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  1. Oliver Wade

    Fandom The Chuunin Exams, Fourth Generation.

    The fourth Chuunin exams since the last Great Ninja War. Ninja would have already started pouring into the Hidden Sand Village in droves. The class size is always reasonably bulky at first, but the first test Gaara of the Sand has planned would fix that. An organization is lurking in the...
  2. Oliver Wade

    Fandom Mister Babadook

    Andrew was shocked. He hadn't thought about how his brother might take his actions. His completely harmless, sort of harmless, rude actions. He stared wide eyed at Jaden all the way out the door. He had stayed, quietly reading by the large window next to the door, until nightfall. Finally when...
  3. Oliver Wade

    Fandom Mister Babadook

    "Seafood obviously, do you even know me?" Andrew looked away, and then realized eexactly what he had said. Not only was that completely insensitive, no matter how innocent he may have meant it, but it was REALLY bad timing. His father had just been thinking about how distant they had all grown...
  4. Oliver Wade

    Fandom Mister Babadook

    If anyone in the family had a truly neutral attitude to the move as a whole, it was Andrew. When everyone else had rushed to gather their things and hurry into their new domain, Andrew had insisted on finishing the chapter he was on. After which, he calmly started sifting through everything in...
  5. Oliver Wade

    Fandom LOZ Heroes

    Story Overview It has been five hundred years (give or take a couple hundred) since the Hero of Time was triumphant over the Demon Thief Ganondorf. Fifty years since the nearly catastrophic events in the land of Termina, and thirty years before the Shadow Invasion (Literally just making up...
  6. Oliver Wade

    Fantasy The Divide

    Carter's mind was working slow, the situation overwhelmed him. A man spoke to his right, and he turned to face him. Before his reply, his mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, before he finally mustered what to say. "Just ah... scoping out the territory. New in town, maybe looking...
  7. Oliver Wade

    Fantasy The Divide

    Carter had gotten the information from his teamates, but chosen to split. He had the sneaking suspicion he wouldn't be seeing his mom for a while. He wanted to keep her out of this as much as possible. "School field trip" was the passing excuse this time around. With a kiss on the cheek he...
  8. Oliver Wade

    Fantasy The Divide

    Carter blinked, rejected by someone who was supposedly his teamate, refused in a mere handshake. Noone else seemed very keen on socializing either. Being on the team and being a teamate, carter gathered, was likely more earned than assigned. "Well ok then" he said with an obvious amount of...
  9. Oliver Wade

    Fantasy The Divide

    Carter, after Orion's dissappearing act, had promptly fell face first onto the rough stone rooftop. He had been aiming for a punch at a ball of half formed ice-water Demon when Orion had taken his leave, and had no time whatsoever to stop himself. He had, well a few talents, and unlike our...
  10. Oliver Wade

    Fandom DBZ X Generation

    10,000 years have passed since the events of DBZ battle of the Gods. The universe has since quieted down, aside from rogue organizations here and there getting into dick measuring contests with peacekeepers and nations. The Saiyan bloodline has sense branched out, becoming more common so that...
  11. Oliver Wade

    Fantasy The Divide

    @Shura @Der Kajote
  12. Oliver Wade

    Fantasy The Divide

    "Finally spmething that makes sense!!!" Carter exclaimed as Poncho strait demolished Orion's henchmen. Carter dug into his pocket and prepaired for battle. Now one might expect he had his own "pocket" deminsion like Shura, being a decently trained Guardian and all. Well one would also be dead...
  13. Oliver Wade

    Realistic or Modern Hell On Earth

    Damien made a seething sound by drawing air through his teeth "Ohhhhh you make a good point" there's really no point in questioning the man... demon... do demons have genders? It's either you die now or POSSIBLY die later. The wolf is closer and that's a fact. The logical thing to do is run, so...
  14. Oliver Wade

    Realistic or Modern Hell On Earth

    [^]New for you? Imagine how Damien feels. [^] Damien was expecting maybe some fresh meat or a valient effort by a passing caravan, not a supposed Knight in chrimson armor. In all his travels he could definitely not say he'd been saved by a demon FROM a demon. Not directly anyhow. There was...
  15. Oliver Wade

    Realistic or Modern Hell On Earth

    Damien was in no way shape or form, in a good position at the moment. He had heard of a small pack of wild hellhounds had cut out a portion of land, but that was a little too close to home for hi. He figured he could take a few on his own, but had no idea of the power an Alpha could contain...
  16. Oliver Wade

    Fantasy The Divide

    [^]Do you know your enemy, well Gotta know your enemy[^] Well there seems to be one factor to this story everyone's forgetting. Though a hot-headed military brat with a bit of spirit energy isn't going to be much help against the lich king himself, i feel as if their team could use all the...