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  1. Ping Beifong

    Oopsies daisies, that ain't supposed to be Casual

    Not a higher value--just different posts required. I have not quite finished editing Issan, but you are far more familiar with the system than I; therefore I will trust your judgement on it. Thank you for your assist :)
  2. Ping Beifong

    Oopsies daisies, that ain't supposed to be Casual

    The timing on that was brilliant. I was quite convinced that I'd made a blunder while on my cell and have been picking at it for ages. Now that that conflict is cleared up, I did browse through the definitions before (and did a refresher reading now) and am not quite sure what makes Issan...
  3. Ping Beifong

    Oopsies daisies, that ain't supposed to be Casual

    The question I have is in regards to Issan ( When I made the game it was under "Detailed" but somehow, most likely when I was tinkering on my phone, I changed it to "Casual." How the heck do I fix that one? Thank you in advance, Ping
  4. Ping Beifong

    Location, location . . .

    Excellent. Thank you for your aid, gentlefolk. It shall be up tonight.
  5. Ping Beifong

    Location, location . . .

    The game I am going to create is a fantasy and sci fi. Think Final Fantasy with Firefly and Saga(comics). My definition of what is scientifically possible is pretty open . . . ok, very open. I don't mind in the least if the players plop something out of myths, put a sciencyish spin on it and...