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  1. AtlannianSpy

    Shin Megami Tensei, Persona, Devil Survivor, ETC, chat/plotting thread.

    I just finished P5 and now I need tocvent *sniff. Why are these dumb games so sad at the end!
  2. AtlannianSpy

    Other The weirdest picture you have on your phone.

    I looked and... Every photo on my phone was just a different wifi password. Not sure what that says about me.
  3. AtlannianSpy

    Food Does Pineapple Belong on Pizza

    Yes BUT Only on supreme, Hawaiian is an inferior pizza variety for degenerates.
  4. AtlannianSpy

    Other Favorite Pokemon?

    God bless you kind sir.
  5. AtlannianSpy

    Other Favorite Pokemon?

    dern yung'uns and their new fangled derpy dragons. Back in my day Dragonite was the only derpy dragon we had and we were satisfied with that goshdernit! I can't be bothered to find a dragonite gif though.
  6. AtlannianSpy

    Other explain your icon/avatar/profile picture/whatever

    It's the flag of a fictional nation I made for RPing on another site. The fanged gecko is a roughly tiger sized, warm blooded ambush predator that symbolises shrewdness, cunning and fighting spirit which is to say almost the complete opposite of me but I dislike changing avatars of I can avoid...
  7. AtlannianSpy

    Other What's your Harry Potter house?

    I tend to teeter between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff I guess but my favourite sorting hat result belongs to my buddy who ties between Hufflepuff and Slytherin. He is loyal, hardworking and dependable but also ambitious, vengeful and manipulative. I'm telling you guys Hufflepuffs are the ones you...
  8. AtlannianSpy

    Other Favorite Pokemon?

    Marowak is clearly where it's at. He's the only Pokemon with a tragic backstory and a cool mask. Marowak is the batman of pokemon, he even fights with tools instead of super powers.
  9. AtlannianSpy

    Elder Scrolls

    Skyrim must be the only game in my library that I dislike the more I play and yet keep playing well past the 400 hour mark, it's the epitomy of love-hate for me. I just wish Bethesda would hire Obsidian to write for them already.
  10. AtlannianSpy

    Favourite Pokémon Rival? (And Why?)

    I think Silver or ??? as I like to think of him (my first playthrough of the game I didn't realise that the cop asking you what his bame was a chance to pick one for him so I just copied what it had said directly and he ended up staying ??? for the entire game) For one thing he has an actual...
  11. AtlannianSpy

    Your favorite Videogame Soundtracks!

    Somebody already mentioned Bastion, which is a soundtrack so good it almost carried the rest of the game, so I'll instead give a shout out to Sunless Sea which somehow manages to be eerie and rather charming at the same time.
  12. AtlannianSpy

    Fire emblem fates Birthright

    Man I love these games but holy heck am I getting my butt handed to me. I beat blazing sword back in the day but conquest is kicking my butt, rather than pull my haqir out over it I broke down and bought the DLC that lets you grind, figure my first playthrough will be for experimenting with...