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Location, location . . .

Ping Beifong

But Brain, what will the kids look like?
The game I am going to create is a fantasy and sci fi. Think Final Fantasy with Firefly and Saga(comics). My definition of what is scientifically possible is pretty open . . . ok, very open. I don't mind in the least if the players plop something out of myths, put a sciencyish spin on it and call it good. But it is space travel and the like, so where should I put it? It is equal parts futuristic and fantasy . . .

Does location matter all that much?
Hello, Ping, and welcome to the nation.

The Site Questions and Information forum is meant for questions related to the site itself. Threads like this fit appropriately under Roleplay Advice/ Help. I have all ready moved your thread for you. :)
To quote the RPN FAQ : "Roleplays are grouped in accordance to their setting."

Therefore, if your roleplay is set in deep-space, 100 years in the future, for example, it'd belong in the Futuristic tag. I'm assuming your roleplay would thus belong in Futuristic; however, I'd wait for a staff/fellow to confirm.
Yes, Mordecai is right. My previous post was a mistake. I would say that if your roleplay deals with a lot of futuristic elements like technology, then you would post your game in Futuristic. If there are more magical elements, then your roleplay would be better suited in Fantasy. :)
[QUOTE="Ping Beifong]I don't mind in the least if the players plop something out of myths, put a sciencyish spin on it and call it good.

This is a good clue to me. What the explanations of a particular ability involve, generally describes the overall setting. Putting a science-y spin on magic tells me that you have a science setting with fantasy elements, not the other way around. Long-winded way of saying that it sounds Futuristic to me, too. :)

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