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  • Users: corielldog
  • Content: Threads
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  1. corielldog

    [5e] [Closed] Lost in the Static

    Title: Lost in the Static Game: Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Player Count: 4-6 Description: Eleven hundred years of fear Eleven hundred years of strife It has been eleven hundred years since the largest cosmic storm to reach the galaxy, referred to as The Static, began and cut...
  2. corielldog

    Abandoned By Time

    All across Rynak, fliers had been appearing bearing the crest of the Salanors, a small noble family who gained a little notoriety on the southern side of Rynak for finding a large silver vein a few decades ago. In the years since, they've been quiet, despite owning one of the largest silver...
  3. corielldog

    [Party 2]Ezra Oreth

    Post Frequency: A little sporadic, somedays Ill be free completely, others I'll have 10 minutes of time. Generally, I'm pretty available Character Sheet: Ezra Oreth Backstory: The days never got easier, not after Mom and Dad passed, Helm just helps carry the burden. In his youth, Ezra lived...
  4. corielldog

    Abandoned by Time[Closed]

    Title: Abandoned by Time System: 5E Player Count: 4-6 Description: In the world of Rynak, Fliers have been spotted bearing the crest of a small noble house from the city of Bullmar. The fliers speak of gold, magical items, knowledge, and fame beyond comprehension. An archaeological expedition...
  5. corielldog

    The Great Silence

    Days of travel have left all of you parched, the sun had been beating down all summer and this day was no different. About one or two weeks ago, you all found fliers saying "Come to the Shrouded Crone Inn In Dundee if you wish to be a hero, Gold, Honor, and Glory await for you Lightseekers!" ads...
  6. corielldog

    [Closed] [5e] The Great Silence

    Title: The Great Silence Game: Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Player Count: 4-6 First come first serve Description: This is the world of Rynak, A world covered by oceans of mysterious and violent sea life, a world with magic in the very breath of life itself, that is until fifty years ago...
  7. corielldog

    [Party 15] Sothoth Nemmonis

    Game Preference: High Speed From the sleepy shepherds' village of Orlbar comes Sothoth, born as the son of the Villages militia captain and one of the only real fighters within the village, it's only natural that he too, would become a defender of the village. Throughout childhood, his father...