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Futuristic THE LAST SHIELD Field Manual (Lore Pages)



world's okayest lobotomite (they/them)
the last shield splash.jpg
Art by Peyton Gee

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In the year 2028, a previously unobserved mass cluster the size of a large metropolitan city was discovered by satellite observation arrays to be in direct collision velocity with Earth. An object of its size and velocity was predicted to result in certain extinction for all life on the pale blue dot. This object was given the designation Object Tartarus. In response to this imminent threat to mankind, Emergency Measure 3811 was enacted by the United Nations Security Council to divert at least 30% of the Security Council's defense spending towards the research and development of a countermeasure against Object Tartarus.

By 2029, the United States had indefinitely suspended its air campaign against Iran and its proxies, the Russian Armed Forces had retreated its forces back to the pre-2022 border with Ukraine in the Third Minsk Agreement, and the People's Republic of China's invasion fleet had been mothballed. The groundwork for an Arctic facility also began that would be the site of an array of counter-impact rail cannons that would stand as Earth's defense against Object Tartarus. This array would be known as DOLMEN, and would be completed in collaboration with 127 member countries of the United Nation in October of 2031 -- a mere month before projected impact of Object Tartarus. Those participating in humankind's greatest collaborative effort would be organized under the newly created United Nations Unified Command, an emergency commission created solely for the preservation of mankind at all costs.

DOLMEN would deliver its first barrage shortly after its completion. Hyperdense depleted uranium sabots 100 meters in length would be accelerated towards Object Tartarus at 1/10th of light speed thanks to a breakthrough advance in mass inversion technology. In all, this barrage would consist of 128 projectiles, all calculated to impact Object Tartarus at predetermined locations within a 75 millisecond window. With enough luck, this would fragment Object Tartarus into a shower of smaller, more manageable pieces.

Nearly a week after the first barrage, a second barrage would be prepared to fire as soon as first would impact. The world stood still as everyone waited for the Security Council to deliver a statement of DOLMEN's success or failure.

At first, the operation seemed successful. Object Tartarus had splintered into hundreds of sub-objects, each with the capacity to deal significant harm to Earth, but no longer presented an existential threat to mankind. Billions cheered as DOLMEN prepared to fire again, another strike to deliver a salvo of 128 thermonuclear warheads that would vaporize the sub-objects and end the threat of Tartarus once and for all. However, something that defied the collective calculations of Earth's brightest minds occurred before the second salvo could make impact. It appeared that the sub-objects *evaded* the warheads that followed. Of 128 warheads, only 38 detonated within proximity of any of the Tartarus sub-objects. There was no time left for a third barrage from DOLMEN. Instead, slow, repurposed ICBMs would be used to provide the last line of defense.

Mankind was still in mortal danger, as these ICBMs could only hope to saturate the sub-objects in their overlapping blast radii. None had the velocity or agility to directly intercept the individual sub-objects of Tartarus' debris field. In November of 2031, the first ICBMs were launched beyond Earths orbit and hundreds of millions fled from projected impact sites. Storms of nuclear inferno painted the skies above Earth's orbit for days, but Unified Command's efforts could not bring an end to the coming apocalypse.

A vast majority of the Tartarus' sub-objects fell upon the northern hemisphere. It's unknown how many perished in the initial strikes, but conservative calculations predict the number to be 4 billion, or half of all people in the northern hemisphere. The many people and languages called this cataclysm countless things: Armageddon, Judgement Day, or Ragnarök, though one would be synonymous to all. The Starfall.


It didn't take long for reports from Starfall impact sites to reach the survivors. Not only had Tartarus' debris wiped innumerable souls from existence in the blink of an eye, but a worse yet threat had emerged from the molten craters that were once cities and towns. Millions of biomechanical extraterrestrial beings that towered over mankind, ranging from a few meters tall to hundreds of meters tall poured out of the wasteland they had created upon their arrival. Unified Command's worst fears had become realized -- the debris of Object Tartarus had not been debris after all, they were invasion ships.

The Starfallen, as they were dubbed, act in a eusocial manner not dissimilar to the hymenopteran order of ants, wasps, and bees. Each individual being serves a higher function in the Starfallen hierarchy. Their biology is certainly alien in origin, with most having trunk-like ambulatory limbs and tentacle-like or pincer-like manipulation limbs. The larger, more complex Starfallen are also supplemented with poorly understood biomechanical technology that have the closest analogues as cannons, shields, and hormone regulators.

Every type of Starfallen seem to be hyperaggressive towards life on Earth, seeking to kill and even devour victims. Initial attempts to engage in diplomacy or even communication with the Starfallen have ended in catastrophe. The overwhelming swarm-like nature of the Starfallen combined with their poorly understood technology and even more poorly understood motives led to Unified Command's near collapse as city after city fell to this new threat. Line after line was broken. Washington, London, Paris, Berlin, Moscow, Beijing, Tokyo would all capitulate in weeks, if not days under the weight of the Starfallen invasion. With so much of Earth's thermonuclear stockpile deployed against the Tartarus sub-objects, only lower-yield tactical nuclear devices remained to combat the horde. Though effective, they were not nearly enough to stop the onslaught.


Fields of landmines would be cleared in hours by Drone-type Starfallen. Cluster munitions could only create diminutive gaps in the Starfallen lines. Conventional warships, tanks, infantry-fighting vehicles, and static artillery stood no chance as their lack of mobility could not keep up with constantly shifting masses of Starfallen. The old ways of conventional warfare did not work against this previously unimaginable threat. The Tidal Research and Development Group, a conglomeration of many of pre-Starfall's largest defense industrial corporations were the first to offer a solution to the Starfallen threat. The T-1 Exo Tactical Armor was a bipedal combat armor suit that stood at 9 meters tall. It offered the remnants of Earth's militaries a machine that balanced high mobility in many environments and a suite of interchangeable weapon platforms that could be adopted for many types of combat operations. Though its armored protection and pilot recovery systems left much to be desired, it was the first purpose-built machine that excelled in combating the Starfallen.

The first deployment of the T-1 ETA was at the Battle of Hong Kong, where Unified Command dispatched the 1st, 9th, and 21st Strike Divisions consisting 648 T-1s to the city from the South China Sea Carrier Group to retaliate against the Starfallen encirclement. Success came in the form of the destruction of all three Citadel-type Starfallen fortresses that surrounded Hong Kong, temporarily lifting the siege. Though only 25% of the total dispatched T-1s would return to the carrier group, it was the first time Unified Command had earned a decisive victory against the Starfallen. From this point on, ETA development, production, and tactics would be the focus of Unified Command's resources.


The year is now 2037, six years after Starfall, and mankind has begun to slowly grind back and hold fast against the Starfallen. With the help of the ETAs, mankind's certain destruction had been temporarily halted, but at great cost. The average life expectancy of an ETA pilot is three frontline sorties against the Starfallen -- or an average of 90 minutes of direct combat. Those that make it past this phase are considered veterans, or just lucky. It is estimated that the number of ETA pilots considered 200 (KIA) or MIA number in the tens of thousands. Rightfully so, the ETA pilot and their maintenance crews are considered the saviors of humanity.

An ETA pilot that has survived and conducted operations favorably in at least nine frontline sorties against the Starfallen are called Wonder 9s. These pilots that have shown exceptional skill and prowess are given the choice (or sometimes voluntold) to enter a program for the elite: the ARES Program -- Advanced Response Enhancement Systems. Elite training programs and invasive cybernetic surgeries are hallmarks of the program, the most drastic of which is called the Shell. This surgery applies an electromechanical subdermal interface to the pilot, allowing them near-direct connection with their ETA at the price of feeling real pain upon their machine receiving damage. This pain is a small price to pay for the survival of mankind.

Your character will be a new inductee to the ARES Program. Your character will (likely) have survived to become a Wonder 9, and will have undergone (and survived) the ARES gauntlet of surgeries. Now, they have been assigned to class 2037F at the world-renowned Special Tactical Armor School where they will enjoy benefits such as learning under the best pilots Unified Command has to offer, access to cutting edge ETA technology, and access to meals with real meat once every two weeks instead of once a month.

Welcome, Cadet!
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Though the United Nations Unified Command ultimately failed in their mission to address the Tartarus Crisis, the immediate and existential threat of the Starfallen that followed necessitated another consolidated effort to ensure the survival of mankind. From its relocated headquarters in Sydney, Australia, the UN would conduct its attempted defense of the Northern Hemisphere.

In the immediate weeks and months following the Starfall, many of the world’s remaining military powers consolidated into a handful of leading defensive alliances. These alliances still fell under Unified Command’s strategic umbrella, and still retained a level of autonomy, but still ultimately answered to the UN when it came to addressing the Starfallen.

Revised Collective Security Treaty Organization (RCSTO)

Leading members: Russia, China, Iran, India, N. Korea (Formerly).

Controlled Cities: New Moscow (Previously Novosibirsk), Tehran, Bangalore, Hong Kong
Contested Cities: Moscow, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Mashhad, Mumbai, Hyderabad
Lost Cities: Minsk, St. Petersburg, Beijing, Chongqing, Pyongyang, Delhi

The RCSTO sustained unimaginable human casualties in the opening months of the Starfallen invasion. City after city crumpled under the weight of massive Starfallen hordes that were predicted to number in the billions. In the initial weeks and months of their emergence, lines in the sand were drawn by short-range nuclear weapons deployed by bombers, torpedoes, and even by artillery. Though the nuclear counterattack would indeed slow the advance of the Starfallen, countless human lives were also snuffed out by this strategy of acceptable collateral damage. As a result, many parts of Asia have been reduced to a wasteland of nuclear glass.

The RCSTO was quick to develop their own ETAs after the success of Western-manufactured T-1s at the Battle of Hong Kong which had saved the city from certain doom. The RCSTO doctrine for ETA development and deployment mimicked the attritional warfare that the bloc was known for prior to the Starfall. Each unit was fitted with the bare minimum: thrusters, minimal armor, and inaccurate shock weaponry. The successive generation would even see features removed, such as ejection capsules, integrated communications, thermal optics, and the life support suite. The commitment to producing as many units as possible at the lowest possible price allowed the RCSTO to make gains against the Starfallen sooner than the other blocs, but at tremendous cost. It is estimated that RCSTO accounts for 65% of all ETA pilot casualties in the UN. It is able to fuel this attrition due to its aggressive conscription service, deployment of penal units, and the liberal application of international mercenaries.

Pan-Asian Security and Economic League (PASEL)

Leading members: Japan, Taiwan, S. Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Australia, New Zealand.

Controlled Cities: Kobe, Hiroshima, Taipei, Busan, Singapore, Jakarta, Manila, Sydney, Auckland
Contested Cities: Osaka, Kyoto, Daegu, Daejeon, Bangkok
Lost Cities: Sapporo, Sendai, Tokyo, Yokohama, Seoul, Incheon

The PASEL countries suffered greatly under the Starfallen threat, losing the massive economic and population hubs of Tokyo and Seoul within a few months of first contact. However, the majority of the population South of Thailand is considered safe from the Starfallen threat thanks to geographical chokepoints and the Starfallen’s aversion to launching assaults over large bodies of water. The Battle of Bangkok has been ongoing since the first year of the Starfall, with millions of PASEL troops gathered to defend the gateway into the remainder of Southeast Asia and beyond.

These uncontested areas have been critical for the production of the PASEL’s comparatively high quality ETAs. Though they lack in numbers like their RCSTO or EUNATOCA allies, their capabilities have shown to be instrumental in the defense of Bangkok, Japan, and South Korea. Coupled with premier EUNATOCA joint training programs, PASEL pilots are internationally recognized as some of the most talented and effective in the world.

Thanks to the heroic stand of combined PASEL and RCSTO defenders in Asia, the massive population centers of Southeast Asia are secure from the Starfallen threat. It is for this reason that the United Nations have moved their headquarters to Sydney, Australia. Both Australia and New Zealand have seen the rapid development of dozens of blue water naval bases to house the navies of displaced militaries around the world. Industrial capacities have skyrocketed, with labor fueled by millions of refugee labor. These factors have turned the land Down Under into one of mankind’s greatest bastions.

European Union-North Atlantic Treaty Organization Combined Alliance (EUNATOCA)

Leading members: USA, Canada (Displaced), Germany, France, Italy, UK (Displaced), Spain, Poland.

Controlled Cities: Los Angeles, Phoenix, Houston, New Orleans, Madrid, Vienna, Rome, Athens, Budapest, Bucharest, Istanbul
Contested Cities: Salt Lake City, Denver, Kansas City, Chicago, Detroit, Pittsburg, Atlanta, Lyon, Geneva, Munich, Prague, Warsaw
Lost Cities: Seattle, Winnipeg, Minneapolis, Boston, NYC, Washington D.C., Miami (Nuclear Accident), London, Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Stockholm

Though the EUNATOCA constituent nations did not suffer as many numerical casualties as their counterparts in the RCSTO, several near-deathblows were dealt to previous historical military superpowers. Perhaps among the most catastrophic of these losses includes the total loss of the British Isles. With the Starfallen threat uncontained on the Isle, they were able to launch a combined assault with the Älmhult Hive to overrun Berlin and Paris as well.

Rather than bathe the Starfallen’s path in nuclear fire such as the RCSTO, EUNATOCA command instead opted to conduct a massive-scale defense in depth in the European theater. Instead of ceding a trench or an embankment to the Starfallen, entire cities were traded to buy time to relocate military assets en masse. This strategy sustained the EU until the arrival of the ETAs, where a more comprehensive defense could be established. A similar strategy was employed on the American front, though many American cities were lost as the US needed more time to recall their fleets from abroad.

As the first bloc to develop ETAs, EUNATOCA had a distinct advantage in being the first to also develop viable strategies to combat the Starfallen. Unfortunately, since their lines were pending imminent collapse, training for pilots was truncated to only the basics for their regular frontline combatants. This basic training was still notable more than their peers in the RCSTO. Extended courses existed only for their special operations units.

Union of Latin American Nations (ULAN)

Leading members: Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela, Peru, Argentina.

The ULAN was formed immediately following the emergence of the Starfallen threat. Originally, their united purpose was only for the defense of Latin America. However, it soon became abundantly clear that non-intervention against the Starfallen in North America would lead to the eventual downfall of South America and Mexico as well. With the EU suffering staggering losses of their own on the other side of the Atlantic and unable to support the US, the members of ULAN responded with trickling troops, armor, and eventually ETAs across the southern border and into the US to shore up the battered defenses.

African Union Preservation Commission (AUPC)

Leading members: Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Nigeria, S. Africa.

The AUPC was approved by the African Union in mere days after the foundation of its ULAN peers across the ocean. Similarly to the statement goal of the ULAN, the AUPC was approved with the express interest of the preservation of the continental border. However, the AUPC was far more hesitant in providing military aid to their allies in EUNATOCA and the RCSTO. Borders were sealed tight in case of Starfallen spillover, but also against refugees displaced by the intense fighting in Asia and Europe. It would take three years after the Starfall for these intense protective measures were lifted and refugees allowed through. Limited quantities of mercenaries and pilots would also be deployed to supplement RCSTO and European lines against the Starfallen.

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Behavior-wise, the Starfallen act similarly to the hierarchy of ants, bees, and other eusocial species. From the bottom of the rung to the top, each type of Starfallen has a role to play in the hive. It is not known what the true purpose of the Starfallen has on Earth, only that humanity stands in the way.

The Starfallen cannot be reasoned with. Every attempt at communication with their kind has resulted in failure. Every Starfallen has the will and capability to extinguish human life with no remorse or hesitation. They have no concept or understanding human speech, and have made no recorded attempt to decipher secure communications. Worse yet, they have illustrated the capacity to learn and adapt to changing environmental conditions. More advanced types of Starfallen biomechanics have been capable of triangulating the origin and receiving locations of radio transmissions -- a behavior that has been learned since the start of the Starfall.

Another learned behavior that the Starfallen have adapted quickly to is the threat of mankind’s airpower. Despite the advantage the Starfallen held in sheer numbers and mass, the application of several dozen tons of explosive ordinance delivered from ten miles in the sky dealt significant blows to their formations and hives. It took only months for new Starfallen types to emerge that were equipped with bio cannons that could reach helicopters, fighter jets, strategic bombers, and even low orbit satellites. With the looming threat of these cannons, humanity had lost air dominance over the Northern Hemisphere. Humankind’s battle with the Starfallen must be fought and won on the bitter ground.

Starfallen can be split into one of four types:
  • Type 1: Common
  • Type 2: Specialized
  • Type 3: Determination
  • Type 4: Abnormal
These four types are described below.


Type 1 Starfallen are the least biologically and mechanically complex. These organisms are found in mass quantities across Starfallen territories. Though individually no match for even well-placed small arms fire, they make up in sheer quantity.

The Drone-type is the least complex and most numerous type of Starfallen. They stand at approximately 7 feet in height, and weigh between 170 and 300 pounds. They have reverse-legged joints that are suitable for jumping and sprinting. They have been observed to be able to clear 5 foot high obstacles from a standing position, and have been tracked sprinting in bursts of 30 mph.

Their body appears to be covered in a reddish-pink sinew that is somewhat comparable to exposed muscle in definition and function, but tougher than Kevlar. They have two manipulation limbs that are made of a tougher, more shell-like carbon-ferrite compound lattice which gives it a color similar to rust. These limbs end in small claw-like appendages and are not dissimilar to an Earth praying mantis in use and appearance. Drone-types have no head, but a ring of photoreceptive nodes that act like rudimentary eyes that surround its "neck."

Basic combat practice:
A Drone may be dispatched by small arms fire, such as from 9x19mm or .45 ACP pistol cartridges if sufficient armor-piercing ammunition is used. Hollow-point and similar expanding projectiles of pistol-caliber are insufficient in penetrating the sinew of the Drone, except for direct hits on its sensory organs. Solid-core intermediate rifle calibers such as 5.56x45mm or 5.45x39mm are perfectly suitable for the task at dispatching them with center mass shots. When aiming for a killshot on the Drone, one should consider the roughly 12 inch by 12 inch area around its sensory organs where the brain is housed. Occasionally, Drones have been observed to protect this part of their body with their arms while charging a target. In this case, targeting center of mass is sufficient as well, but usually many direct hits are required to render the Drone pacified.

Advanced combat practice:
Drones are almost never encountered alone. Packs of drones have been observed to number from 2 all the way to over one thousand in a single swarm. The larger the swarm, the greater the recommended firepower required to dispatch them.

Groups of 2 to 12 can be handled with automatic rifle fire from a squad of infantry. Groups of 13 to 24 can be handled with general purpose machine gun fire from a machine gun team or from an ETA's pintle gun. Groups of 25 to 100 should be addressed with automatic grenade launcher from a team of infantry or explosive munitions from an autocannon found on IFVs, helicopter gunships, or from an ETA. Groups of 100 or greater should not be engaged by infantry, instead, an ETA sortie of at least 3 units should be dispatched.

When encountering a mob of Drones, it is critically important that every Drone is dispatched. It has been observed that a single surviving Drone will devour the biomass of its fallen comrades one stomachfull at a time and return to the nearest hive for reprocessing where more Drones will be constructed, eventually returning the swarm to near full strength. Striking the hive site is ideal, though it may be impossible due to the presence of more dangerous Starfallen.

Drone swarms should never be underestimated, because they are usually supported by other types of Starfallen. It is advisable to ETA squadrons that at least one unit is designated for solely the clearing of Drones.

Warrior-types are six-legged Starfallen that take on the smallest dedicated combat roles within a swarm. They are between 10-12 feet in height, and weigh roughly 2,000-2,500 pounds. The central body of the Warrior-type is a segmented mass of flesh and vital organs that is protected by the same shell-like material found on the Drone-type. This shell is thicker, but does not protect the underbelly of the Warrior. The underbelly is similar to the sinewy hide found across the Drone's body. In the frontmost segment of the Warrior, it contains a beak-like maw, and six olfactory holes. Another set of six photoreceptive eyes is found above these holes, located in small breaks along the front crest of its top shell. Its six limbs are uncannily similar to human arms in makeup, each terminating in four fingers and each with an opposable thumb. The foremost of these arms are covered in thick overlapping shell-like armor plates. Though they are slower and less agile than their Drone counterparts, their powerful and dexterous limbs allow them to scale walls, climb over mountains of bodies, and even grapple with ETAs.

Basic combat practice:
Warriors can be dispatched with small arms fire, but it is not recommended. Accurate shots must be placed in the small 10 inch by 2 inch gap between its beak and the start of its armor for a killshot. This is an increasingly difficult endeavor when taking care not to hit its arms which are often positioned to protect itself frontally, and while the Warrior is moving. A Warrior's unprotected underbelly is also a valid target, though several direct hits must be scored and the underbelly is notoriously difficult to acquire as a target. Additionally, Warriors are usually found in groups of 5 to 10, though larger Starfallen swarms may contain several packs of Warriors interspersed throughout.

These mutations of the Warrior-type are more agile and lithe than their brawler-oriented brethren. They are usually between 8-9 feet in height, and weigh around 1,500 pounds. Their body is oriented similar to the Warrior’s, though their overall frame is thinner. In addition, their front two arms have been replaced with biomechanical cannons that launch carbon-ferrite spikes at speeds of around 1,000 m/s. The accuracy of these projectiles are dubious at best, but when encountered in groups, they are devastating to infantry in the open. Lightly armored ETAs are also susceptible to sustained hits from them. Sentries also have much more developed eyes compared to the Warrior-type, with each of the six being about fist sized and reminiscent of human eyeballs. The range of their vision and their low light vision capabilities roughly double the naked human eye in effectiveness.

Basic combat practice:
Sentries can be dispatched with small arms fire, such as their Warrior brethren. The same small 10 inch by 2 inch gap between its beak and the start of its armor is the ideal target for a killshot. This is even more difficult on a Sentry as they are often positioned far behind a wall of Drones and Warriors providing ranged support. Long ranged weaponry such as anti-material rifles are more suitable for combating Sentries. A Sentry’s unprotected underbelly is also a valid target, though the same difficulties remain as targeting this on a Warrior. The more sensitive eyes of the Sentry can be blinded using high-lumen spotlights, especially in low light environments. This can temporarily blind them and force them to reposition or make their fire less accurate. Sentries often operate in groups of 2-3.


Type 2 Starfallen fulfill a specific role within a swarm or hive. These roles can include tunneling, combating airpower, or killing ETAs. In a combat swarm, these types of Starfallen are complimented by their more numerous Type 1 brethren.







Type 3 Starfallen are the decision-making class and protectors of this type. Through a layered communication network of multi-spectrum signaling and pheromones, these Starfallen control swarms on a strategic and tactical level. These Starfallen are rare and considered priority targets, as neutralizing them can heavily disrupt the organization of a swarm.





Type 4 Starfallen are one-off or incredibly complex and rare examples that are poorly understood. There is no appropriate combat strategy for encountering Type 4 Starfallen, as there is very little repeatable data on them. You will know when you see one.

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The arrival of the first Exo Tactical Armor, shorthanded as ETA, came at a pivotal point in the RCSTO’s last ditch defense of the Chinese mainland; Operation Red Typhoon. With combined RCSTO forces almost pushed into the South China Sea by the Starfallen advance, few remaining coastal cities stood defiant against the horde. One of these cities was Hong Kong, where the RCSTO were launching waves of counterattacks into Shenzhen supported by EUNATOCA naval units to minimal success and costing heavy casualties. It was clear that if the hives surrounding Hong Kong were not destroyed, the city would be overwhelmed and another of Earth’s bastions would fall.

On June 1st, 2033, the first mass sortie of ETAs flew from the South China Sea Carrier Group to retaliate against the Starfallen encirclement. These 648 multinational pilots, most with only a mere month of training, struck and delivered a killing blow to all three Citadel-type Starfallen hives that had laid siege to the city. A feat such as this had only previously been accomplished with the usage of thermonuclear weapons.

Though only a quarter of the dispatched units would survive to return to their carriers, hope had finally been forged in blood and iron.

The pyrrhic victory at the Battle of Hong Kong is owed to the efforts and ingenuity of EUNATOCA’s Tidal Research and Development Group. This research-industrial conglomerate was formed through the merging of design and manufacturing teams from the likes of Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Raytheon, BAE Systems, SAAB, et al. Their production of the TRDG T-1 Storm Exo Tactical Armor was a radical design shift from conventional warfare platforms, purposely constructed from the ground up as a weapon to combat the Starfallen.

With the success of the T-1 Storm, the military blocs did what humans do best: make killing machines better at killing. Soon, the variations and different design philosophies would appear. The other blocs wanted to take their stab at making their own machines, each fulfilling different requirements to inflict violence upon the Starfallen (or in rare cases, other humans).


Designation: This is the manufacturer’s inventory designation for the ETA.
Common Name: Inventory codes are often hard to remember. These are nicknames for the unit.
Role: This is the battlefield role that the ETA performs best.
Design: This is the design bureau responsible for the ETA and the military bloc of origin.
Height: This is the hull height of an ETA unit at full height, discluding antenna or armament.
Land Speed: This is the maximum speed achieved by ambulatory movement on the ground only.

Thrust Type: The type of thrusters equipped determines the ETA’s overall maneuverability.
None = No equipped thrusters. Can only maneuver using its ambulatory legs.
Adjustment = Thrusters capable of cushioning falls, adjusting midair course, and very minor evasive maneuvers.
Glide = Thrusters capable of cushioning falls, adjusting and extending midair course, and minor evasive maneuvers.
Jump Jets = Thrusters capable of very short bursts of vertical lift and moderate evasive maneuvers.
Cruise = Thrusters capable of sustained subsonic vertical lift and high speed evasive maneuvers.
Supercruise = Thrusters capable of sustained supersonic flight and very high speed evasive maneuvers.
Supermaneuver = Thrusters capable of sustained supersonic flight and extreme evasive maneuvers exceeding 10Gs.

Armor Rating: Given a letter rating scaling to the armor’s effectiveness against damage.
F = Protection against autocannon fire and direct attacks from small Starfallen around the pilot. The rest of the frame can protect against HMG fire and glancing blows from small Starfallen.
E = Protection against autocannon fire and direct attacks from small Starfallen around the pilot and critical components. The rest of the frame can protect against HMG fire and glancing blows from small Starfallen.
D = Protection against autocannon fire and direct attacks from small Starfallen around the pilot, critical components, and joints. The rest of the frame can protect against HMG fire and glancing blows from small Starfallen.
C = Unified protection against autocannon fire and direct attacks from small Starfallen.
B = Protection against battle cannon fire and limited protection against glancing blows from large Starfallen around the pilot. The rest of the frame can protect against autocannon fire and direct attacks from small Starfallen.
A = Protection against battle cannon fire and limited protection against glancing blows from large Starfallen around the pilot and critical components. The rest of the frame can protect against autocannon fire and direct attacks from small Starfallen.
S = Protection against battle cannon fire and limited protection against glancing blows from large Starfallen around the pilot, critical components, and joints. The rest of the frame can protect against autocannon fire and direct attacks from small Starfallen.

Default Equipment: Itemized list of offensive and supplementary support systems equipped to the base model of ETA.
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Included with the T-1 Storm were multiple homegrown clones and emulations of the platform. These would mark the first generation of ETAs. These machines were very advanced pieces of equipment, blending detection, mobility, and firepower to the absolute edge of human technology. It was this desperate conglomeration of everything mankind could cobble together that finally began to halt the Starfallen advance. However, it was evident that even with combined efforts of the UN, the continued construction of such advanced machines could not be sustained.
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T-1 Storm

The T-1 Storm was equipped with the latest in vectored thruster technology, an ISR suite that would make a stealth fighter blush, a robust but lightweight hull constructed from cutting edge ceramosteel composite, a hybrid nuclear/polyfuel reactor, and hardpoints compatible with many existing weapon systems. The T-1 series was launched with a handful of approved iterations that would fulfill a variety of combat roles necessary with combating the Starfallen swarm.


Original artist

Designation: T-1
Common Name: Storm
Role: Multirole Assault
Height: 29ft/9m
Land Speed: 45mph/72kmh
Thrust Type: Cruise
Armor Rating: D
Default Armament:
Rh-105E 105mm Cannon (Fed by 4-round magazines) [4 points]
Rh-202E 20mm Autocannon (Fed by 50-round drums) [3 points]
M240 7.62x51mm GPMG (Fed by 100-round drums) [1 point]
VK-1 Tungsten Wrist Spike [2 points]

T-1A1 “Storm-A1”Anti-Swarm Support Armament:
GAU-12/UE 25mm Rotary Cannon (Fed by 500-round drum, cannot be reloaded in sortie) [4 points]
Mk 19 40mm Grenade Machine Gun (Fed by 48-round drum) [3 points]
M240 7.62x51 GPMG (Fed by 100-round drums) [1 point]
VK-1 Tungsten Wrist Spike [2 points]

T-1A2 “Storm-A2” Anti-Armor Support Armament:
Rh-105E 105mm Cannon (Fed by 4-round magazines) [4 point]
AGM-114 Hellfire Missile (3 tubes, cannot be reloaded in sortie) [3 points]
M240 7.62x51mm GPMG (Fed by 100-round drums) [1 point]
VK-1 Tungsten Wrist Spike [2 points]
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SB-33 Kaban

The SB-33 or Shturmovaya Bronya Model 2033 is the Russian Federation's natively developed ETA with much of the same on-paper characteristics as TRDG's T-1. It has, however, been completely gutted of what was deemed "unnecessary equipment" such as an ejection system in favor of more protective armor, redundant electrical systems, and a CBRN protection suite. The Kaban is far less maneuverable than its other first generation ETAs, but more robust in design.

Designation: SB-33
Common Name: Kaban
Role: Multirole Assault
Design: Novosibirsk Zavod, RCSTO
Height: 31ft/9.5m
Land Speed: 40mph/64kmh
Thrust Type: Jump Jets
Armor Rating: C
Default Armament:
D-3K 125mm Cannon (Fed by 3-round magazines) [4 points]
GSh-23 23mm Autocannon (Fed by 50-round drums) [3 points]
PKMT 7.62x54mmR GPMG (Fed by 100-round drums) [1 point]
Shmel-K Tungsten Spike Bayonet [2 points]

SB-33M1 “Kaban-B” Anti-Swarm Support Armament:
GSh-30-6K 30mm Autocannon (Fed by 350-round drum, cannot be reloaded in sortie) [4 points]
Solntsepyok 220mm Thermobaric Rocket (2 tubes, cannot be reloaded in sortie) [4 points]
Shmel-K Tungsten Spike Bayonet [2 points]

SB-33M2 “Kaban-C”Anti-Armor Support Armament:
D-4K 152mm Cannon (Fed by 3-round magazines) [5 points]
PKMT 7.62x54mmR GPMG (Fed by 100-round drums) [1 point]
Vant-K Gunshield [2 point]
Shmel-K Tungsten Spike Bayonet [2 points]
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Type-110 Ashigaru

The Type-110 Ashigaru was the last scale production model of ETA of the first generation produced by a military bloc. It took lessons learned from previous first generation models and applied them to the most advanced and agile platform of the first generation market. Where the Ashigaru lacks in protection, it excels in maneuverability and a 770mph/1240kmh cruising speed without afterburners.

Designation: Type-110
Common Name: Ashigaru
Role: Multirole Assault
Design: Urasaki Heavy Industries, PASEL
Height: 26ft/8m
Land Speed: 48mph/77kmh
Thrust Type: Supercruise
Armor Rating: E
Default Armament:
Type-344 Strales 76mm Light Cannon (Fed by 10-round magazines) [4 points]
Type-219 57mm Micro Missiles (30 cells, cannot be reloaded in sortie) [3 points]
NTK Sumitomo 7.62x51mm GPMG (Fed by 100-round drums) [1 point]
Type-409 Tactical Blade [2 points]

Type-110(B) Anti-Swarm Support Armament:
Type-219 57mm Micro Missiles (50 cells, cannot be reloaded in sortie) [5 points]
M2 12.7x99mm HMG (Fed by 100-round drums) [2 points]
NTK Sumitomo 7.62x51mm GPMG (Fed by 100-round drums) [1 point]
Type-409 Tactical Blade [2 points]

Type-110(C) Anti-Armor Support Armament:
Type-344 Strales 76mm Light Cannon (Fed by 10-round magazines) [4 points]
2x NTK Sumitomo 7.62x51mm GPMG (Fed by 100-round drums) [2 points]
Type-410 Tactical Halberd [4 points]
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The second generation of ETAs have many nicknames, such as the “Stopgap Generation,” “Snub ETAs,” and “Steel Coffins.” They were developed solely because the first generation of ETAs were so expensive and lost in such great quantities that the economies of the UN simply could not keep up. A majority of ETA pilots would go on to pilot these second generation ETAs, and their economical design meant that they were even less survivable than the previous generation. Most are outfitted with limited life support systems, a rudimentary targeting computer, aged detection hardware, adjustment thrusters, and only the bare minimum for armor. This drastic reduction in cost and design ceiling allowed every military bloc to enter the second generation of ETA development.

Hey, Cadet. I didn't find reference images for any of the second generation of ETAs. They all more or less look something like this.
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T-2 Gale
The T-2 Gale is a stripped down and condensed version of the T-1 Storm, something that the TRDG begrudgingly designed at the insistence of Unified Command. It has been reduced in almost every aspect except weight and ground speed. T-2s were never meant to stand on their own, and were instead created to supplement the general firepower of the T-1s. A strike squadron of EUNATOCA ETAs usually consists of three T-1s and nine T-2s. Newer, rookie pilots were assigned the T-2s.

Designation: T-2
Common Name: Gale
Role: Multirole Assault
Height: 21ft/6.4m
Land Speed: 60mph/96kmh
Thrust Type: Glide
Armor Rating: E
Default Armament:
Rh-202E 20mm Autocannon (Fed by 50-round drums) [3 points]
AGM-114 Hellfire Missile (2 tubes, cannot be reloaded in sortie) [2 points]
M240 7.62x51mm GPMG (Fed by 100-round drums) [1 point]
VK-1 Tungsten Wrist Spike [2 points]
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SB-34 Norka
The SB-34 Norka, much like the comparison between the T-1 and the T-2, was designed to supplement the far more superior SB-33. The Norka, or “Mink,'' is so much cheaper in design that it has become the most widely produced (and lost) ETA pattern. The Norka’s designers have been summoned to the International Criminal Court to answer for its design deficiencies -- a call that they have promptly ignored.

Designation: SB-34
Common Name: Norka
Role: Multirole Assault
Design: Novosibirsk Zavod, RCSTO
Height: 24ft/7.3m
Land Speed: 56mph/90kmh
Thrust Type: Adjustment
Armor Rating: D
Default Armament:
GSh-23 23mm Autocannon (Fed by 50-round drums) [3 points]
Solntsepyok 220mm Thermobaric Rocket (1 tube, cannot be reloaded in sortie) [2 points]
PKMT 7.62x54mmR GPMG (Fed by 100-round drums) [1 point]
Shmel-K Tungsten Spike Bayonet [2 points]
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Type-220 Nami
As always, the PASEL could not simply create a subpar ETA, even when tasked to do so on a budget. It is widely recognized that the Type-220 Nami series is the most survivable and most combat effective of the major military blocs. Its armor is nearly nonexistent, but it makes up for it by intense pilot training, massive thrust-to-weight ratio on its jump jets, and the retention of the same primary weapon its first generation progenitor sported. The Nami excels in mobile warfare against priority targets, rather than striking out against hordes of enemies.

Common Name: Nami
Role: Multirole Assault
Design: Urasaki Heavy Industries, PASEL
Height: 20ft/6m
Land Speed: 60mph/104kmh
Thrust Type: Jump Jets
Armor Rating: F
Default Armament:
Type-344 Strales 76mm Light Cannon (Fed by 10-round magazines) [4 points]
2x NTK Sumitomo 7.62x51mm GPMG (Fed by 100-round drums) [2 points]
Type-409 Tactical Blade [2 points]
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The Kameel was developed to last as long as possible without resupply. Its ammunition reserves for its dual 20mm semi-automatic anti-material rifle are deep. Paired with its slow rate of fire forcing the operator to pick their shots, the Kameel excels in picking off hordes at a distance while kiting across open terrain. When push comes to shove, it sports a heavy two-handed lance that can pierce Starfallen hide even above its weight class.

Role: Skirmisher
Design: Denel-Atlas BOC, AUPC
Height: 22ft/6.7m
Land Speed: 58mph/93kmh
Thrust Type: Glide
Armor Rating: E
Default Armament:
2x NTW-20C 20mm Anti-Material Rifle (Fed by 12-round magazines) [2 points]
2x Vektor SS-77C 7.62x51mm GPMG (Fed by 100-round magazines) [2 points]
CC-1 Boomslang Lance [4 points]
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The Cascavel is somewhat of a development anomaly. Given the relative safety of the South American continent, the Cascavel was developed with the knowledge that as long as the United States still existed in some capacity, there would always be someone else to hold the front. Meanwhile, the Cascavel would provide long range artillery support from a more mobile platform than a heavy truck.

Role: Long-Range Fire Support
Design: Embraer, ULAN
Height: 23ft/7m
Land Speed: 55mph/88kmh
Thrust Type: Adjustment
Armor Rating: D
Default Armament:
AMOS 155mm Heavy Cannon (Fed by an 16-round elevator belt, cannot be reloaded in sortie) [5 points]
M2 12.7x99mm HMG (Fed by 100-round drums) [2 points]
M971 7.62x51mm GPMG (Fed by 100-round drums) [1 point]
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The third generation of ETAs has been developed exclusively for the ARES Program. Their input type is based on user impulse directed through the Shell augmentation that has been surgically implanted. Most third generation ETAs are just improvements and modifications of first generation ETAs. Thus, only EUNATOCA, RCSTO, and PASEL have developed entries into this generation at scale. Some custom models exist from independent manufacturers, but have not entered serial production.

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T-3 Hurricane
Designation: T-3
Common Name: Hurricane
Role: Multirole Assault
Height: 21ft/6.4m
Land Speed: 54mph/86kmh
Thrust Type: Supercruise
Armor Rating: E
Supply Points: 13 points
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SB-35 Volk
Designation: SB-35
Common Name: Volk
Role: Multirole Assault
Design: Novosibirsk Zavod, RCSTO
Height: 24ft/7.3m
Land Speed: 48mph/77kmh
Thrust Type: Cruise
Armor Rating: D
Supply Points: 13
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Type-330 Fubuki
Common Name: Fubuki
Role: Multirole Assault
Design: Urasaki Heavy Industries, PASEL
Height: 20ft/6m
Land Speed: 61mph/98kmh
Thrust Type: Supermaneuver
Armor Rating: F
Supply Points: 13

This will serve as a guide on how to read the various equipment pieces that can be attached to an ETA. Equipment is split into two categories: Armament and Support. Armaments are ETA-compatible weapons while Support Equipment modifies the ETA’s performance or grants it additional abilities.


Reading Armaments is a little more complex than reading support equipment. Each weapon has its purpose and there is no “best weapon,” only the best weapon to use for a specific target and specific mission. To better understand armaments, each category of armament is given a Keyword.


is equivalent to the damage the weapon is capable of inflicting in a short time window or single attack.

Suppression is the combined factor of rate of fire/attack speed and sustainment of attack.

Penetration is the amount of armor an attack from this weapon can pierce.

Each keyword is assigned a letter grade from F to S, with F being the worst value and S being the best value.
F < E < D < C < B < A < S

Each armament is also assigned a preferred target against certain sizes of targets.
Hordes < Groups < Individuals < Weak Points
Small < Medium < Large < Behemoth < Colossal

These weapons have a high rate of fire and large ammunition reserves, but don’t pack as much punch.

Light Machine Gun
Examples: 5.56x45mm, 5.45x39mm
Shock: F Suppression: A Penetration: F Supply Points: .5
Preferred target: Groups (Small)

General Purpose Machine Gun
Examples: 7.62x51mm, 7.62x54mmR, 6.8x51mm
Shock: E Suppression: B Penetration: E Supply Points: 1
Preferred target: Groups (Small), Weak Points (Medium)

Heavy Machine Gun
Examples: 12.7x99mm, 12.7x101mm, 14.5x114mm
Shock: D Suppression: C Penetration: D Supply Points: 2
Preferred target: Groups (Small), Individuals (Medium)

Examples: 20mm, 23mm, 27mm, 30mm, 35mm, 40mm
Shock: C Suppression: B Penetration: C Supply Points: 3
Preferred target: Groups (Small), Groups (Medium), Weak Points (Large)

Rotary Cannon
Examples: 20mm, 23mm, 27mm, 30mm, 40mm
Shock: C Suppression: S Penetration: C Supply Points: 4
Preferred target: Hordes (Small), Groups (Medium), Weak Points (Large)

These weapons have a low rate of fire, but each hit hurts as much as possible. Most are bulky.

Anti-Material Rifle
Examples: 12.7x99mm, 12.7x101mm, 14.5x114mm, 20mm AC, 25mm AC
Shock: D Suppression: D Penetration: D Supply Points: 1
Preferred target: Individuals (Small, Medium)

Light Cannon
Examples: 76mm, 85mm
Shock: B Suppression: D Penetration: B Supply Points: 4
Individuals (Small, Medium, Large)

Main Battle Cannon
Examples: 100mm, 105mm, 120mm, 125mm
Shock: A Suppression: E Penetration: A Supply Points: 4
Groups (Small), Individuals (Medium, Large), Weak Points (Colossal)

Heavy Cannon
Examples: 155mm, 203mm
Shock: S Suppression: F Penetration: S Supply Points: 5
Preferred target: Groups (Small, Medium), Individuals (Large), Weak Points (Colossal)

Shock: B Suppression: D Penetration: S Supply Points: 6
Preferred target: Individuals (Small, Medium, Large), Weak Points (Colossal)

These weapons are (usually) indirect-fire weapons that deliver an explosive payload on contact.

Grenade Revolver
Examples: 30mm grenade, 40mm grenade, 81mm mortar, 120mm mortar, 240mm mortar
Shock: C Suppression: D Penetration: D Supply Points: 2
Preferred target: Groups (Small, Medium)

Grenade Machinegun
Examples: 30mm grenade, 40mm grenade
Shock: C Suppression: C Penetration: D Supply Points: 3
Preferred target: Hordes (Small), Groups (Medium)

Examples: 81mm mortar, 120mm mortar
Shock: B Suppression: E Penetration: C Supply Points: 4
Preferred target: Hordes (Small), Groups (Medium), Weak Points (Large),

Heavy Mortar
Examples: 240mm mortar
Shock: S Suppression: F Penetration: A Supply Points: 6
Preferred target: Hordes (Small), Groups (Medium), Individuals (Large), Weak Points (Colossal)

These are unguided warhead weapons that can vary from big to small. Most have limited armor-penetrating capabilities and a modest blast radius.

Micro Rocket Launcher
Examples: 57mm rocket
Shock: C Suppression: C Penetration: E Supply: 1 point per 10 rockets
Preferred target: Groups (Small, Medium), Weak Points (Large)

Rocket Launcher
Examples: 84mm rocket, 85mm rocket
Shock: B Suppression: D Penetration: D Supply: 1 point per 5 rockets
Preferred target: Hordes (Small), Groups (Medium), Weak Points (Large)

Heavy Rocket Launcher
Examples: 110mm rocket, 122mm rocket, 155mm rocket
Shock: A Suppression: E Penetration: C Supply: 1 point per rocket
Preferred target: Hordes (Small), Groups (Medium), Individuals (Large), Weak Points (Colossal)

Artillery Rocket Launcher
Examples: 220mm rocket, 300mm rocket
Shock: S Suppression: F Penetration: B Supply: 2 points per rocket
Preferred target: Hordes (Small, Medium), Individuals (Large), Weak Points (Colossal)

These are more complex warhead weapons that are guided by laser, wire, IR, or radar towards a target. They usually deliver a heavy armor-piercing payload.

Anti-Tank Missile Weapons
AGM-114 Hellfire, BGM-71 TOW, 9M113 Konkurs, 9K114 Shturm
Shock: A Suppression: E Penetration: A Supply: 1 point per missile
Preferred target: Individuals (Medium, Large), Weak Points (Colossal)

These weapons are often last-ditch weapons for pilots without any ammunition left. However, more specialized weapons can be devastating towards single targets in the right hands.

Light Melee
Examples: Daggers, Spikes, Knuckles
Shock: B Suppression: D Penetration: C Supply Points: 2
Preferred target: Individuals (Small), Weak Points (Medium, Large)

Medium Melee
Examples: Swords, Halberds, Lances
Shock: A Suppression: E Penetration: B Supply Points: 4
Preferred target: Individuals (Small, Medium), Weak Points (Large)

Heavy Melee
Examples: Mauls, Greatswords, Arc Weapons
Shock: S Suppression: F Penetration: A Supply Points: 6
Preferred target: Individuals (Small, Medium, Large), Weak Points (Colossal)

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Support Equipment modifies the ETA’s performance or grants it additional abilities. Each equipment can only be purchased a single time unless otherwise stated.

Armor Plating
Supply Points: 3
Improve the armor rating of your ETA by 1 letter grade to a maximum of S-rank.
You can purchase this upgrade twice.

Thruster Improvement
Supply Points: 3
Improve the thruster type of your ETA by 1 step to a maximum of Supermaneuver.
You can purchase this upgrade twice.

High Quality Detection Equipment
Supply Points: 3
Detection software includes radar, IR, and vibration detection.

Improved Firefighting Equipment
Supply Points: 2
Automated fire fighting equipment.

Reinforced Servos
Supply Points: 2
Improves the ground speed of the ETA by 15%.

Expendable Boost Rockets
Supply Points: 2
These massive boosters are for high-speed battlefield entries for ETAs of all sizes and builds. One-way, and is ejected after they run out of fuel to burn.

Enhanced Ejection Capsule
Supply Points: 1
The ejection capsule is reinforced with armor, given extended launch range, and supplied with a robust survival kit which includes a week’s worth of rations, water, and space for a rifle.

Increased Ammunition Supplies
Supply Points: 1
The amount of ammunition held by most weapons is improved.
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Advanced Response Enhancement Systems, or ARES, is the United Nations’ experimental program to create a new breed of warrior to combat the Starfallen. The program was spearheaded by Unified Command’s Security Procurement Committee. It is believed that the head of the Committee itself, and former ETA pilot Major General Erwin Baird pushed for the immediate adoption of the ARES Program. It was rumored that this push was in direct response to Memorandum 441c, a scathing public report which lambasted the waste of resources and manpower that was the second generation of ETA.

Pilots were dying at an unsustainable rate, and the heavy industry that manufactured second generation ETAs were beginning to show stress fractures from overproduction. A new solution was needed, and it was needed swiftly. With the sacking of the previous chairman of the Security Procurement Committee only two months prior, General Baird felt significant pressure to correct the course of the Northern Hemisphere defense. With hundreds of proposals that were submitted to the Committee, one that offered a solution to produce superhuman pilots and machines to match was selected to the surprise of nearly all Committee chairs.

The infamous Dr. Ursula Minamoto and her team of scientists at the Pale Eye Research Institute were responsible for the submission and implementation of the ARES Program. Dr. Minamoto is credited for her work on many successful ETA and AI projects. She is also cited for dozens of human rights violations and ethics breaches, earning her the moniker “Red Witch” by some. Despite being faced with a constant barrage of citations, she has never once been convicted and reprimanded for her actions. Every citation case has been dismissed.

Dr. Minamoto is assumed to have significant sway within the United Nations’ upper echelon, or deemed too valuable of an asset to Unified Command snuff. Whether it was the former, latter, or a little of both, Dr. Minamoto’s proposal was accepted in April 2035. Immediate work was outsourced to ETA development agencies in EUNATOCA, PASEL, and the RCSTO. A need for a machine to interface with a yet-to-be-tested medical breakthrough and on very short notice was indeed a tall task for even the world’s brightest ETA designers. First generation ETAs were selected as the base platform for the task and outfitted with updated hardware and software. Most importantly, they were programmed with an alternate command scheme based entirely on neurological input.

While the ETAs were being developed, Pale Eye pushed the first phase of the project which would include a hefty list of invasive surgeries for the ARES pilot. A list of some of the major surgeries and implants follows:

Hormone Control and Generation Implant
This installed chip can suppress and even stimulate the generation of certain hormones that assist in high intensity operations. It is powered by a series of tiny hemo-electric generators located along the femoral arteries and jugular veins.

Ventrifex Web Implant
This system of tiny pumps and clamps assist in controlling blood pressure throughout the body. This can help with hemorrhaging wounds, but is primarily used to combat the effects of G-LOC (Gravity Loss of Consciousness) encountered in sustained high-g maneuvers.

Shell Implant
This surgery applies an electromechanical subdermal interface to the pilot, allowing them near-direct connection with their ETA at the price of feeling real pain upon their machine receiving damage. It is the pinnacle of the ARES Project and is certainly the most dangerous of the procedures with an estimated 8% fatality rate.


The first batch of 100 ARES candidates completed their last surgery in October 2036. They would be housed in the Sanctuary Point Naval Base located in Sydney, Australia. Here, a Tactical Armor School was established specifically to train the new cadets. They would experience the summation of everything humanity has learned while combating the Starfallen in a 3-month accelerated course.

This initial class of graduates from the ARES Program far exceeded the expectations of many in Unified Command. Their presence on the battlefield was felt immediately. Ongoing Starfallen invasions in Warsaw, Bangkok, and Shanghai were blunted by the arrival of ARES pilots and their third generation ETAs. Quickly, their prowess turned to fame in both the military and among the public.

Not one to pass up a propaganda victory, Unified Command would begin to publicize and celebrate the victories of the best ARES pilots. Impossible feats of maneuvering, heroic actions, and otherwise inhuman levels of skill were broadcast across the world. These newly created hometown heroes devoured the limelight and were used to recruit for successive candidates to the ARES Program.

Yet another torch was cast into the darkness. Just as the arrival of the ETA returned hope to mankind, ARES would shepherd mankind into a promised tomorrow. If they did not, humanity may not receive another chance.
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