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  1. BookDragon3

    Fantasy "Flight of The Dark Sun"

    Name: Sorin Age: 25,000 Breed: Nagarid Breath Element (based on breed): Aether Appearance/Description: Gender: Male Size: 25 feet at the shoulder, 90 feet from snout to tail tip Skills: As a Nagarid Sorin is naturally venomous; Primarily delivered through bite. Sorin also possesses a...
  2. BookDragon3

    Fantasy "Flight of the Dark Sun" - Complex - DRAGONS

    Yes! Excited you are here!!!
  3. BookDragon3

    Fantasy "Flight of the Dark Sun" - Complex - DRAGONS

    Hey the OC is up! We tagged everyone but just thought I would let you know here also. If you have any questions please please please let us know and go ahead and post your character sheets!
  4. BookDragon3

    Fantasy "Flight of The Dark Sun"

    Setting Due to vast climate changes after the reawakening, Mother Nature returned to her natural state of running the planet. Much of the world is carpeted in dense, moist forests with trees towering far above even the largest dragon's head. These forests are rich with life, birds and the...
  5. BookDragon3


  6. BookDragon3

    Fantasy "Flight of the Dark Sun" - Complex - DRAGONS

    Taco Bell is where it’s at! 🌮🌯
  7. BookDragon3

    Fantasy "Flight of the Dark Sun" - Complex - DRAGONS

    Thank you all so much for your interest! @BookWyrm and I are putting the finishing touches on the breeds and element selection for you all. Soon we will have much more info posted on the setting and things as well. Keep hanging in there and just know, it’s going to be MAGICAL lmao
  8. BookDragon3

    Fantasy "Flight of the Dark Sun" - Complex - DRAGONS

    Wow thank you all for the interest! (And the taco talk. It’s making me hungry...who’s idea was this?) Anyway, we will be posting a bit more information soon as far as breeds and setting are concerned. ;D Hang in there!
  9. BookDragon3

    Fantasy "Flight of the Dark Sun" - Complex - DRAGONS

    The land is wild again, as it was once before; Before the Founding. Before the two-legged mammals pillaged and robbed the Earth of all its dignity and brought all of magic to it's knees. But hope still slumbered. Encased in amber and locked within the Yggdrasil until that time which would be...
  10. BookDragon3

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello! :) Old user but have not been on in like FOREVER.