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  1. Jarkov Malachai

    Is it me or... is rping getting predictable and dull?

    *chuckles* Quite so, quite so. I have my failings as everyone else does. Humanity is a bit of a bitch, no ones perfect but hey. Life would be so boring if we all lived in a perfect world. Gotta have the darkness so you can appreciate the Light. One has to know war to find solace in peace. One...
  2. Jarkov Malachai

    Is it me or... is rping getting predictable and dull?

    Sure, hit me up if need be im always interested in checking stuff out whislt I sit here in the darkness reading this stephen king and frantically turning on all my lights. Fuck It. I hated the movie but the books just plain worse cause my imaginations is like. Sleep? Naaaaaaaaaw Bitch you...
  3. Jarkov Malachai

    Is it me or... is rping getting predictable and dull?

    It has, and then it has not. History proves its shits never quite so cut and dry as Fortune favors the bold. True the payoff is greater but the average Joe just gets burned.  But its not so much that I believe I've got above average creative potential and my apologies for letting it become a...
  4. Jarkov Malachai

    Is it me or... is rping getting predictable and dull?

    Fear of Failure perhaps, or the fact that I do not want to go through all that work to simply watch it all die. Which are one and the same really.
  5. Jarkov Malachai

    Is it me or... is rping getting predictable and dull?

    ...Sly Bastard because I have a habit of killing their favorite characters off, and by favorite characters I mean mine that they've come to adore.  *shrugs* Happy endings were something I never really got into, no one remembers happy endings. History teaches us that, Romeo and Juliet, every...
  6. Jarkov Malachai

    Is it me or... is rping getting predictable and dull?

    Now theres an Idea and entirely possible. It could be that perhaps I've spent to long trying to get my Dredge to work and stick, that the fantasy rps I join in are all along the same lines and perhaps I need to broaden my horizons a bit. If this is the case, of which I will have to delve into...
  7. Jarkov Malachai

    Is it me or... is rping getting predictable and dull?

    As of late, viewing myself from an outsider perspective perhaps I have been repetitive as I have been using the same character in multiple rps (which have subsequently failed) but its only for the reasoning that I am testing out a character Idea and have had precious little actual data and...
  8. Jarkov Malachai

    Is it me or... is rping getting predictable and dull?

    Thanks but no thanks. I appreciate the games and love Skyrim and Morrowind but avoid anything relating to large scale popular video games, book, anime, based rps. Bad past experiences which might not be fair enough reason to avoid them if I dont see the same things in them which brings us back...
  9. Jarkov Malachai

    Is it me or... is rping getting predictable and dull?

    *narrows eyes* Stonewolf18.... that cant possibly be you is it? Damn been a while. Nice to see you still lurking about the place, even if it is to give negative comments. Anywho I never meant for this to be a hash on other people or a place to bemoan about the failings of other rpers, theres...
  10. Jarkov Malachai

    Is it me or... is rping getting predictable and dull?

    There are, but Im pretty sure that when we started out that we were just as bad and looking back at some of my earliest material I do have to cringe at myself.  It still doesnt make it any less bad but you can get where they are coming from if they have not really rped before. When I see a...
  11. Jarkov Malachai

    Is it me or... is rping getting predictable and dull?

    Better than a friend of mine, he was a Minotaur bard. # Failed Character concept. Moo Moo motherfucker, *gores the audience*  Gotta admit though that sounds pretty legit. I generally judge people by the vocabulary they use in their CS's. I dont focus to much on the occasional grammar error...
  12. Jarkov Malachai

    Is it me or... is rping getting predictable and dull?

    *groans in despair* Oh you understand my suffering.  My idea of a good CS is about 2 or 3 pages of backstory, personality and etc. I usually, when certain that the rp in question is going to last longer than a week, will put in 4 or 5 if excited and I think the largest I've ever done CS wise...
  13. Jarkov Malachai

    Is it me or... is rping getting predictable and dull?

    Yes and then the Struggle bus of trying to find another begins and for one with such high standards as I it is most frustrating.  I'd start an rp myself but I dont think I could put all that work in it and have people who are most likely in no way shape or form ready for the type of Rp that I...
  14. Jarkov Malachai

    Is it me or... is rping getting predictable and dull?

    The struggle bus of we few rpers of Oriantar, travel near and far but to no avail. I try to keep a conversation in the OOC to bind those in the rp together. Those I have found last the longest when you have a lasting reason to stick around for the other people in it aside from the role play...
  15. Jarkov Malachai

    Is it me or... is rping getting predictable and dull?

    Perhaps the problem is that I try to keep most rps alive that I join, I know that most will fail but I nevertheless plan out all sorts of cool things and spend way to much time on my characters and posts for responses that are maybe 2 paragraphs long and then they just vanish off into the great...
  16. Jarkov Malachai

    Is it me or... is rping getting predictable and dull?

    Is it just me or... has rping just become so... dull and predictable? I mean, I dont see any truly new or original rp idea's any more on this site and If I do they die so quickly. When I do try to get stuck into an rp its just so boring and dull to look at the characters people make because I've...
  17. Jarkov Malachai

    Sci-fi nation building plot creation.

    Real simple answer to this query. Make that shit Dredge.
  18. Jarkov Malachai

    Character-Driven vs. Story-Driven

    Mebes but lets keep posts here on track and on the conversational topics.
  19. Jarkov Malachai

    Character-Driven vs. Story-Driven

    The Foragers Corp, Dumb name I know but I made it up when I was young and ain't ever changed it, was the Sybill's Army, a massive mercenary force benefitting from the Damned Ones advanced technology and following in his ideology to the death. That giant ass Death ship your Black Ops guys are...
  20. Jarkov Malachai

    Character-Driven vs. Story-Driven

    *nods sagely* My longest lasting role play was 7 years, mainly cause all those involved knew eachother in real life, and ended with so much epic shit. The Damned One/Final Sybil, the Foragers Corp, The Serai'Drakhoul, the Seven Realms, Badass creation myth/theory, Kyra *shivers*, Mikhail...