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  1. Kae

    Other do you have a favourite youtuber?

    - The World Of Dave - PewDiePie - Elite Donuts but i usually just watch whatevers on my recommendeds
  2. Kae

    What Role do You Usually Have?

    The only role playing game at I've played is Dota 2. I prefer to play ranged supports, or maybe someone like Windrunner but sometimes I play melee too.
  3. Kae

    Any RpN Osu! Players here.

    Standard player here o/ I play 4-5* maps (Insane)
  4. Kae

    Other Post your real human stats here.

    Speed - 2/10 (Don't ask me to run marathons) Strength - 5/10  Intelligence - 8/10 Charisma - uhhhhh 1/1000 Influence - 3/10
  5. Kae

    Other Where are you from?

    I was born in Northern Ireland to a Hong Kong/Chinese based family. So my nationality is technically Nothern Irish (or British if you like, it's a bit confusing) but by blood I'm Chinese. My father is from Hong Kong and my mother is from Mainland China (Guangdong province) Good thing = Two...
  6. Kae

    Other How long have you ever had a crush?

    Tbh, I've never had a crush on anyone personally before. But I have over Korean celebrities but I'm sure they don't count since I'll probably never achieve my imaginative goal of being with them  :( Idk what it feels like on a personal basis
  7. Kae

    Other Longest video game you've spent time on

    Either Minecraft or Zelda. I've played Minecraft for two years and a half (I probably shouldn't be playing this at my age), and Zelda for over 4 years (but only about once every week, while as Minecraft everyday). But a recent favourite of mine is Osu, and I've played for around 6 months...
  8. Kae

    Other One Random Fact About You?

    I've done taekwondo, karate and kung fu, but quit the latter two when I was doing GCSEs (srry but i dont know the american equivalent) Now I'm just stuck with a dan 3 belt in taekwondo ._.
  9. Kae

    Other If you only had 3 days left to live, what would you do?

    I'd play video games for half of the first day (because I'll probably get bored since I have like no friends). Then I'd go outside and eat eat eat for the rest of the second day. Then in the very very early morning of the second day get a flight ticket to South Korea, in which I'll probably...
  10. Kae

    Other So... Who believes in ghosts?

    I half believe in ghosts and other night stuff Really only because I have a fear of the dark, especially when I literally can't see anything. I then start imagining monsters and stuff in the room, even though I know that there are none ;-;
  11. Kae

    Other TIFU- Today I Fucked Up

    Today, I tripped on my own foot twice in a match of Camogie (Irish sport) and once over someone else's stick. And there was a crowd watching us play ;-; Got three bruises over my legs but we won anyway :>
  12. Kae

    Other Where did your title/rank come from?

  13. Kae

    Anyone play The Legend Of Zelda?

    I didn't really have any troubles either, apart from when my brother just walks into the room and messes the whole thing up when I'm in the bathroom -.-
  14. Kae

    Anyone play The Legend Of Zelda?

    Skyward Sword is one of the my favourites, because there's literally so many side quests and collectibles to get around each area. You should definetly play it if you liked Twilight Princess ^^ (Though the theme isn't as dark) I need to get a Wii U as soon as I have the money for it saved up...
  15. Kae

    Anyone play The Legend Of Zelda?

    Lucky you with the Mangas xD I am like broke so welp
  16. Kae

    Anyone play The Legend Of Zelda?

    I'm the type who wants to own an actual cover/package of the game, so I have like a collection around my computer (Unless I can't actually have a physical copy, like Zelda I) I heard Majora's Mask is about saving the land from a moon that's crash-landing in three or so days xD  
  17. Kae

    Anyone play The Legend Of Zelda?

    Have you not finished Skyward Sword or Ocarina of Time? :o Majora's Mask, Link to the Past and Zelda 1 I haven't played yet xD  
  18. Kae

    What is the best piece of video game music you've heard?

    my life completion key
  19. Kae

    Other If you could ask someone from the future only 1 question

    do robots exist so i can be lazy for the rest of my life
  20. Kae

    Other Weird fears and why

    I understand your fears xD I always stare at my cup to see if there's anything weird about it for ages then drink it with doubts