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  1. Pacificus

    Other What's your infodump subject?

    Naval history and Warhammer 40k. I could go off for hours on either. It's actually hard to talk about because if someone asks, I have to bite my tongue or I'll give them a multi-page essay.
  2. Pacificus

    Other Random question of the day

    The problem comes with writing an other-than-good ending. Either the ending is unfulfilled, which is boring to the audience; or it's bad, which is very hard to do in a way that doesn't feel like a cop out. Which is why you'll usually see side-characters get the "bad ending".
  3. Pacificus

    Other Random question of the day

    The new Rescue Rangers is a good spiritual successor to a train wreck with multiple fatalities.
  4. Pacificus

    Other Random question of the day

  5. Pacificus

    Other Random question of the day

    Don't have to be a biologist to call a turd a turd. Also, this happened to the Warhammer 40k fanbase, and the fans were proven right.
  6. Pacificus

    Other Random question of the day

    Insurance agent.
  7. Pacificus

    Other The Quote Boate! What're Your Quotes?

    "A system has been targeted by pirates. Smuggling is rampant. Trade convoys are going missing. THIS is terrible.... However, it's also terribly profitable." -SsethTzeentach
  8. Pacificus

    Other Random question of the day

    Depends. Either 20 European women, or 5 American women. Or, if you're my ex, then only 1.
  9. Pacificus

    Other Random question of the day

    Any escort mission.
  10. Pacificus

    Other What Annoys You Most About TV Shows?

    It's probably just me but I hate how most mainstream TV is always based on the most bland premises. Studios and creators are too scared to create things that are really out there in setting and originality. It's probably why things like anime have gotten so popular, because the Japanese give 0...
  11. Pacificus

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    Hitler wasn't that bad.
  12. Pacificus

    Tech Which Browser Do You Use?

    Currently using Chrome but I'm thinking of switching to Opera or Firefox since Google drank the kool-aid.
  13. Pacificus

    News Unbiased news?

    Unbiased news sources don't exist. Fox ain't bad as far mainstream goes, but still be careful. Breitbart will cover alot of topics and stories that other outlets won't. However, they often exaggerate things.  It's best to browse the entire spectrum in order to best piece together the puzzle.
  14. Pacificus

    Other Something you're thankful for today :)

    For the first time in a year, I don't dread the future.
  15. Pacificus

    Other I'm trippin' balls man it's so different!

    Its different. I don't like it. Fuck change.
  16. Pacificus

    Other One Random Fact About You?

    I used to cut the corners off squares of cheese when I was 5. For some reason I thought it improved the taste.
  17. Pacificus

    Other If I were president...

    If I were president, Step 1. Crush liberal dreams Step 2. Build the wall Step 3. Unite the anglo-sphere Step 4. Newly formed Anglo union conquers world. Step 5. Streak on the White House front lawn for shits and giggles.