Search results for query: *

  1. PolikShadowbliss

    Fandom Super Smash Brothers: The Ten Pillars

    Mewtwo The Psychic Pokémon. Mewtwo thought for a second then joined Ike Eastward. “I will follow you,” Mewtwo said, “I do not think it’s best to split up so early.” Mewtwo then floats up a bit and hovers alongside Ike, following him. He looks back at Princess Daisy and Toon Link wondering...
  2. PolikShadowbliss

    Fandom Super Smash Brothers: The Ten Pillars

    Mewtwo nodded. Now he had a mission, something that would make his sudden displacement worthwhile. Now he knew the reason, he must find these Pillars and bring down this Lunaris once and for all. With that, he glanced at the others, probing their minds for their reaction to the news. As...
  3. PolikShadowbliss

    Fandom Super Smash Brothers: The Ten Pillars

    Mewtwo! Mewtwo was relieved that the cranky monkey had stopped singling him out. Though that didn’t stop the self-proclaimed King from chastising them further. Nevertheless his reverie was interrupted by a sudden CRASH on top of the roof top. Mewtwo immediately went alert, ready to attack...
  4. PolikShadowbliss

    Fandom Super Smash Brothers: The Ten Pillars

    Mewtwo was a little stunned by the attitude of the monkey but listened all the same. Everything was becoming clearer now. Another Mewtwo must have fought alongside these people. How? He didn’t know but since he was here, he was going to find out! “Right!” he said in response to the cranky...
  5. PolikShadowbliss

    Fandom Super Smash Brothers: The Ten Pillars

    Mewtwo would stay silent, processing the infromation he had gleamed from everyone here. Apparently, the peril was a man named Lunaris from what he had gleamed. His vast mind was able to process this information quickly enough. He also noted Princess Daisy's change of demeanor from her...
  6. PolikShadowbliss

    Fandom Super Smash Brothers: The Ten Pillars

    As he was scanning the minds of the monkey and the lizard, the entrance of a new mind interrupted his reverie. And for some reason, she knew who he was! Mewtwo turned toward the girl. A brown-haired girl in a yellow dress, utterly ladylike in her demeonor. He regards questioningly. And...
  7. PolikShadowbliss

    Fandom Super Smash Brothers: The Ten Pillars

    Mewtwo was taken aback by the monkey's rudeness and quite frankly was stunned into almost complete silence. He could only watch as the grumpy monkey walked but now that he has gotten over the shock of being displaced, he could sense it. Something was wrong. Very wrong. About this place...
  8. PolikShadowbliss

    Fandom Super Smash Brothers: The Ten Pillars

    Mewtwo The legendary physic Pokémon Mewtwo … has no idea where he is or how he got there! All he could see was trees and bananas for miles. “Where am I?” He thought to no one in particular. He would scan the environment and immediately spot three individuals in a beach area. They looked...
  9. PolikShadowbliss

    Fandom Beyond Infinite Crisis (Multifandom RP) (We're Open!) (Ignore Post Count)

    (Excuse me if I struggle to get back into character… been a while!) Kara watched as the kid phoned in to whatever operatives gave his calls or his help in other words and frowned a bit when she heard this Ben make it sound like he was the one who napped Parasite. “Hey don’t take all the credit...
  10. PolikShadowbliss

    Fandom Ancient Horrors and Where to Find Them [OPEN]

    Tony Stark (iron Man) “Oh shit!” Tony exclaimed and immediately began shooting his pulsar blasts at the Damn spider! “this is what I get for drinking before a fight!” Aloy! Aloy immediate drew her bow and arrow and Starr’s shooting the spider. @Caffeine Freak
  11. PolikShadowbliss

    Fandom Ancient Horrors and Where to Find Them [OPEN]

    "A game!? WHat? What type of game?!" This was new, at least to her.
  12. PolikShadowbliss

    Fandom Ancient Horrors and Where to Find Them [OPEN]

    "Oh you know of me? Have tales of my adventures reached even you?" She asked. She had met people who knew of her but never like this!
  13. PolikShadowbliss

    Fandom Ancient Horrors and Where to Find Them [OPEN]

    "Yeah, I am quite adventurous, probably met you during one of my. adventures! And I'm fine!" She turned to C-chan. "I'm Aloy and you are?" She didn't seem phased by her appearance. @Rcticwolf @darkred
  14. PolikShadowbliss

    Fandom Ancient Horrors and Where to Find Them [OPEN]

    Tony's helmet made his face inscrutable, "Oh I got that! And I will have you know this "Lite Brite" is a lethal weapon!" He said as he walked past him. "And I'm doing this because honestly there's nothing else to do, not because you ordered it, Frank!"
  15. PolikShadowbliss

    Fandom Ancient Horrors and Where to Find Them [OPEN]

    "Things must be dire indeed if they recuited you on this makeshift of ours!" Tony said, waving his arms wide, "very dire indead for someone to recruit someone whose mortality is questionable, though personally I think these summoners of ours may have been picking at random." @Frozen Thyme...
  16. PolikShadowbliss

    Fandom Ancient Horrors and Where to Find Them [OPEN]

    Aloy would follow tentatively as she notices the group in the distance.
  17. PolikShadowbliss

    Fandom Ancient Horrors and Where to Find Them [OPEN]

    Iron Man (Tony Stark) Iron Man notices that most of the people have gone. And goes out. into the tundra where he notices the one person he least expected - the PUNISHER! "YOU!"
  18. PolikShadowbliss

    Fandom Ancient Horrors and Where to Find Them [OPEN]

    Aloy "It's alright little guy, I won't hurt you!" Aloy said, trying her best to seem friendly. Iron Man (Tony Stark) "So let me get this straight from the top of my very muddled memory, you summoned us? To face .... something right? Ugh. Hangovers suck. Give me moment! Ugh!" @Caffeine...
  19. PolikShadowbliss

    Fandom Ancient Horrors and Where to Find Them [OPEN]

    Iron Man (Tony Stark) "Jarvis, where exactly are we?" Tony asked quietly, uncharacteristically silent throughout this entire thing. He had been suffering from a. hangover and as such had not been paying attention to the proceedings, but the first thing he had noticed was the odd assortment...
  20. PolikShadowbliss

    Fandom The Multiverse Haven Bar [Open to anyone]

    Captain America (Steve Rogers) After a gruelling day of fighting crime and supervillians, Steve had decided to take a rest at a bar. Any bar would do in a pinch. So he sauntered into this one, in full gear and costume, and walked over to the bartender. He didn't spare the rest of the...