember that Halloween RP that never got off the ground >,<
  7. That Lass Over There

    Other Describe your own personal version of hell?

    New personal hell: Neon green polyester coffin that you can't escape from, and every time you move the fabric becomes coarser and more disordered.
  8. That Lass Over There

    Other Describe your own personal version of hell?

    The absolute worst is the noises. Dear god, every time I hear an ambulance I faint. Very unbecoming for me XD
  9. That Lass Over There

    Other Describe your own personal version of hell?

    Oh, a fellow autistic?
  10. That Lass Over There

    Other Describe your own personal version of hell?

    ... I'm allergic to most hand sanitizers....
  11. That Lass Over There

    Other Describe your own personal version of hell?

    My personal hell is eternally being forced to do fetch-quest like actions for generic villagers that don't speak and instead write to talk, all in an endless land of primary colors, rainbows, and unicorns.
  12. That Lass Over There

    Other What's your religion?

    I'll be honest; there was a lot less burning at the stake than I expected from this thread, so I don't see why not. Besides, it might be interesting to share for the first time in a while. Much like two or three others who have already posted here, I don't really have a set religion, or a...
  13. That Lass Over There

    What video game world would you want to live in?

    I stopped playing GW 2 for about three months, and it was impossible to get back into it... Still an awesome game though.
  14. That Lass Over There

    What video game world would you want to live in?

    It finished. Other than the epilogue, the entire main story is published on MSPA and is constantly being revised now.
  15. That Lass Over There

    What video game world would you want to live in?

    Well, heh, this is a hard question and I don't have much time to rummage through my brain... Eh, frick it. Hiveswap hype. Would totally live in the Homestuck universe (or in this case, Hiveswap's universe, even though they're the same universe and Homestuck itself is technically a game in...
  16. That Lass Over There

    Other Post your real human stats here.

    Speed 6/10 Strength 3/10 Intelligence 8/10 Charisma 3.5/10 Influence 7/10
  17. That Lass Over There

    What is the best piece of video game music you've heard?

    "The first time I saw a Witch, she burned." Compared to it's predecessor games D3 may lose out in the base feel, but it certainly has it's moments. Every time I hear 'game soundtrack', I think of the first time I picked up Adria's Diary part one, and this had just started playing...
  18. That Lass Over There

    Other Longest video game you've spent time on

    Terraria: 3,500+ hours Diablo 3: If I had to tak a gander, ~2,000 hours Unturned: 1,238 hours Kingdom Hearts 1: ~200 hours Spyro: Enough to break the time thing and fill a ps2 memory card. May the ps2 forever be in our hearts.