Search results for query: *

  1. DeerPrince

    Multiple Settings Long-term/Adv Lit 1x1 Partners :)

    Still looking! c:
  2. DeerPrince

    Multiple Settings Long-term/Adv Lit 1x1 Partners :)

    ...if there's a really good plot: Fantasy, Adventure, and Mystery. ↝ Genres I will not do: Furries, smut (at least not on site c; ), Horror, Thriller. *If we decide to do a fandom roleplay, we would be using OCs. What I'm looking for; Now we're getting to the fun stuff ^-^ *Please know that...
  3. DeerPrince

    Realistic or Modern Longterm/Adv. Lit Partners

    Re-opening this because I'm a lonely soul T^T
  4. DeerPrince

    Multiple Settings me without you ── partner search!

    Hello! I would love to discuss the Commoner x Witch idea or the K-pop rival idea with you~ On another note, I noticed the Spirited Away picture and the mention of Kiki's Delivery service, so I was wondering if you've seen Whispers of the Heart? I'd love to do a simple romance roleplay pairing...
  5. DeerPrince

    Multiple Settings → ? partner search, go! 2.0 [closed] ?

    Hey!! Remember me? :,) We striked up an interest PM a loooong loooong time ago, aha. If you’re still looking for more partners, I’d love to discuss something with you!
  6. DeerPrince

    Multiple Settings Let's Write Something Peachy!

    Hello! As it's summer, I have a lot of time on my hands @_@ if you're still looking for a partner, I'd love to do something Studio Ghibli, happy couple or highly toxic couple themed!
  7. DeerPrince

    Multiple Settings ☀️ {Closed} ☀️ Wanting: zombies, vampires, something dark?

    Hey! If you're still looking, I'm really interested in the Circus plot idea and the second Medieval one ^-^
  8. DeerPrince

    Multiple Settings Detailed roleplayer wanted

    I'm not interested, but it might garner you more attention/posters if you elaborate on what exactly you're interested and what you're looking for ^-^. I.e. you can make a list of your favorite genres, plots, pairings, and exact traits your writing has or what you're looking for in a partner...
  9. DeerPrince

    Realistic or Modern Longterm/Adv. Lit Partners

    Just a quick little bump c:
  10. DeerPrince

    Realistic or Modern Longterm/Adv. Lit Partners

    PM me a sample? ^^
  11. DeerPrince

    Realistic or Modern Longterm/Adv. Lit Partners

    PM me, please ^^
  12. DeerPrince

    Realistic or Modern Longterm/Adv. Lit Partners

    Yes, please! That would be lovely~
  13. DeerPrince

    Multiple Settings Just Looking For Partners [Closed]

    Hey! If you're still looking I'd definitely be down for a Apocalypse Survivor or Vampire x Human roleplay!
  14. DeerPrince

    Realistic or Modern Longterm/Adv. Lit Partners do if there's a really good plot: Fantasy, Adventure, and Mystery. ↝ Genres I will not do: Furries, smut, Horror, Thriller. *If we decide to do a fandom roleplay, we would be using OCs. Now we're getting to the fun stuff ^-^ *Please know that this is not going to be...
  15. DeerPrince

    Multiple Settings - my partner search - / updated 2-7-18 /

    Hello! If you're still looking for partners, I'm definitely interested c: I've been really craving a Tokyo Ghoul inspired roleplay that would utilize the whole Japanese town/anime aesthetic ^-^
  16. DeerPrince

    Multiple Settings Closed for now ^-^

    I'm able to play either gender ^-^ @Esther_Silvers PM me with a sample please c:
  17. DeerPrince

    Multiple Settings Closed for now ^-^

    Friendly bump! ^-^
  18. DeerPrince

    Multiple Settings Closed for now ^-^

    Lmao no thanks XDDDDD You still haven't responded to our roleplay yet you goof.
  19. DeerPrince

    Multiple Settings Closed for now ^-^

    Welcome! Hello and welcome to my humble search thread. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break so far! ↳ I'm DeerPrince, or if you'd like, you may call me Lulu. ↳ I am currently a high school senior juggling multiple AP courses, sports and music, so as you can imagine, I don't...
  20. DeerPrince

    Realistic or Modern Looking.

    Hello! ^-^ I’m definitely very interested by your interest post, and if you’re still interested, I’d love to figure something out c: I’m also more than willing to send a sample should you request one.