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  1. TheLoneRook

    Fantasy War Never Won. - (Open)

    Nines took a sick and twisted pleasure in chili fries. He was in excellent shape, and there was absolutely no real major issue with him eating them, but decades of ingrained teachings had branded into him the notion that decadent greasy food was below his status, and his indulgence was just...
  2. TheLoneRook

    Fantasy War Never Won. - (Open)

    The solemn road of Death’s normal route across the world paled in comparison to walking the streets of the living. His tunnels and portways were faster, and landed him exactly where he aimed to go, but there was nothing to witness. He so rarely got to spend time in his own realm, his work kept...
  3. TheLoneRook

    Fantasy War Never Won. - (Open)

    In pretty much any other circumstance, squeezing Bel's midsection unwarranted was an excellent way to end up cut in half. Luckily, Terry was probably one of the two, maybe three exceptions to this rule. Tony would never lay a hand on her, although if she had to consider the possibility she...
  4. TheLoneRook

    Fantasy War Never Won. - (Open)

    The following are three “messages” your character would have received in the year 2010, shortly after the first distribution of Warbrands. A voice in their head, a transmission on FM radio, and a letter, sealed in white wax, in that order. You survived. That is good. Something within you is...
  5. TheLoneRook

    Fantasy 𑁋 ✦ 𝟏𝟏 ᵒᵒᶜ

    Sorry for being so quiet, I wasn't getting notifications for when people replied in IC or OOC. I got a post whipped up though.
  6. TheLoneRook

    Fantasy 𑁋 ✦ 𝟏𝟏 ⁱᶜ

    When Onyx received the "invitation to a glorious expedition" on behalf of silent emissaries he was more accustomed to cutting down, needless to say he was the slightest bit conflicted. His community's general opinion of anyone or anything bearing silent colors was to leave it to bleed in the...
  7. TheLoneRook

    Fantasy The War Never Won -Out of Character-

    I can put one together this evening. If it makes things easier for people to access I'm all for it. Lore page is almost complete by the by. It'll be added to the OOC first post since I can't think of a better place to slap it and I don't want to clog my first post space for the iC
  8. TheLoneRook

    Fantasy The War Never Won -Out of Character-

    I'll PM you. It's a strong concept just needs to be refined to fit within Samael.
  9. TheLoneRook

    Fantasy The War Never Won -Out of Character-

    Couple of thought-provoking questions to get the juices flowing @Jin-soo -Why is the character willing to fight in the first place, or are they at all? -What drives them to continue fighting? Survival, newfound power? -How would they feel/react in a combat situation? What sort of weapon...
  10. TheLoneRook

    Fantasy The War Never Won -Out of Character-

    Alright boys girls and all the things in between it's the weekend let's see some SHEETS I'm ITCHIN'
  11. TheLoneRook

    Fantasy The War Never Won -Out of Character-

  12. TheLoneRook

    Fantasy The War Never Won -Out of Character-

    100% the CWI. They monitor all media for signs of Branded activity. Nines normally doesn't stick out too much, but someone jumping between rooftops with a katana in hand is a bit less discreet. He offers to pay because technically the person did nothing wrong to deserve that, so he tries to make...
  13. TheLoneRook

    Fantasy The War Never Won -Out of Character-

    I wasn't really planning on making a dedicated lore page for the RP itself, I just had one for my own reference, but I can certainly make one if people would like. I suppose it would be helpful for those of you unfamiliar with what's already established. I did add a flavor paragraph to my...
  14. TheLoneRook

    Fantasy The War Never Won -Out of Character-

    Yeah, to Teen's point. The concept is in essence that destroying the true form forces it to revert to its basic form, typically with some physical repercussion if the "destroying" is aggressive enough. Basic penalizing generic "bad thing" happening, doesn't have to be a horribly specific effect...
  15. TheLoneRook

    Fantasy The War Never Won -Out of Character-

    @Prizzy Kriyze He's just a purely physical character, so I was just noting that because he doesn't have tidal wave powers or corrosion-mist, he's particularly tough. I think you're overestimating the bat and the bow. One is a last resort and the other can be nullified with the likes of a trash...
  16. TheLoneRook

    Fantasy The War Never Won -Out of Character-

    If anyone's curious why my cs font is so large, it's because @teen_angst has old person eyes
  17. TheLoneRook

    Fantasy The War Never Won. -Characters-

    Name: Nines (artwork courtesy of Xavier Leroux) Super simple. Nothing crazy. Shouldn't take long. If I get the double bacon burger that takes about 15 minutes, that gives me 20 minutes to jump to the east side and drop the target. If I add in fries, unless I'm lucky, that's at least another...
  18. TheLoneRook

    Fantasy The War Never Won -Out of Character-

    @Beski Exactly right. In fact, there's even a governmental task force led by Samael's former chief of police that hunts Branded, as they are considered a group of ragtag terrorists by the city at large. We were originally going to explain that in the interest check as well but we didn't want to...
  19. TheLoneRook

    Fantasy The War Never Won -Out of Character-

    Rules: Don't be a dick RPN rules Yada. L O R E lorestuff
  20. TheLoneRook

    Fantasy The War Never Won. -Characters-

    art courtesy of FFXV Comrades. Making a Warrior edited by @teen_angst. please send help. Welcome to The War Never Won, the roleplay about winning a seemingly impossible battle against a god whose only goal is to watch you wreak havoc on the city of Samael. In order to make a Warrior, you’ll...