Search results for query: *

  1. Thorn of Discord

    Futuristic 1-800-HUNTERS // OOC

    I saw this Rp and it looked kinda interesting, is it open for joining? I have a cool charecter and would like to write about and share with a group of (hopefully) equally cool people c:
  2. Thorn of Discord

    Fandom Multi Island

    I appreciate the answers and the invite @Super Waifu / @billthesomething but I don't have high hopes of fitting in. My apologies for any offense and inconvenience.
  3. Thorn of Discord

    Fandom Multi Island

    Ah, thank you @Super Waifu, please excuse my use of a list format. (If this is better suited to a PM I'll move it there) 1. How many people are playing? 2. Would Discord from MLP:FIM be acceptable? 3. How often is updating? 4. Is the challenge to play the character accurately under...
  4. Thorn of Discord

    Fandom Hoofbeat: Leverage

    @PlaguedWithInsanity V'aussi? Quelle chance. Yeah, one of the native tongues in Hooflock is French so there will be more should we venture that direction. Pourquoi Pas c:
  5. Thorn of Discord

    Fandom Hoofbeat: Leverage

    @PlaguedWithInsanity Automne is Melpomene's, (my oc and team leader), partner more or less. She also runs a local paper based out of the Commonwealth we'll use to harm bad folk. (Fun Fact: She drinks the strongest, scalding hot, black coffee on the market) Does that suffice for an answer?
  6. Thorn of Discord

    Fandom Hoofbeat: Leverage

    @PlaguedWithInsanity That's great to hear, no need to rush though. Just don't forget that the pic is unnecessary!
  7. Thorn of Discord

    Fandom Multi Island

    I'm sorry but is there any chance of my questions being answered soon?
  8. Thorn of Discord

    Fandom Multi Island

    I've been invited but might I ask a few questions before applying?
  9. Thorn of Discord

    Fandom Hoofbeat: Leverage

    @Ashs Pikachu That's a pretty good idea, I'll have to make a note of that. Well, I think both these charas are great and I'll make sure to include them :D I would like to wait to see if anyone else is interested but I'll probably start within the week. I hope :/
  10. Thorn of Discord

    Fandom Hoofbeat: Leverage

    @Ashs Pikachu These charas look great, though Question IV doesn't necessarily need to mean romantic relationships, (it could mean chara x and chara y were dodgeball rivals in the fourth grade or something). So Link is master theif and Darkcloud an expert in herbal remedies? (I also assume...
  11. Thorn of Discord

    Futuristic Out of Character [Please Read the OP]

    @arcaneSentinel Come to think of it, I have a charecter I've been wanting to use. I might have to tweak her a bit, but can I shoot you a pm?
  12. Thorn of Discord

    Futuristic Out of Character [Please Read the OP]

    I remember playing inFamous, the first one, but that was much too long ago. Sorry. (I liked it if that helps any)
  13. Thorn of Discord

    Fandom Hoofbeat: Leverage

    @Ashs Pikachu A jackalope huh? I once saw a stuffed jackalope. It was fake, but I used to have a friend who swore up and down he's seen one before. I don't see any reason why you couldn't have them, so long as you are familiar with my Rules and Lore, (Just waiting on a Lore Tab, derp). It...
  14. Thorn of Discord

    Fandom Hoofbeat: Leverage

    Notable chara's Melpomene Leader and well versed white collar criminal Ace Darkwood Old acquaintance in shenanigans and job finder Automne Mel's partner and runner of the Hooflock daily (Also my waifu???) Clementine A private security mare running Iron Mountain, and an active...
  15. Thorn of Discord

    Fandom Hoofbeat:Leverage - Lore

    Hooflock Hooflock is a sizable city state resting inside a coastal mountain bowl, known as Bad Wolf Bay. It's a diverse city, and split into three main districts. To the rugged north is the Argent District, comprised of the wealthy and powerful. In the south is the crescent shaped Waterfront...
  16. Thorn of Discord

    Fandom Hoofbeat: Leverage

    Here's a filled out one, make yours look like this please I. Melpomene II. Female, Unicorn, 20-ish III. Conmare (Conwoman), also an assisting editor of Hooflock Daily IV. Romantically committed to Automne, and ringleader of the Team V. Melpomene is a youthful, thin mare of tall...
  17. Thorn of Discord

    Fandom Hoofbeat: Leverage

    Rules 0. I'm making this rule zero because it's that important (and I'm a tech nerd): Follow RPNation's rules. ["]] I won't be responsible for what y'all do if you can't follow their rules or mine, no matter how illogical or unfair...
  18. Thorn of Discord

    Fandom Hoofbeat: Leverage

    Here is where any non-roleplay chatter should go. I expect this thread to follow my previously posted rules and RPNation's, and want to keep some vague semblance of civility here. Please use common courtesy and, if you have it, common sense to communicate smoothly. (Oh, and do allow me and...
  19. Thorn of Discord

    Fandom Hoofbeat: Leverage

    My rubric for a Chara I. Name and/or Title II. Gender, species, Age III. Occupation, legal or otherwise IV. Relations (Create one with another player and/or notable NPC) V. Physical Description (image optional) VI. Personality VII. What fruit are they VIII. Ongoing story IX...
  20. Thorn of Discord

    Futuristic Out of Character [Please Read the OP]

    Neow: The next update is going to be delayed since the internet speed in Mexico is muy mal.