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  1. Amora Aurora

    Realistic or Modern The Expulsion

    I really love it! So as far as the plot goes, is your plan to have the group ban together and escape, then go through the dramas and actions of purge night or did you have something else in mind?
  2. Amora Aurora

    Realistic or Modern Sad, Tragic Orphans (A Spiced Up Band Roleplay)

    Thanks for the interest guys! I'd ideally like to get a bit more generated before putting work into a thread
  3. Amora Aurora

    Realistic or Modern Sad, Tragic Orphans (A Spiced Up Band Roleplay)

    Sad, Tragic Orphans In 2009 Sad, Tragic Orphans came bursting out of the woodwork and took the world by storm. Six teenagers that were raised in the same group home took a shot at the big times on a talent competition show and they didn't only win the show, they won America's hearts...
  4. Amora Aurora

    Realistic or Modern c r o s s m y h e a r t

    I dig it, pardon me while I climb aboard
  5. Amora Aurora

    Realistic or Modern Slice-of-Life RP Ideas

    I'd definitely be up for Professor's Kids or Acker College EMS. I'd submit a character to any of these, but those two I'd be most excited about <3
  6. Amora Aurora

    Realistic or Modern The color of Vanilla

    Love this so much, I'd appreciate a tag as well!
  7. Amora Aurora

    Realistic or Modern College Beach Romance

    I'm 100% in if you'll have me!
  8. Amora Aurora

    Realistic or Modern Playing it Straight

    While this is a brilliant idea, and I wish it was an actual television show, I'll wait around and stalk before deciding whether I'm in or not. I, too, am a huge fan of fluff but I can't really see how any would occur in this, especially with it being detailed. How would we write multiple...
  9. Amora Aurora

    Realistic or Modern The Preternatural's (Heroes Inspired Episodic Tale)

    The Preternatural's | - Best Roleplay Forum
  10. Amora Aurora

    Realistic or Modern The Preternatural's (Heroes Inspired Episodic Tale)

    @pulpfiction we can consider Jill Olsen your writing sample, don't even worry about it <3 The sample is just to familiarize myself with everyone's writing styles and I'm already familiar with yours. Just PM me when you're ready/if you want the coded character sheet. Thanks a bunch for the...
  11. Amora Aurora

    Realistic or Modern The Preternatural's (Heroes Inspired Episodic Tale)

    The Babes: (If you're one of my babes and I didn't tag you I promise it's just because you've been too busy to roleplay and I don't want to hassle your beautiful soul.) @Veirrianna Valentine @Asylumnated @AlwaysYours @oOBubblesOo
  12. Amora Aurora

    Realistic or Modern The Preternatural's (Heroes Inspired Episodic Tale)

    NOTE: The Targetted Roleplay Genre says Realistic here, though the roleplay is in the Fantasy section, because this is the sort of plot that could appeal to both masses. I know I personally never check Fantasy plots, but this particular one is so low-fantasy and high slice-of-life, that I wanted...
  13. Amora Aurora

    Realistic or Modern Sleepy Hollow

    I'm also (obviously) willing to take up any GM duties you're not up for if you need any extra help/decision making. Anyway, you made this look so damn appealing, dude. How are you thinking you'd like it to play out? Everyone gets a character, and all the stories play at once, or the selected...
  14. Amora Aurora

    Realistic or Modern So, you wanna make it big?

    ~Dude, I got this~ Someone gets too deep into the rockstar life and develops a drug problem that the others must worry about Someone is sleeping the band to the top/sleeping with all the right people to get them what they want A prank war with another band (who could act as NPC/Neutral...
  15. Amora Aurora

    Realistic or Modern So, you wanna make it big?

    Sounds cool! I'm definitely digging the idea of playing a roadie, actually. Tag me when it's up!
  16. Amora Aurora

    Realistic or Modern Let's Play a Love Game

    Detailed - Let's Play a Love Game | - Best Roleplay Forum Open for Character Sheets. Don't let the long skeleton scare you, most of the answers needed are short!
  17. Amora Aurora

    Realistic or Modern Let's Play a Love Game

    PLEASE I have so many roleplay ideas but being a GM for all of them is exhausting, haha.
  18. Amora Aurora

    Realistic or Modern Playing With Matches

    I'm not sure what's still needed, but I'm definitely up for a bisexual or straight female! Let me know and I'll get to work on a character sheet?
  19. Amora Aurora

    Realistic or Modern LBJHS Glee Club

    I'm for sure in! Holy comoly