Search results for query: *

  1. Laifan

    Other Anyone with Trichotillomania?

    Sad to hear that, that seems like a lot of pressure for a kid =/ This was a self diagnosis - I used to undergo therapy, but stopped going because I don't really have insurance. I've read there's no definite treatment - only behavior changes and being able to handle stress. So I'm hoping my...
  2. Laifan

    Other Anyone with Trichotillomania?

    I've read up on it since mine flared up last year and I'm past my 30s so not sure how rare it is. At the moment I pluck mostly my eyebrows and eyelashes with my fingers while working. I used a band-aid on my left thumb on Friday and managed not to pluck all day. From I've looked up I'm a rather...
  3. Laifan

    Experiences Tell a moment in your RP that was so sad, you literally cried IRL

    My character was an exorcist who fought demons until he eventually was killed by one (the actual RP plot is in the afterlife). Two instances had me in tears writing: when he finds out a fellow colleague from his former party got turned into a demon after getting killed on a mission (it was the...
  4. Laifan

    Other Post Fun Facts About Yourself

    I tend to only curse in English (not my native language nor my country's first language) I add English expressions when speaking in my native language (I blame the fact I use English a lot for my job on a daily basis) I always eat the fries before the burguer I've been known to add ketchup...
  5. Laifan

    RpNation - Member Pictures - Put a Face to the Name

    I post on mobile, I have no idea is this will show the right size... Anyways, me and selfies don't usually match so I end up making silly faces at the camera. Yes, that's an armadillo behind me.
  6. Laifan

    Other I know it's hard to find a partner, but...

    Yeah you kinda do xD; I know it's hard but perhaps try to relax and remember not everyone is comfortable with the same things. Some people are OK with making public comments, others feel more comfortable with pms. It doesn't have to mean anything beyond that.
  7. Laifan

    Other I know it's hard to find a partner, but...

    Yeah that doesn't necessarily mean they have that amount of roleplays going on. The amount of messages I've sent to people by far surpasses my active roleplays. Depending on how detailed they are with their messages maybe they don't even have any roleplays. When I send people messages I try to...
  8. Laifan

    Experiences Character profile pet peeves

    Haha regarding proportions I also struggle with those. I either use a body weight index or, most often than not, will not mention my characters' weight. As for pet peeves with character sheets none come to mind, really
  9. Laifan

    Opinion What are your thoughts on having babies?

    This mostly follows my reply in the thread about Asexuality. 1. What is your main reason for not wishing children? I'm realistic, mostly. I'm an asexual, aromantic woman who's never been in a romantic relationship and struggles to connect with people. This doesn't mean I don't feel empathy (on...
  10. Laifan

    Opinion What do you think of asexuality and aromantics?

    I've identified as ace for most of my life. Having a romantic life just never did work out for me. I struggle with connecting to other people on a basic level, even for friendship. Having a romantic relationship with someone just feels like a strange alternative universe that will never happen...
  11. Laifan

    Other Are you a conversational, scenery or feelings writer?

    Feelings definitely. I like to describe the scenery but also leave things open for my partner to be able to imagine it the way they want and add their own description. So I'm bigger in character introspections. Of course dialog is also important because my partner can't counteract if my...
  12. Laifan

    Other IS MxM ( fxf too) roleplay gay roleplay?

    It depends on the RPer, really. In my case I state MxM because I have that preference for any romance that occurs. That doesn't mean all my roleplays necessarily contain romances/pairings and I say that in my search posts. I just include MxM in the title so people have a general idea from the...
  13. Laifan

    Other Be mindful of what your children watch.

    Ikr? So glad I searched that way before bedtime
  14. Laifan

    Other Be mindful of what your children watch.

    Just Googled that, that crap is disturbing, geez =/
  15. Laifan

    Other What languages do you speak

    Woah there are ten portuguese speakers around? Hey is that European Portuguese or Brazilian Portuguese? Trust me, there is a difference :3 European Portuguese here. English too of course and I'd love to learn Japanese at some point. Got some 3 years of German in high-school and some crappy...
  16. Laifan

    Other whats the best anime you've ever watched?

    Maaaan hard to choose. Shonen type I will have to say Boku no hero academia. Rarely has an anime made pretty much every character interesting! (Except for Mineta, hope they expel his ass). The story, universe, pace, everything is so well performed. It's like they took the super power cliché and...
  17. Laifan

    Other weird stuff you believed/did as a kid

    I was a big fan of The X Files TV show as a kid so I would watch the show recorded on videotape (hello 90s!) since it was usually on TV at like 1am and as a 8/9 year old of course I wasn't awake at that hour (also, age appropriate? We're very permissive in my country regarding that. My parents...
  18. Laifan

    Other What's the hardest thing for you when creating a character?

    I'm fairly new to creating characters. When I first started I had no clue how to go about it (still not doing much better, heh). I guess I struggle most with the personality - I try not to be super descriptive, as in 'would react like this on this situation, and like that in that situation'. I...
  19. Laifan

    Other Random researches for role-playing

    OK, yours beat mine xD (not sure if it helps you but I'm portuguese and think in both portuguese and English :p)
  20. Laifan

    My 1x1 search post for easy access...

    My 1x1 search post for easy access: