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Oopsies daisies, that ain't supposed to be Casual


I am the roleplay moderator for Futuristic and I changed the prefix. Prefixes are meant to organize the roleplay threads on our forums. You game currently fits under the "Casual" category due to the nature of your roleplay's overview, rules, and character sign-up.

This thread will explain more about the roleplay prefixes.
The timing on that was brilliant. I was quite convinced that I'd made a blunder while on my cell and have been picking at it for ages. Now that that conflict is cleared up, I did browse through the definitions before (and did a refresher reading now) and am not quite sure what makes Issan "Casual."

Given that the players will be creating as much of the world as I am, I want their posts to be as detailed as possible. They are in charge of creating the city or planet their character originates from and will be making up their species and all the details therein.

Is there some change I need to make to the game itself to change it to "Detailed"?
Your roleplay rules and character sign-up give no strict requirements for users to follow. If you are truly that concerned over the prefix of your roleplay, you are more than welcome to view the other roleplays in the Futuristic section which are prefixed as "Detailed". A "Detailed" roleplay does not mean it is the best roleplay. "Detailed" roleplays hold no higher value than a "Simple" roleplay. It's just a game.
Not a higher value--just different posts required. I have not quite finished editing Issan, but you are far more familiar with the system than I; therefore I will trust your judgement on it. Thank you for your assist :)

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