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  1. Killigrew

    Fantasy A Fresh Start (Closed)

    Blanchefleur The bark pressed roughly into her back as she leaned up against a tree for rest. As her panting quieted, she turned her eyes to the pot she still cradled in her arms. It had grown heavier as she went, turning her strength to numbness, but she did not want to let go. "But I had...
  2. Killigrew

    Fantasy A Fresh Start (Closed)

    Blanchefleur Hu-- "shh-shhh-shh!" The woman woke with a start. Scattered glances tried to name the sound, but all they gleaned were the blades of grass that rose gently against the breeze. As her teeth relaxed, she gasped, staring down at the cold metal pot cradled in her arms. "Was that..." her...
  3. Killigrew

    Fantasy Skyfarers: The Grand Adventure

    Yason Sokolov Main Deck Now he might call what rose in his belly a furnace! What had been a tongue of flame now roared up to his ears, overcoming his senses with a wrath that cut deep into the mind. Thoughts muddied, but his intention sharpened. He tightened about the girl, the paper caught in...
  4. Killigrew

    Fantasy Skyfarers: The Grand Adventure

    Yason Sokolov Main Deck The hand reaching forward, small and trembling: it was all he saw. The soft voice, shaken with desperation: it was all he heard. And when the eyes, large and fearful, caught him, Yason could no longer manage. His stomach tightened, throat constricted, and it was all he...
  5. Killigrew

    Fantasy Skyfarers: The Grand Adventure

    Yason chewed the inside of his cheek as he took in her answer. Finally, he shook his head, and said with a sudden laugh, “I haven’t the foggiest what you mean. How could we only see it from all the way out here, a week’s journey away, and not when we are nearer? Explain…” The touch of cloth...
  6. Killigrew

    Fantasy Skyfarers: The Grand Adventure

    Yason Sokolov Mess Hall "No, behind us. I saw... I'm not sure what. Something like a sunset on the horizon, painting the sky with red light, and then as soon as I saw it, it vanished back into that black fade -- you can barely see it now. Agatha." The weight over him aleviated. The engineer's...
  7. Killigrew

    Fantasy Skyfarers: The Grand Adventure

    Yason Sokolov Mess Hall "Yeah. How strange..." Andrei remarked drily, nudging Yason. He continued in a grating falsetto. "And why the same sailors cycling over and over... Why do they drool when they meet my gaze? Such a mystery..." "Alright, Andrei, put a cork in it." It sure sounded like...
  8. Killigrew

    Fantasy Skyfarers: The Grand Adventure

    Yason Sokolov Mess Hall As their hands touched, a sting of pain raced up his wrist, and Yason realized with a start that his sliced thumb had left a smear of blood along her index finger. He buried the evidence in his fist and tried not to look suspicious. He perceived she had forced the...
  9. Killigrew

    Fantasy Skyfarers: The Grand Adventure

    Yason Sokolov Mess Hall The soft wood bent easily against the blade. Long markings were cut in criss-cross patterns around the piece, swirling like a ribbon. Holding the blade perpendicular, Yason was peeling layers of bark off one end, honing it to a point. The shavings danced down his lap to...
  10. Killigrew

    Fantasy Skyfarers: The Grand Adventure

    Yason Sokolov The Hull It was like the sunset. That spread of color over the horizon, a painting set in nature, stood out starkly in his mind. The black city, Agatha -- he knew it even when it was a fade in the distance -- had turned red, but as soon as he leaned forward over the ship deck...
  11. Killigrew

    Fantasy Skyfarers: The Grand Adventure

    Links Interest Check Skyfarers in an Era of Exploration! Character Sheets Skyfarers: The Character Sheets OOC Skyfarers: the OOC Chat The World: Blue: Over a sea of blue, these four floating islands sit in a cluster. Bridges and roads connect them, except for the one in the middle, Agatha, a...
  12. Killigrew

    Fantasy IC - Chapter 1A: "Blood On My Hands, Dirt On My Boots" (Kildra)

    Sweet Lullabies Ludwick Wurms The wine jars had spilt their last drops. Upon the tile, the red stained into pure white, smearing along the ballroom floor. A man covered it with his woman, squirming, and took her away by the hand. Laughter echoed hollowly in Ludwick's ears. He traced the brim...
  13. Killigrew

    Fantasy A Tale of Knights and Steel (IC)

    Thick and sticky like syrup, the orc blood clung to his hands, tracing over the lines of his skin. In clots and clumps, it rubbed off onto white cloth. Clive kept on rubbing as he paced the small room. As soon as the castle gates had opened, the captain of the guard himself came to command...
  14. Killigrew

    Fantasy A Tale of Knights and Steel (IC)

    Clive "Stop... leaning!" "It's not my fault! I can't get a decent grip!" "If you drop him one more time, don't expect to make it home." "What? Huh? What're you gonna do? You gonna kill me?" "By Bahamut's tongue, bite yours! You two have nothing to complain about -- you don't have orc guts...
  15. Killigrew

    Fantasy Sword & Glory

    It seemed like no matter what precautions he took, the elf would find a way out. As though some demonic force preserved her rotten soul, she managed to draw a knife on him and stab it in before his sword could reach her neck. The leg gave out under his weight as the knife sank in. As though...
  16. Killigrew

    Fantasy Sword & Glory

    Flames take him, he missed! A snarl cut across his features as he regarded the elf fallen at his feet. How had she known? It was a waste of his time, and a foolish waste, to even spend a moment letting her cry about how innocent she was. Spite filled him to look at her. Did she really think...
  17. Killigrew

    Fantasy Sword & Glory

    "My horse is in the stables behind the tavern," Bertilak said, standing. "I'll take you to him." A short walk from the tavern to the stables, a short exchange with the stable boy, and the speckled grey stallion was before them, pawing its front hoof impatiently. Bertilak ushered the elf...
  18. Killigrew

    Fantasy Sword & Glory

    She wanted the coin. She didn't want him to know she did, but it was an easy tell; shifting in her seat, fidgeting with her hair, trying to keep her hands out of sight. How like a criminal seen with their hands all red. A fitting analogy, too. When she mentioned prostitution, Bertilak snorted...
  19. Killigrew

    Fantasy Sword & Glory

    Not a word she said would he believe, but he could act as though he did. Shaking his head in apparent sympathy, Bertilak took a chair immediately beside her and extended a hand towards her mug. With a half smile, he gently said, "You're not well off, and you spend your coin on ale instead of...
  20. Killigrew

    Fantasy Sword & Glory

    The ale passed his lips, splashing against his throat. Not a moment spent on his tongue; the stale ale of this roadside tavern was no flavor worth testing. Bertilak slammed his now-empty mug against the bar and blindly waved at the tender to fetch him another fill. Moments passed. The mug...