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  1. Michibear

    Fantasy (Closed to first/Vampire&Human/Romance) Barely escaped, what now?

    Michelle tossed and turned. She had been trying to go back to sleep for the last fifteen minutes, but she was unable to fall back asleep. She sighed to herself as she thought about the news they received today. There are possible slayers in the nearby town. The possibility of slayers being so...
  2. Michibear

    Fantasy (Closed to first/Vampire&Slayer/Romance) Can enemies become friends again?

    Michelle Waters was only twelve when she became a vampire slayer with her best friend, (First & Last name here), who was only twelve as well. They were inseparable. They always spent time together, slayed vampires together, traveled together, etc. They had big plans for their future. They were...
  3. Michibear

    Fantasy Hidden Bite ((Zombie Apocalypse/Romance[Double]/Open to First))

    You are more than welcome to join when you are ready. :)
  4. Michibear

    Fantasy Bitten from the Beginning((Open to first/Zombies/Romance))

    ((Romance pairings can be: f/f, f/f and m/m, m/f and m/m, or m/f with doubling. PM with any questions. PM if you need a repost.)) Michelle jerked awake. She reached over to her nightstand and tried to turn on the lamp, but it wasn’t working. She looked around her room. It was dark, not even the...
  5. Michibear

    Fantasy Hidden Bite ((Zombie Apocalypse/Romance[Double]/Open to First))

    ((I am fine with any pairing. If MxF solely then doubling is required, otherwise it can be any pairing such as MxF with FxF or MxM. Please be able to post at least 5 to 6 paragraphs total. More is better, but always quality over quantity. I do need material to work with though.)) [If taken, I...
  6. Michibear

    Fantasy (Closed/Zombie) Hidden Bite

  7. Michibear

    Fantasy (Open to first/Zombie) Bitten

  8. Michibear

    Fantasy Never Ending Cycle ((Open to first))

    Michelle was taken aback with surprise that the girl knew her name. She was unsure what to say as she noticed worry show in the girl's facial features. Many answers to the question rushed through her mind. Some were excuses, some were truths, and some were to avoid the truth. She sighed to...
  9. Michibear

    Fantasy (Open to first/Zombie) Bitten

  10. Michibear

    Fantasy (Closed/Zombie) Hidden Bite

    Michelle was focused on the man, trying to hear which way he said, but then Tiny licked her. At first it scared her, but then she smiled and welcomed the sloppy kisses. She felt even better as she finally heard the man say right. She was even about to pet Tiny until he sniffed her injured arm...
  11. Michibear

    Fantasy (Closed/Zombie) Hidden Bite

    Alexander didn't like the man's attitude, but he said nothing about it as it was a dangerous moment and it wasn't like the group was staying together long. The man seemed to be in a hurry and on the hunt for those two people. He shivered a bit at the thought. The description sounded similar to...
  12. Michibear

    Fantasy Never Ending Cycle ((Open to first))

  13. Michibear

    Fantasy (Open to first/Zombie) Bitten

  14. Michibear

    Fantasy (Open to first/Zombie) Bitten

    It all happened so fast. There was no time to react. Michelle was bitten before she even realized she was bitten. She screamed and began to cry. Her thoughts were going to her brother, who would now be left alone in this world when she turned. At the same time, she knew this meant her death. She...
  15. Michibear

    Fantasy (Closed/Zombie) Hidden Bite

    The moments leading up to the strangers lowering their weapons were tense, to say the least. Alexander was unsure what to expect in those moments, especially considering the siblings' last encounter with humans. Many scenarios ran through his head before the tension was over. He wasn't exactly...
  16. Michibear

    Fantasy (Closed/Zombie) Hidden Bite

    It all happened so fast. There was no time to react. Michelle was bitten before she even realized she was bitten. She screamed and began to cry. Her thoughts were going to her brother, who would now be left alone in this world when she turned. At the same time, she knew this meant her death. She...
  17. Michibear

    Fantasy Never Ending Cycle ((Open to first))
