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  1. Kurotsuki

    Opinion What's the saddest song you've ever heard?

    That one "someone you loved" song because my toxic ex who I was still attached to sent it to me after I finally left him and I still feel myself falling hard for the guilt trip every time I hear it. That or Tuyu's "Trapped In the Past". Cried to that one too many times
  2. Kurotsuki

    Chitchat LGBTQ+, how do you show your pride?

    Basically me and my gf. I'm bio F but identify as fluid/NB, so I get both transphobia and homophobia aimed at me. But both my gf and I are the type of people to say "oh yeah? Well f*ck you" and proceed to hold hands or hug or kiss or whatever. We don't care what people have to say lol
  3. Kurotsuki

    Chitchat So how's school?

    I've been playing Among Us and browsing Reddit all morning, and now that I'm in the boring classes (aka the afternoon classes where we can't have phones out) I finished typing up a translyric for a song that should not be translated into English! xD It's Kikuo's Gomenne Gomenne, and WOW the...
  4. Kurotsuki

    Looking for (Genderfluid/trans) Seeking LGBTQ+ nerdy friendos to chat/rp with! (Always open!)

    Another lil life update! Since I just remembered this thread exists lol; Since I first posted this thread I've come a long way in regards to accepting my true self. You may notice the thread title has been changed from 'confused' to 'genderfluid'. I'm going by the name Kuro at home and school...
  5. Kurotsuki

    Looking for (Genderfluid/trans) Seeking LGBTQ+ nerdy friendos to chat/rp with! (Always open!)

    I do Soul Eater as well btw! Favorite anime of all time except maybe Madoka Magica (original, not the new arc whatever the heck that's about). Huge Crona and Death the Kid fanboy here.
  6. Kurotsuki

    Opinion Do you find it’s hard to make friends?

    I have quite a few mental issues that make it hard to interact with people (clinical depression, anxiety, constant mood swings and fluctuating personality to name a few). That's what a lot of people will say, but in my case there's a bit more to it. I'm an ambivert, in the sense that I HAVE to...
  7. Kurotsuki

    Chitchat So how's school?

    Doing minimal work in Spanish class because I'm just gonna test out of it next year... In my district you have to take 2 years of LOTE (language other than English) unless you already speak another language with basic fluency. But aint nobody got time for two years of a language you don't even...
  8. Kurotsuki

    Chitchat So how's school?

    I have a crap ton of biology homework again because I've done basically nothing in class all week lmao
  9. Kurotsuki

    Chitchat So how's school?

    I just typed out the lyrics to an entire freakin song IN JAPANESE because the romaji was removed from the lyrics wiki (for "violating the terms of use" aka being disturbing). Just so I can type the whole thing out again in English. Translating dark-themed songs is... fun. Edit to clarify; I had...
  10. Kurotsuki

    Chitchat LGBTQ+, how do you show your pride?

    I've decided I am going to make the new channel - more on that later.
  11. Kurotsuki

    Chitchat LGBTQ+, how do you show your pride?

    Some people are just awful, they're not worth our time. Good on you
  12. Kurotsuki

    Chitchat LGBTQ+, how do you show your pride?

    ...-Candy Candy (Kyary Pamyu Pamyu) -Cat Food -Sweet Magic -Romeo and Cinderella -The Snow White Princess is... -Electric Angel -LOL Lots Of Laugh *Edit - also Ura Omote Lovers/Two Faced Lovers if I can ever manage to learn the lyrics *Edit2 - how could I forget Gomen ne Gomen ne? (Yes, I'm...
  13. Kurotsuki

    Chitchat LGBTQ+, how do you show your pride?

    Damn. Well all you really need to know about the song is that it's quite childish and cute, full of references to sweets and baking. The original singer was a girl, I'd be singing it as a boy.
  14. Kurotsuki

    Chitchat LGBTQ+, how do you show your pride?

    My school internet sucks, rip. I'll fix the link later. For now try to find it on YouTube if you can; search query "Sweet Magic Rin"
  15. Kurotsuki

    Chitchat LGBTQ+, how do you show your pride?

    I'm considering making an alternate (yes another alt, I already host 3 channels but whatever) YouTube channel to post covers on as a reverse-trap (bio F pretending to be M). Just for clarification, I do not use "trap" as a derogatory term in this context, it's simply the most recognized label...
  16. Kurotsuki

    Chitchat LGBTQ+, how do you show your pride?

    I typed out like a whole paragraph and the damn proxy crashed and deleted it. I hate school internet I personally identify as genderfluid, as well as bisexual omniromantic. I've done everything I can to be able to "become" a boy; dressing in neutral/mens clothes, cut my hair short, changed my...
  17. Kurotsuki

    Chitchat So how's school?

    I'm actually considering paying for a VPN just so I can browse the internet while at school. Contentkeeper blocks SO many sites (including this site, which I've accessed through a proxy because screw that), but things like Amazon and other online shopping sites are unblocked with zero...
  18. Kurotsuki

    Chitchat So how's school?

    Good for you lol Also good lord the replies to this thread are all over the place
  19. Kurotsuki

    Chitchat So how's school?

    I wish you luck in your online classes! They can be tricky sometimes but you can get through 'em!
  20. Kurotsuki

    Chitchat So how's school?

    Also yes, I posted this in the middle of the school day xD I'm sitting in the gym right now at my "P.E." class