Search results for query: *

  1. SnapePotions34

    Realistic or Modern Yandere RP!

    Hiya! So, I'm just looking for a partner for a yandere rp. I wanna do an F/F or F/M school thing with our characters as friends or strangers, but I'm happy to hear any ideas! I don't care about gender, or if you're younger or older than me, or about post length, as long as you don't do...
  2. SnapePotions34

    Fall Contest 2020 SmileyCat1234 and Bubblybloo2

    ...Yep!' 'SmileyCat1234: Nice! You know, we should meet sometime!' SmileyCat1234 sent you a picture. Would you like to open it? 'Yes' or 'No' 'YES' *CLICK* A blonde, blue eyed 13 year old girl sitting at a computer, smiling widely with a bowl of partially-eaten strawberry ice cream by her side...
  3. SnapePotions34

    Other Comic Drawing Advice?

    I had no idea which forum to put this on. If this could be moved to whatever forum it fits in, or kept on here if it doesn't fit anywhere else, that would be great. So, I'm trying to draw the first page of my new ask comic, but I'm really struggling since I don't have any experience with...
  4. SnapePotions34

    Other What ruined a fandom for you?

    Pretty self-explanatory title. For me, I have two ruined fandoms, one I recently joined again. Undertale and Harry Potter. For Undertale, it was all the incest and selfcest, which I was reminded of when I tried to look up swap sans and was met with 'swap sans x fell sans'. 🤮 And for Harry...
  5. SnapePotions34

    My Character Library

    This is just so that I can copy and paste my characters really quickly.
  6. SnapePotions34

    My Shapeshifter Character

    I think she looks good, but I wanna know what the community thinks. Thanks to @FoolsErin, I figured out what Emily was missing. However, I still want to know if there's anything else that looks weird or bad. Human Persona Name: Emily Morris True Name: Dalfyry Human Persona Age: 23 True Age: 200...
  7. SnapePotions34

    Other What things do you want to do that are considered childish by the public?

    Pretty self-explanatory title. For me, it would be eating baby bottle pops. Probably not a thing that's widely considered childish, but I feel like I'm too old for eating that candy because of my mom increasingly scolding me every time I wanted one as I grew older when I was a child.
  8. SnapePotions34

    Ask me anything then edit your comment to make me look like a moron.

    Ask me anything! As long as it complies with the site rules. In your edit, tag me so that I can see it.
  9. SnapePotions34

    The Cringiest Fiction Alive

    So, basically, we just write cringy stories. Stories that makes you very, very uncomfortable. As long as it complies with RPN rules, it counts. Have fun! The story I have written below is inspired by a post on (I think) r/CursedImages. If you've seen it, you'll definitely remember it as soon as...
  10. SnapePotions34

    Other Username Change

    Sorry if this has the wrong prefix. I couldn't figure out whether to choose 'Help' or 'Other'. I really want to change my username and I forgot if there's a time limit and how long it is if there is one. I really want to change my username because I'm getting bored of using Snape as my persona...
  11. SnapePotions34


    this thwead is owo uwu fwiendwy! in fact, it is iwwegaw to not uwu in this thwead! if you do not heed my wawning, you shaww be fed to the beast of itowo! this is just a chitty chat thwead. the onwy wuwe is to uwu owo! have fun!
  12. SnapePotions34

    Digital Absolute Trash

  13. SnapePotions34


    Sunday: ART Monday: MUSIC Tuesday: WRITING Wednesday: ENGLISH Thursday: GAMING Friday: INDECISIVENESS Saturday: ALL OF THOSE When playing games, rage as much as possible. Even if the game is supposed to be calming.
  14. SnapePotions34

    Advice/Help How Could I Improve My Interest Check?

    Says it all in the title. This is my interest check and I need some help with how it looks. Should I use different BBCode? Should I get rid of the code entirely? Should I change the name? I need whoever you are to critique everything. Take it apart piece by piece if you want to! Just let me know...
  15. SnapePotions34

    Other Any Recommended Language Sites/Podcasts Teaching Russian/Japanese?

    Yeah, I want to learn Japanese and Russian, and I only know one phrase, so I want to hear about any websites or podcasts or whatever that teach one or both of those, both basics and advanced. I tried Duolingo for basics, but I feel like it teaches completely backward, so none of that.
  16. SnapePotions34

    Other What Purpose Do You Think You Have Right Now?

    Everyone has a purpose. Mine is, at least right now, entertainment. I write with others and for others so that they can see and become enveloped in the story that I'm writing. I read so that I can get enveloped in the story I'm seeing. I draw so that people can see my subpar art and gain...
  17. SnapePotions34

    Journal The Insanity Chronicles

    I know it's pretty late to be making this but shut up I do what I want. This is basically a journal that marks my descent into madness. (Even though I've probably already gone insane.) So! 👏 I just spun up and down the hall while listening to this hilarious song on Twitter. You should listen to...
  18. SnapePotions34

    Other Fun Facts

    I'm gonna try to post on this daily, but please excuse me if I don't remember sometimes. Don't quote me on any of these, I'm just going on vague research. Helen Kane, the inspiration for Max Fleischer's character Betty Boop, was not the original user of the speech, singing, and dancing style...
  19. SnapePotions34

    Story The Widow Queen

    Ridza pulled his armor over his head and made sure it was secure before looking at himself in the mirror. Sun yellow eyes stared back at him then wandered to examine his appearance. Messy, blaze red hair, but how messy it was wouldn't matter in the duel. Sun-kissed skin, and a toned physique. He...
  20. SnapePotions34

    Guess The Song!

    The rules are that you use something like emojis to say the title of a song that comes from any show or movie, and the next person has to guess that song and/or what it comes from before the others then say a new song. You can also use pictures of scenes that happen during the song, or a lyric...