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  1. Coin

    Futuristic THE LAST SHIELD Field Manual (Lore Pages)

    ...ETA's ejection capsule. Some of this gear can be substituted for personal or custom gear, and it is notated by an asterisk bullet point. On-Pilot * M17 (full-sized) or M18 (compact) service handgun, 9x19mm, 17 or 21-round magazine - Internal Communication Device (ICD): Rola M35, waterproof...
  2. Coin

    Futuristic THE LAST SHIELD Field Manual (Lore Pages)

    -ARES, A NEW SOLDIER- Advanced Response Enhancement Systems, or ARES, is the United Nations’ experimental program to create a new breed of warrior to combat the Starfallen. The program was spearheaded by Unified Command’s Security Procurement Committee. It is believed that the head of the...
  3. Coin

    Futuristic THE LAST SHIELD Field Manual (Lore Pages)

    -EQUIPMENT GUIDE- This will serve as a guide on how to read the various equipment pieces that can be attached to an ETA. Equipment is split into two categories: Armament and Support. Armaments are ETA-compatible weapons while Support Equipment modifies the ETA’s performance or grants it...
  4. Coin

    Futuristic THE LAST SHIELD Field Manual (Lore Pages)

    -THE THIRD GENERATION- The third generation of ETAs has been developed exclusively for the ARES Program. Their input type is based on user impulse directed through the Shell augmentation that has been surgically implanted. Most third generation ETAs are just improvements and modifications of...
  5. Coin

    Fantasy Four Heavenly Kings: CS Thread

    . ALBINO TIGERSLYREBIRD OLLIE // Full Name LEGAL NAMEOlympia Elmhorn // Age & Birth AGE & BIRTH26 (Sept. 9th) // Alias ALIASLyrebird, "Lyre," or even "Liar" // Gender GENDERFemale // Height and Weight HEIGHT | WEIGHT5'08" (178 cm) | 161 lb (~73 kg) // Gang and Rank...
  6. Coin

    Futuristic THE LAST SHIELD Pilot Registration

    [PRIMARY IMAGE GOES HERE] SAMPLE SHEET PENDING Essentials Full Name: <Please provide your full legal name> Nickname: <If you prefer to be called something other than your legal name, provide it here> Callsign: <For security reasons, please provide a short, easy to say, low syllable callsign...
  7. Coin

    Futuristic THE LAST SHIELD Pilot Registration

    Class 2037F Roster Name Callsign Primary Role Player Alfie Qullier Percival Skirmisher Washout AX-8 Arcade Skirmisher @Remembrance Philip Bernadotte Kiwi Skirmisher Washout Alex Skye Jailbird Breakthrough Washout Hannes Haber Krieger Breakthrough @Zahzi James Harland Zero...
  8. Coin

    Futuristic THE LAST SHIELD Pilot Registration

    -The ARES Program Induction Form- <Prospective Applicant>, you have been provided the opportunity to be considered for a once in a lifetime opportunity to serve the United Nation and all of humankind in an experiment that may once again turn the tide again against the Starfallen. The ARES...
  9. Coin

    Futuristic THE LAST SHIELD Field Manual (Lore Pages)

    -THE SECOND GENERATION- The second generation of ETAs have many nicknames, such as the “Stopgap Generation,” “Snub ETAs,” and “Steel Coffins.” They were developed solely because the first generation of ETAs were so expensive and lost in such great quantities that the economies of the UN simply...
  10. Coin

    Futuristic THE LAST SHIELD Field Manual (Lore Pages)

    -THE FIRST GENERATION- Included with the T-1 Storm were multiple homegrown clones and emulations of the platform. These would mark the first generation of ETAs. These machines were very advanced pieces of equipment, blending detection, mobility, and firepower to the absolute edge of human...
  11. Coin

    Futuristic THE LAST SHIELD Field Manual (Lore Pages)

    -EXO TACTICAL ARMOR GUIDE- The arrival of the first Exo Tactical Armor, shorthanded as ETA, came at a pivotal point in the RCSTO’s last ditch defense of the Chinese mainland; Operation Red Typhoon. With combined RCSTO forces almost pushed into the South China Sea by the Starfallen advance, few...
  12. Coin

    Futuristic THE LAST SHIELD Field Manual (Lore Pages)

    -THE STARFALLEN- Behavior-wise, the Starfallen act similarly to the hierarchy of ants, bees, and other eusocial species. From the bottom of the rung to the top, each type of Starfallen has a role to play in the hive. It is not known what the true purpose of the Starfallen has on Earth, only...
  13. Coin

    Futuristic THE LAST SHIELD Field Manual (Lore Pages)

    -A NEW THREAT- Though the United Nations Unified Command ultimately failed in their mission to address the Tartarus Crisis, the immediate and existential threat of the Starfallen that followed necessitated another consolidated effort to ensure the survival of mankind. From its relocated...
  14. Coin

    Futuristic THE LAST SHIELD Field Manual (Lore Pages)

    UNITED NATIONS UNIFIED COMMAND FIELD MANUAL Introduction Table of Contents (You Are Here) The Military Blocs The Starfallen ETA Reference Guide First Generation ETAs Second Generation ETAs Third Generation ETAs Equipment Guide The ARES Program UNSIG Standard-Issue Pilot Gear
  15. Coin

    Futuristic THE LAST SHIELD Field Manual (Lore Pages)

    ...defied the collective calculations of Earth's brightest minds occurred before the second salvo could make impact. It appeared that the sub-objects *evaded* the warheads that followed. Of 128 warheads, only 38 detonated within proximity of any of the Tartarus sub-objects. There was no time...
  16. Coin

    Futuristic [OOC] Aegis: Error 508

    It's okay, I'm almost done dying on my end. Feeling better and alive. Who's on deck?
  17. Coin

    Futuristic [OOC] Aegis: Error 508

    It's the nature of the line of work. If she can prevent it, she will, but she acknowledges that not everyone can make it to retirement. "Retirement" was what her fellow aviators called the end of their tour of duty. Zo's hair is *kinda* close to blonde, but she is wearing a helmet.
  18. Coin

    Futuristic [OOC] Aegis: Error 508

    Late, but yes. Zo has lost friends and most notably a close copilot of hers, all while she was in the military/FSB.
  19. Coin

    Futuristic [OOC] Aegis: Error 508

    1. "Hmh? Oh blin, is this a test? I received orders, and I follow them. My orders are to provide reconnaissance for other agents and intervene as necessary for this operation." 2. "Zodiac sign? Ah, year of the Horse. Oh, not that zodiac sign? I'm not sure, sorry." 3. "It's embarrassing to say...
  20. Coin

    Futuristic [OOC] Aegis: Error 508

    I haven't seen one yet, but sounds neat!